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本实验应用多种抗PrP^d的单克隆抗体来研究分别感染羊痒疫或牛海绵状脑病(BSE)病原的羊脑中PrP^d蛋白沉积类型的差异。  相似文献   

正常细胞的朊蛋白(PrPC)代谢和构象的改变是引发动物和人类可传播性海绵状脑病(transmissiblespongiformencephalopathies,TSEs)的根本原因。将羊瘙痒病(scrapie)仓鼠适应株263K颅内接种仓鼠,在接种后的第20、40、50、60、70、80天,通过Westernblot动态检测仓鼠脑中PrP存在的形式。结果在接种后第40天,在感染动物脑组织中即检测到PrPSc分子,比临床症状出现的时间早(平均潜伏期为66 7±1 1天),且无糖基化形式的PrP分子所占百分比在接种后期增加明显。除了标准分子量大小(30kD~35kD)的PrP分子外,在感染动物脑中存在着高分子量和低分子量形式的PrP分子。定量分析显示,随着接种潜伏期的延长,不同形式PrP分子的含量也在增加,其中低分子量形式的PrP分子与临床症状的出现密切相关。蛋白去糖基化实验表明,在感染动物脑组织中,除了标准分子量大小的PrP蛋白外,还存在一条更小分子量的PrP条带,而正常动物脑组织仅存在标准大小的PrP分子。低分子量形式的PrP分子具有与全长PrP分子相类似的糖基化模式。结果提示,scrapie263K感染的仓鼠脑组织中存在不同分子形式的PrPSc,其PrP分子的代谢可能不同于正常动物。  相似文献   

Wang CE  Yao ZB  Guo HY 《生理科学进展》1999,30(3):231-233
本文从三个方面叙述牛海绵状脑病(BSE)的自身免疫学说;(1)Prion理论的诘难;(2)BSE发病的自身免疫学说的提出;(3)BSE是自身免疫性疾病学说的证据和可能机制。最后,对BSE是自身免疫性学说作了评价。  相似文献   

本文报道应用多肽抗体谱印迹法检测风湿性疾病患者的ENA抗体,该法一次可检测7种抗体。应用本法检测SLE85例,其Sm抗体阳性率为20.0%,u1-RNP抗体为41.1%,SS-A抗体为10.5%SS-B抗体为3.5%,抗核糖体为7.0%。检测DLE6例,其山u1-RNP抗体阳性率为33.0%。检测PM/DM15例,其u1-RNP抗体阳性率为13.0%,Jo-1抗体为14.0%。检测RA48例,其u1-RNP抗体的阳性率为33.3%。检测SS21例,其SS-A抗体阳性率为43.0%,SS-B抗体为38.0%,检测PSS9例,其Scl-70抗体阳性率为22.0%。检测MCTD10例,其u1-RNP抗体阳性率为50.0%。健康人对照100例,7种抗体均为阴性。显示应用多肽抗体谱印迹法检测结果与国内其它方法所测得结果基本一致,但可检测的抗体种类多于其它方法。  相似文献   

编辑老师:您(们)好!我是一名高中生,在学习中遇到一些问题得不到解决,因此向贵刊求教。我在一些资料上看到有关介绍朊病毒的材料,基本上都是简单地介绍这类病毒的特别结构和复制增殖方式的。但在对其复制的方式上却存在两种不同的说法。例如贵刊在2002年第37卷第3期第54页的一段材料中说朊病毒的遗传信息存在于其宿主的DNA中,它的复制过程符合遗传的中心法则中遗传信息由核酸到蛋白质的传递和表达过程。但是在贵刊2002年37卷的第6期第52页和第12期第35页的两则材料中,又指出朊病毒的复制倍增不是以核酸为模板,而是从朊病毒自身蛋白质为模…  相似文献   

羊瘙痒病感染因子可以根据疾病发生的潜伏期、临床病程、神经病理学特征以及PrPSc分子特征等分为不同的毒株,目前已经证实有20余种.在可传播性海绵状脑病的发病过程中存在着明显的种属屏障作用.将小鼠适应株139A颅内接种至金黄地鼠,以观测感染因子对种属屏障的突破及感染特征.在接种385~405天后,感染动物出现明显症状,与以往报道的金黄地鼠适应株263K不同,139A毒株发病动物出现严重的瘙痒,而无明显的共济失调.感染动物自出现明显症状到死亡的时间明显长于263K毒株感染金黄地鼠.进一步脑组织电镜和Western blot检测证实,存在有羊瘙痒病相关纤维和PrP-res.这证明小鼠适应株139A可突破种属屏障感染金黄地鼠.经系统比较,139A和263K毒株在潜伏期、主要临床症状和临床病程显示出明显的差异,而PrP-res的泳动位置和糖基化比率差异不大,仅139A毒株的单糖基化分子位置似乎略高于263K.动态观测处于潜伏期的接种动物脑组织羊瘙痒病相关纤维和PrP-res,发现PrPSc的出现明显早于临床症状.  相似文献   

传染性海绵状脑病是由朊病毒引起的人和多种哺乳动物以神经退行性变化为主要特征的一种慢性致死性传染病。引起这类疾病的病原因子是一种编码宿主蛋白的PrPC转变为异常的PrPSC沉积在大脑,导致传染性海绵状脑病的发生。本文从临床症状识别、组织病理学诊断、致病性朊蛋白检测、生物学测定以及毒株鉴定等几个方面作一回顾和总结,为揭示朊病毒疾病致病机理和诊断研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

用半干式印迹法的免疫酶染色检测膜糖蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目的:探讨Western blot免疫印迹法不同转膜方法和不同抗原抗体比例对磷酸化蛋白表达的检测效果。方法:选择肌球蛋白轻链(myosin light chain,MLC)及其磷酸化蛋白作为研究对象,比较半干转印法、湿转法和1:3000、1:5000、1:10000等抗体稀释比例对磷酸化蛋白检测效果的影响。结果:半干转印法(恒压16V,30 min)观察到蛋白信号断续;而同样样品利用湿转法(恒压130 V,1h)检测发现信号连续且强度明显增高;对于磷酸化蛋白,半干转印法无法观察到磷酸化蛋白信号;而同样样品湿转法检测出现连续信号。统一利用湿转方法进行后续蛋白磷酸化检测,当抗体稀释比为1:3000时,结果出现非特异性条带;降低抗体稀释比为1:5000时无非特异性条带,且蛋白信号效果较好;抗体稀释比为1:10000时条带图像出现弥散且背景较高。结论:选择合适的转膜方式和抗原抗体比例有助于磷酸化蛋白表达检测。  相似文献   

羊瘙痒病是累及山羊及绵羊的可传播海绵状脑病。为了观察羊瘙痒因子 (Scrapie)的病原特征及病理组织改变特点 ,将羊瘙痒因子 2 6 3K毒株颅内接种至金黄地鼠。经过 81~ 110天的潜伏期 ,89%的动物发病 (17/19只 )。对发病地鼠的神经病理学检测发现 ,海绵状空泡变性的检出率为 5 9% ,淀粉样斑的检出率为 17 6 %。利用免疫组化和蛋白酶消化后的Westernblotting检测证实 ,10 0 %的发病地鼠的脑组织中都出现蛋白酶抗性朊蛋白 (PrP res)。17只发病地鼠脑组织提取物中 ,PrP res的泳动位置和分子量大小完全一致 ,出现两条分子量在 2 5kD~ 31kD的反应带。尝试应用快速玻片印迹法检测病变组织中的PrP res,结果显示 ,与常规固定包埋切片的免疫组化检出效果相似。这提示脑组织印片法可成为临床检测克 雅氏病 (Creutzfeldt Jacobdisease ,CJD)患者脑组织活检标本中PrP res的快速、有效的方法。羊瘙痒因子 2 6 3K成功感染金黄地鼠再次证明 ,金黄地鼠是TSE感染因子良好的动物模型 ,发病率高 ,潜伏期短 ,发病动物PrP res的检出率明显高于典型病理改变的检出率。新生成的PrP res的电泳类型与接种的TSE因子有关 ,与宿主的个体差异无关 ,提示TSE感染因子的确存在“株”的现象。  相似文献   

Seven peptides matching fragments of the prion protein and containing from 17 to 31 amino acid residues were synthesized to obtain antibodies for diagnostics of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Rabbits were immunized with either free peptides or peptide–protein conjugates to result in sera with a high level of antipeptide antibodies. Immunohistochemical assay revealed sera against four free peptides and a protein–peptide conjugate, which effectively bind to the pathogenic isoform of the prion protein in brain tissue preparations from cattle afflicted with bovine spongiform encephalopathy and do not interact with normal brain preparations. The resulting antipeptide sera can be used in developing a diagnostic kit for bovine spongiform encephalopathy.  相似文献   

Identification of the strain of agent responsible for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) can be made histologically through the analysis of both distribution and intensity of brain vacuolar lesions after BSE transmission to mouse. Another useful way to distinguish the BSE agent from other prion strains is the study of the distribution of the abnormal prion protein (PrP(res)). For that purpose, paraffin-embedded tissue blot (PET-blot) method was applied on brains from C57Bl/6 mice infected with cattle BSE, experimental sheep BSE, or feline spongiform encephalopathy (FSE) from a cheetah. PrP(res) distribution was comparable, whichever of the three BSE agent sources was considered and was distinct from the PrP(res) distribution in C57Bl/6 mice inoculated with a French scrapie isolate or with a mouse-adapted scrapie strain (C506M3). These data confirm a common origin of infectious agent responsible for the British and French cattle BSE. They also indicate that PET-blot method appears as a precise complementary tool in prion strain studies because it offers easy and quick assessment of the PrP(res) mapping. Advantages and limits of the PET-blot method are discussed and compared with other established and validated methods of strain typing.  相似文献   

By immunizing Prnp-knockout mice with synthetic polypeptides, a panel of mAbs directed to bovine PrP(C) was obtained. The mAb panel was characterized by the ELISA method, where synthetic polypeptides were used for epitope mapping. Different reactivity patterns were identified. The ability of these mAbs to detect abnormal PrP(Sc) in CJD cases was studied by immunohistochemistry. All mAbs were tested for PrP(Sc) in murine, bovine, monkey and human brain tissues. Three mAbs recognized the fragmented PrP epitope in our ELISA. Antibody 1D12 was strongly reactive to ovine and squirrel monkey tissues infected with a scrapie agent, although non-reactive to scrapie-infected mouse tissues. Antibody 2D8 was clearly reactive to type-2 but not type-1 CJD human tissues. Of particular interest was the reactivity of mAb 6C4 with the inner structure of Kuru plaques (peripheral pattern) in a type-2 CJD case and mAb T2, 1D12, 2B11, 2D8, 4B5 and 6G3-2 with the central area (central pattern). The fact that different anti-PrP mAbs possess distinct staining properties suggests that the PrP(c) to PrP(Sc) conversion might involve a multiple-step process.  相似文献   

AIMS: Experiments were designed to evaluate the potential of rumen-simulating conditions to reduce PrP(Sc) levels. METHODS AND RESULTS: Scrapie-positive brain material was incubated under rumen-simulating conditions. Time points were taken over a 24-h period and PrP(Sc) levels were analysed by Western blot. No loss of PrP(Sc) was observed over a 24-h time period. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that a fully developed rumen fermentation does not provide significant protection against prion infection via the oral route. Developmental changes including senescence of immune system function or other developmental changes in the gastrointestinal tract are potential mechanisms by which relative bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) susceptibility might vary with age. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Epidemiology of the BSE outbreak in the United Kingdom indicates that younger animals were at higher risk of infection. The rumen undergoes pronounced developmental changes early in life, coinciding with the introduction of fibre into the diet. The timeframe of highest risk of infection overlaps the time in life prior to full rumen development. This work indicates that a fully developed rumen does not provide significant protection against prion infection via the oral route of infection. This result implicates other developmental changes that are responsible for the age-dependent susceptibility of cattle to BSE.  相似文献   

The in vitro amplification of prions by serial protein misfolding cyclic amplification has been shown to detect PrPSc to levels at least as sensitive as rodent bioassay but in a fraction of the time. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is a zoonotic prion disease in cattle and has been shown to occur in 3 distinct forms, classical BSE (C-BSE) and 2 atypical BSE forms (L-BSE and H-BSE). Atypical forms are usually detected in asymptomatic, older cattle and are suggested to be spontaneous forms of the disease. Here, we show the development of a serial protein misfolding cyclic amplification method for the detection of H-BSE. The assay could detect PrPSc from 3 distinct experimental isolates of H-BSE, could detect PrPSc in as little as 1×10?12 g of brain material and was highly specific. Additionally, the product of serial protein misfolding cyclic amplification at all dilutions of seed analyzed could be readily distinguished from L-BSE, which did not amplify, and C-BSE, which had PrPSc with distinct protease K-resistance and protease K-resistant PrPSc molecular weights.  相似文献   

Chiarelli  B. 《Human Evolution》2004,19(2):81-91
There are paleoecological evidences that Neanderthals ate the brains of deers and goats as well that of their own deceased. This would expose each individual and the population to the risks of contracting the Creutzfeldt Jacob disease. Those who consumed the remains of infected individual’s would then contract the disease and eventually infect others. If this is the case then the Neanderthal extinction could be attributed to spongiform encephalopathy and not to the cultural supremacy of the anatomically modern man.  相似文献   

PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing methods were applied to reveal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the bovine VEGF-B gene in 675 samples belonging to three native Chinese cattle breeds. We found 3 SNPs and a duplication NC_007330.5: g. [782 A>G p. (Gly112 =) (;) 1000-1001dup CT (;) 1079 C>T (;) 2129 G>A p. (Arg184Gln)]. We also observed a statistically significant association of the polymorphism (1000-1001dup CT) in intron 3 of the VEGF-B gene with the body weight of the Nanyang cattle (p < 0.05). This polymorphisms of VEGF-B gene need to be verified among a larger cattle population before it can be identified as a marker for bovine body weight.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrPC) is highly conserved in the evolution of mammals, and therefore, thought to have important cellular functions. Despite decades of intensive research, the physiological function of PrPC remains enigmatic. We carried out a yeast two-hybrid screen on a bovine brain cDNA expression library and identified the transmembrane protein tetraspanin-7 (CD231), as a PrPC interacting protein. We confirmed the interaction between PrPC and tetraspanin-7 by yeast two-hybrid assay, immunofluorescent co-localization, and immunocoprecipitation. Our mutational studies further demonstrated that PrPC specifically binds tetraspanin-7 through the region corresponding to bovine PrP154-182 containing alpha-helix 1.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are neurodegenerative diseases that can be transmitted between individuals. The exact cause of these diseases remains unknown. However, one of the key events associates with the disease is the aggregation of a cellular protein, the prion protein. The mechanism of this is still unclear. However, it is likely that the aggregation is trigged by a seeding mechanism in which an oligomer of the prion protein is able to catalyse polymerisation of further prion protein into larger aggregates. We have developed a model of this process using an oligomeric species generated from recombinant protein by exposure to manganese. On fractionation of the seeding species, we estimated that the smallest size the oligomer would be is an octomer. We analysed the catalytic mechanism of the seeding oligomer and its interaction with substrate. Different domains of the protein are necessary for the seeding ability of the prion protein as opposed to those required for it to form a substrate for the polymerisation reaction. Prion seeds formed from different sheep alleles are able to reproduce the characteristics of scrapie in terms of resistance to disease. However, we were also able to generate prion seed from chicken PrP a species where no prion disease is known. Our findings provide an insight into the aggregation process of the prion protein and its potential relation to disease progress.  相似文献   

Endogenous prion proteins (PrP) play the central role in the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The carbohydrate N -acetylgalactosamine 4-O sulfotransferase 8 (CHST8) promotes the conversion of the cellular PrPC into the pathogenic PrPd. Six sequence variants within the CHST8 gene were identified by comparative sequencing and genotyped for a sample of 623 animals comprising bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)-affected and healthy control cows representing German Fleckvieh (German Simmental), German Holstein (Holstein-Friesian) and Brown Swiss. Significant differences in the allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies between BSE-affected and healthy cows indicate an association of sequence variant g.37254017G>T with the development of the disease in Brown Swiss cattle.  相似文献   

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