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Abstract Phytoplankton-derived model particles were created in laboratory from a mixture of autoclaved diatom cultures. These particles were colonized by a marine bacterial community and incubated in rolling tanks in order to examine the relationship between aminopeptidase activity and leucine uptake. Bacteria inhabiting particles and ambient water were characterized for abundance, biovolume, aminopeptidase activity, leucine uptake, and growth rate. Particles were a less favorable habitat than ambient water for bacterial growth since growth rates of particle-attached bacteria were similar or even lower than those of free-living bacteria. During the first ∼100 h of the particle decomposition process, there were not statistically significant differences in the aminopeptidase activity:leucine uptake ratio between attached and free-living bacteria. From ∼100 h to ∼200 h, this ratio was higher for attached bacteria than for free-living bacteria. This indicates an uncoupling of aminopeptidase activity and leucine uptake. During this period, attached and free-living bacteria showed similar hydrolytic activities on a cell-specific basis. In the free-living bacterial community, variations in aminopeptidase activity per cell were associated with variations in leucine uptake per cell and growth rates. However, in the attached bacterial community, when leucine uptake and growth rates decreased, aminopeptidase activity remained constant. Thus, after ∼100 h, particle-attached bacteria were not taking advantage of their high aminopeptidase activity; consequently the hydrolysed amino acids were released into the ambient water, supporting the growth of free-living bacteria. These results demonstrate that over the particle decomposition process, the relationship between hydrolysis and uptake of the protein fraction shows different patterns of variation for attached and free-living bacterial communities. However, in our experiments, this uncoupling was not based on a hyperproduction of enzymes by attached bacteria, but on lower uptake rates when compared to the free-living bacteria. Received: 4 February 1997; Accepted: 9 May 1997  相似文献   

Abstract The kinetics of bacterial hydrolytic ectoenzymatic activity and the uptake of monomeric compounds were investigated in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Aminopeptidase and α- and β-glucosidase activities were analyzed by using fluorogenic substrates at 15–22 concentrations ranging from 1 nM to 500 μM. Radiolabeled glucose and a mixture of amino acids were chosen as representatives of monomeric compounds, and the bacterial uptake rates (assimilation plus respiration) were determined over a wide range of substrate concentrations (from 0.2 nM to 3 μM). We found biphasic kinetics both for hydrolytic enzymes and uptake systems: high affinity enzymes at low concentrations of substrates (K m values ranged from 48 nM to 2.7 μM for ectoenzymes and from 1.4 nM to 42 nM for uptake systems), and low affinity enzymes at high concentrations of substrates (K m values ranged from 18 μM to 142 μM for ectoenzymes and from 0.1 μM to 1.3 μM for uptake systems). Transition between high and low affinity enzymes was observed at 10 μM for aminopeptidase and from 1 μM to 25 μM for glucosidases, and it was more variable and less pronounced for the uptake of glucose (40 nM–0.28 μM) and amino acids (10 nM–0.16 μM). Results showed that the potential rates of hydrolysis and uptake are tightly coupled only if the high affinity hydrolytic ectoenzymes and the low affinity uptake systems are operating simultaneously. Received: 5 March 1998; Accepted: 31 July 1998  相似文献   

Bacterial Colonization of Particles: Growth and Interactions   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Marine particles in the ocean are exposed to diverse bacterial communities, and colonization and growth of attached bacteria are important processes in the degradation and transformation of the particles. In an earlier study, we showed that the initial colonization of model particles by individual bacterial strains isolated from marine aggregates was a function of attachment and detachment. In the present study, we have investigated how this colonization process was further affected by growth and interspecific interactions among the bacteria. Long-term incubation experiments showed that growth dominated over attachment and detachment after a few hours in controlling the bacterial population density on agar particles. In the absence of grazing mortality, this growth led to an equilibrium population density consistent with the theoretical limit due to oxygen diffusion. Interspecific interaction experiments showed that the presence of some bacterial strains (“residents”) on the agar particles either increased or decreased the colonization rate of other strains (“newcomers”). Comparison between an antibiotic-producing strain and its antibiotic-free mutant showed no inhibitory effect on the newcomers due to antibiotic production. On the contrary, hydrolytic activity of the antibiotic-producing strain appeared to benefit the newcomers and enhance their colonization rate. These results show that growth- and species-specific interactions have to be taken into account to adequately describe bacterial colonization of marine particles. Changes in colonization pattern due to such small-scale processes may have profound effects on the transformation and fluxes of particulate matter in the ocean.  相似文献   

Efficient acquisition of extracellular nutrients is essential for bacterial pathogenesis, however the identities and mechanisms for transport of many of these substrates remain unclear. Here, we investigate the predicted iron-binding transporter AfuABC and its role in bacterial pathogenesis in vivo. By crystallographic, biophysical and in vivo approaches, we show that AfuABC is in fact a cyclic hexose/heptose-phosphate transporter with high selectivity and specificity for a set of ubiquitous metabolites (glucose-6-phosphate, fructose-6-phosphate and sedoheptulose-7-phosphate). AfuABC is conserved across a wide range of bacterial genera, including the enteric pathogens EHEC O157:H7 and its murine-specific relative Citrobacter rodentium, where it lies adjacent to genes implicated in sugar sensing and acquisition. C. rodentium ΔafuA was significantly impaired in an in vivo murine competitive assay as well as its ability to transmit infection from an afflicted to a naïve murine host. Sugar-phosphates were present in normal and infected intestinal mucus and stool samples, indicating that these metabolites are available within the intestinal lumen for enteric bacteria to import during infection. Our study shows that AfuABC-dependent uptake of sugar-phosphates plays a critical role during enteric bacterial infection and uncovers previously unrecognized roles for these metabolites as important contributors to successful pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Sinking aggregates provide important nutrient-rich environments for marine bacteria. Quantifying the rate at which motile bacteria colonize such aggregations is important in understanding the microbial loop in the pelagic food web. In this paper, a simple analytical model is presented to predict the rate at which bacteria undergoing a random walk encounter a sinking aggregate. The model incorporates the flow field generated by the sinking aggregate, the swimming behavior of the bacteria, and the interaction of the flow with the swimming behavior. An expression for the encounter rate is computed in the limit of large Péclet number when the random walk can be approximated by a diffusion process. Comparison with an individual-based numerical simulation is also given.  相似文献   

The gut microbiota of termites and cockroaches represents complex metabolic networks of many diverse microbial populations. The distinct microenvironmental conditions within the gut and possible interactions among the microorganisms make it essential to investigate how far the metabolic properties of pure cultures reflect their activities in their natural environment. We established the cockroach Shelfordella lateralis as a gnotobiotic model and inoculated germfree nymphs with two bacterial strains isolated from the guts of conventional cockroaches. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that both strains specifically colonized the germfree hindgut. In diassociated cockroaches, the facultatively anaerobic strain EbSL (a new species of Enterobacteriaceae) always outnumbered the obligately anaerobic strain FuSL (a close relative of Fusobacterium varium), irrespective of the sequence of inoculation, which showed that precolonization by facultatively anaerobic bacteria does not necessarily favor colonization by obligate anaerobes. Comparison of the fermentation products of the cultures formed in vitro with those accumulated in situ indicated that the gut environment strongly affected the metabolic activities of both strains. The pure cultures formed the typical products of mixed-acid or butyrate fermentation, whereas the guts of gnotobiotic cockroaches accumulated mostly lactate and acetate. Similar shifts toward more-oxidized products were observed when the pure cultures were exposed to oxygen, which corroborated the strong effects of oxygen on the metabolic fluxes previously observed in termite guts. Oxygen microsensor profiles of the guts of germfree, gnotobiotic, and conventional cockroaches indicated that both gut tissue and microbiota contribute to oxygen consumption and suggest that the oxygen status influences the colonization success.  相似文献   

Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteroids were isolated anaerobically and were supplied with 14C-labeled trehalose, sucrose, UDP-glucose, glucose, or fructose under low O2 (2% in the gas phase). Uptake and conversion of 14C to CO2 were measured at intervals up to 90 minutes. Of the five compounds studied, UDP-glucose was most rapidly absorbed but it was very slowly metabolized. Trehalose was the sugar most rapidly converted to CO2, and fructose was respired at a rate at least double that of glucose. Sucrose and glucose were converted to CO2 at a very low but measurable rate (<0.1 nanomoles per milligram protein per hour). Carbon Number 1 of glucose appeared in CO2 at a rate 30 times greater than the conversion of carbon Number 6 to CO2, indicating high activity of the pentose phosphate pathway. Enzymes of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway were not detected in bacteroids, but very low activities of sucrose synthase and phosphofructokinase were demonstrated. Although metabolism of sugars by B. japonicum bacteroids was clearly demonstrated, the rate of sugar uptake was only 1/30 to 1/50 the rate of succinate uptake. The overall results support the view that, although bacteroids metabolize sugars, the rates are very low and are inadequate to support nitrogenase.  相似文献   

The possibility that two principlal bacterial communities expressing different levels of heterotrophic activity might coexist in an estuarine ecosystem (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) and could quickly respond to tidal fluctuations of environmental factors was experimentally tested in diffusion chambers by swapping the dissolved components of the natural water between the two communities and comparing their reactivity against the unaltered controls. The results for ectoenzymatic activity (Leuaminopeptidase and β-glucosidase), glucose incorporation and biomass production after transference of the marine bacterial community to brackish water showed maxima in the range of 241–384% of the control values. The opposite transference of the brackish-water bacterial community to marine water produced maximal decreases to 0.14–0.58% of the control values. In a reverse experiment, designed as the return to the initial conditions after 2 hours of the first exposure, the marine community rapidly re-acquired the characteristic low profile of activity. Contrastingly, the negative effects of 2 hours of exposure to marine water on the activity of the brackish water bacteria persisted, at least for 4 hours, after return to their own water. The apparent short-term irreversibility of the decline in activity of the brackish water bacteria when exposed to marine water, in parallel with the quick and reversible positive response of the marine water bacteria to the brackish water, suggests the development of two distinct bacterioplankton communities adapted to the environmental conditions prevailing at distinct sections of the estuary. The reactivity to environmental changes demonstrated by the two communities allows the prediction of estuarine profiles of bacterial activity steeper than those expected from the conservative transport of bacterial cells associated with tidal currents.  相似文献   

Mannitol, sucrose, and laminitol have been isolated from ethanolic extracts of the brown seaweed Desmarestia aculeata and characterised, and rhamnose, sedoheptulose, glucose, fructose, and 2-O-methyl- and 3-O-methyl-fucose have been identified by their chromatographic mobilities and g.l.c. retention times. Laminarin, alginic acid, and “fucans” were isolated also and characterised. The laminarin contained 1.7% of mannitol end-groups, and the fucans a relatively high proportion of galactose which was present as end-group and (1→3)-linked units.  相似文献   

HIROSE  T. 《Annals of botany》1986,58(4):487-496
An empirical model of vegetative plant growth is presented.The model is based on experimental data on Polygonum cuspidatum,which showed (1) that the partitioning of dry matter and nitrogenamong organs was linearly related to the nitrogen concentrationof the whole plant and (2) that leaf thickness was negativelycorrelated with leaf nitrogen concentration. The model properlydescribes the behaviour of plants. Steady-state solutions ofthe model give the relative growth rate, specific leaf weight,and partitioning of dry matter and nitrogen among organs withthe net assimilation rate and the specific absorption rate asenvironmental variables. The effect of nitrogen removal on drymatter and nitrogen partitioning was examined as non-steady-statedynamic solutions of the model. The model predicted not onlyreduced leaf growth and enhanced root growth but also a fluxof nitrogen from the leaf to the root, which agreed with theexperimental results. Mathematical model, partitioning of dry matter and nitrogen, plant nitrogen, relative growth rate, shoot: root ratio, specific leaf weight  相似文献   

Quantifying the rate at which bacteria colonize aggregates is a key to understanding microbial turnover of aggregates. We used encounter models based on random walk and advection-diffusion considerations to predict colonization rates from the bacteria's motility patterns (swimming speed, tumbling frequency, and turn angles) and the hydrodynamic environment (stationary versus sinking aggregates). We then experimentally tested the models with 10 strains of bacteria isolated from marine particles: two strains were nonmotile; the rest were swimming at 20 to 60 μm s−1 with different tumbling frequency (0 to 2 s−1). The rates at which these bacteria colonized artificial aggregates (stationary and sinking) largely agreed with model predictions. We report several findings. (i) Motile bacteria rapidly colonize aggregates, whereas nonmotile bacteria do not. (ii) Flow enhances colonization rates. (iii) Tumbling strains colonize aggregates enriched with organic substrates faster than unenriched aggregates, while a nontumbling strain did not. (iv) Once on the aggregates, the bacteria may detach and typical residence time is about 3 h. Thus, there is a rapid exchange between attached and free bacteria. (v) With the motility patterns observed, freely swimming bacteria will encounter an aggregate in <1 day at typical upper-ocean aggregate concentrations. This is faster than even starving bacteria burn up their reserves, and bacteria may therefore rely solely on aggregates for food. (vi) The net result of colonization and detachment leads to a predicted equilibrium abundance of attached bacteria as a function of aggregate size, which is markedly different from field observations. This discrepancy suggests that inter- and intraspecific interactions among bacteria and between bacteria and their predators may be more important than colonization in governing the population dynamics of bacteria on natural aggregates.  相似文献   

The study of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in the Mediterranean Sea is particularly relevant as they can be promoters of mucilage events, a frequent phenomenon there. We assessed the influence of bacterioplankton on TEP distribution and dynamics across the west–east axis of the Mediterranean Sea. We performed an extensive study of TEP, dissolved carbohydrates, and their relationships with bacterial abundance and bacterial production (BP). A significant and positive relationship was observed between BP and TEP in the study region (r 2?=?0.51, p?<?0.001). The direct release of TEP by bacteria was experimentally corroborated using regrowth cultures where increases in TEP tracked bacterial growth in abundance and production. These TEP increases were positively related to the increases in BP (r 2?=?0.78, p?<?0.05). The consistency (similar slopes) of the regression lines between BP and TEP in natural conditions and between the increases of BP and TEP in the experiments underlines the relevant role of bacteria in the formation of TEP in this area.  相似文献   

Host fitness is impacted by trillions of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract that facilitate development and are inextricably tied to life history. During development, microbial colonization primes the gut metabolism and physiology, thereby setting the stage for adult nutrition and health. However, the ecological rules governing microbial succession are poorly understood. In this study, we examined the relationship between host lineage, captive diet, and life stage and gut microbiota characteristics in three primate species (infraorder, Lemuriformes). Fecal samples were collected from captive lemur mothers and their infants, from birth to weaning. Microbial DNA was extracted and the v4 region of 16S rDNA was sequenced on the Illumina platform using protocols from the Earth Microbiome Project. Here, we show that colonization proceeds along different successional trajectories in developing infants from species with differing dietary regimes and ecological profiles: frugivorous (fruit-eating) Varecia variegata, generalist Lemur catta, and folivorous (leaf-eating) Propithecus coquereli. Our analyses reveal community membership and succession patterns consistent with previous studies of human infants, suggesting that lemurs may serve as a useful model of microbial ecology in the primate gut. Each lemur species exhibits distinct species-specific bacterial diversity signatures correlating to life stages and life history traits, implying that gut microbial community assembly primes developing infants at species-specific rates for their respective adult feeding strategies.  相似文献   

The need for renewable, carbon neutral, and sustainable raw materials for industry and society has become one of the most pressing issues for the 21st century. This has rekindled interest in the use of plant products as industrial raw materials for the production of liquid fuels for transportation2 and other products such as biocomposite materials6. Plant biomass remains one of the greatest untapped reserves on the planet4. It is mostly comprised of cell walls that are composed of energy rich polymers including cellulose, various hemicelluloses, and the polyphenol lignin5 and thus sometimes termed lignocellulosics. However, plant cell walls have evolved to be recalcitrant to degradation as walls contribute extensively to the strength and structural integrity of the entire plant. Despite its necessary rigidity, the cell wall is a highly dynamic entity that is metabolically active and plays crucial roles in numerous cell activities such as plant growth and differentiation5. Due to the various functions of walls, there is an immense structural diversity within the walls of different plant species and cell types within a single plant4. Hence, depending of what crop species, crop variety, or plant tissue is used for a biorefinery, the processing steps for depolymerisation by chemical/enzymatic processes and subsequent fermentation of the various sugars to liquid biofuels need to be adjusted and optimized. This fact underpins the need for a thorough characterization of plant biomass feedstocks. Here we describe a comprehensive analytical methodology that enables the determination of the composition of lignocellulosics and is amenable to a medium to high-throughput analysis (Figure 1). The method starts of with preparing destarched cell wall material. The resulting lignocellulosics are then split up to determine its monosaccharide composition of the hemicelluloses and other matrix polysaccharides1, and its content of crystalline cellulose7. The protocol for analyzing the lignin components in lignocellulosic biomass is discussed in Part I3.  相似文献   

The aerobic acidophilic bacterium Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans oxidizes Fe(2+) and S(2)O(3)(2-) ions by consuming oxygen. An amperometric biosensor was designed including an oxygen probe as transducer and a recognition element immobilized by a suitable home-made membrane. This biosensor was used for the indirect amperometric determination of Cr(2)O(7)(2-) ions owing to methods based on a mediator (Fe(2+)) or titration. Using the mediator, the biosensor response versus Cr(2)O(7)(2-) was linear up to 0.4 mmol L(-1), with a response time of, respectively, 51 s (2 x 10(-5) mol L(-1) Cr(2)O(7)(2-)) and 61 s (6 x 10(-5) mol L(-1) Cr(2)O(7)(2-)). The method sensitivity was 816 microA L mol(-1). Response time and measurement sensitivity depended on membrane material and technique for biomass immobilization. For example, their values were 90 s-200 microA L mol(-1) when using a glass-felt membrane and 540 s-4.95 microA L mol(-1) with a carbon felt one to determine a concentration of 2 x 10(-5) mol L(-1) Cr(2)O(7)(2-). For the titration method, the biosensor is used to determine the equivalence point. The relative error of quantitative analysis was lower than 5%.  相似文献   

In vitro studies of the transport of colloidal particles by the cornea were carried out on intact corneas of adult rabbits in a chamber described by Donn, Maurice, and Mills (2) in which the epithelial or the endothelial surface of the cornea was exposed to thorium dioxide or saccharated iron oxide under various conditions. These studies confirmed the results of previous work in vivo and allowed modification of the experimental conditions. Particles are pinocytosed at the apical surface of the corneal endothelium and carried around the terminal bar in membrane-bounded vesicles. Basal to the terminal bar these vesicles fuse with the lateral cell margin and their contents are released into the intercellular space, in which they appear to be carried by a one-way flow down to Descemet's membrane and the corneal stroma. Indications that the endothelial transport is an active process are presented by the different pathways of transport into or out of the corneal stroma, as well as by the approximately 70 per cent reduction in transport activity at low temperatures.  相似文献   

The effect of glycosylation on tissue factor (TF) activity was evaluated, and site-specific glycosylation of full-length recombinant TF (rTF) and that of natural TF from human placenta (pTF) were studied by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The amidolytic activity of the TF·factor VIIa (FVIIa) complex toward a fluorogenic substrate showed that the catalytic efficiency (Vmax) of the complex increased in the order rTF1–243 (Escherichia coli) < rTF1–263 (Sf9 insect cells) < pTF for the glycosylated and deglycosylated forms. Substrate hydrolysis was unaltered by deglycosylation. In FXase, the Km of FX for rTF1–263-FVIIa remained unchanged after deglycosylation, whereas the kcat decreased slightly. A pronounced decrease, 4-fold, in kcat was observed for pTF·FVIIa upon deglycosylation, whereas the Km was minimally altered. The parameters of FX activation by both rTF1–263D-FVIIa and pTFD-FVIIa were identical and similar to those for rTF1–243-FVIIa. In conclusion, carbohydrates significantly influence the activity of TF proteins. Carbohydrate analysis revealed glycosylation on asparagines 11, 124, and 137 in both rTF1–263 and pTF. The carbohydrates of rTF1–263 contain high mannose, hybrid, and fucosylated glycans. Natural pTF contains no high mannose glycans but is modified with hybrid, highly fucosylated, and sialylated sugars.  相似文献   

We review the application of mathematical modeling to understanding the behavior of populations of chemotactic bacteria. The application of continuum mathematical models, in particular generalized Keller–Segel models, is discussed along with attempts to incorporate the microscale (individual) behavior on the macroscale, modeling the interaction between different species of bacteria, the interaction of bacteria with their environment, and methods used to obtain experimentally verified parameter values. We allude briefly to the role of modeling pattern formation in understanding collective behavior within bacterial populations. Various aspects of each model are discussed and areas for possible future research are postulated.  相似文献   

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