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南极乔治王岛始新统化石山组含多种类型遗迹化石,常与鸟类足迹相伴产出。记述的1新遗迹属及所属的5新遗迹种,从遗迹化石形态两侧对称,纵向延伸,缺乏疣足及其它附肢构造等特征看,推测造迹者为软体蠕虫类,很可能属于寡毛纲的动物。这些化石反映了浅水河湖的沉积环境。  相似文献   

Early ambulation has been a large factor not only in decreasing many of the complications that may follow childbirth and gynecological operations, but in reducing the time of convalescence.  相似文献   

A cross-taxonomic comparison of resources allocated to reproductive reserves at adult eclosion reveals that females belonging to polyandrous species receive more ejaculate material and allocate proportionally less of their total reserves to potential reproduction compared to females belonging to monandrous species. These results suggest that adult females of polyandrous species have a higher expected nutrient income and are consistent with the idea that females can benefit from male nutrient donations transferred during mating. Males show the opposite pattern: males of polyandrous species allocate proportionally more to reproduction. This is expected since males in polyandrous species have both proportionally heavier ejaculates and have a higher ejaculative production capacity than do males in monandrous species. Interestingly, adults of the genus Heliconius which can obtain nutrients crucial to reproduction by pollen feeding do not seem to follow these patterns as strong as only nectar-feeding butterflies. Instead, the association between degree of polyandry and resources allocated to reproduction is relaxed.  相似文献   

植物交配系统的进化、资源分配对策与遗传多样性   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
影响植物自交率进化的选择力量主要体现在两个方面:当外来花粉量不足时,自交可以提高植物的结实率,即雌性适合度(繁殖保障);而如果进行自交的花粉比异交花粉更易获得使胚珠受精的机会,那么自交也可以提高植物的雄性适合度(自动选择优势)。但是,鉴别什么时候是繁殖保障、什么时候是自动选择优势导致了自交的进化却是极其困难的。花粉贴现降低了自交植物通过异交花粉途径获得的适合度,即减弱了自动选择优势,而近交衰退既减少了自动选择优势也减少了繁殖保障给自交者带来的利益。具有不同交配系统的植物种群将具有不同的资源分配对策。理论研究已经说明,自交率增加将减少植物对雄性功能的资源分配比例,但将使繁殖分配加大,而且在一定条件下交配系统的改变甚至可以导致植物生活史发生剧烈变化,即从多年生变为一年生。文献中支持自交减少植物雄性投入的证据有很多,但是对繁殖分配与自交率的关系目前还没有系统的研究。资源分配理论可以解释植物繁育系统的多样性,尤其是能够说明为什么大多数植物都是雌雄同体的。自交对植物种群遗传结构的影响是减少种群内的遗传变异,增加种群间的遗传分化。长期以来人们一直猜测,自交者可能会丢掉一些长期进化的潜能,目前这个假说得到了一些支持。  相似文献   

植物交酸系统的进化、资源分配对策与遗传多样性   总被引:27,自引:10,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
影响植物自交率进化的选择力量主要体现在两个方面:当外来花粉量不足时,自交可以提高植物的结实率,即雌性适合度(繁殖保障);而如果进行自交的花粉比异交花粉更易获得使胚珠受精的机会,那么自交也可以提高植物的雄性适合度(自动选择优势)。但是,鉴别什么时候是繁殖保障、什么时候是自动选择优势导致了自交的进化却是极其困难的。花粉贴现降低了自交植物通过异交花粉途径获得的适合度,即减弱了自动选择优势,而近交衰退既减少了自动选择优势也减少了繁残给自交者带来的利益。具有不同交配系统的植物种群将具有不同的资源分配对策。理论研究已经说明,自交率增加将减少植物对雄性功能的资源分配比例,但将使繁殖分配加大,而且在一定条件下交配系统在改变甚至可以导致植物生活史发生剧烈变化,即从多年生变为一年生。文献中支持自交减少植物雄性投入的证据有很多,但是对繁殖分配与自交率的关系目前还没有系统的研究,资源分配理论可以解释植物繁育系统的多样性,尤其是能够3说明为什么大多数植物都是雌雄同体的,自交对植物种群遗传结构的影响是减少种群内的遗传变异,增加种群间的遗传分化,长期以来人们一直猜测,自交者可能会丢掉一些长期进化的潜能,目前这个假说得到了一些支持。  相似文献   

Many countries have not considered palliative care a public health problem. With limited resources, disease-oriented therapies and prevention measures take priority. In this paper, I intend to describe the moral framework for considering palliative care as a public health priority in resource-poor countries. A distributive theory of justice for health care should consider integrative palliative care as morally required as it contributes to improving normal functioning and preserving opportunities for the individual. For patients requiring terminal care , we are guided less by principles of justice and more by the duty to relieve suffering and society's commitment to protecting the professional's obligation to uphold principles of beneficence, compassion and non-abandonment. A fair deliberation process is necessary to allow these strong moral commitments to serve as reasons when setting priorities in resource poor countries.  相似文献   

本文将灰色系统理论及其模型运用到野生动物资源管理及保护利用的研究中。四川省甘孜藏族自治州是我国重要的产香区,我们通过收集该区历年麝香产量分析了该区麝香资源动态规律及其与人为活动的关系。我们利用该区1967—1975年麝香收购量建立的麝香资源状态及预测模型是:X~(1)(t)=-108214.5273e~(-0.0973(t-t_0))+1839.9007e~(-1.1494(t-t_0))+113969.1266关联度S=0.9278,1968—1975 年预测产量与实际产量十分接近,其平均误差为-5.6829%(-16.6075~9.3553%)。  相似文献   

湖南花垣中寒武世晚期至晚寒武世早期球接子类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在考察、实测了湘西地区数条剖面后,主要研究了花垣排碧剖面。建立了中寒武统上部至上寒武统下部的球接子类三叶虫带,这在湘西黔东地区尚属首次,为本区与国内、外有关地区的地层对比,提供了直接证据。本文详细讨论了这些对比证据,并系统描述了球接子类三叶虫新种和属于我国首次报道的种。此外,基于微相分析,概述了排碧地区中寒武世晚期至晚寒武世早期的沉积环境。  相似文献   

Inorganic and organic metabolites, including carbohydrates, amino acids, and organic acids, may be leached from the foliage of 125 diverse plant species by the action of rain, dew, and mist. Ca45, P32, and Sr89 absorbed by roots, and C14 absorbed as C14O2 by foliage were leached from squash leaves and were subsequently reabsorbed by the roots and translocated to the aboveground parts of several plant species. This phenomenon of nutrient recycling is apparently a widespread natural phenomenon and has implications in plant nutrition. Bean plants were grown through 1 complete generation on the leachates from squash leaves. Leaching and reabsorption of the leachates are important in the distribution of fallout products, in the stimulation and suppression of plants beneath the spread of other plants, in plant competition, and in the development of plant associations.  相似文献   

岷江上游两种生态系统降雨分配的比较   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
植被的降雨分配作用对理解生态系统的水文功能具有重要的意义。该文对四川岷江上游岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)针叶林和川滇高山栎(Quercus aquifolioides)灌丛两种生态系统的降雨分配及降雨截留的影响因素进行了研究,探讨了植被分配降雨及截留降雨的影响机制和影响因素。文中采用定位观测的方法研究降雨分配。针叶林中冠层降雨截留占33.33%,树干茎流占0.07%,穿透雨占66.60%;而灌丛的冠层截留降雨为24.95%,穿透雨为75.05%;针叶林地被物的蓄留水能力(1.746 mm)要大于灌丛地被物的持水能力(0.941 mm);针叶林土壤的容积含水率(39.66%)也要高于灌丛土壤的容积含水率(38.19%);两种生态系统中的穿透雨率与降雨量的关系均可用逻辑斯谛方程较好地模拟。文中还选取了降雨量、降雨强度、降雨持续时间、两次降雨的间隔时间和次降雨期间的气温等5种因子分析影响两种生态系统降雨截留的主要因素。根据截留降雨与上述5种因子的偏相关分析结果:针叶林冠层的降雨截留主要受降雨量、降雨持续时间和间隔时间的影响;灌丛的降雨截留主要受降雨量、气温与降雨持续时间的影响。文中从当地的降雨特征与两种生态系统微气候差异的角度分析了两种生态系统降雨分配及降雨截留影响因素差异的原因。  相似文献   

Early basidiospore development in Coprinus cinereus has been divided into four stages: 1) inception, 2) asymmetric growth, 3) equal enlargement, 4) elongation, all based on changes in spore size and shape, wall layering, and cytoplasm. The hilar appendix body formed on the adaxial side of the stage 1 basidiospore, persisted through all stages studied, and predicted the site of the hilar appendix. The hilar appendix formed in stage 2 by modification of certain wall layers. A band of peripheral endoplasmic reticulum covered an average of 38 % of the lower spore wall in stage 3 and was oriented around the axis of growth. Stage 4 was initiated by a break in wall layer 3 at the spore apex and the disappearance of the peripheral endoplasmic reticulum. A pore cap formed on the spore apex during spore elongation. The spore wall consisted at first of three layers and became six layered by deposition of layers between two of the initial layers. Cytoplasmic changes associated with spore growth included presence of small vesicles at stage 1 and larger Golgi vesicles later, absence of mitochondria and probable Golgi cisternae from the spore until stage 3, and presence of a zone nearly free of ribosomes and organelles under the spore apex in stage 4. Functions of the hilar appendix body, peripheral endoplasmic reticulum and the different wall layers in control of spore shape are discussed.  相似文献   

西欧废地的管理和恢复   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  

By comparing the spatial and temporal distribution of three proteins during early development in seven echinoid species, we demonstrate that both heterochronies and heterotopies in gene-product expression have accompanied the radiation of post-Paleozoic echinoids. All three proteins examined showed significant alterations in time of expression, site of expression, or both. These molecular heterochronies and heterotopies indicate that early development is not necessarily as evolutionarily conservative as morphology of embryos alone would suggest. Evolutionary alterations in early development may be more common than is generally assumed.  相似文献   

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