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Takophrya infusionum like all other Suctoria lacks an oral cavity. Its feeding apparatus consists of tentacles, long narrow tubes through which the contents of the living prey are ingested. For normal growth, reproduction, and longevity of clones, Tokophrya needs supplements deriving from the medium in addition to living prey. Since Tokophrya lacks a mouth, these supplements can reach the cytoplasm only through the complex structure of the cortex, which is composed of a three- membraned pellicle and a dense epiplasm. In addition, external to the cortex, an extraneous coat covers the whole organism. Only the outer pellicular plasma membrane is continuous; the other two and the epiplasm are interrupted by the outer plasma membrane which invaginates at intervals forming the so-called pits. The invaginated plasma membrane dips down into the cytoplasm where it extends to form a saccule. Experiments with cationized ferritin and Thorotrast provide evidence that internalization of these macromolecules takes place through the pits by pinocytosis. The membrane of the saccules of the pits forms invaginations which pinch off giving rise to small, flattened vesicles containing the tracers. The tracers were never found free in the cytoplasm but exclusively in the flat vesicles. These vesicles are thus the vehicles transporting macromolecules from the medium to the cytoplasm. The saccules of the pits are the natural loci of pinocytosis and together with the flattened vesicles perform an important function in Suctoria, supplying the organisms with macromolecules from the medium.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of the surface membrane potential due to adsorbtion and desorbtion of ions when environmental fluctuations generate a fluctuation in the number of adsorbtion sites were investigated. The correlation functions of surface charge density, surface potential and the spectral density of surface potential fluctuations were calculated. The characteristic features of these fluctuations were determined.  相似文献   

The need to decrease the time scale for clinical compound discovery has led to innovations at several stages in the process, including genomics/proteomics for target identification, ultrahigh-throughput screening for lead identification, and structure-based drug design and combinatorial chemistry for lead optimization. A critical juncture in the process is the identification of a proper lead compound, because a poor choice may generate costly difficulties at later stages. Lead compounds are commonly identified from high-throughput screens of large compound libraries, derived from known substrates/inhibitors, or identified in computational prescreeusing X-ray crystal structures. Structural information is often consulted to efficiently optimize leads, but under the current paradigm, such data require preidentification and confirmation of compound binding. Here, we describe a new X-ray crystallography-driven screening technique that combines the steps of lead identification, structural assessment, and optimization. The method is rapid, efficient, and high-throughput, and it results in detailed crystallographic structure information. The utility of the method is demonstrated in the discovery and optimization of a new orally available class of urokinase inhibitors for the treatment of cancer.  相似文献   

Ligand Depot: a data warehouse for ligands bound to macromolecules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ligand Depot is an integrated data resource for finding information about small molecules bound to proteins and nucleic acids. The initial release (version 1.0, November, 2003) focuses on providing chemical and structural information for small molecules found as part of the structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank. Ligand Depot accepts keyword-based queries and also provides a graphical interface for performing chemical substructure searches. A wide variety of web resources that contain information on small molecules may also be accessed through Ligand Depot. AVAILABILITY: Ligand Depot is available at http://ligand-depot.rutgers.edu/. Version 1.0 supports multiple operating systems including Windows, Unix, Linux and the Macintosh operating system. The current drawing tool works in Internet Explorer, Netscape and Mozilla on Windows, Unix and Linux.  相似文献   

B G Jenkins 《Life sciences》1991,48(13):1227-1240
Study of ligand-macromolecular interactions by 19F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy affords many opportunities for obtaining molecular biochemical and pharmaceutical information. This is due to the absence of a background fluorine signal, as well as the relatively high sensitivity of 19F NMR. Use of fluorine-labeled ligands enables one to probe not only binding and co-binding phenomena to macromolecules, but also can provide data on binding constants, stoichiometries, kinetics, and conformational properties of these complexes. Under conditions of slow exchange and macromolecule-induced chemical shifts, multiple 19F NMR resonances can be observed for free and bound ligands. These shifted resonances are a direct correlate of the concentration of ligand bound in a specific state rather than the global concentrations of bound or free ligand which are usually determined using other techniques such as absorption spectroscopy or equilibrium dialysis. Examples of these interactions are demonstrated both from the literature and from interactions of 5-fluorotryptophan, 5-fluorosalicylic acid, flurbiprofen, and sulindac sulfide with human serum albumin. Other applications of 19F NMR to study of these interactions in vivo, as well for receptor binding and metabolic tracing of fluorinated drugs and proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Adsorption of viral matrix protein M1 on the self-assembled monolayer of carboxyhexadecanthiol molecules simulating the surface of the cell membrane was studied by surface plasmon resonance refractometry technique. It was shown that in the acidic medium (pH 4.0) the fraction of irreversibly adsorbed protein increases with time. The protein formed a monolayer on the surface in concentration range from 50 to 500 nM. It was found that the amount of the adsorbed protein increased more than 3 times in this range. An important observation is that even at the lowest concentrations of the protein its molecules totally occupied the entire surface of the substrate, and a further protein addition did not lead to its further adsorption. To explain this phenomena, it was suggested that the number of M1 bonds with the surface increases during the adsorption, which leads to spreading of the protein molecules. Apparently, this effect is caused by the intrinsic disorder of the C-domain of the protein. It is hypothesized that the disassembly of the protein-lipid envelope of the influenza virus in the acidic medium does not result from desorption of the M1, but it is caused by the weakening of protein-protein bonds.  相似文献   

(1) Determinations were carried out on the incorporation of fucose-6-(3H) and glucosamine-6-(3H) into trichloracetic acid insoluble macromolecules which remained bound to the cells or were released into the medium of chick embryo muscle cell cultures. The radioactivity determined in the medium was corrected for unspecific binding of label to components of the medium. (2) During an incorporation period of six hours the incorporation per microgram DNA with fucose as label into cell bound macromolecules is about twice as high as the incorporation into macromolecules released into medium. With glucosamine about twice as much is incorporated into medium released into the cell bound macromolecules. (3) The incorporation per microgram DNA increased during a culture period of three days but the increase ceases at different times during this culture period when determined with fucose or glucosamine or for cell bound and medium released material. (4) An increase in cell density increases the incorporation per DNA of fucose and to a much slighter extent that of glucosamine. Reduction of cell density by addition of cytosine arabinoside to the medium does not increase the incorporation per microgram DNA. (5) The effect of changes of fibroblast/myoblast ratios on the incorporation of fucose and glucosamine were examined. No significant effect was observed for a ratio of 10-30% fibroblasts when control cultures or cultures after cell sedimentation were maintained in complete medium. Marked changes were observed after culture in medium without protein components. Under these conditions an increase in the fibroblast/myoblast ratios were observed as well as an increase in the incorporation of label into medium released and a decrease into cell bound macromolecules.  相似文献   

l-tryptophan was produced froml-serine and indole by immobilized Escherichia coli cells in organic-aqueous systems. Selective adsorption was the method chosen to enable both product separation andl-serine reutilization. Amongst various adsorbents tested activated carbons and neutral polymeric resins (XAD-4 and XAD-7) showed good performance. The neutral resins could selectively concentrate thel-tryptophan from dilute aqueous solutions and adsorbed only 5% of the unconvertedl-serine. High separation factors (l-tryptophan/l-serine and indole/l-tryptophan) were obtained with these adsorbents. Despite a lower capacity, the XAD-7 resin had the advantage of desorbingl-tryptophan with basic or acidic solutions, while organic solvents were required to desorb, at the same concentration levels, this compound from XAD-4.In a packed bed column filled with XAD-4 resin or activated carbon, totall-tryptophan adsorption and recovery were achieved at linear velocities up to 5.0 cm/min and 3.2 cm/min respectively. Successive sorbent reutilization, following continuous sorption and elution steps, was carried out in packed bed columns with the neutral resins and activated carbon.Thel-form of tryptophan, after crystallization, was identified by HPTLC.List of Symbols HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - HPTLC High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography - Trp tryptophan - Ser Serine - A amount of sorbent(g) - c equilibrium solute concentration in the aqueous phase (g/dm3) - c i initial (before adding the sorbent) liquid phase concentration (g/dm3) - C T tryptophan concentration in the inlet solution (g/dm3) - C To tryptophan concentration in the outlet solution (g/dm3) - E z axial dispersion coefficient (m2/s) - k experimental constant (Eq. 1, 2 and 3) - K 1 rate constant of adsorption (min–1) - L column length(m) - n experimental constant (eq. 1, 2 and 3) - q equilibrium solid phase concentration (g solute/g sorbent) - q max maximum capacity of sorbent (g solute/g sorbent) - t time(s) - v liquid velocity (m/s) - V volume of liquid phase(dm3) - V e eluted volume(dm3) - V r volume needed to saturate the column (dm3)  相似文献   

The paramagnetic contributions to the spin-lattice relaxation rates of khellin protons, induced by the presence in an aqueous solution of TEMPO nitroxide, have been analyzed in the interaction of the furochromone with DNA. The relaxation data obtained at different temperatures, nitroxide and DNA concentrations indicate that the average solvent exposure of the furanic moiety of khellin is lower than that of the pyranic group. This feature suggests that the former is the main site of approach of khellin to DNA.  相似文献   

Summary Rous sarcoma virus transformed Chinese hamster fibroblasts, clone CHR1-3, were established at high temperature, then subcloned. Six subclones with round and flat morphology harboring undeleted and partially deleted RSV proviruses, respectively, were seeded into serum-free synthetic medium with no macromolecular additives, and maintained for 2 mo. One flat subclone no. 14, fully designatedsfCHR1-3.14 for itsserum-free phenotype, was further propagated in the same medium. The cells grew exponentially in loosely attached monolayers and dould be serially passaged on bare polystyrene with an average population doubling time of 46 h. Cell attachment could be improved by using collagen-coated polystyrene or by adding a methionine supplement to the culture medium. Furthermore, thesfCHR1-3.14 cells could be subcloned and further grown in nonselective medium. The reversion rate of thesf phenotype was estimated to be 1 to 2%/cell generation. Evidence for an autocrinal stimulation was obtained by cloning efficiency assays showing a requirement for a threshold cell density. Slight growth stimulation could also be detected in assays using conditioned medium fromsfCHR1-3.14 cells and serum-restrictedwild-type (wt)NIH3T3, but notwtCHR1-3.14, cells as indicator cells. Finally,wtNIH3T3 cells used in these assays were assayed for serum-free growth and found to be able to develop their ownsf phenotype; in this respect they resemble the previously establishedsfCHR1-3.14 cells. Supported by grants from CNRS, INSERM, contract 852012, Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer, and Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale. V. K. was supported by the Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer and by the Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte contre le Cancer.  相似文献   

The theoretical isoelectric focusing behavior for rapidly reversible, bimolecular complexing between two macromolecules depends upon the relative value of the isoelectric point of the complex. When it is intermediate in value, the transient patterns exhibit three peaks. As equilibrium is approached the central peak of complex disappears leaving two reactant peaks. When the isoelectric point is acidic or alkaline to both reactants, the equilibrium pattern also shows two peaks; but in this case only one is pure reactant, the other being a reaction zone. The two cases can be distinguished by varying the relative amounts of reactants. Transient patterns for ligand-binding exhibit a peak of unliganded protein and a reaction zone. As the charged ligand is driven out of the focusing column the reaction zone disappears, so that the equilibrium pattern shows only a peak of unliganded protein. In general, the isoelectric point of the complex cannot be determined from the transient patterns.  相似文献   

The seminal plasma in sperm suspensions from boar, bull, rabbit, ram and stallion was replaced with simple defined media as completely as possible by a combination of centrifugation through Ficoll and dilution. After this process, motility declined and the cells showed a tendency to agglutinate and/or stick to glass. Varying the ionic strength of the medium had little effect upon these parameters but sperm motility was preserved better in the presence of serum albumin. When a number of purified proteins and other macromolecules were tested individually in this way for their motility-preserving ability, bovine or human serum albumin was consistently the most effective. Defatting the albumin or altering its nature by mild reduction, oxidation or alkylation had little detectable effect on its motility-preserving ability; the protein did not appear to be acting as a chelator of metal ions, for it could not be replaced by EDTA. The response of the spermatozoa to replacemrnt of seminal plasma varied between species: bull spermatozoa were particularly sensitive and serum albumin had little effect upon their subsequent motility.  相似文献   

Alternating electromagnetic and electrical fields, applied to colloidal systems or to their suspending media, result in increases in sedimentation rate, electrophoretic mobility, resistivity, viscosity, and shock-freezing temperature, while magnetic fields and static electrical fields result in decreasing sedimentation rates.
Zusammenfassung Wechselnde elektromagnetische und elektrische Felder,die auf kolloidale Systeme oder deren Suspensionsmedium einwirken, führen zu einem Anstieg der Sedimentationsrate, elektrophoretischen Beweglichkeit, spezifischen Widerstandskraft, Viskosität und Schock-Gefriertemperatur, während magnetische Felder und statische elektrische Felder zu einer Verlangsamung der Sedimentationsrate führen.

Resume Des champs électromagnétiques et électriques alternatifs agissant sur des systèmes colloïdaux ou le milieu dans lequel ils sont en suspension y provoquent un accroissement de la vitesse de sédimentation, de la mobilité électrophorétique, de la résistivité, de la viscosité et de la température de congélation par chocs. Des champs magnétiques constants ou de l'électricité statique conduisent, au contraire, à un ralentissement de leur vistesse de sédimentation.

This is a highly attenuated precis of our studies. A complete report will be published elsewhere.  相似文献   

Understanding under what conditions interacting populations, whether they be plants, animals, or viral particles, coexist is a question of theoretical and practical importance in population biology. Both biotic interactions and environmental fluctuations are key factors that can facilitate or disrupt coexistence. To better understand this interplay between these deterministic and stochastic forces, we develop a mathematical theory extending the nonlinear theory of permanence for deterministic systems to stochastic difference and differential equations. Our condition for coexistence requires that there is a fixed set of weights associated with the interacting populations and this weighted combination of populations’ invasion rates is positive for any (ergodic) stationary distribution associated with a subcollection of populations. Here, an invasion rate corresponds to an average per-capita growth rate along a stationary distribution. When this condition holds and there is sufficient noise in the system, we show that the populations approach a unique positive stationary distribution. Moreover, we show that our coexistence criterion is robust to small perturbations of the model functions. Using this theory, we illustrate that (i) environmental noise enhances or inhibits coexistence in communities with rock-paper-scissor dynamics depending on correlations between interspecific demographic rates, (ii) stochastic variation in mortality rates has no effect on the coexistence criteria for discrete-time Lotka–Volterra communities, and (iii) random forcing can promote genetic diversity in the presence of exploitative interactions.
One day is fine, the next is black.—The Clash  相似文献   

Summary Minimum message length encoding is a technique of inductive inference with theoretical and practical advantages. It allows the posterior odds-ratio of two theories or hypotheses to be calculated. Here it is applied to problems of aligning or relating two strings, in particular two biological macromolecules. We compare the r-theory, that the strings are related, with the null-theory, that they are not related. If they are related, the probabilities of the various alignments can be calculated. This is done for one-, three-, and five-state models of relation or mutation. These correspond to linear and piecewise linear cost functions on runs of insertions and deletions. We describe how to estimate parameters of a model. The validity of a model is itself an hypothesis and can be objectively tested. This is done on real DNA strings and on artificial data. The tests on artificial data indicate limits on what can be inferred in various situations. The tests on real DNA support either the three- or five-state models over the one-state model. Finally, a fast, approximate minimum message length string comparison algorithm is described.Offprint requests to: L. Allison  相似文献   

The fact that macromolecules such as proteins and mRNAs overcome the symplastic barriers between various tissue domains was first evidenced by the movement of plant viruses. We have recently demonstrated that viral infection disengages the symplastic restriction present between the sieve element-companion cell complex and neighboring cells in tobacco plants. As a result, green fluorescent protein, which was produced in mesophyll and bundle sheath cells, could traffic into the sieve tube and travel long distances within the vascular system. In this addendum we discuss the likely existence of a novel plant communication network in which macromolecules also act as long-distance trafficking signals. Plasmodesmata interconnecting sieve elements and companion cells as well as plasmodesmata connecting the sieve tube with neighboring cells may play a central role in establishing this communication network.Key words: companion cells, cucumber mosaic virus, Cucumis melo, plasmodesmata, movement protein, sieve-elementsTranslocation of photoassimilates from the source (site of synthesis) to various sink organs is governed, in part, by short-distance intercellular transfer of assimilates to the loading region of the phloem and long-distance transport within the plant vascular system. Sucrose, which is synthesized in the leaf mesophyll, moves cell-to-cell symplastically through plasmodesmata until it reaches the boundary of the sieve element (SE)-companion cell (CC) complex. In many plant species, the connection between phloem parenchyma (PP)/bundle sheath (BS) cells and CCs is characterized by a sparseness of plasmodesmata (e.g., Solanaceae), and sucrose is exported out of the cells to the apoplast. This type of plants (apoplastic loaders) uses sucrose proton symporters to load the sucrose into the vasculature.1 Cucurbits are considered one of the model plants for symplastic phloem loading.2 This type of plant is characterized by abundant plasmodesmata interconnecting the intermediary cells, which are specialized CCs, with the neighboring BS cells. It is generally accepted that in these plants, phloem loading includes intercellular movement of sucrose through the plasmodesmata, along the entire pathway from the mesophyll cell to the SE-CC complex.Interestingly, the existence of plasmodesmata interconnecting the SE-CC complex and neighboring cells is evident in all plant species that are characterized by an apoplastic phloem-loading mechanism. Moreover, microinjection experiments have indicated that plasmodesmata interconnecting the PP-CC are functional, in that they allow the exchange of small membrane-impermeable fluorescent probes.3 Virus movement through plasmodesmata from the mesophyll into the SEs further supports the notion that the symplastic communication between the CC-SE complex and the neighboring cells is functional.4One can assume that in apoplastic-loading plants, it would be an advantage to maintain the SE-CC complex as an isolated domain, with no functional plasmodesmata interconnecting it to the neighboring tissue. Symplastic continuity between the two domains could result in leakage of sucrose out of the vasculature and a significant reduction in the efficacy of sucrose loading. The fact that the two domains are interconnected suggests that any back-leakage of sucrose that might occur is insignificant relative to the likely efficacy of this communication route.What might the advantage be for symplastic communication between the SE-CC complex and the neighboring tissue? Accumulated evidence suggests that at the tissue/organ level, cell-to-cell trafficking of information molecules allows for noncell-autonomous control over a range of processes, whereas at the organismal level, the phloem serves as an information superhighway, delivering a wide range of macromolecules to enable the plant to function as a whole organism.58 We advanced the hypothesis that plasmodesmata interconnecting the CCs and PP/BS cells play a pivotal role in controlling the long-distance trafficking of putative signaling molecules.  相似文献   

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