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Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) are members of a group of molecules that specifically recognize HLA class I ligands and are found on subsets of human lymphopoetic cells. The number of KIR loci can vary between individuals, resulting in a heterogeneous array of possible KIR genes. The range of observed profiles has been explained by the occurrence of two haplotype families termed A and B which can be distinguished on the basis of certain KIR sequences. Here we attempted to determine whether the frequencies of putative KIR loci and the two haplotype groups vary in three ethnically defined, healthy, and unrelated control populations, namely UK Caucasoid (n=136), Palestinian (n=105) and Thai (n=119). We molecularly typed genomic DNA for the presence of 12 putative KIR loci, KIR2DL1, KIR2DL2, KIR2DL3, KIR2DL4, KIR3DL1, KIR3DL2, KIR2DS1, KIR2DS2, KIR2DS3, KIR2DS4, KIR2DS5, and KIR3DS1, using modified PCR sequence-specific primers. The patterns of KIR locus frequencies combined with the similar linkage disequilibrium values suggest that there was a distinction in the distribution of the two broad haplotype groups between the populations studied. The A haplotype was always the most prevalent, but the ratio of A to B varied between populations. The frequency of B haplotype was highest in the Palestinians and lowest in the Thais (Pc<0.0001).  相似文献   

Upon engagement of specific class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on target cells, inhibitory receptors on natural killer (NK) cells deliver a negative signal that prevents the target cell lysis by NK cells. In humans, killer cell immunoglobulin-related receptors (KIR) with two immunoglobulin-like domains (KIR2D) modulate the lysis of target cells bearing specific HLA-C alleles (Moretta, A., Vitale, M., Bottino, C., Orengo, A. M., Morelli, L., Augugliaro, R., Barbaresi, M., Ciccone, E., and Moretta, L. (1993) J. Exp. Med. 178, 597-604). The transduction of inhibitory signals by KIR2D molecules is impaired by the zinc chelator, 1,10-phenanthroline, and mutation of a putative zinc-binding site (Rajagopalan, S., and Long, E. O. (1998) J. Immunol. 161, 1299-1305), but the mechanism by which zinc may affect the function of KIR remains unknown. In this study, the inhibitory NK receptor KIR2DL1 was discovered to dimerize in the presence of Co(2+) as observed on native gel electrophoresis and by gel filtration column chromatography. Furthermore, Co(2+)-mediated KIR2DL1 dimer binds to HLA-Cw4 with higher affinity than the wild type KIR2DL1 monomer. Replacement of the amino-terminal His residue by Ala abolishes the ability of KIR2DL1 to bind Co(2+), indicating that Co(2+)-mediated KIR2DL1 dimerization involves pairing of the D1 domain. Although not observed on native gels, the inhibitory receptor KIR2DL1 can be chemically cross-linked into dimers in the presence of Zn(2+) and its related divalent metal ions, suggesting that Co(2+)-mediated dimerization of KIR2DL1 may mimic a weaker interaction between KIR2DL1 and zinc in vivo.  相似文献   

Killer cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) are MHC class I-specific receptors expressed in NK and T lymphocytes. KIR antagonism of activation signals occurs at the immune synapse between the effector and target cells. The processes that regulate clustering of KIR are not well defined. We have expressed KIR-GFP receptor chimeras in two human NK-like lines, YTS and NK92. In this study, we show that the frequency of KIR enrichment at the synapse was decreased for a KIR that lacks a portion of the cytoplasmic tail. Strikingly, blocking actin polymerization with a high dose of cytochalasin D also substantially decreased clustering of KIR as well as KIR-induced clustering of HLA-C-GFP in target cells. However, the effect of inhibiting actin polymerization was only clearly evident at the earlier time points after cell mixing, and eventually clustering of KIR and HLA-C occurred independently of actin remodeling. Although treatment with anti-LFA-1 also decreased conjugate formation, the frequency of KIR clustering remained normal within the population of conjugates that did form, suggesting that the effect of cytochalasin D is not solely through LFA-1. Collectively, these data suggest that the actin cytoskeleton and the cytoplasmic tail of KIR regulate the efficiency by which KIR accumulates at inhibitory NK cell synapses.  相似文献   

Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) are a family of inhibitory and activating receptors expressed by natural killer (NK) cells and regulate NK cells’ activity. KIR genes are highly polymorphic markers, characterized by a wide diversity, and can therefore be considered as good population genetic markers. The aim of this study was to determine KIR gene frequencies, ratios of haplotypes and genotypes in Southern Turkey and also to compare the data with other worldwide populations studied previously. The study group consisted of 200 non-related individuals from Southern Turkey. The percentage of each KIR gene in the population group was determined by direct counting. Differences between populations in the distribution of each KIR gene and genotype profile were estimated by two-tailed Fisher Exact test. The most frequent non-framework KIR genes detected in Southern Turkey population were: KIR 2DL1 (97%), KIR 3DL1 (91%), KIR 2DS4 (92%) and the pseudogene 2DP1 (96%). Fourty different genotypes were found in 200 subjects and AA1 genotype was the most frequent (27%). Among 40 different genotypes, ten of these were described for the first time in this study and were added to the database () numerized as genotype ID from 400 to 409. Gene frequencies and found genotypes demonstrated similarity of Southern Turkey’s KIR repertoire with the KIR repertoires of Middle East and European population. High variability seen in KIR genome in this region is thought to be formed as a result of migration and settlement of different civilizations in this region and heterogenity formed in time.  相似文献   

Killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) regulate the activity of NK and T cells through interaction with specific HLA class I molecules on target cells. To date, 16 KIR genes and pseudogenes have been identified. Diversity in KIR gene content and KIR allelic and haplotype polymorphism has been observed between different ethnic groups. Here, we present data on the KIR gene distribution in Pacific Islands populations. Sixteen KIR genes were observed in Pacific Islands populations from the Cook Islands, Samoa, Tokelau, and Tonga. The majority of KIR genes were present at similar frequencies between the four populations with KIR2DL4, KIR3DL2, and KIR3DP1 genes observed in all individuals. Commonly observed KIR genes in Pacific Islands populations (pooled frequencies) were KIR2DL1 (0.77), KIR2DL3 (0.77), KIR3DL1 (0.65), KIR3DL3 (0.93), KIR2DS4/1D (0.78), and KIR2DP1 (0.82), compared to the less-frequently observed KIR2DL2 (0.27), KIR2DL5 (0.30), KIR2DS1 (0.19), KIR2DS2 (0.27), KIR2DS3 (0.16), KIR2DS5 (0.17), and KIR3DS1 (0.18) genes. Differences in KIR gene frequency distributions were observed between the Pacific Islands populations and when compared to other populations. Sixty-nine different genotypes were identified, with five genotypes accounting for more then 50% of all genotypes observed. The number of genotypes observed in each population was similar in the Cook Islands, Samoan, and Tokelauan populations (19, 18, and 19, respectively), but 26 different genotypes were observed in Tongans. The putative haplotype A was predominantly observed over haplotype B in all Pacific Islands populations. Significant linkage disequilibrium was observed for a number of KIR gene pairs.  相似文献   

Yao Y  Shi L  Tao Y  Lin K  Liu S  Yu L  Yang Z  Yi W  Huang X  Sun H  Chu J  Shi L 《Immunogenetics》2011,63(8):475-483
Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) show extensive variation in terms of gene content and allelic polymorphisms among different populations. The aim of this study was to analyze the distribution of KIR genes in the Bulang, Nu, Yugu, and Zhuang ethnic groups, which belong to four different language families in China, and thus to provide basic KIR gene and genotype data for these Chinese ethnic groups. Genotyping of 16 KIR genes was performed in 425 unrelated individuals using the polymerase chain reaction-sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe method with the Luminex MultiAnalyte Profiling System. The four framework KIR genes were detected in all four ethnic groups. The activating KIR genes as well as the inhibitory KIR genes showed extreme diversity among these four populations. A total of 35 distinct KIR genotypes were identified, one of which was previously unknown. The four most common genotypes were identified in all four populations and comprised 66.1~91.1% of all the genotypes. The group A haplotype occurred more frequently than the group B haplotype in the Nu, Yugu, and Zhuang populations, as in other East Asian populations. In contrast, the group A and group B haplotypes occurred equally in the Bulang population. The results of the present study suggested that the KIR genes and genotypes are diverse in these four ethnic groups, and each ethnic group has its own characteristic KIR distribution. The findings with respect to KIR gene diversity in these four populations should provide relevant genomic diversity data for the future study of viral infections, autoimmune diseases, and reproductive fitness.  相似文献   

Evolution of the human killer cell inhibitory receptor family   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Phylogenetic analysis of different domains of human natural killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIR) implicated both intragenic duplication and deletion of exons and interlocus recombination in the evolution of these receptors. In phylogenies of the extracellular immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily C2-set domains and of the pre-membrane (PM) domain, KIR receptors having two C2-set domains and those having three such domains tended to form separate clusters. However, the phylogenies of the transmembrane (TM) and cytoplasmic (CYT) domains showed quite different topologies, suggesting that major sites of interlocus recombination have been between exon 6 (encoding PM) and exon 7 (encoding TM) and between exon 7 and exons 8-9 (encoding CYT). Examination of the pattern of nucleotide substitution in the exons encoding Ig C2-set domains supported the hypothesis that positive Darwinian selection has acted to diversify the residues within these domains that are involved in contact with class I MHC molecules.  相似文献   

The control of synaptic inhibition is crucial for normal brain function. More than 20 years ago, glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were shown to be the two major inhibitory neurotransmitters. They can be released independently from different terminals or co-released from the same terminal to activate postsynaptic glycine and GABA(A) receptors. The anchoring protein gephyrin is involved in the postsynaptic accumulation of both glycine and GABA(A) receptors. In lower brain regions, both receptors can be concentrated in synapses, whereas in higher brain regions, glycine receptors are mostly excluded from postsynaptic sites. The activation of glycine and/or GABA(A) receptors determines the strength and precise timing of inhibition. Therefore, tight regulation of postsynaptic glycine versus GABA(A) receptor localization is crucial for optimizing synaptic inhibition in neurons. This review focuses on recent findings and discusses questions concerning the specificity of postsynaptic inhibitory neurotransmitter receptor accumulation during inhibitory synapse formation and development.  相似文献   

Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptors (LILRs) resemble killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) in structure and function and the KIR and LILR gene families form the major part of the leukocyte receptor cluster (LRC) of human chromosome 19q13.4. Unlike KIR, the LILR gene clusters do not vary in gene number. However, some individuals lack expression of LILRA3. This null allele has a 6.7-kb deletion, which encompasses the first six translated exons. This haplotype enabled unambiguous direct sequencing of LILRA3 alleles using genomic DNA from individuals heterozygous for the deletion. We have performed nucleotide sequencing of a 2.5-kb region within LILRA3 and identified eight bi-allelic substitutions, four of which were non-synonymous. Two from four previously identified LILRA3 cDNA sequences were confirmed and a further six alleles characterised, of which four will encode unique peptides. At least one of the polymorphic positions identified (encoding residue 84 of the first Ig domain) is likely to directly influence ligand binding. A PCR-SSP molecular genotyping system was developed and used to describe a panel of 172 Caucasoid individuals from South-East England. Six alleles were present in this group but they were unevenly distributed, as three alleles accounted for 88% of the studied chromosomes.  相似文献   

Human killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors are expressed in natural killer cells and subsets of T lymphocytes. They regulate these cells upon interaction with human leukocyte antigen class I molecules and other ligands presented by target cells. KIR gene frequencies and haplotype distributions have been shown to differ significantly between populations from different geographical regions and ethnic origins, which relates to functional variations in the immune response. We have investigated KIR gene frequencies and genotype diversities of 15 KIR genes (KIR2DL1, 2DL2, 2DL3, 2DL4, 2DL5, 2DS1, 2DS2, 2DS3, 2DS4, ID, 2DS5, 3DL1, 3DL2, 3DL3, 3DS1) and two pseudogenes (KIR3DP1 and 2DP1) in 120 unrelated healthy individuals of the Uygur population living in the Xinjiang autonomous region of China. All individuals were typed positive for the four framework loci KIR3DL3, 2DL4, 3DL2 and KIR3DP1, while activating genes (KIR2DS1, 2DS2, 2DS3, 2DS5 and KIR3DS1) indicated some variation in this population. KIR3DS1 was found in a higher frequency in the studied population than in other groups from China. Linkage disequilibrium among KIR genes displayed a wide range. ??2 analysis, conducted among non-ubiquitous genes, based on the KIR gene frequency data from our study population and previously published population data, revealed significant differences in the KIR2DL1, 2DL2, 2DL3, 2DL5, 3DL1, 2DS1, 2DS2, 2DS3, 2DS5, and 3DS1 genes. A neighbor-joining phylogenic tree, built using the observed carrier frequencies data of 13 KIR loci (KIR2DL1, 2DL2, 2DL3, 2DL4, 2DL5, 3DL1, 3DL2, 3DL3, 2DS1, 2DS2, 2DS3, 2DS5, and 3DS1), showed relationships between the population studied and other previously reported populations. The present study can therefore be valuable for enriching the ethnical gene information resources of the KIR gene pool, for population origin studies and for KIR-related clinical practice.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell activation receptors accumulate by an actin-dependent process at cytotoxic immune synapses where they provide synergistic signals that trigger NK cell effector functions. In contrast, NK cell inhibitory receptors, including members of the MHC class I-specific killer cell Ig-like receptor (KIR) family, accumulate at inhibitory immune synapses, block actin dynamics, and prevent actin-dependent phosphorylation of activation receptors. Therefore, one would predict inhibition of actin-dependent accumulation of activation receptors when inhibitory receptors are engaged. By confocal imaging of primary human NK cells in contact with target cells expressing physiological ligands of NK cell receptors, we show here that this prediction is incorrect. Target cells included a human cell line and transfected Drosophila insect cells that expressed ligands of NK cell activation receptors in combination with an MHC class I ligand of inhibitory KIR. The two NK cell activation receptors CD2 and 2B4 accumulated and co-localized with KIR at inhibitory immune synapses. In fact, KIR promoted CD2 and 2B4 clustering, as CD2 and 2B4 accumulated more efficiently at inhibitory synapses. In contrast, accumulation of KIR and of activation receptors at inhibitory synapses correlated with reduced density of the integrin LFA-1. These results imply that inhibitory KIR does not prevent CD2 and 2B4 signaling by blocking their accumulation at NK cell immune synapses, but by blocking their ability to signal within inhibitory synapses.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) are a family of polymorphic receptors which interact with specific motifs on HLA class I molecules and modulate NK cytolytic activity. In this study, we analyzed a recently sequenced subgenomic region on chromosome 19q13.4 containing eight members of the KIR receptor repertoire. Six members are clustered within a 100-kb continuous sequence. These genes include a previously unpublished member of the KIR gene family 2DS6, as well as 2DL1, 2DL4, 3DL1, 2DS4, 3DL2, from centromere to telomere. Two additional KIR genes, KIRCI and 2DL3, which may be located centromeric of this cluster were also analyzed. We show that the KIR genes have undergone repeated gene duplications. Diversification between the genes has occurred postduplication primarily as a result of retroelement indels and gene truncation. Using pre- and postduplication Alu sequences identified within these genes as evolutionary molecular clocks, the evolution and duplication of this gene cluster is estimated to have occurred 30–45 million years ago, during primate evolution. A proposed model of the duplication history of the KIR gene family leading to their present organization is presented. Received: 25 November 1999 / Revised: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

Natural Killer (NK) cells are innate immune cells that secrete lytic granules to directly kill virus-infected or transformed cells across an immune synapse. However, a major gap in understanding this process is in establishing how lytic granules pass through the mesh of cortical actin known to underlie the NK cell membrane. Research has been hampered by the resolution of conventional light microscopy, which is too low to resolve cortical actin during lytic granule secretion. Here we use two high-resolution imaging techniques to probe the synaptic organisation of NK cell receptors and filamentous (F)-actin. A combination of optical tweezers and live cell confocal microscopy reveals that microclusters of NKG2D assemble into a ring-shaped structure at the centre of intercellular synapses, where Vav1 and Grb2 also accumulate. Within this ring-shaped organisation of NK cell proteins, lytic granules accumulate for secretion. Using 3D-structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM) to gain super-resolution of ~100 nm, cortical actin was detected in a central region of the NK cell synapse irrespective of whether activating or inhibitory signals dominate. Strikingly, the periodicity of the cortical actin mesh increased in specific domains at the synapse when the NK cell was activated. Two-colour super-resolution imaging revealed that lytic granules docked precisely in these domains which were also proximal to where the microtubule-organising centre (MTOC) polarised. Together, these data demonstrate that remodelling of the cortical actin mesh occurs at the central region of the cytolytic NK cell immune synapse. This is likely to occur for other types of cell secretion and also emphasises the importance of emerging super-resolution imaging technology for revealing new biology.  相似文献   

Many receptors on natural killer (NK) cells recognize major histocompatibility complex class I molecules in order to monitor unhealthy tissues, such as cells infected with viruses, and some tumors. Genes encoding families of NK receptors and related sequences are organized into two main clusters in humans: the natural killer complex on Chromosome 12p13.1, which encodes C-type lectin molecules, and the leukocyte receptor complex on Chromosome 19q13.4, which encodes immunoglobulin superfamily molecules. The composition of these gene clusters differs markedly between closely related species, providing evidence for rapid, lineage-specific expansions or contractions of sets of loci. The choice of NK receptor genes is polarized in the two species most studied, mouse and human. In mouse, the C-type lectin-related Ly49 gene family predominates. Conversely, the single Ly49 sequence is a pseudogene in humans, and the immunoglobulin superfamily KIR gene family is extensive. These different gene sets encode proteins that are comparable in function and genetic diversity, even though they have undergone species-specific expansions. Understanding the biological significance of this curious situation may be aided by studying which NK receptor genes are used in other vertebrates, especially in relation to species-specific differences in genes for major histocompatibility complex class I molecules.  相似文献   

Experience-dependent modifications of neural circuits and function are believed to heavily depend on changes in synaptic efficacy such as LTP/LTD. Hence, much effort has been devoted to elucidating the mechanisms underlying these forms of synaptic plasticity. Although most of this work has focused on excitatory synapses, it is now clear that diverse mechanisms of long-term inhibitory plasticity have evolved to provide additional flexibility to neural circuits. By changing the excitatory/inhibitory balance, GABAergic plasticity can regulate excitability, neural circuit function and ultimately, contribute to learning and memory, and neural circuit refinement. Here we discuss recent advancements in our understanding of the mechanisms and functional relevance of GABAergic inhibitory synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

In placental mammals, natural killer (NK) cells are a population of lymphocytes that make unique contributions to immune defence and reproduction, functions essential for survival of individuals, populations and species. Modulating these functions are conserved and variable NK-cell receptors that recognize epitopes of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. In humans, for example, recognition of human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-E by the CD94:NKG2A receptor is conserved, whereas recognition of HLA-A, B and C by the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) is diversified. Competing demands of the immune and reproductive systems, and of T-cell and NK-cell immunity-combined with the segregation on different chromosomes of variable NK-cell receptors and their MHC class I ligands-drive an unusually rapid evolution that has resulted in unprecedented levels of species specificity, as first appreciated from comparison of mice and humans. Counterparts to human KIR are present only in simian primates. Observed in these species is the coevolution of KIR and the four MHC class I epitopes to which human KIR recognition is restricted. Unique to hominids is the emergence of the MHC-C locus as a supplier of specialized and superior ligands for KIR. This evolutionary trend is most highly elaborated in the chimpanzee. Unique to the human KIR locus are two groups of KIR haplotypes that are present in all human populations and subject to balancing selection. Group A KIR haplotypes resemble chimpanzee KIR haplotypes and are enriched for genes encoding KIR that bind HLA class I, whereas group B KIR haplotypes are enriched for genes encoding receptors with diminished capacity to bind HLA class I. Correlating with their balance in human populations, B haplotypes favour reproductive success, whereas A haplotypes favour successful immune defence. Evolution of the B KIR haplotypes is thus unique to the human species.  相似文献   

GABAA receptor trafficking-mediated plasticity of inhibitory synapses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Luscher B  Fuchs T  Kilpatrick CL 《Neuron》2011,70(3):385-409
Proper developmental, neural cell-type-specific, and activity-dependent regulation of GABAergic transmission is essential for virtually all aspects of CNS function. The number of GABA(A) receptors in the postsynaptic membrane directly controls the efficacy of GABAergic synaptic transmission. Thus, regulated trafficking of GABA(A) receptors is essential for understanding brain function in both health and disease. Here we summarize recent progress in the understanding of mechanisms that allow dynamic adaptation of cell surface expression and postsynaptic accumulation and function of GABA(A) receptors. This includes activity-dependent and cell-type-specific changes in subunit gene expression, assembly of subunits into receptors, as well as exocytosis, endocytic recycling, diffusion dynamics, and degradation of GABA(A) receptors. In particular, we focus on the roles of receptor-interacting proteins, scaffold proteins, synaptic adhesion proteins, and enzymes that regulate the trafficking and function of receptors and associated proteins. In addition, we review neuropeptide signaling pathways that affect neural excitability through changes in GABA(A)R trafficking.  相似文献   



The recent advancement in human genome sequencing and genotyping has revealed millions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) which determine the variation among human beings. One of the particular important projects is The International HapMap Project which provides the catalogue of human genetic variation for disease association studies. In this paper, we analyzed the genotype data in HapMap project by using National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Environmental Genome Project (NIEHS EGP) SNPs. We first determine whether the HapMap data are transferable to the NIEHS data. Then, we study how well the HapMap SNPs capture the untyped SNPs in the region. Finally, we provide general guidelines for determining whether the SNPs chosen from HapMap may be able to capture most of the untyped SNPs.


Our analysis shows that HapMap data are not robust enough to capture the untyped variants for most of the human genes. The performance of SNPs for European and Asian samples are marginal in capturing the untyped variants, i.e. approximately 55%. Expectedly, the SNPs from HapMap YRI panel can only capture approximately 30% of the variants. Although the overall performance is low, however, the SNPs for some genes perform very well and are able to capture most of the variants along the gene. This is observed in the European and Asian panel, but not in African panel. Through observation, we concluded that in order to have a well covered SNPs reference panel, the SNPs density and the association among reference SNPs are important to estimate the robustness of the chosen SNPs.


We have analyzed the coverage of HapMap SNPs using NIEHS EGP data. The results show that HapMap SNPs are transferable to the NIEHS SNPs. However, HapMap SNPs cannot capture some of the untyped SNPs and therefore resequencing may be needed to uncover more SNPs in the missing region.  相似文献   

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