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The initiation of Rhizobium infections and the development of nodules on the primary root of soybean Glycine max L. Merr cv Williams seedlings are strongly affected by exposure of the cotyledons/hypocotyls to light. Seedlings in plastic growth pouches were inoculated with R. japonicum in dim light and the position of the root tip of each seedling was marked on the face of the pouch. The pouches were covered and kept in the dark for various times before exposing the upper portions of the plants (cotyledons and hypocotyls) to light. Maximum nodulation occurred if the plants were kept in the dark until 1 day after inoculation. The exposure of plants to light 2 days before inoculation reduced the number of nodules by 50% while the number of nodules was reduced by 70% if the plants were kept in the dark until 7 days after inoculation. Anatomical studies revealed that exposure to light prior to inoculation reduced both the number of infection centers with visible infection threads and the number of infections which developed nodule meristems. Plants kept in the dark for 7 days after inoculation formed a normal number of infection threads above the root tip mark, but very few of these infections developed a nodule meristem. It appears that light stimulates soybean to produce substances which can both inhibit the formation of infection threads and enhance the development of nodules from established infection threads. The effects of light on nodulation appear to be expressed independently of the Rhizobium-induced suppression of nodule formation in younger regions of the root.  相似文献   

During intranuclear mitosis in plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum the primordium of spindle microtubules which is a somewhat electron opaque, amorphous structure with fibrous or granular elements, occurs in the center of early prophase, 20 to 30 minutes before metaphase. Then, the primordium seems to divide into two parts. Spindle microtubules develop radially from the primordia of spindle microtubules. These spindle microtubules increase in number and length during prophase. Spindle microtubules are completed in about five minutes before metaphase. The nuclear envelope remains intact during prophase, but after metaphase it breaks at the polar regions. The nuclear envelope of the daughter nucleus is re-formed from the original nuclear envelope.The authors wish to express their thanks Professor K. Ueda for valuable advice. They would also like to thank Professor N. Kamiya of Osaka University who kindly supplied the material (Physarum polycephalum) used in the present study.  相似文献   

Infection of nematodes byDactylaria haptotyla, a nematode-trapping hyphomycete, was studied by electron microscopy. The cytoplasm of the adhesive knob in the fungus contained a number of electron-dense, membrane-bound vesicles, 0.2–0.5 µm in diam. The vesicles were rarely seen in the stalk cell or vegetative cell cytoplasm. When the adhesive knob came into contact with the nematode's cuticle, it secreted an adhesive which was seen in ultrathin sections between the knob and the cuticle as an amorphous mass. At the same time, electron-dense vesicles in the cytoplasm were reduced in number and many small vacuoles developed. Soon after capture of a nematode, the cell wall of the adhesive knob became obscure at the prospective site of penetration, where a vesicle, 0.7 µm in diam, was found in serial thin sections of the knob's cytoplasm. At the site facing the vesicle, the peripheral part of the nematode's cell exhibited a high electron density. The vesicle, which appeared to be derived from smaller electron-dense vesicles coalesced with each other, released its enzymic contents toward the captured nematodes before penetration by the fungus.  相似文献   

To overcome nitrogen deficiency, legume roots establish symbiotic interactions with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia that are fostered in specialized organs (nodules). Similar to other organs, nodule formation is determined by a local maximum of the phytohormone auxin at the primordium site. However, how auxin regulates nodule development remains poorly understood. Here, we found that in soybean, (Glycine max), dynamic auxin transport driven by PIN-FORMED (PIN) transporter GmPIN1 is involved in nodule primordium formation. GmPIN1 was specifically expressed in nodule primordium cells and GmPIN1 was polarly localized in these cells. Two nodulation regulators, (iso)flavonoids trigger expanded distribution of GmPIN1b to root cortical cells, and cytokinin rearranges GmPIN1b polarity. Gmpin1abc triple mutants generated with CRISPR-Cas9 showed the impaired establishment of auxin maxima in nodule meristems and aberrant divisions in the nodule primordium cells. Moreover, overexpression of GmPIN1 suppressed nodule primordium initiation. GmPIN9d, an ortholog of Arabidopsis thaliana PIN2, acts together with GmPIN1 later in nodule development to acropetally transport auxin in vascular bundles, fine-tuning the auxin supply for nodule enlargement. Our findings reveal how PIN-dependent auxin transport modulates different aspects of soybean nodule development and suggest that the establishment of auxin gradient is a prerequisite for the proper interaction between legumes and rhizobia.

In soybean, nodule primordium formation involves GmPIN1-mediated polar auxin transport within primordium cells, and nodule enlargement involves the collaboration of GmPIN9d and GmPIN1-dependent auxin transport within nodule vasculature.  相似文献   

In vitro translation products of total RNA isolated from soybean nodules at successive stages of nodule development were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In that way the occurrence of over 20 mRNAs specifically transcribed from nodulin genes was detected. The nodulin genes could be divided into two classes according to the time of expression during nodule development. Class A comprises at least 4 nodulin mRNAs which are found when a globular meristem is present in the root cortex. These class A nodulin genes have a transient expression. Class B nodulin genes are expressed when the formation of a nodule structure has been completed. Bradyrhizobium japonicum nod + fix-mutants, with large deletions spanning the nif H,DK region, still induced nodules showing normal expression of all nodulin genes, indicating that the nif H,DK region is not involved in the induction of nodulin genes. In nodules induced by Bradyrhizobium japonicum nod + fix-mutant HS124 the bacteria are rarely released from the infection thread and the few infected cells appear to be collapsed. All class A and class B nodulin genes are expressed in HS124 nodules with the exception of 5 class B genes.  相似文献   

We have used conserved and nonconserved regions of cDNA clones for phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and chalcone synthase (CHS) isolated from a soybean-nodule cDNA library to monitor the expression of members of the two gene families during the early stages of the soybean-Bradyrhizobium japonicum symbiosis. Our results demonstrate that subsets of the PAL and CHS gene families are specifically induced in soybean roots after infection with B. japonicum. Furthermore, by analyzing a supernodulating mutant line of soybean that differs from the wild-type parent in the number of successful infections, we show that the induction of PAL and CHS is related to postinfection events. Nodulated roots formed by a Nod+ Fix- strain of B. japonicum, resembling a pathogenic association, display induction of another distinct set of PAL and CHS genes. Our results suggest that the symbiosis-specific PAL and CHS genes in soybean are not induced by stress or pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

Individual living cells in metaphase were exposed to a steep temperature gradient by placing a microheater near one spindle pole. The cells were then fixed and the spindle was examined by electron microscopy. The structure of the warmer half-spindle differed from the cooler half-spindle in several ways. Kinetochore microtubules were nearly parallel in the warmer half-spindle but were divergent in the cooler. The total length of microtubules in the warmer half-spindle was 52 per cent greater and the number of kinetochore microtubules per kinetochore averaged 16 per cent higher than in the cooler half-spindle. The warmer half-spindle was longer than the cooler. These observations clearly demonstrate a locally enhanced assembly of microtubules in the warmer half-spindle. The electron microscope study makes still clearer the unusual character of chromosome movement in the differentially heated cells: the structure of the warmer half-spindle is hard to distinguish from that in normal cells, yet chromosome movement there is far slower than normal (Nicklas, 1979).  相似文献   

Triplett EW 《Plant physiology》1985,77(4):1004-1009
The distribution of xanthine dehydrogenase throughout the soybean plant as well as the intercellular localization of xanthine dehydrogenase within soybean nodules was determined. Polyclonal antibodies against purified xanthine dehydrogenase were prepared and used in an enzymelinked immunosorbent assay to determine whether xanthine dehydrogenase is a nodule-specific protein. This immunological assay showed that xanthine dehydrogenase is present in far greater concentration in the nodule than in any other plant organ. Immunodiffusion tests showed that anti-soybean nodule xanthine dehydrogenase would cross-react with nodule crude extracts from the ureide producers, soybean, cowpea, and lima bean, but would not cross-react with those of the amide producers, alfalfa and lupine. A crude extract from pea nodules cross-reacted slightly with anti-soybean xanthine dehydrogenase. Anti-soybean xanthine dehydrogenase did not cross-react with buttermilk xanthine oxidase either by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or by immunodiffusion test.

Fresh nodule sections from the ureide-producers, soybean, cowpea, and lima bean, all stained positively for xanthine dehydrogenase. The substrate-dependent stain was inhibited by allopurinol and was observed only in the infected nodule cells of these species. Nodules from the amideproducers, alfalfa and white lupine, did not stain for xanthine dehydrogenase.


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