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1. Liver mitochondria suspended in an iso-osmotic buffered potassium chloride medium containing an oxidizable substrate and phosphate accumulated added Ca2+. During this process H+ appeared in the medium and the mitochondrial suspension showed increased light-scattering. Respiration was markedly stimulated. 2. The addition of excess of Ca2+, respiratory inhibitors or uncoupling agents caused extensive mitochondrial swelling associated with release of Ca2+ into the suspending medium. When the suspension became anaerobic extensive swelling also occurred. Only under conditions when the addition of uncoupling agents would have produced high rates of electron transport, e.g. in the presence of succinate, was the structural integrity of the mitochondrion maintained after Ca2+ accumulation. 3. Conditions that prevented respiration-dependent Ca2+ accumulation also prevented Ca2+-induced swelling. Bovine plasma albumin was without effect, indicating that U-factor was not involved. Oligomycin together with ADP or ATP partially stabilized the mitochondria against Ca2+-induced swelling. 4. It is suggested that a `high-energy' intermediate generated by coupled electron transport is required to prevent the mitochondrial swelling that results as a consequence of Ca2+ accumulation.  相似文献   

1. The excessive accumulation of Ca2+ by mitochondria suspended in an iso-osmotic buffered potassium chloride medium containing oxidizable substrate and phosphate led to extensive swelling and release of accumulated Ca2+ from the mitochondria. When the Ca2+ was removed from the medium by chelation with ethylene glycol bis(aminoethyl)tetra-acetate, the swelling was reversed in a respiration-dependent contraction. The contracted mitochondria were shown to have regained some degree of respiratory control. 2. The respiration-dependent contraction could be supported by electron transport through a restricted portion of the respiratory chain, and by substrates donating electrons at different levels in the respiratory chain. 3. Respiratory inhibitors appropriate to the substrate present completely inhibited the contraction. Uncoupling agents, and the inhibitors oligomycin and atractyloside, were without effect. 4. When the reversal of swelling had been prevented by respiratory inhibitors, the addition of ATP induced a contraction of the mitochondria. In the absence of added chelating agent the contraction was very slow. The ATP-induced contraction was completely inhibited by oligomycin and atractyloside, was incomplete in the presence of uncoupling agents and was unaffected by respiratory inhibitors. 5. The relationship between the energy requirements of respiration-dependent contraction and the requirements of ion transport and other contractile systems are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Addition of N-ethylmaleimide to rat liver mitochondria respiring with succinate as substrate decreases both the initial rate of Ca(2+) transport and the ability of mitochondria to retain Ca(2+). As a result, Ca(2+) begins to leave the mitochondria soon after it has entered. Half-maximal effects occur at an N-ethylmaleimide concentration of about 100nmol/mg of protein. 2. The efflux of Ca(2+) induced by N-ethylmaleimide is not prevented by Mg(2+) or by Ruthenium Red at concentrations known to prevent Ca(2+) efflux when exogenous phosphate also is present. Swelling of mitochondria does not accompany N-ethylmaleimide-induced Ca(2+) efflux. 3. Addition of Ca(2+) to rat liver mitochondria in the presence of N-ethylmaleimide produces an immediate decrease in DeltaE (membrane potential), which decreases further to only a slight extent over the next 8min. Concomitant with this is an immediate increase and then levelling off of the -59DeltapH (transmembrane pH gradient). 4. Preincubation of rat liver mitochondria with p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonate, which by contrast with N-ethylmaleimide is unable to penetrate the inner mitochondrial membrane, also prevents Ca(2+) retention. The DeltaE and -59DeltapH respond to Ca(2+) addition in a manner similar to that which occurs when N-ethylmaleimide is present. Subsequent addition of mercaptoethanol produces an immediate increase in both DeltaE and -59DeltapH. At the same time Ca(2+) is rapidly accumulated by the organelles. 5. The above data are interpreted as indicating that under the conditions of Ca(2+) efflux seen here, the mitochondria retain their functional integrity. This contrasts with the uncoupling effect of Ca(2+) seen in the presence of P(i), which generally leads to a loss of mitochondrial integrity. We suggest that a unique mechanism of Ca(2+) cycling is able to take place when mitochondria have been treated with N-ethylmaleimide.  相似文献   

Calcium uptake into filipin-treated bovine spermatozoa is completely inhibited by the uncoupler CCCP or by ruthenium red. Both Pi and mitochondrial substrates are required to obtain the maximal rate of calcium uptake into the sperm mitochondria. Bicarbonate and other anions such as lactate, acetate or beta-hydroxybutyrate do not support a high rate of calcium uptake. There are significant differences among various mitochondrial substrates in supporting calcium uptake. The best substrates are durohydroquinone, alpha-glycerophosphate and lactate. Pyruvate is a relatively poor substrate, and its rate can be greatly enhanced by malate or succinate but not by oxalacetate or lactate. This stimulation is blocked by the dicarboxylate translocase inhibitor, butylmalonate and can be mimiced by the non-metabolized substrate D-malate. The Ka for pyruvate was found to be 17 microM and 67 microM in the presence and absence of L-malate, respectively. The Ka for L-malate is 0.12 mM. It is suggested that in addition to the known pyruvate/lactate translocase there is a second translocase for pyruvate which is malate/succinate-dependent and does not transport lactate. In the presence of succinate, glutamate stimulates calcium uptake 3-fold, and this effect is not inhibited by rotenone. In the presence of glutamate plus malate or oxalacetate there is only an additive effect. It is suggested that glutamate stimulates succinate transport and/or oxidation in bovine sperm mitochondria. The alpha-hydroxybutyrate is almost as good as lactate in supporting calcium uptake. Since the alpha-keto product is not further metabolized in the citric acid cycle, it is suggested that lactate can supply the mitochondrial needs for NADH from its oxidation to pyruvate by the sperm lactate dehydrogenase x. Thus, when there is sufficient lactate in the sperm mitochondria, pyruvate need not be further metabolized in the citric acid cycle in order to supply more NADH.  相似文献   

Liver mitochondria from chronic diabetic rats took up Ca ions at a significantly slower rate than their normal counterparts. The same mitochondria, inhibited with ruthenium red, released Ca ions at a faster rate than normal mitochondria. In good agreement with the decrease of Ca ions uptake, measurement of the inner membrane potential by the safranine method yielded a significantly lower value with diabetic than with normal mitochondria. Respiratory control and P/O ratios were also decreased in diabetic mitochondria.  相似文献   

Calcium and mitochondria   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The literature suggests that the physiological functions for which mitochondria sequester Ca(2+) are (1). to stimulate and control the rate of oxidative phosphorylation, (2). to induce the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) and perhaps apoptotic cell death, and (3). to modify the shape of cytosolic Ca(2+) pulses or transients. There is strong evidence that intramitochondrial Ca(2+) controls both the rate of ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation and induction of the MPT. Since the results of these processes are so divergent, the signals inducing them must not be ambiguous. Furthermore, as pointed out by Balaban [J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 34 (2002 ) 11259-11271], for any repetitive physiological process dependent on intramitochondrial free Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](m)), a kind of intramitochondrial homeostasis must exist so that Ca(2+) influx during the pulse is matched by Ca(2+) efflux during the period between pulses to avoid either Ca(2+) buildup or depletion. In addition, mitochondrial Ca(2+) transport modifies both spatial and temporal aspects of cytosolic Ca(2+) signaling. Here, we look at the amounts of Ca(2+) necessary to mediate the functions of mitochondrial Ca(2+) transport and at the mechanisms of transport themselves in order to set up a hypothesis about how the mechanisms carry out their roles. The emphasis here is on isolated mitochondria and on general mitochondrial properties in order to focus on how mitochondria alone may function to fulfill their physiological roles even though the interactions of mitochondria with other organelles, particularly with endoplasmic and sarcoplasmic reticulum [Sci. STKE re1 (2004) 1-9], may also influence this story.  相似文献   

Phosphate efflux from uncoupled rat liver mitochondria was completely inhibited when mersalyl plus butylmalonate and ATP were added to a sucrose suspending medium. Despite the total retention of phosphate a calcium efflux was observed even in presence of ruthenium red. Under the above conditions no phosphate is transported in association with the ADP/ATP carrier. While mersalyl completely blocked the phosphate release induced by ruthenium red or EGTA from coupled mitochondria it only partially inhibited the CA2+-efflux. The inhibition of Ca2+ efflux was almost completely abolished in the presence of acetate. The existence of a co-transport of Ca2+ associated with phosphate is discussed.  相似文献   

Adenine nucleotide transport over the carboxyatractyloside-insensitive ATP-Mg/Pi carrier was assayed in isolated rat liver mitochondria with the aim of investigating a possible regulatory role for Ca2+ on carrier activity. Net changes in the matrix adenine nucleotide content (ATP + ADP + AMP) occur when ATP-Mg exchanges for Pi over this carrier. The rates of net accumulation and net loss of adenine nucleotides were inhibited when free Ca2+ was chelated with EGTA and stimulated when buffered [Ca2+]free was increased from 1.0 to 4.0 microM. The unidirectional components of net change were similarly dependent on Ca2+; ATP influx and efflux were inhibited by EGTA in a concentration-dependent manner and stimulated by buffered free Ca2+ in the range 0.6-2.0 microM. For ATP influx, increasing the medium [Ca2+]free from 1.0 to 2.0 microM lowered the apparent Km for ATP from 4.44 to 2.44 mM with no effect on the apparent Vmax (3.55 and 3.76 nmol/min/mg with 1.0 and 2.0 microM [Ca2+]free, respectively). Stimulation of influx and efflux by [Ca2+]free was unaffected by either ruthenium red or the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. Calmodulin antagonists inhibited transport activity. In isolated hepatocytes, glucagon or vasopressin promoted an increased mitochondrial adenine nucleotide content. The effect of both hormones was blocked by EGTA, and for vasopressin, the effect was blocked also by neomycin. The results suggest that the increase in mitochondrial adenine nucleotide content that follows hormonal stimulation of hepatocytes is mediated by an increase in cytosolic [Ca2+]free that activates the ATP-Mg/Pi carrier.  相似文献   

Calcium transport in mitochondria   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The hydrolysis of endogenous phosphatidyl ethanolamine and lecithin in rat liver mitochondria has been studied by using mitochondria from rats injected with ethanolamine-1,2-(14)C or choline-1,2-(14)C. A phospholipase A-like enzyme has been demonstrated, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of one fatty acid ester linkage in phosphatidyl ethanolamine and lecithin. Phosphatidyl ethanolamine is hydrolyzed in preference to lecithin and the main reaction products are free fatty acids and lysophosphatidyl ethanolamine. The further breakdown of lysophospholipids appears to be limited in mitochondria, which indicates that lysophospholipase activity is mainly located extramitochondrially. The enzymic system is greatly stimulated by calcium ions, and also slightly by magnesium ions, while EDTA inhibits it almost completely. These findings are discussed in relation to previous observations on the effect of calcium and of EDTA on the functions of mitochondria. The possible function of the mitochondrial phospholipase for the formation of phospholipids with special fatty acids at the alpha- and -position is discussed.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that fetal hepatic glutamate output diverts the products of hepatic amino acid metabolism from hepatic gluconeogenesis, ovine fetal hepatic and umbilical uptakes of glucose and glucogenic substrates were measured before and during fetal glucagon-somatostatin (GS) infusion and during the combined infusion of GS, alanine, glutamine, and arginine. Before the infusions, hepatic uptake of lactate, alanine, glutamine, arginine, and other substrates was accompanied by hepatic output of pyruvate, aspartate, serine, glutamate, and ornithine. The GS infusion induced hepatic output of 1.00 +/- 0.07 mol glucose carbon/mol O(2) uptake, an equivalent reduction in hepatic output of pyruvate and glutamate carbon, a decrease in umbilical glucose uptake and placental uptake of fetal glutamate, an increase in hepatic alanine and arginine clearances, and a decrease in umbilical alanine, glutamine, and arginine uptakes. The latter result suggests that glucagon inhibits umbilical amino acid uptake. We conclude that fetal hepatic pyruvate and glutamate output is part of an adaptation to placental function that requires the fetal liver to maintain both a high rate of catabolism of glucogenic substrates and a low rate of gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

Calcium microdomains in mitochondria and nucleus   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Endomembranes modify the progression of the cytosolic Ca(2+) wave and contribute to generate Ca(2+) microdomains, both in the cytosol and inside the own organella. The concentration of Ca(2+) in the cytosol ([Ca(2+)](C)), the mitochondria ([Ca(2+)](M)) and the nucleus ([Ca(2+)](N)) are similar at rest, but may become very different during cell activation. Mitochondria avidly take up Ca(2+) from the high [Ca(2+)](C) microdomains generated during cell activation near Ca(2+) channels of the plasma membrane and/or the endomembranes and prevent propagation of the high Ca(2+) signal to the bulk cytosol. This shaping of [Ca(2+)](C) signaling is essential for independent regulation of compartmentalized cell functions. On the other hand, a high [Ca(2+)](M) signal is generated selectively in the mitochondria close to the active areas, which tunes up respiration to the increased local needs. The progression of the [Ca(2+)](C) signal to the nucleus may be dampened by mitochondria, the nuclear envelope or higher buffering power inside the nucleoplasm. On the other hand, selective [Ca(2+)](N) signals could be generated by direct release of stored Ca(2+) into the nucleoplasm. Ca(2+) release could even be restricted to subnuclear domains. Putative Ca(2+) stores include the nuclear envelope, their invaginations inside the nucleoplasm (nucleoplasmic reticulum) and nuclear microvesicles. Inositol trisphosphate, cyclic ADP-ribose and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate have all been reported to produce release of Ca(2+) into the nucleoplasm, but contribution of these mechanisms under physiological conditions is still uncertain.  相似文献   

The influence of potassium ions on calcium uptake in rat liver mitochondria is studied. It is shown that an increase in K+ and Ca2+ concentrations in the incubation medium leads to a decrease in calcium uptake in mitochondria together with a simultaneous increase in potassium uptake due to the potential-dependent transport of K+ in the mitochondrial matrix. Both effects are more pronounced in the presence of an ATP-dependent K+-channel (K+(ATP)-channel) opener, diazoxide (Dz). Activation of the K+(ATP)-channel by Dz alters the functional state of mitochondria and leads to an increase in the respiration rate in state 2 and a decrease in the oxygen uptake and the rate of ATP synthesis in state 3. The effect of Dz on oxygen consumption in state 3 is mimicked by valinomycin, but it is opposite to that of the classical protonophore uncoupler CCCP. It is concluded that the potential-dependent uptake of potassium is closely coupled to calcium transport and is an important parameter of energy coupling responsible for complex changes in oxygen consumption and Ca2+-transport properties of mitochondria.  相似文献   

S. Rapoport  W. Dubiel  M. Müller 《FEBS letters》1983,160(1-2):134-136
The ATP-dependent proteolysis of rat liver mitochondria prepared in electrolyte-poor sucrose media requires the presence of Ca2+. Lanthanum, an inhibitor of Ca2+ uptake, inhibits the proteolysis. In contrast, proteolysis of mitochondria prepared in a salt medium does not require Ca2+, nor is it inhibited by lanthanum. It is concluded that Caa+ exerts its effect in an indirect manner, by causing swelling and thereby increasing the accessibility of the membrane proteins of the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Accumulation of substrates by mitochondria   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Calcium uptake and membrane potential in mitochondria   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
H Rottenberg  A Scarpa 《Biochemistry》1974,13(23):4811-4817

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