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An obligately anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium was isolated on alanine in co-culture with H2-scavenging Desulfovibrio and obtained in pure culture with glycine as sole fermentation substrate. The isolated strain, al-2, was motile by a polar to subpolar flagellum and stained Gram-positive. The guanine plus cytosine content of the DNA was 44.0 mol%. Strain al-2 grew in defined, reduced glycine media supplemented with biotin. The pure culture fermented 4 mol glycine to 3 mol acetate, 4 mol ammonia and 2 mol CO2. Under optimum conditions (34°C, pH 7.3), the doubling time on glycine was 60 min and the molar growth yield 7.6 g cell dry mass. Serine was fermented to acetate, ethanol, CO2, H2 and ammonia. In addition, betaine, sarcosine or creatine served as substrates for growth and acetate production if H2, formate or e.g. valine were added as H-donors. In pure culture on alanine under N2, strain al-2 grew very poorly and produced H2 up to a partial pressure of 3.6 kPa (0.035 atm). Desulfovibrio species, Methanospirillum hungatei and Acetobacterium woodii served as H2-scavengers that allowed good syntrophic growth on alanine. The co-cultures also grew on aspartate, leucine, valine or malate. Alanine and aspartate were stoichiometrically degraded to acetate and ammonia, whereas the reducing equivalents were recovered as H2S, CH4 or newly synthetized acetate, respectively. Growth of strain al-2 in co-culture with the hydrogenase-negative, formate-utilizing Desulfovibrio baarsii indicated that a syntrophy was also possible by interspecies formate transfer. Growth on glycine, or on betaine, sarcosine or creatine (plus H-donors) depended strictly on the addition of selenite (0.1 M); selenite was not required for fermentation of serine, or for degradation of alanine, aspartate or valine by the co-cultures. Cell-free extracts of glycine-grown cells contained active glycine reductase, glycine decarboxylase and reversible methyl viologen-dependent formate dehydrogenase in addition to the other enzymes necessary for an oxidation to CO2. In all reactions NADP was the preferred H-carrier. Both formate and glycine could be synthesized from bicarbonate. Serine-grown cells did not contain serine hydroxymethyl transferase but serine dehydratase and other enzymes commonly involved in pyruvate metabolism to acetate, CO2 and H2. The enzymes involved in glycine metabolism were repressed during growth on serine. By its morphology and physiology, strain al-2 did not resemble described amino acid-degrading species. Therefore, the new isolate is proposed as type strain of a new species, Eubacterium acidaminophilum.  相似文献   

From mud from the Ems-Dollard estuary (The Netherlands) an L-glutamate-fermenting bacterium was isolated. The isolated strain glu 65 is Gram-negative, rodshaped, obligately anaerobic, non-sporeforming and does not contain cytochromes. The G+C content of its DNA is 48 mol percent.Pure cultures of strain glu 65 grew slowly on glutamate (max 0.06 h-1) and formed acetate, CO2, formate and hydrogen, and minor amounts of propionate. A more rapid fermentation of glutamate was achieved in mixed cultures with sulfate-reducing bacteria (Desulfovibrio HL21 or Desulfobulbus propionicus) or methanogens (Methanospirillum hungatei or Methanobrevibacter arboriphilicus AZ). In mixed culture with Desulfovibrio HL21 a max of 0.10 h-1 was observed. With Desulfovibrio or the methanogens propionate was a major product (up to 0.47 mol per mol glutamate) in addition to acetate.Extracts of glutamate-grown cells possessed high activities of 3-methylaspartase, a key enzyme of the mesaconate pathway leading to acetate, and very high activities of NAD+-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase, an enzyme most likely involved in the pathway to propionate.The following other substrates allowed reasonable to good growth in pure culture: histidine, -ketoglutarate, serine, cysteine, glycine, adenine, pyruvate, oxaloacetate and citrate. Utilization in mixed cultures was demonstrated for: glutamine, arginine, ornithine, threonine, lysine, alanine, valine, leucine and isoleucine (with Desulfovibrio HL21) and malate (with Methanospirillum).The shift in the fermentation of glutamate and the syntrophic utilization of the above substrates are explained in terms of interspecies hydrogen transfer.Strain glu 65 is described as the type strain of Acidaminobacter hydrogenoformans gen. nov. sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new strictly anaerobic bacterium was isolated from an enrichment culture with glutarate as sole substrate and freshwater sediment as inoculum, however, glutarate was not metabolized by the pure culture. The isolate was a mesophilic, spore-forming, Gram-negative, motile curved rod. It fermented various organic acids, alcohols, fructose, acetoin, and H2/CO2 to acetate, usually as the only product. Other acids were fermented to acetate and propionate or acetate and butyrate. Succinate and malonate were decarboxylated to propionate or acetate, respectively, and served as sole sources of carbon and energy for growth. No inorganic electron acceptors except CO2 were reduced. Yeast extract (0.05% w/v) was required for growth. Small amounts of cytochrome b were detected in membrane fractions. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA was 44.1±2 mol%. The isolate is described as a new species of the genus Sporomusa, S. malonica.  相似文献   

From anoxic marine sediment samples, new anaerobic, microaerotolerant, Gram-negative, non-sporeforming bacteria were isolated which grew in mineral medium with malonate as sole source of carbon and energy. Cells were motile thin rods, often forming large aggregates. Malonate was decarboxylated to acetate with concomitant growth yields of 1.9–2.1 g dry cell matter per mol malonate degraded. Fumarate and malate were fermented to succinate and CO2. No other substrates were used. No inorganic electron acceptors were reduced. At least 150 mM NaCl was required for growth with either substrate. High amounts of a periplasmic cytochrome c were detected, as well as small amounts of a membrane-bound cytochrome b. All enzymes of the citric acid cycle were found to be present. The DNA base ratio was 48.3 mol% guanine plus cytosine. Since this new bacterium cannot be affiliated with any of the known genera and species, a new genus and species, Malonomonas rubra is proposed.  相似文献   

A new strain of syntrophically propionate-oxidizing fermenting bacteria, strain KoProp1, was isolated from anoxic sludge of a municipal sewage plant. It oxidized propionate or lactate in cooperation with the hydrogen- and formate-utilizingMethanospirillum hungatei and grew as well in pure culture without a syntrophic partner with propionate or lactate plus sulfate as energy source. In all cases, the substrates were oxidized stoichiometrically to acetate and CO2, with concomitant formation of methane or sulfide. Cells formed gas vesicles in the late growth phase and contained cytochromesb andc, a menaquinone-7, and desulforubidin, but no desulfoviridin. Enzyme measurements in cell-free extracts indicated that propionate was oxidized through the methylmalonyl CoA pathway. Protein pattern analysis by SDS-PAGE of cell-free extracts showed that strain KoProp1 differs significantly fromSyntrophobacter wolinii and from the propionate-oxidizing sulfate reducerDesulfobulbus propionicus. 16S rRNA sequence analysis revealed a significant resemblance toS. wolinii allowing the assignment of strain KoProp1 to the genusSyntrophobacter as a new species,S. pfennigii.  相似文献   

Desulfovibrio strain SPSN was isolated from an anaerobic industrial fermenter fed with waste water from the alcohol industry. The isolate was a gram-negative, non-spore-forming, curved organism, the motility of which is provided by a single polar flagellum. The oxidation of substrates was incomplete and included glycerol and 1,3-propanediol. Sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, and sulfur were utilized as electron acceptors. Pyruvate, fumarate and malate could be fermented. The DNA base composition was 64.5±0.3% G+C. Cytochrome c 3 and desulfoviridin were present. On the basis of these characteristics and because strain SPSN could not be ascribed to any of the existing species, the isolate is established as a new species of the genus Desulfovibrio, and the name Desulfovibrio alcoholovorans is proposed.  相似文献   

Anaerobic saccharolytic bacteria thriving at high pH values were studied in a cellulose-degrading enrichment culture originating from the alkaline lake, Verkhneye Beloye (Central Asia). In situ hybridization of the enrichment culture with 16S rRNA-targeted probes revealed that abundant, long, thin, rod-shaped cells were related to Cytophaga. Bacteria of this type were isolated with cellobiose and five isolates were characterized. Isolates were thin, flexible, gliding rods. They formed a spherical cyst-like structure at one cell end during the late growth phase. The pH range for growth was 7.5–10.2, with an optimum around pH 8.5. Cultures produced a pinkish pigment tentatively identified as a carotenoid. Isolates did not degrade cellulose, indicating that they utilized soluble products formed by so far uncultured hydrolytic cellulose degraders. Besides cellobiose, the isolates utilized other carbohydrates, including xylose, maltose, xylan, starch, and pectin. The main organic fermentation products were propionate, acetate, and succinate. Oxygen, which was not used as electron acceptor, impaired growth. A representative isolate, strain Z-7010, with Marinilabilia salmonicolor as the closest relative, is described as a new genus and species, Alkaliflexus imshenetskii. This is the first cultivated alkaliphilic anaerobic member of the Cytophaga/Flavobacterium/Bacteroides phylum.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans Günter Schlegel on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Strain X4 was isolated several years ago from an anaerobic mesophilic plant treating vegetable cannery waste waters. It was the first example of propionic fermentation from ethanol. Morphologic and physiologic characterizations of the strain are presented here. This strain is described as type strain of a new species, Clostridium neopropionicum sp. nov. Whole cells of strain X4 ferment [1-13C]ethanol and CO2 to [2-13C]propionate, [1-13C]acetate and [2-13C]propanol, suggesting the absence of a randomizing pathway during the propionate formation. Enzymes involved in this fermentation were assayed in cell-free extracts of cells grown with ethanol as sole substrate. Alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, phosphate acetyl transferase, acetate kinase, pyruvate synthase, lactate dehydrogenases, and the enzymes of the acrylate pathway were detected at activities sufficient to be involved in ethanol fermentation. The same pathway may be used for the degradation of lactate or acrylate to acetate.  相似文献   

A strictly anaerobic, thermophilic, fatty acids-degrading, sporulating sulfate-reducing bacterium was isolated from geothermal ground water. The organism stained Gram-negative and formed gas vacuoles during sporulation. Lactate, ethanol, fructose and saturated fatty acids up to C18 served as electron donors and carbon sources with sulfate as external electron acceptor. Benzoate was not used. Stoichiometric measurements revealed a complete oxidation of part of butyrate although growth with acetate as only electron donor was not observed. The rest of butyrate was oxidized to acetate. The strain grew chemolithoautotrophically with hydrogen plus sulfate as energy source and carbon dioxide as carbon source without requirement of additional organic carbon like acetate. The strain contained a c-type cytochrome and presumably a sulfite reductase P582. Optimum temperature, pH and NaCl concentration for growth were 54°C, pH 7.3–7.5 and 25 to 35 g NaCl/l. The G+C content of DNA was 50.4 mol %. Strain BSD is proposed as a new species of the spore-forming sulfate-reducing genus Desulfotomaculum, D. geothermicum.  相似文献   

A cinnamate-fermenting bacterium (strain PeC1) was isolated in pure culture from anoxic sludge of an oil refinery wastewater treatment facility. It was a mesophilic gram-negative non-sporing actively motile rod. It did not reduce nitrate, sulfte, or other sulfur compounds as electron acceptors. It fermented cinnamate to 3-phenylpropionate, benzoate, and acetate; crotonate to butyrate and acetate; pyruvate to lactate and acetate; acetoin to ethanol and acetate; and carbohydrates to ethanol, formate, and acetate. The DNA base ratio of the strain was 44 mol% guanine plus cytosine. It is described as a new species of the genus Acetivibrio, A. multivorans sp. nov.  相似文献   

Two strains of obligately anaerobic, thermophilic spirochetes were isolated from cyanobacterial mat samples collected at freshwater hot springs in Oregon and Utah, USA. The isolates grew optimally between 48° and 52°C, and did not grow at 25° or 60°C. Both strains fermented various pentoses, hexoses, and disaccharides. Amino acids or cellulose did not serve as fermentable substrates for growth. H2, CO2, acetate, and lactate were end products of d-glucose fermentation. On the basis of physiological characteristics, guanine + cytosine content of DNA, and comparisons of 16S ribosomal RNA sequences, it was concluded that the two isolates were representatives of a novel species of Spirochaeta for which the name Spirochaeta caldaria is proposed. One of the two strains was grown in coculture with a thermophilic cellulolytic bacterium (Clostridium thermocellum) in a medium containing cellulose as the only fermentable substrate. In the coculture cellulose was broken down at a faster rate than in the clostridial monoculture. The results are consistent with the suggestion that interactions between cellulolytic bacteria and non-cellulolytic spirochetes enhance cellulose breakdown in natural environments in which cellulose-containing plant material is biodegraded.  相似文献   

Two obligate anaerobic bacterial strains (5-3-Z(T) and Y4-1) were isolated from river sediment and rice field mud, respectively. They degraded straight-chain fatty acids with 4-8 carbon atoms in syntrophic association with methanogens, however, neither tested branch-chain fatty acids nor could benzoate be degraded. The strains formed spores when cocultured with methanogens on butyrate, or when grew on butyrate plus dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in pure culture. The cells were slightly curved rods with Gram-negative cell wall structure, and contained small amount of poly beta-hydroxyalkanoate. The strains could not degrade butyrate alone, nor could use fumarate, sulfate, thiosulfate, sulfur or nitrate as electron acceptors except DMSO for butyrate degradation. The generation time of strain 5-3-Z(T) was about 12h when growing on crotonate at 37 degrees C. The growth of the new strains occurred in the range of pH 5.5-8.4, and of temperature 20-48 degrees C, and at NaCl concentration of 0-700 mM. The G+C content of the genomic DNA of strain 5-3-Z(T) was 40.6mol%. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene similarity showed the two strains to be a member of species Syntrophomonas erecta (98.4-98.9% sequence similarity), however they differed from the existing strains in both phenotypic and genetic characteristics. Therefore, a new subspecies of S. erecta, S. erecta subsp. sporosyntropha was proposed. The type strain was 5-3-Z(T) (=CGMCC1.5032(T)=JCM13344(T)).  相似文献   

The thermophilic Bacillus sp. A2 transformed various halophenols. 2-Chlorophenol, 2-bromophenol, 3-bromophenol and 2-fluorophenol were transformed under resting cell conditions at 60°C to 3-chlorocatechol, 3-bromocatechol, 4-bromocatechol and 3-fluorocatechol, respectively. The hydroxylation of 3-bromophenol occurred at the proximal and distal position relative to the halogen substituent. In complex medium this strain completely transformed 2-chlorophenol and 2-bromophenol at concentrations up to 1 mM. Concomitantly, an accumulation of oxygen-and temperature sensitive halocatechols was observed. 3-Chlorocatechol possesses a half-life of 11.5 h at 60°C and is therefore readily decomposed during incubation. The hydroxylating system was present in phenolgrown cells but not in glucose-grown cells. The hydroxylase activity could also be induced by 2-chlorophenol. The product, 3-chlorocatechol, is not a substrate for the catechol 2,3-dioxygenase.Abbreviations 2-CP 2-chlorophenol - DCP dichlorophenol - TCP trichlorophenol - tetraCP tetrachlorophenol - MIC minimal inhibitory concentration - CF chloride-free - CFG chloride-free plus glucose - CFGY chloride-free plus glycerol - CFP chloride-free plus phenol - CAM chloramphenicol  相似文献   

Epifluorescence microscopy revealed the presence of a methanogenic bacterium as an endosymbiont in the sapropelic marine ciliate Metopus contortus. The in situ methanogenic activity of the symbiont could be demonstrated. The isolated endosymbiont was an irregular, disc-shaped bacterium with a diameter of 1.6–3.4 m. It had a generation time of 7 or 12 hours on growth on H2/CO2 or formate, respectively. The temperature range for growth was between 16 and 36°C with an optimum at 32°C. The optimal pH range for growth was 6.8 to 7.3. Salts, with an optimum concentration of 0.25 M, and tungsten were required for growth. The mol% G+C was 38.7%. The cell envelope consisted of proteins and a glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 110,000. Morphology, antigenic relationship and the G+C content established the isolate MC1 as a new species of the genus Methanoplanus, and the name Methanoplanus endosymbiosus is proposed.Abbreviations G+C Guanine+cytosine - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis (2-ethane) sulfonic acid  相似文献   

A new type of sulfate-reducing bacteria with ellipsoidal to lemon-shaped cells was regularly enriched from anaerobic freshwater and marine mud samples when mineral media with propionate and sulfate were used. Three strains (1pr3, 2pr4, 3pr10) were isolated in pure culture. Propionate, lactate and alcohols were used as electron donors and carbon sources. Growth on H2 required acetate as a carbon source in the presence of CO2. Stoichiometric measurements revealed that oxidation of propionate was incomplete and led to acetate as an endproduct. Instead of sulfate, strain 1pr3 was shown to reduce sulfite and thiosulfate to H2S; nitrate also served as electron acceptor and was reduced to ammonia. With lactate or pyruvate, all three strains were able to grow without external electron acceptor and formed propionate and acetate as fermentation products. None of the strains contained desulfoviridin. In strain 1pr3 cytochromes of the b- and c-type were identified. Strain 1pr3 is described as type strain of the new species and genus, Desulfobulbus propionicus.  相似文献   

A strictly anaerobic, Gram-negative bacterium was isolated in continuous culture from black freshwater sediment with glycerol as sole source of carbon and energy. It was present in such sediments at 108 cells per ml. The isolate was highly specialized and used only glycerol and the glycerol residue of diolein as substrate, and fermented it quantitatively to propionate. During growth in mineral medium, small amounts of hydrogen were produced which corresponded exactly to the calculated amount of electrons released in cell matter formation from glycerol. Yeast extract enhanced cell yields with glycerol, but did not support growth itself. In cell-free extracts, benzylviologen-dependent hydrogenase activity as well as a b-type cytochrome and some of the enzymes of the methylmalonylCoA pathway were found. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA was 34.3±1.0 mol% and corresponded well with that of Anaerovibrio lipolytica which was found to be 31.4 mol%. The consequences of the electron balance of this glycerol fermentation are discussed with respect to glycerol fermentation by other propionic acid-forming bacteria.  相似文献   

Three strains of maleate-fermenting anaerobic curved rods were isolated in pure culture from anaerobic freshwater mud samples. Among the isolates, strain CreMal1 was studied in detail. It was a mesophilic non-sporing gram-negative strict anaerobe, and grew not only on maleate but also on fumarate and l-malate, producing propionate and acetate stoichiometrically as end products. Succinate was an intermediate in the degradation of maleate. Nitrate, sulfate, and other sulfur compounds were not utilized as electron acceptors. It had 61 mol% guanine-plus-cytosine content, but possessed a single polar flagellum and did not utilize carbohydrates and lactate, unlike the genus Selenomonas. Therefore, strain CreMal1 is described as a member of Propionivibrio dicarboxylicus gen. nov., sp. nov., in the family Bacteroidaceae. Strain CreMal1 was deposited as type strain in the Japan Collection of Microorganisms and in Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Norbert Pfennig on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

A new extremely thermophilic rod-shaped archaebacterium was found in the samples from hot springs and soil of the Uzon caldera (SW of Kamchatka pen.). Cells are rods from 1 to 20 m in length and 0.3 to 0.4 m in width, sometimes branching or with spherical protrusions on the ends. The cell wall consists of two layers: an internal one with distinct hexagonal structure and the outer one with less clear structure and variable thickness. Cells are non-motile and have no flagella. The new organism grows anaerobically by fermenting peptides, concurrently reducing elemental sulfur to H2S. Fermentation products are acetate, isobutyrate, isovalerate. The G+C content of the DNA is 56.5 mol. %. A new species Thermoproteus uzoniensis is described. Type strain is isolate Z-605, DSM 5262.  相似文献   

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