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Summary Mouse fibroblasts, subline L-929 F were synchronized by mitotic detachment. The synchronized cell cultures were irradiated with 200 kVp X-rays at different time after mitosis, and age reponse functions and dose effect curves were determined using the colony test. The cell age in the mitotic cycle was obtained from a computer analysis of flow cytometric DNA histograms. Both intrinsic radiosensitivity 1/D 0 and extrapolation numbern were found to vary during the cell cycle. TheD 0 has a maximum value of 176 ± 1 rad in the middle ofG 1 phase and a minimum of 71 ± 1 rad at theS/G 2 transition, while the extrapolation number is rather constant from the beginning ofG 1 phase (1.9 ± 0.1) to the middle ofS phase (2.3 ± 0.1) and reaches a steep maximum of 9.3 ± 1.1 atS/G 2 transition. The values ofn in the various phases of cell cycle are compared with the respective values of the recovery factor determined after fractionated irradiation. - Cell survival after a single dose of 616 rad has minima for irradiation atG 1/S transition and in earlyG 2 phase; the survival in earlyG 2 being about 40 times smaller than in earlyG 1 phase. Implications for a cell cycle specific therapy are discussed.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn-Bad Godesberg  相似文献   

Studies of the cell cycle of mouse embryos before implantation were conducted using Giemsa and DAPI stains. The time of embryo recovery did not affect the success rate of cultures during the winter, but embryos cultured during the summer showed the 'two-cell block' phenomenon at the early two-cell stage, 30-37 h after the injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin. There was no significant difference in the number of embryos collected per mouse between summer and winter, but cleavage from the two-cell to the four-cell stage occurred later in the summer than in the winter. Cell cycle of mouse embryos may therefore show seasonal variation.  相似文献   

Nuclei were transplanted from embryos of mice at different stages of the 1st and 2nd cell cycle to oocytes enucleated at various times after fertilization. After transfer of pronuclei, a greater proportion of embryos developed to blastocysts if donor and recipient embryos were at the same stage of the cell cycle (synchronous transfer = 94%, asynchronous transfer = 76%). By contrast, when 2-cell blastomere nuclei were fused to the cytoplasm of enucleated zygotes, there was a significant effect of both cytoplast and karyoplast cell cycle stage on the development of the reconstituted embryos. Karyoplasts and cytoplasts derived from embryos at later stages of the cell cycle had greater potential to support development to blastocysts in vitro. It is suggested that the secretion of stage-specific messengers and the timing of nuclear membrane breakdown are the main factors causing the karyoplast and cytoplast effects, respectively.  相似文献   

The protein phosphorylation activities in extracts were assayed for 2-cell mouse embryos at three stages of the G2 phase of the cell cycle. The 2-cell embryos were unique in having a prolonged G2 phase and so easily staged at early G2 (EG2), middle G2 (MG2) and late G2 (LG2) by timing the embryo isolation from pregnant mice. The embryo extracts were used both as sources of protein kinases and their substrates. The phosphoproteins of the extracts were labelled with [gamma-32P]ATP and separated by electrophoresis on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The present study revealed that protein phosphorylation increased 3-6-fold during the progression of 2-cell embryos from EG2 to LG2 and the level of protein phosphorylation at any stages was greatly decreased by the presence of cAMP. Thus, the protein phosphorylation system of 2-cell mouse embryos seems to differ from those reported systems in mammals in its negative dependence on cAMP.  相似文献   

On fertilisation, gametes undergo epigenetic reorganisation and re-establish totipotency. Here, we investigate links between chromatin remodelling and asymmetric maintenance of DNA methylation in the early mouse embryo. Using antibodies for lysine specific H3 methylation reveals that the male pronucleus is negative for di- and trimethyl H3-K9 yet the female is positive for these residues. However, the male is positive for monomethyl H3-K9 and H3-K27 and these signals increase during pronuclear maturation. Non-histone chromatin proteins of the Polycomb group are found in the paternal compartment as early as sperm decondensation. However, trimethyl H3-K27 is not observed in the male until the completion of DNA replication. Heterochromatin protein 1 beta (HP1beta) is abundant in the male pronucleus, despite the absence of di- and trimethyl H3-K9, and co-localises with monomethyl H3-K9. Recent evidence identifies monomethyl H3-K9 as the preferred substrate of Suvar39h, the histone methyl transferase (HMT) responsible for heterochromatic H3-K9 trimethylation. The association of HP1beta with monomethyl H3-K9 may assist in preventing further modification of H3-K9. Association of dimethylation but not trimethylation of H3-K9 with DNA methylation, in the female pronucleus, suggests a mechanistically significant link. These differences begin to provide a chromatin based explanation for paternal-specific active DNA demethylation and maternal specific protection in the mouse.  相似文献   

The use of rabbit peritoneal fluid (PF) for the culture of rabbit embryos in vitro was evaluated. Development of zygotes cultured in PF and Earle's balanced salts solution (EBSS) + 10% fetal calf serum (EBSS/FCS) was compared. The effects of increasing the concentration of PF in EBSS and of culturing embryos in fractionated PF were also investigated. In addition, embryonic development in PF was compared to that in vivo. Development to hatching blastocysts was enhanced with PF (73%) compared to EBSS/FCS (3%, p less than 0.001). PF manifested greater mitogenic activity than EBSS/FCS, as indicated by higher cell number in embryos at 48, 72, and 96 h post-mating/hCG (p less than 0.001). PF also promoted blastocyst cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner (r = 0.98, p less than 0.01); however, embryo growth remained slower than in vivo. Culture in the high (greater than 30,000 Da) molecular mass fraction of PF reduced incidence of hatching (56% vs. 92%, p less than 0.001) and mean cell number in Day 4 blastocysts (151 +/- 4 vs. 243 +/- 5, p less than 0.001). Rates of blastocyst hatching (10%) and cell number (110 +/- 3) were further reduced in the low (less than 30,000 Da) molecular mass fraction. When the high molecular mass fraction was dialyzed, embryos did not develop beyond the early morula stage. This suggests that the interaction or the synergy of high and low molecular mass components of PF is necessary for optimum development of rabbit embryos.  相似文献   

Little is known about what determines the nuclear matrix or how its reorganization is regulated during mitosis. In this study we report on a monoclonal antibody, mAb2A, which identifies a novel nuclear structure in Drosophila embryos which forms a diffuse meshwork at interphase but which undergoes a striking reorganization into a spindle-like structure during pro- and metaphase. Double labelings with α-tubulin and mAb2A antibodies demonstrate that the microtubules of the mitotic apparatus co-localize with this mAb2A labeled structure during metaphase, suggesting it may serve a role in microtubule spindle assembly and/or function during nuclear division. That the mAb2A-labeled nuclear structure is essential for cell division and/or maintenance of nuclear integrity was directly demonstrated by microinjection of mAb2A into early syncytial embryos which resulted in a disintegration of nuclear morphology and perturbation of mitosis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mitosis promoting factor (MPF) plays a central role during the first mitosis of mouse embryo. We demonstrated that MPF activity increased when one-cell stage mouse embryo initiated G2/M transition following the decrease of cyclic adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cAMP) and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) activity. When cAMP and PKA activity increases again, MPF activity decreases and mouse embryo starts metaphase-anaphase transition. In the downstream of cAMP/PKA, there are some effectors such as polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1), Cdc25, Mos (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase), MEK (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), Wee1, anaphase-promoting complex (APC), and phosphoprotein phosphatase that are involved in the regulation of MPF activity. Here, we demonstrated that following activation of MPF, MAPK activity was steady, whereas Plk1 activity fluctuated during the first cell cycle. Plk1 activity was the highest at metaphase and decreased at metaphase-anaphase transition. Further, we established a mathematical model using Gepasi algorithm and the simulation was in agreement with the experimental data. Above all the evidences, we suggested that cAMP and PKA might be the upstream factors which were included in the regulation of the first cell cycle development of mouse embryo.  相似文献   

In order to study the expression of an exogenous gene in developing mouse embryos during the preimplantation period, DNA carrying the SV40 early promoter fused with the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene (lacZ) was microinjected into the pronucleus of fertilized mouse eggs. Expression of lacZ gene was detected by staining embryos with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (X-gal) as a substrate at pH 7.2. The embryos expressing the lacZ gene showed various intensities of blue staining, all showing a mosaic pattern. The exogenous gene was expressed from the 4-cell stage until the blastocyst stage. The proportion of embryos expressing the lacZ gene was maximal (38%) at the morula stage, and the expression was dependent on the presence of the SV40 promoter.  相似文献   

Cell buoyant densities of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were determined for rapidly growing asynchronous and synchronous cultures by equilibrium sedimentation in Percoll gradients. The average cell density in exponentially growing cultures was 1.1126 g/ml, with a range of density variation of 0.010 g/ml. Densities were highest for cells with buds about one-fourth the diameter of their mother cells and lowest when bud diameters were about the same as their mother cells. In synchronous cultures inoculated from the least-dense cells, there was no observable perturbation of cell growth: cell numbers increased without lag, and the doubling time (66 min) was the same as that for the parent culture. Starting from a low value at the beginning of the cycle, cell buoyant density oscillated between a maximum density near midcycle (0.4 generations) and a minimum near the end of the cycle (0.9 generations). The pattern of cyclic variation of buoyant density was quantitatively determined from density measurements for five cell classes, which were categorized by bud diameter. The observed variation in buoyant density during the cell cycle of S. cerevisiae contrasts sharply with the constancy in buoyant density observed for cells of Escherichia coli, Chinese hamster cells, and three murine cell lines.  相似文献   

Microarray analyses have led to the postulated existence and identification of numerous genes that are believed to be expressed and presumably to act in a cell-cycle-specific manner because their expression varies during the cell cycle. It is important to see how protein variation can be produced from mRNA variation. We have calculated the protein content throughout the cell cycle resulting from cell-cycle-specific mRNA expression, and compared the result to protein content resulting from constant, cell-cycle independent, mRNA expression. For stable proteins, cell-cycle-specific mRNA expression leads to a maximum 2-fold change in protein content compared to proteins synthesized from constantly expressed mRNA. More realistic sinusoidal patterns of mRNA expression exhibit much smaller ratios of 1.25 or lower, even for extremely large amplitudes in mRNA expression. For unstable proteins that have a cycle-independent half-life, only at extremely short protein half-lives does mRNA variation have a significant impact on variation of protein content during the division cycle. We also apply these findings to proteins with a cycle-specific decay pattern. mRNA variations during the eukaryotic division cycle variation of mRNA during the cell cycle can have only a minimal affect on the variation of protein content during the cell cycle. We conclude that mRNA variations during the division cycle, as measured by microarrays, cannot by themselves, identify cycle-specific functions related to protein variations.  相似文献   

Unlike the oocytes of most other animal species, unfertilized murine oocytes contain cytoplasmic asters, which act as microtubule-organizing centers following fertilization. This study examined the role of asters during the first cell cycle of mouse nuclear transfer (NT) embryos. NT was performed by intracytoplasmic injection of cumulus cells. Cytoplasmic asters were localized by staining with an anti-alpha-tubulin antibody. Enucleation of MII oocytes caused no significant change in the number of cytoplasmic asters. The number of asters decreased after transfer of the donor nuclei into these enucleated oocytes, probably because some of the asters participated in the formation of the spindle that anchors the donor chromosomes. The cytoplasmic asters became undetectable within 2 h of oocyte activation, irrespective of the presence or absence of the donor chromosomes. After the standard NT protocol, a spindle-like structure persisted between the pseudopronuclei of these oocytes throughout the pronuclear stage. The asters reappeared shortly before the first mitosis and formed the mitotic spindle. When the donor nucleus was transferred into preactivated oocytes (delayed NT) that were devoid of free asters, the microtubules and microfilaments were distributed irregularly in the ooplasm and formed dense bundles within the cytoplasm. Thereafter, all of the delayed NT oocytes underwent fragmentation and arrested development. Treatment of these delayed NT oocytes with Taxol, which is a microtubule-assembling agent, resulted in the formation of several aster-like structures and reduced fragmentation. Some Taxol-treated oocytes completed the first cell cycle and developed further. This study demonstrates that cytoplasmic asters play a crucial role during the first cell cycle of murine NT embryos. Therefore, in mouse NT, the use of MII oocytes as recipients is essential, not only for chromatin reprogramming as previously reported, but also for normal cytoskeletal organization in reconstructed oocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse embryos in the pronuclear-zygote stage (day 0 of gestation) were irradiated with 13.5 rad of 140 kV X-rays or negative pions. On day 13 the fetuses were examined for developmental anomalies such as intrauterine death, growth retardation and malformations. Significant decreases in the percentage of normal implantations were obtained with peak pions (high LET) and X-rays, whereas the effect of plateau pions was less obvious. Irradiation with peak pions was more effective than with X-rays by a factor of about 1.7.  相似文献   

Development of eight-cell mouse embryos in vitro   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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