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Bochkov AV 《Parazitologiia》2001,35(2):149-154
A new species Syringophiloidus delichonum sp. n. (Acari: Syringophilidae) is described from quills of Delichon urbica (Hirundinidae) and S. glandarii (Fritsch, 1958) from Garrulus glandarius (Corvidae) is redescribed. Syringophiloidus glandarii, female: body length 650-680, width 160-180. Peritremes: longitudinal branch with 11-14 chambers, lateral--with 2 chambers. All propodosomal setae slightly serrate. Length of setae: vi 33-36, ve 87-96, sci 150-180, sce 180-240, h 200-230, dl 210-230, d2 140-170, d4 25-32, d5 33-40, l1 190-210, l2 150-170, l4 250-280, l5 310-320, pg1 140-150, pg2 120-160, pg3 190-200, g1, g2 40-45, a1, a2 25-33. Male. Body length 500-520, width 150-170. Peritremes: longitudinal branch with 13-14 chambers, lateral with 4 chambers. Length of setae: vi 32-36, ve 50-56, sci 74-80, sce 120-135, h 90-100, d1 135-140, d2 13-22, d5 20-22, l1 24-45, l2 13-22, l5 180-200, pg1 90-110, pg2 70-90. S. glandarii is closely related to S. presentalis Chirov et Kravsova, 1995. It is distinguished from the latter species by following characters. In female S. glandarii, setae vi, ve are thick and serrate, ve 87-96 in length. In female S. presentalis, setae vi, ve are thin and nude, ve 40-70 in length. Syringophiloidus delichonum sp. n., female (holotype): body length 900, width 135. Peritremes: longitudinal branch with 8 chambers, lateral--with 1-2 chambers. All setae nude. Length of setae: vi 45, ve 90, sci 200, sce 200, h 225, d2 90, d4 35, d5 33, l1 140, l2 ?, 155-160 in paratypes, l4 230, l5 320, pg1 135, pg2 120, pg3 170, g1, g2 40, a1, a2 17. Male Body length 506, width 135. Peritremes: longitudinal branch with 9 chambers, lateral with 2 chambers. Length of setae; vi 33, ve 78, sci 90, sce 123, h 130, d1 135, d2 15, d5 17, l1 22, l2 15, l5 180, pg1 105, pg2 45. S. delichonum sp. n. is closely related to S. presentalis, but differs by following characters. In female S. delichonum sp. n., body length is 850-920; longitudinal branch of peritreme includes 6-8 chambers; setae ve 85-90 in length; in male, longitudinal branch of peritreme include 9 chambers. In female S. glandarii, body length 630-700; longitudinal branch of peritreme include 10-11 chambers; setae ve 40-70 in length; in male, longitudinal branch of peritreme include 11-13 chambers.  相似文献   

Four nematode species of the Comesomatidae from the Strait of Magellan and the Beagle Channel, Chile, are described as new to science. Comesoma hermani n. sp. can be separated from similar species, Comesoma bermudense Jensen & Gerlach, 1977, Comesoma minimum Chitwood, 1937 and Comesoma chilense Jensen & Gerlach, 1977 by the difference of body length, cephalic setae length, the ratio of the subcephalic setae to cephalic setae length and the ratio of spicule to anal body diameter. Dorylaimopsis magellanense n. sp. is identified by the lateral differentiation of 3–4 longitudinal rows of enlarged dots, the curved spicules are prominently jointed and with a ventral protrusion. Hopperia beaglense n. sp. could be easily recognised by both the rounded tail tip and anterior head end which differs from all the species of this genus except H. dorylaimopsoides (Allgén, 1959), which has, however, a smaller de Man ratio 'a' and reflexed ovaries. Hopperia arntzi n. sp. has a shorter body length which differs from the closest species, Hopperia americana Ward, 1984 and Hopperia muscatensis Warwick, 1973. Furthermore, the de Man ratio 'a' is different between our specimens and the other two species. An identification key to all known species of the genus Hopperia is provided.  相似文献   

本文记述下盾螨新种Hyoaspissorecissp.nov,并讨论与近似种H.HrydiSamsinak1961的鉴别特征。模式标本采自青海互助土族自治县的暗色SorexsinalisThomas,1912体上。文内量度单位均为μm,标本存放在青海省地方病防治研究所,西宁。  相似文献   

刘井元  马立名 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):118-120
述血革螨属Haemogamasus Berlese, 1889一新种,后凹血革螨H. postsinuatus sp. Nov.,采于湖北西北部神农架自然保护区的食虫目(Insectivora)。另对鼯鼠真厉螨 Eulaelaps petauristae Liu et Ma, 1998 雌性气门沟原始描述进行更正。  相似文献   

Amblyomma anicornuta n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae) is described based on adults and nymphs ex deer (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) and wild pigs (Artiodactyla: Suidae) from Luzon, Philippines. Adults of A. anicornuta n. sp. are similar to those of several Asian and Australasian species of Amblyomma Koch, 1844 with a 4/4 dental formula on the hypostome but can be distinguished by the colouration and pattern of punctations on the conscutum in the male and scutum in the female, the absence of a marginal groove on the conscutum in the male, the possession of long, thick, prominent setae on the alloscutum in the female, projections on anal valves and sclerotised ring around them in the male, a large median sclerite ventrally in the male, as well by the shape of the genital aperture in the female and the size and shape of spurs on coxae I–IV in both sexes. The nymph of A. anicornuta n. sp. is somewhat similar to that of A. babirussae Schulze, 1933 and A. geoemydae (Cantor, 1847) but can be distinguished by the colouration pattern on the scutum, the presence of dorsal cornua and the size of the spurs on coxae I–IV.  相似文献   

刘井元  马立名 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):118-120
 记述血革螨属Haemogamasus Berlese, 1889一新种,后凹血革螨H.postsinuatus sp. Nov.,采于湖北西北部神农架自然保护区的食虫目(Insectivora)。 另对鼯鼠真厉螨Eulaelaps petauristae Liu et Ma, 1998 雌性气门沟原始描述 进行更正。  相似文献   

报道中国革螨2新记录:半裂北绥螨Arctoseius semiseissus(Berlese,1892)和奥氏角绥螨Antennoseius oudemansi(S.Thor,1930)。  相似文献   

记述派盾螨科3新种:武汉派盾螨Parholaspis wuhanensis sp.nov.,亚弧讷派螨Neparholaspis subarcuatus sp.nov.和湖北真派螨 Euparholaspulus hubeiensis sp.nov.。三属均为中国首次记录。  相似文献   

记述中国叶蜂科、蔺叶蜂亚科、斑栉叶蜂属2新种,白股斑栉叶蜂Brykella albofemorata sp.nov.和大斑栉叶蜂B.magna sp.nov.。提供了栉爪叶蜂族Anisoarthrini分属检索表,描述了斑栉叶蜂属属征,编制了斑栉叶蜂属分种检索表。  相似文献   

记述革板螨属3新种和派伦螨属1新种:井冈山革板螨Gamasholaspis jinggangshanensis sp.nov.,何氏革板螨Gamasholaspis hochyicheni sp.nov.,新阿革板螨Gamasholaspis novakimotoi sp.nov.和沙县派伦螨Parholaspulus shaxianensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

The diagnostic characters of larval, nymphal and adult Hyalomma aegyptium (L., 1758) based on specimens from the territory of most part of the area are given. In the diagnoses of immature stages, was used the characters, which were formerly tested by the author for diagnostics of other Hyalomma species occurring in the former USSR. Commonly used characters and those which were revealed by the author as useful for the majority of Euhyalomma Filippova, 1984 and Hyalommina Schulze, 1919 species, have been used in the diagnoses of male and female. Differential diagnosis of Hyalomma aegyptium. Female: genital orifice as wide arch with straight posterior margin (fig. 2, 5); vestibular part of vagina funnel-like, greatly swollen (fig. 2, 5); setae of alloscutum stick-like, tapering in apical one (figs 2, 3, 4); second segment of palps with proximal narrowing (figs 3, 1, 2); spurs of coxae I widely separated, triangular, wide, subequal in size (fig. 3, 5). Male: any grooves of conscutum absent, except short and pit-like cervical ones (fig. 4); punctation sparce and impressive (fig. 4); adenal shields short and wide, without inner branch, posterior part widened, anteromedian margin straight (fig. 5, 4); spurs of coxae I widely separated, triangular, wide, subequal in size (fig. 6, 5). Nymph: posteromedian setae of alloscutum stick-like and, as a rule, with indented apices (fig. 7, 2); spurs of coxae I large, median spur as equilateral triangle and shorter than lateral one (fig. 7, 8); spurs of coxae II-IV well developed, with acute apices (fig. 7, 8). Larva: posterior part of scutum (behind the eyes) heavy elongated, its apex straight, postero-lateral incisions weakly developed (fig. 8, 1); spurs of coxae I as equilateral triangle in shape and with rounded apices, spurs of coxae II-III very large (fig. 8, 5).  相似文献   

描述短毛下盾螨Hypoaspis brevipilis Hirschmann,1969雌螨与后若螨。  相似文献   

记述下盾螨属 Hypoaspis Canestrini,1885的1新亚种,柔弱下盾螨宁夏亚种Hypoaspis debilis ningxiaensis Bai,ssp. nov.和龚氏钝革螨 Amblygamasus gongzhengdai Bai,2010后若螨形态,标本分别采自银川市南郊地表柳叶腐植层及银川花卉市场的高山榕盆景土壤表层。模式标本保存于军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所昆虫标本馆和宁夏回族自治区疾病预防控制中心。  相似文献   

记述派伦螨属1新种:遵义派伦螨Parholaspulus zunyiensis sp.nov.和革板螨属1新种:江西革板螨Gamasholaspis jiangxiensissp.nov.,并描述都匀革板螨Gamasholaspis duyunensis Chen,Guo et Gu,1994雄螨.  相似文献   

Tinaminyssus juxtamelloi sp. n. is described from the nasal passages of Columba fasciata in New Mexico. The new species is most similar to Tinaminyssus melloi (Castro) 1948 and T. turturi (Fain) 1962, but differs in (1) possessing only 5 pairs of ventral opisthosomal setae, (2) presence of 3 pairs of enlarged setae on the dorsal opisthosoma at the posterolateral margin of the podosomal plate (1 pair) and at the lateral margins of the opisthosomal plate (2 pairs), (3) elongate shape and larger size of the poststigmatic plates, and (4) chaetotaxy and solenidiotaxy of the legs, especially tarsus I with a cluster of 4 solenida and 1 club-shaped solenidion on the apex of the dorsum. The relationships of this with allied species of the genus Tinaminyssus from columbiform birds are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

本文详细描述了尚未报道的特新蚤指名亚种Neopsyllaspecialisspecialis幼虫形态。它与新蚤属已描述的5种或亚种幼虫的鉴别特征是:1-3胸节腹板上后排主鬃列长鬃外侧有2个小鬃;破卵器的长宽比例,大颚的齿数和齿形,前后头刚毛的数目和长度,肛梳刚毛和支柱毛的数目。作者观察到特新蚤指名亚种幼虫第10背板上有感器一对,并又观察了4科9种或亚种蚤幼虫和Bartkowska(1965,1972),Kirjakova(1968)的描述,认为该特征可能是多毛蚤科幼虫的鉴别恃征之一。  相似文献   

中国副肛厉螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲:囊螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述副肛厉螨属一新种-中卫副肛厉螨Paraproctolaelaps zhongweiensis sp.nov.,模式标本采自宁夏、中卫县,存于宁夏回族自治区地方病防治所。  相似文献   

A new species of the Macrochironidae Humes & Boxshall, 1996 (Copepoda: Cyclopoida), Pseudomacrochiron aureliae n. sp., is described based on adult specimens extracted from the gastrovacular cavity of the scyphistomae of Aurelia sp. (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) collected in the Seto Inland Sea and Ise Bay off the coast of Japan. The new species differs from its congeners by having the following combination of characters: a caudal ramus with a length to width ratio of 3.1; an accessory flagellum on caudal setae II, III and VI; three apical setae on the maxillule; only setae I and II on the maxillary basis; two short spines on the female maxilliped claw (endopod); an armature of III, I, 4 on the terminal exopodal segment of leg 3; an armature of I, II, 2 on the terminal endopodal segment of leg 3; an armature of II, I, 4 on the terminal exopodal segment of leg 4; and a short free exopodal segment of leg 5 (length to width ratio of 1.4) armed with a long seta and short spine. P. aureliae n. sp. is the first member of the genus reported from off Japan and from the scyphistomae of its scyphozoan host.  相似文献   

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