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Observations made in an outdoor cage showed that most pairings of the grape borerXylotrechus pyrrhoderus Bates were formed via inflight orientation of females towards pheromone-releasing males. The male sex pheromone induced orientation behavior in flying females, as well as walking approaches and prolonged lingering periods near the pheromone source in alighting females. When an approaching female failed to elicit any response in a male (e.g., when the male was copulating), she touched and sometimes mounted him. This behavior stimulated the males and often resulted in successful copulation. The male usually inseminated the second female, and the male's fitness increased when the second mating occurred more than 5 min after the start of the firt mating. These results suggest that male-like behavior in females (i.e., approaching and mounting behavior) has biological significance. The grape borer sometimes forms pairs via incidental encounters of the sexes. This is the same as the prevailing mating system of cerambycids. It is suggested that the male sex pheromonemediated mating system of the grape borer developed from the prevailing system of cerambycid groups.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior between males and females, as well as between males, is described and discussed for the cerambycid beetlePhytoecia rufiventris. The beetles' taxis toward plants taller than average height brings the sexes together from a distance. A male may mount another individual (male or female) and attempt copulation without sex discrimination. The male can discern the sex of another individual only when the terminal part of his abdomen touches the ventral surface of the fifth visible sternite of the latter. No evidence of a sex pheromone is found in this species. Within 1.5–5.5 cm the substrateborne vibrations produced by a moving individual may be the important factor which elicits males to approach a moving individual and attempt copulation. If a female is receptive when a male touches her, he can copulate with her without any courtship display. However, if the female runs away and appears unreceptive, the male will perform courtship displays. Copulation is usually terminated by males. Homosexual behavior between males is discussed.  相似文献   

松褐天牛的交配行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用室内试验和野外观察相结合的方法,对松材线虫病的主要媒介昆虫松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope的交配行为进行了研究。结果表明: 松褐天牛一次完整的交配包括相遇抱对、插入输精和配后保护3个阶段,在交配过程中雄虫有多次插入输精现象发生。室内试验中共观察到松褐天牛的交配123次,松褐天牛一次完整的交配过程平均需时63.49 min,其中输精前的抱对时间平均为1.68 min,交配过程中每次输精插入时间平均为57.60 s,配后保护时间为15.18 min。松褐天牛在开始交配的4天内平均交配5.15次,不同雄性个体所获得的交配机会差异很大。松褐天牛的交配行为表现出强烈的雄性竞争现象,雄虫能根据雌虫或自身的交配经历调整交配投入,当雌虫或者雄虫是初次交配时,总输精时间和插入输精的次数显著大于与有交配经历的雌虫或雄虫交配时的输精时间和插入输精次数。田间松褐天牛的交配行为与室内观察结果基本一致。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(3):275-280
Mating behavior of the pine sawyer, Monochamus saltuarius Gebier (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) was observed on pine trees in an outdoor net cage kept in one healthy pine tree and a cluster of pinelogs (cut over one month) to attract the beetles. When sawyer adult pairs released into net cage, they all moved to the pinelogs. And then the male was staying motionless with his antenna outstretched while the female was actively moving in his vicinity. The mating behavioral reactions were followed by the next steps: The first phase of courtship was initiated by the female approach toward the male. Second, male dashed, contacted antenna and mounted female's back. Third, female carried the male on her back and walked around and then male began to lick. Fourth, male inserted his penis into the female's genitalia when female stopped walking. While a long pairbond, the mating pair repeated copulations, lastly, when mating is over, male and female stayed separately. The mating began on sunset and resting of both male and female began at the temperature below about 20 °C. Substantially straightforward mate searching by female indicates the presence of a male sex pheromone.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of Batocera horsfieldi (Hope) was observed in the laboratory. The results showed that copulation of this longhorned beetle consisted of three phases: (i) encountering and pair‐bonding; (ii) mating attempt and ejaculation; and (iii) post‐copulatory guarding. Frozen females, with cuticular hydrocarbons stripped by hexane extraction, showed no attraction for males. Reapplying the solvent extract of frozen females to both washed dead males and females caused mating attempts by males, confirming that cuticular hydrocarbons (contact sex pheromones) played an important role in recognition of females by male B. horsfieldi.  相似文献   

Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) is an economically important pest of Neotropical cultures and represents a quarantine risk for Neartic and Paleartic Regions. Despite its agricultural importance, few studies have been done on mating behavior and chemical communication, which has delayed the development of behavioral techniques for population management, such as the use of pheromone traps. In this study, we determined 1) the age at first mating; 2) diel rhythm of matings; 3) number of matings over 7 d; 4) the sequence of D. speciosa activities during premating, mating, and postmating; 5) the duration of each activity; and 6) response to male and female conspecific volatiles in Y-tube olfactometer. The first mating occurred between the third and seventh day after adult emergence and the majority of pairs mated on the fourth day after emergence. Pairs of D. speciosa showed a daily rhythm of mating with greater sexual activity between the end of the photophase and the first half of the scotophase. During the 7 d of observation, most pairs mated only once, although 30% mated two, three, or four times. In a Y-tube olfactometer, males were attracted by virgin females as well as by the volatile compounds emitted by females. Neither males nor their volatiles were attractive to either sex. Our observation provide information about mating behavior of D. speciosa, which will be useful in future research in chemical communication, such as identification of the pheromone and development of management techniques for this species using pheromone traps.  相似文献   

【目的】桃红颈天牛Aromia bungii是一种钻蛀性害虫,主要以蔷薇科果树和观赏树木为寄主。本研究旨在搞清楚桃红颈天牛成虫的交配产卵行为及其对不同寄主植物的栖落和产卵选择性。【方法】选择苹果Malus pumila、山樱花Prunus serrulata var. spontanea、桃Prunus persica、西府海棠Malus micromalus、毛樱桃Prunus tomentosa、秋子梨Pyrus ussuriensis、杏Prunus armeniaca和红叶李Prunus cerasifera var. atropurea 8种寄主植物木段,构建为成虫的活动场所,观察桃红颈天牛成虫的交配和产卵行为,并测定桃红颈天牛成虫在不同寄主木段上的栖落数量和产卵量。【结果】桃红颈天牛成虫的交配行为分为避让、打斗和交配3种行为。交配过程可分为相遇抱对、插入输精、交配后陪护3个阶段。桃红颈天牛雌虫产卵时无刻槽行为,喜欢将卵产于较为狭窄的缝隙中。雌虫偏好在桃树木段上栖落,雄虫则偏好在毛樱桃木段上栖落。李亚科李属的桃是桃红颈天牛最喜欢的产卵寄主木段,而雌虫在苹果亚科的苹果、海棠和秋子梨木段上产卵极少。相关性分析结果表明雌虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量与产卵量占比间存在正相关性,雄虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量与雌虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量之间也存在正相关性。【结论】桃红颈天牛雌成虫最喜欢桃树木段,雄虫对寄主植物的选择性与雌虫并不完全相同。  相似文献   

记述中国瘦棍腿天牛属1新记录种:白腹瘦棍腿天牛Stenodryas ventralis(Gahan, 1906)。简述了该种的形态特征,提供了瘦棍腿天牛属中国已知记录种的检索表。研究标本保存在西南大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

The pine sawyer Monochamus galloprovincialis Olivier (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a vector of the pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhrer) Nickle. Male and females of this species have a kairomonal attraction to host volatiles and Ips semiochemicals. Once on the host tree, males and females copulate and oviposition occurs. Bioassays using Y-tube olfactometry revealed that females were attracted to volatile compounds produced by males, but not to volatiles produced by females. However, immature males did not seem to release attractants for mature females and immature females did not show any attraction for mature males. A experiment designed to know about mating behaviour in this specie revealed that most of the males encountered females while they were walking. In all pairs both sexes contacted with antennae before copulation, however, in some occasions copulation did not proceed just after antennal contact. On the contrary, in all pairs observed, the male licked the elytra of the female with his mouth palpi just before copulation (licking); immediately afterwards, the male grabbed the female with his forelegs and mounted her suggesting a chemically mediated mate recognition by males.  相似文献   

Summary A continuous cell line has been established from larval fat body tissues of the cerambycid beetle Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus Bates. These cells were cultured in MGM-450 medium. The cell line, designated as XP-1, showed a heterogeneous population consisting of spherical and spindle-shaped cells with some capacity to adhere and a doubling time of 5 d. The chromosome number of the cell line ranged from 18 to 42 with a mode of 20. Isozyme analysis showed that the cells had patterns distinctive from those of other insect cell lines. The cells were sensitive to insect hormones, and when continuously treated with 20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone, they assumed a floating elongated-spindle shape and became strongly adherent, respectively.  相似文献   

Females of the tropical weevilCleogonus rubetra oviposit into fruits of the leguminous treeAndira inermis, and larvae develop in the pulp and seed of these fruits. We hypothesized three alternative tactics by which males might secure matings. By using focal observations of males and by evaluating predictions specific to each hypothesis, we demonstrate that males search within aggregations of conspecifics for receptive females, and upon finding a suitable partner, males mount and perform courtship behavior consisting of stroking the eyes and sides of the female's abdomen. Males also stridulate and emit a sequence of short buzzing sounds. While mounted, males actively prevent rival males from mating with their partner. Males defend their mates for a mean duration of 3.7 h (including copulation). As predicted, paired males were larger than solitary individuals, although the difference was marginally nonsignificant. The overabundance of fruits relative to males, the prolonged period during which females are active, and the probability of last male sperm precedence are factors that may have contributed to the evolution of this female-defense tactic by males. Paired females were significantly larger than solitary females. We observed no competition among females for mates, and the correlation between elytron length of paired males and females was not significant.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(4):347-352
The mating behavior of the pine sawyer, Monochamus saltuarius, is composed of two phases. The first phase is the female approach to pheromone-releasing males. When bioassayed by T-tube olfactometer, the female was moved toward the male and hexane extract of the male. The second phase is the male mounted the female to copulate after perceiving the contact pheromone being on the female body surface. When the hexane extract of the female body surface was applied onto a glass rod (dummy), the male showed the mating behavior to the dummy. The component of female body surface extract fractionated using a silicic acid column elicited mating behaviors of the males, and the other component by ether fraction was showed a high copulatory attempt. This study was discussed two-step functions of the pheromones in the beetle mating behavior.  相似文献   

赵琪  孟玲  李保平 《昆虫学报》2020,63(3):327-333
【目的】硬皮肿腿蜂Sclerodermus spp.在寄生蜂中独有雌蜂合作繁育的准社会行为。本研究旨在明确该合作繁育行为在非自然寄主天牛上有何表现。【方法】随机选取松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus幼虫(体重范围0.16~0.44 g),个体称体重后分别接1, 2和4头已交配但尚未产卵的川硬皮肿腿蜂S.sichuanensis雌蜂即母蜂,观测母蜂产卵前期和子代发育表现等参数,分析寄主体重(连续自变量)和接蜂数(分类自变量)对这些参数的影响。【结果】对所有观测参数的分析未发现寄主体重与接蜂数这两因素之间存在互作影响,说明这两个因素独立影响观测特征。川硬皮肿腿蜂母蜂产卵前期随寄主体重增大而逐渐延长,但在母蜂数较多的情况下产卵前期缩短:接4头蜂处理下产卵前期比接1和2头处理下的产卵前期分别缩短18.3%和20.6%。按照母蜂平均产子代蜂数量(蜂均产蜂量)计算,接1头蜂处理下的蜂均产蜂量分别是接2和4头蜂处理下的蜂均产蜂量的1.5和3.3倍;蜂均产蜂量不受寄主体重的影响。子代蜂性比(雄蜂占比)在接蜂数较多处理下略有增大,但仍然极端偏雌;性比不受寄主体重的影响。子代卵至成虫存活率...  相似文献   

Abstract  Circadian mating rhythms, mating frequency, mating duration, and the effect of mating duration on fecundity and fertility in the cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi were investigated in the laboratory. Mating occurred throughout the 24-h cycle but the majority of copulations occurred in the photophase with two apparent peaks, one at 8:00 and another at 16:00. Mating frequency observations for 10 consecutive days indicated that pre-mating period of C. bowringi was about 4 days, and pairs mated an average of 5 times per day and an average of 40 times during the first 10 days. There was a negative correlation between mating frequency and mating duration during the consecutive mating. The mean duration of the first copulation (136.24 ± 4.62 min) was significantly longer than those of the second (57.87 ± 2.03 min), third (53.05 ± 2.05 min) and fourth copulation (30.86 ± 2.98 min). Fecundity showed a slight increase with increasing mating duration but no significant difference among treatments. However, fertility was significantly influenced by the mating duration in this species. Mating of 20-min duration did not produce viable eggs. The mean percentage of fertile eggs with completed mating duration (204.43 ± 18.96 min, 56.75% fertile eggs) was significantly higher than those with 60 min (39.55%) and 30 min (17.91%) mating duration, suggesting that the longer mating duration might be associated with transfer of more sperm that are used to increase the fertility of eggs.  相似文献   

Biogeography of the phoracanthine beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six biogeographic subregions of the phoracanthine beetles are proposed on the basis of 136 valid species in all eleven genera of this Australasian group of insects: the Kosciuskan, Western, Eyrean, Torresian, Timorian and New Guinean. Both phenetic and cladistic approaches are employed in the biogeographic study of these beetles. Phenetically, the Kosciuskan and Torresian fauna are the most similar and the least faunal similarity occurs between the New Guinean subregion and all others. Cladistically, two distinct peripheral faunas are divided: the southern Western+Kosciuskan and the northern New Guinean+Torresian+Timorian. The Eyrean fauna in the central Australian continent is more distantly related to the remainder than the latter are to each other. Biogeographic history of the phoracanthine beetles is discussed extensively.  相似文献   

  1. The Asian longhorn beetle (ALB) Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky is a destructive invasive species worldwide. Female ALB produce a pheromone component, α-longipinene, in the genitalia. However, the origin and factors, such as age, mating, adult feeding and host plant, influencing the production of this compound are unclear.
  2. Our results showed that virgin female ALB consistently produced α-longipinene at various ages after feeding for several days post eclosion, but unfed adult females never produced this compound. Mating significantly reduced the amount of α-longipinene in female genitalia.
  3. α-Longipinene was the most dominant compound in the volatiles emitted by females, but not in those emitted by males or host twigs (Acer pensylvanicum L.). The proportion of α-longipinene among the beetle-released sesquiterpenes that were known to be male antennally active was significantly greater than that emitted by ALB damaged, mechanically damaged or control twigs.
  4. These results suggest that ALB females probably derive α-longipinene or a precursor from hosts via adult feeding, and release it at a significantly different ratio from that found in host volatiles. The various ratios of α-longipinene produced by beetles and host twigs may encode information pertaining to multiple purposes such as aggregation, mate and host location.

栗山天牛成虫的活动节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了栗山天牛Massicus raddei(Blessig)成虫的日活动节律,结果表明,栗山天牛成虫的取食、交配、产卵、爬行和飞翔等行为的昼夜节律均表现为单峰型.其取食的高峰期是在晚上18时至20时;交配高峰期为17时至22时;产卵和爬行的高峰期均为19时至22时;飞翔的高峰期为19时至21时.提出了昆虫活跃值的概念...  相似文献   

The Tribe Hemilophini (Lamiinae) is reviewed for Hispaniola and an identification key is provided. Fifteen species are now known from the island, including one new species of Adesmus (Adesmus fortunei from Pedernales and La Vega Provinces, Dominican Republic), one new species of Oedudes (Oedudes anulatus from Peravia and La Vega Provinces, Dominican Republic), and five new species of Calocosmus (Calocosmus contortus from San Cristóbal Province, Calocosmus punctatus from Peravia Province, Calocosmus rawlinsi from Elías Piña Province, Calocosmus robustus from La Vega Province, and Calocosmus thonalmus from La Altagracia Province, all in the Dominican Republic). Oedudes and Adesmus are new island and country records for Hispaniola and Dominican Republic, respectively. Calocosmus holosericeus Gahan is a new synonym of Calocosmus janus Bates. In addition to the new species, five new country records and four new island records are presented for Calocosmus.  相似文献   

Deux néotypes et deux lectotypes sont désignés dans cette révision du genre Vesperus Dejean. Pour chacune des 16 espèces connues, la morphologie des deux sexes est décrite, l’appareil génital mâle figure, la biologies et la répartition géographique commentées; le tout complété par une clef des espèces et sous-espèces du genre.  相似文献   

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