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We investigated the relationship between bacterioplankton production (BP), respiration (BR), and community composition measured by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism in the southern North Sea over a seasonal cycle. Major changes in bacterioplankton richness were apparent from April to December. While cell-specific BP decreased highly significantly with increasing bacterioplankton richness, cell-specific BR was found to be variable along the richness gradient, suggesting that bacterioplankton respiration is rather independent from shifts in the bacterial community composition. As a consequence, the bacterial growth efficiency [BGE = BP/(BP + BR)] was negatively related to bacterioplankton richness, explaining approximately 43% of the variation in BGE. Our results indicate that despite the observed shifts in the community composition, the main function of the bacterioplankton, the remineralization of dissolved organic carbon to CO(2), is rather stable.  相似文献   

The numbers, biomass, and production of bacterioplankton were determined in the Russian Sector of the Gdansk Basin (Baltic Sea) in 2007–2009. Significant spatial and temporal variations were determined. During the year, bacterial activity increased with increasing water temperature and higher availability of organic substrates. The lowest bacterial production (0.01–31.63 mg C m−3 day−1) was observed in late winter and late autumn, while the highest (0.17–341.70 mg C m−3 day−1) occurred in spring and summer. Since bacterial numbers and biomass were found to depend on the weather conditions and the terrigenous inflow, significant variations were observed from year to year. The highest and lowest numbers and biomass of bacterioplankton determined in summer were 0.09–1.10 × 106 cells mL−1 and 2–22 mg C m−3 for July 2007 and 1.96–11.23 × 106 cells mL−1 and 23–123 mg C m–3 for July 2009. The values of these parameters were the highest along the coast and decreased towards the open sea.  相似文献   

We examined changes in bacterioplankton standing stock and production in subarctic lakes in the north of Sweden to elucidate their coupling to lake physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. Sixteen lakes situated along an altitude gradient extending from the coniferous forest to the high-alpine belt were studied during 1998 and 1999. The summer mean bacterial numbers and production varied substantially between the lakes, with a general trend toward decreasing values with increasing altitude. The results demonstrate that P probably restricted bacterial utilization of DOC in the coniferous forest lakes, while low DOC concentrations limited bacterial growth during the summer in the alpine lakes. The primary production of plankton was insufficient to support bacterial production in the lakes. High input of allochthonous DOC to the alpine lakes in spring was sufficient both to increase the bacterial production and to induce P-limitation. As a consequence, there was a tendency toward higher bacterial activity in the spring compared to the summer in the alpine lakes. The results indicate that most of the bacterial standing stock and production are supported by allochthonous DOC plus DOC from benthic production, and more or less limited by the phosphorus supply. We therefore suggest that bacteria populations in subarctic lakes may be indirectly affected by climate variations through its impact on the input of DOC and nutrients from the lake catchments.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton community diversity was investigated in the subtropical Brisbane River-Moreton Bay estuary, Australia (27°25′S, 153°5′E). Bacterial communities were studied using automated rRNA intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA), which amplifies 16S-23S ribosomal DNA internally transcribed spacer regions from mixed-community DNA and detects the separated products on a fragment analyzer. Samples were collected from eight sites throughout the estuary and east to the East Australian Current (Coral Sea). Bacterioplankton communities had the highest operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness, as measured by ARISA at eastern bay stations (S [total richness] = 84 to 85 OTU) and the lowest richness in the Coral Sea (S = 39 to 59 OTU). Richness correlated positively with bacterial abundance; however, there were no strong correlations between diversity and salinity, NO3 and PO43− concentrations, or chlorophyll a concentration. Bacterioplankton communities at the riverine stations were different from communities in the bay or Coral Sea. The main differences in OTU richness between stations were in taxa that each represented 0.1% (the detection limit) to 0.5% of the total amplified DNA, i.e., the “tail” of the distribution. We found that some bacterioplankton taxa are specific to distinct environments while others have a ubiquitous distribution from river to sea. Bacterioplankton richness and diversity patterns in the estuary are potentially a consequence of greater niche availability, mixing of local and adjacent environment communities, or intermediate disturbance. Furthermore, these results contrast with previous reports of spatially homogeneous bacterioplankton communities in other coastal waters.  相似文献   

Patel A  Ting IP 《Plant physiology》1987,84(3):640-642
Mature leaves of well-watered Peperomia camptotricha show Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Young leaves show CAM-cycling in which CO2 uptake occurs during the day concomitant with a marked diurnal fluctuation of organic acids as in CAM. Evidence is presented suggesting that respiration is the source of CO2 for nocturnal acid synthesis in leaves exhibiting CAM-cycling. Respiratory quotients for these leaves were consistently much less than unity despite the fact that the leaves metabolize starch. The conservation of CO2 by refixation into acids at night represents about 17% of the total photosynthetically fixed CO2 and about 50% of the total respiratory CO2.  相似文献   

Variations in the thymidine incorporation rate, bacterial abundance, and mean cell volumes in the surface water (0.5 m) of the Baltic Sea in spring and summer were compared in studies with different spatial scales (570 nautical miles [nmi] [ca. 1056 km], 220 nmi [ca. 407 km], 24 nmi [ca. 44 km], 12 nmi [ca. 22 km], and 200 m). The objective of the comparison was to investigate whether a single sample taken at one sampling point is representative enough for researchers to make generalizations about a larger water area. Bacterioplankton variation was connected more to seasonal characteristics than to the spatial scale of sampling. Variation was greater and more random in spring than in summer. The state variables (bacterial abundance and mean cell volume) varied less than the rate variable (thymidine incorporation). The results suggest that the sampling design for bacterioplankton studies in northern temperate seas should be planned primarily according to the season and that more stress should be put on rate variable measurements than on those of state variables.  相似文献   

For present-day biotas, close relationships have been documented between the number of species in a given region and the area of the region. To date, however, there have been only limited studies of these relationships in the geologic record, particularly for ancient marine biotas. The recent development of large-scale marine paleontological databases, in conjunction with enhanced geographical mapping tools, now allow for their investigation. At the same time, there has been renewed interest in comparing the environmental and paleobiological properties of two broad-scale marine settings: epicontinental seas, broad expanses of shallow water covering continental areas, and open-ocean-facing settings, shallow shelves and coastlines that rim ocean basins. Recent studies indicate that spatial distributions of taxa and the kinetics of taxon origination and extinction may have differed in these two settings. Against this backdrop, we analyze regional Genus-Area Relationships (GARs) of Late Cretaceous marine invertebrates in epicontinental sea and open-ocean settings using data from the Paleobiology Database. We present a new method for assessing GARs that is particularly appropriate for fossil data when the geographic distribution of these data is patchy and uneven. Results demonstrate clear relationships between genus richness and area for regions worldwide, but indicate that as area increases, genus richness increases more per unit area in epicontinental seas than in open-ocean settings. This difference implies a greater degree of compositional heterogeneity as a function of geographic area in epicontinental sea settings, a finding that is consistent with the emerging understanding of physical differences in the nature of water masses between the two marine settings.  相似文献   

In order to test the temporal stability within and the reproducibility of larval fish assemblages between years, the larval fish assemblage at Helgoland Roads, North Sea (NE Atlantic) was quantitatively sampled almost daily from January 2003 to December 2005. The survey resulted in a total of 462 samples containing 50,632 larval fish of at least 42 taxa. In winter the larval fish assemblage was mainly dominated by larvae emerging from demersal eggs. This changed gradually to larvae hatching from pelagic eggs. Larvae from pelagic eggs dominated the ichthyoplankton assemblage in summer. A remarkably stable seasonality in terms of dominance patterns with recurring, season-specific fish assemblages was observed over the 3 years, despite substantial variation in environmental conditions such as a temperature difference of almost 20°C between summer and winter. The lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus), was the only species which showed significant fluctuations in abundance between the years. After removal of this species from the analysis, the dominance patterns of the remaining fish species were almost identical between years.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the potential for anaerobic metabolism might be a common feature of bacteria in coastal marine waters (L. Riemann and F. Azam, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68: 5554-5562, 2002). Therefore, we investigated whether different phylogenetic groups of heterotrophic picoplankton from the coastal North Sea were able to take up a simple carbon source under anoxic conditions. Oxic and anoxic incubations (4 h) or enrichments (24 h) of seawater with radiolabeled glucose were performed in July and August 2003. Bacteria with incorporated substrate were identified by using a novel protocol in which we combined fluorescence in situ hybridization and microautoradiography of cells on membrane filters. Incorporation of glucose under oxic and anoxic conditions was found in α-Proteobacteria, γ-Proteobacteria, and the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster of the Bacteroidetes at both times, but not in marine Euryarchaeota. In July, the majority of cells belonging to the α-proteobacterial Roseobacter clade showed tracer incorporation both in oxic incubations and in oxic and anoxic enrichments. In August, only a minority of the Roseobacter cells, but most bacteria affiliated with Vibrio spp., were able to incorporate the tracer under either condition. A preference for glucose uptake under anoxic conditions was observed for bacteria related to Alteromonas and the Pseudoalteromonas-Colwellia group. These genera are commonly considered to be strictly aerobic, but facultatively fermentative strains have been described. Our findings suggest that the ability to incorporate substrates anaerobically is widespread in pelagic marine bacteria belonging to different phylogenetic groups. Such bacteria may be abundant in fully aerated coastal marine surface waters.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton nutrient metabolism in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (ETNP) was assessed using specific activities of intracellular nitrogen (N) assimilation enzymes and hydrolytic ectoenzymes during amendment experiments, mesocosms, and diel studies of in situ rates. Glutamine synthetase (GS) and assimilatory nitrate reductase (ANR) were used to investigate N bioavailability, alkaline phosphatase (AP) to assess phosphorous (P) bioavailability and β-glucosidase (β-Glu) to detect shifts in the use of labile dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Conditions regulating activity of each enzyme were tested using incubations of < 0.6 mm size-fractionated seawater amended with different combinations of N, P, and DOC as glucose. Overall, N-deficiency was indicated by pronounced growth stimulation and repression of GS and ANR activity in incubations amended with dissolved free amino acid and ammonium. Phosphate and glucose amendments produced little or no growth stimulation, but did influence activity of all enzymes measured. Enzyme activities of bacterioplankton in mesocosms of whole plankton indicated enhanced N-deficiency and glucoside hydrolysis when the plankton community was released from any P-deficiency. Spatially, enzyme activity of bacterioplankton during two diel studies (at one slope and one open-ocean station) suggested greater N-deficiency at surface depths than within the chlorophyll maximum where activity of AP and b-Glu was often greatest. There was also greater GS and ANR activity at the open-ocean station, which had lower concentrations of dissolved inorganic N (DIN) relative to soluble reactive P (SRP), than along the continental slope of Mexico. These data suggest that bacterioplankton in surface waters of the ETNP require a large flux of DOC to drive N-deficiency; whereas, bacterioplankton deeper in the chlorophyll maximum depend on hydrolysis of complex DOC and DOP to meet their carbon demand in the presence of elevated nutrients with a low DIN:SRP ratio.  相似文献   

The Lagoon of Venice is a large water basin that exchanges water with the Northern Adriatic Sea through three large inlets. In this study, the 16S rRNA approach was used to investigate the bacterial diversity and community composition within the southern basin of the Lagoon of Venice and at one inlet in October 2007 and June 2008. Comparative sequence analysis of 645 mostly partial 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated high diversity and dominance of Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes at the lagoon as well as at the inlet station, therefore pointing to significant mixing. Many of these sequences were close to the 16S rRNA of marine, often coastal, bacterioplankton, such as the Roseobacter clade, the family Vibrionaceae, and class Flavobacteria. Sequences of Actinobacteria were indicators of a freshwater input. The composition of the bacterioplankton was quantified by catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) with a set of rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. CARD-FISH counts corroborated the dominance of members of the phyla Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. When assessed by a probe set for the quantification of selected clades within Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria, bacterioplankton composition differed between October 2007 and June 2008, and also between the inlet and the lagoon. In particular, members of the readily culturable copiotrophic gammaproteobacterial genera Vibrio, Alteromonas and Pseudoalteromonas were enriched in the southern basin of the Lagoon of Venice. Interestingly, the alphaproteobacterial SAR11 clade and related clusters were also present in high abundances at the inlet and within the lagoon, which was indicative of inflow of water from the open sea.  相似文献   

几种北方常见果实的呼吸和乙烯产生及调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
盛其潮 《植物学报》1988,5(1):49-53

Seasonal trends of biodeposition and animal coverage in backbarrier beds of the musselMytilus edulis in the East Frisian Wadden Sea were documented and quantified to assess the effects of physical disturbance by storms and to develop a conceptual model for the interpretation of biodeposits in the stratigraphic record. Accretion and erosion of biogenic muds (faeces and pseudofaeces) were quantified by repeated precision levelling of a 12 m2 test area. Animal coverage was documented by vertical photography prior to each levelling survey. Levelling and photography were conducted from a bridge and rail system to avoid physical disturbance by trampling. Four surveys, covering a period of different weather conditions, showed variable mean accretion/erosion rates of biodeposits ranging from +0.56 mm d−1 (accretion) to −1.34 mm d−1 (erosion) and areal coverage of mussels ranging from 39.1% to 0%. A pronounced seasonal trend in the biodepositional pattern was observed. Mean accretion rates were high (>0.5 mm d−1) during the summer season, whereas in the winter season net deposition decreased to zero or showed erosional trends. Longterm sediment budgets are thus composed of highly variable mean annual rates which, in turn, comprise highly variable seasonal and even monthly rates, depending on the local weather pattern. This forms the basis for a conceptual model, in terms of which the stratigraphic record of fossil biodeposits can be meaningfully interpreted.  相似文献   

Viruses cause significant mortality of marine microorganisms; however, their role in shaping the composition of microbial assemblages has not been fully elucidated. Because viruses may form lysogenic relationships with their hosts, temperate viruses may influence bacterial assemblage structures through direct lysis of hosts when induced by environmental stimuli or by homoimmunity (i.e., immunity to closely related viruses). We investigated the components of bacterioplankton assemblages that bore prophage using the lysogenic induction agent mitomycin C. Seawater was collected at two locations (the San Pedro Ocean Time Series Station and in the Santa Barbara Channel) in the Southern California Borderland and amended with mitomycin C. After 24-h incubation, the community structure of bacterioplankton was compared with unamended controls using automated rRNA intergenic spacer analysis. The addition of mitomycin C to seawater had effects on the community structure of bacterioplankton, stimulating detectable overall diversity and richness of fingerprints and causing the assemblages within incubations to become different to control assemblages. Most negatively impacted operational taxonomic units (OTU) in mitomycin C-amended incubations individually comprised a large fraction of total amplified DNA in initial seawater (5.3-23.3% of amplified DNA fluorescence) fingerprints, and data suggest that these include organisms putatively classified as members of the gamma-Proteobacteria, SAR11 cluster, and Synechococcus groups. The stimulation of assemblage richness by induction of lysogens, and the reduction in the contribution to total DNA of common OTU (and concomitant increase in rare OTU), suggests that temperate phage have the potential to strongly influence the diversity of bacterioplankton assemblages. Because lysogenic OTU may also be resistant to closely related lytic (i.e., free-living) viruses, the impact of lytic virioplankton on assemblages may only be pronounced transiently or when conditions causing lysogenic induction arise.  相似文献   

Macrobenthic and meiobenthic communities of an area off the Belgian coast of the North Sea were studied from 1970 until 1975 at 74 stations. On the basis of both macro- and meiobenthos, three zones can be distinguished in the area. The coastal zone is characterized by the macrobenthicAbra alba community, corresponding to the meiobenthicMicroarthridion littorale — Halectinosoma herdmani community, and the open sea zone by the macrobenthicVenus gallina community and the meiobenthicLeptastacus laticaudatus — Paramesochra helgolandica community. In between is a transient zone where elements of both other zones mix. The distribution of these zones is governed by the hydrodynamical regime of the region, especially by the residual and tidal current system of the Southern Bight. Within the coastal zone, the composition of the community is influenced by pollution which especially affects the epibenthic detritus-feeders of the meiobenthos. The spatial stability of parameters describing community structure can be used for monitoring changes. Temporal characteristics of these parameters could not be investigated properly, but diversity seems to be much stabler than biomass.  相似文献   

The rate of dark CO2 efflux from mature wheat (Triticum aestivum cv Gabo) leaves at the end of the night is less than that found after a period of photosynthesis. After photosynthesis, the dark CO2 efflux shows complex dependence on time and temperature. For about 30 minutes after darkening, CO2 efflux includes a large component which can be abolished by transferring illuminated leaves to 3% O2 and 330 microbar CO2 before darkening. After 30 minutes of darkness, a relatively steady rate of CO2 efflux was obtained. The temperature dependence of steady-state dark CO2 efflux at the end of the night differs from that after a period of photosynthesis. The higher rate of dark CO2 efflux following photosynthesis is correlated with accumulated net CO2 assimilation and with an increase in several carbohydrate fractions in the leaf. It is also correlated with an increase in the CO2 compensation point in 21% O2, and an increase in the light compensation point. The interactions between CO2 efflux from carbohydrate oxidation and photorespiration are discussed. It is concluded that the rate of CO2 efflux by respiration is comparable in darkened and illuminated wheat leaves.  相似文献   

Growth of Mucor genevensis, a facultatively anaerobic dimorphic mold, in high concentrations of chloramphenicol (4 mg/ml) leads to increased numbers of yeast-like cells and small club-like mycelial forms. This change in morphology is accompanied by a threefold increase in the mass doubling time, the loss of cyanide-sensitive respiration, and the development of cyanide-insensitive respiration. Associated with these changes is the absence of cytochromes aa(3) and b and the inability of the organism to utilize ethanol; in addition, mitochondria appear more numerous and have less internal membrane. A further inhibitory action of the antibiotic, other than eliminating functional mitochondria, appears likely since microaerobic cultures which lack respiratory ability have twice the mass doubling time in the presence of the drug. Although a small inhibition of amino acid incorporation by cytoplasmic ribosomes is found with a high chloramphenicol concentration, it is insufficient to account for the effect on growth of the microaerobic culture. The nature of this additional effect of chloramphenicol remains to be determined, but it has been shown that increasing the glucose concentration can partially reverse this action of the antibiotic. The effect of the drug on the morphology of the organism is not as dramatic as that of phenethyl alcohol in producing yeast-like forms. However, in view of the action of chloramphenicol in eliminating functional mitochondria in M. genevensis the suggestion that phenethyl alcohol exerts its effect in promoting yeast-like morphology by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation should be re-examined.  相似文献   

Pelagic North Sea whiting Merlangius merlangus preyed upon (pelagic) sprat and sandeel, while demersal whiting preyed upon (demersal) Norway pout and herring. Values of diet breadth were low for both feeding groups using Levin's index. Diet overlaps within layers were low ( D <0·25), while the between layer food overlap was moderate ( D =0·25–0·74) to high ( D >0·74) using Schoener's index. Selection of prey was density dependent. However, prey size also played an important role. The diet of whiting shifted from amphipods and mysids to fish with increasing predator length, and the length of prey consumed increased significantly with length of whiting. The fact that the stomach contents differed between the feeding groups demonstrates the need for a sampling design that includes both pelagic and demersal habitats when trying to quantify the diet of whiting.  相似文献   

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