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Bacteriophage T4 DNA topoisomerase has been isolated and shown to contain the proteins coded by the DNA-delay genes 39 and 52 (Liu, L. F., Liu, C.-C., and Alberts, B. M. (1979) Nature (Lond.) 281, 456-461 and Stetler, G. L., King, G. J., and Huang, W. M. (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 76, 3737-3741). From complementation measurements in vitro and from earlier genetic evidence, these workers suggested that the product of gene 60 (p60) was also a component of the DNA topoisomerase complex. This paper now establishes the identity of p60 and unequivocally shows that this protein is a component of the enzyme complex. T4 DNA topoisomerase was purified by a simplified two-column procedure and found to be a stable complex of p39, p52, and a protein with a relative molecular weight of 18,000. The 18,000-dalton chain has been unambiguously shown to be the product of gene 60 through the use of an amber mutant of gene 60 with Sup+ and Sup- hosts and analyses by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. While p39 and p52 were tightly associated in the wild type enzyme complex, they were readily separated on a hydroxylapatite column from extracts of cells infected by an amber mutant of gene 60. These findings suggest that p60 plays a structural/functional role in the enzyme complex by holding the larger p39 and p52 in juxtaposition.  相似文献   

A novel monoclonal antibody, designated M1.4, recognizes the high molecular weight microtubule-associated protein MAP1A (ca. Mr 380 kD) in both bovine and rat brain. In HeLa cells, however, M1.4 binds to a 240 kD polypeptide on immunoblots and co-localizes with both vimentin and cytokeratin filaments using double-label immunofluorescence microscopy. Immunoelectron microscopy indicates that the 240 kD polypeptide localizes along bundled intermediate filaments in a periodic manner. Two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis indicates that the 240 kD polypeptide has a basic pI of 7.7. When HeLa cell intermediate filaments are isolated using standard non-ionic detergent/high-salt conditions the 240 kD polypeptide does not sediment with the intermediate filaments, unlike the established intermediate filament-associated protein plectin. Immunoblot analysis with M1.4 shows the 240 kD polypeptide is expressed in a number of mammalian cell lines. Additionally, double-label immunofluorescence shows the 240 kD polypeptide to associate with vimentin filaments in African Green Monkey kidney (CV-1) and JC neuroblastoma cells. Due to its unique biochemical and biological characteristics, the 240 kD polypeptide is clearly a novel intermediate filament-associated protein for which we have proposed the designation gyronemin (Gr. gyros: around; nemin: filament).  相似文献   

We have identified an interacting partner protein (encoded by the human EPM2AIP1 gene (approved symbol)) for laforin, the product of the EPM2A gene, which is mutated in an autosomal recessive form of adolescent progressive myoclonus epilepsy. The EPM2AIP1 gene was identified in a screen for laforin-interacting proteins with a human brain cDNA library using the yeast two-hybrid system. The specificity of the interaction was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation of in vivo-transfected protein and by using EPM2A deletion constructs. Subcellular colocalization of laforin and EPM2AIP1 protein was also demonstrated. The human EPM2AIP1 gene, corresponding to the KIAA0766 cDNA clone in the databases, was characterized and shown, like EPM2A, to be ubiquitously expressed. The gene, which comprises one large exon 1824 nucleotides in length and has alternative 3' untranslated regions, maps to human chromosome 3p22.1. The function is currently not known and extensive analyses do not reveal any homology to other proteins or any obvious structural motifs. Because genetic heterogeneity in Lafora disease has been described, mutational analysis of the EPM2AIP1 gene was performed on non-EPM2A patients, but no mutations were found. The identification of this first binding partner for laforin promises to be an important step toward unraveling the underlying pathogenesis of this severest form of teenage-onset epilepsy.  相似文献   

Shortcut nitrogen removal, that is, removal via formation and reduction of nitrite rather than nitrate, has been observed in membrane-aerated biofilms (MABs), but the extent, the controlling factors, and the kinetics of nitrite formation in MABs are poorly understood. We used a special MAB reactor to systematically study the effects of the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration at the membrane surface, which is the biofilm base, on nitrification rates, extent of shortcut nitrification, and microbial community structure. The focus was on anoxic bulk liquids, which is typical in MAB used for total nitrogen (TN) removal, although aerobic bulk liquids were also studied. Nitrifying MABs were grown on a hollow-fiber membrane exposed to 3 mg N/L ammonium. The MAB intra-membrane air pressure was varied to achieve different DO concentrations at the biofilm base, and the bulk liquid was anoxic or with 2 g m(-3) DO. With 2.2 and 3.5 g m(-3) DO at the biofilm base, and with an anoxic bulk-liquid, the ammonium fluxes were 0.75 and 1.0 g N m(-2) day(-1), respectively, and nitrite was the main oxidized nitrogen product. However, with membrane DO of 5.5 g m(-3), and either zero or 2 g m(-3) DO in the bulk, the ammonium flux was around 1.3 g N m(-2) day(-1), and nitrate flux increased significantly. For all experiments, the cell density of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) was relatively uniform throughout the biofilm, but the density of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) decreased with decreasing biofilm DO. Among NOB, Nitrobacter spp. were dominant in biofilm regions with 2 g m(-3) DO or greater, while Nitrospira spp. were dominant in regions with less than 2 g m(-3) DO. A biofilm model, including AOB, Nitrobacter spp., and Nitrospira spp., was developed and calibrated with the experimental results. The model predicted the greatest extent of nitrite formation (95%) and the lowest ammonium oxidation flux (0.91 g N m(-2) day(-1)) when the membrane DO was 2 g m(-3) and the bulk liquid was anoxic. Conversely, the model predicted the lowest extent of nitrite formation (40%) and the highest ammonium oxidation flux (1.5 g N m(-2) day(-1)) when the membrane-DO and bulk-DO were 8 g m(-3) and 2 g m(-3), respectively. The estimated kinetic parameters for Nitrospira spp., revealed a high affinity for nitrite and oxygen. This explains the dominance of Nitrospira spp. over Nitrobacter spp. in regions with low nitrite and oxygen concentrations. Our results suggest that shortcut nitrification can effectively be controlled by manipulating the DO at the membrane surface. A tradeoff is made between increased nitrite accumulation at lower DO, and higher nitrification rates at higher DO.  相似文献   

Steroidogenic cells of the adrenal and gonad are thought to be derived from a common primordium that divides into separate tissues during embryogenesis. In this paper, we show that cells with mixed adrenal and Leydig cell properties are found dispersed in the insterstitium of the embryonic and adult mouse testis. They express the adrenal markers Cyp11b1 and Cyp21 and respond to ACTH. Consistent with these properties, we show that the embryonic testis produces the adrenal steroid corticosterone. These cells also express Cyp17 and respond to hCG stimulation but do not express the Leydig specific marker Insl3 showing that they are a population of steroidogenic cells distinct from Leydig cells. Based on their properties, we refer to these cells as adrenal-like cells of the testis and propose that they are the mouse equivalent of the precursors of human adrenal rests, tumors found primarily in male patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Organ culture studies show that ACTH-responsive cells are present at the gonad/mesonephros border and seem to migrate into the XY but not the XX gonad during development. Consistent with this, using transgenic Cyp11a1 reporter mice, we definitively show that steroidogenic cells can migrate from the mesonephros into the XY gonad. We also show that the region between the mesonephros and the gonad harbors steroidogenic cell precursors that are repressed by the presence of the mesonephros. We propose that this region is the source of the adrenal-like cells that migrate into the testis as it develops and are activated when Leydig cells differentiate. These studies reveal the complex nature of steroidogenic cell differentiation during urogenital development.  相似文献   

Recombinant baculoviruses have emerged as a new gene delivery vehicle for mammalian cells. Thus, a shuttle promoter that mediates gene expression in both insect and mammalian cells will facilitate the development of a baculovirus vector-based mammalian cell gene delivery vehicle. This study described the generation of three recombinant baculoviruses with an EGFP reporter gene under the control of the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) ie1 promoter, or either of two control promoters, the baculovirus early-to-late (ETL) promoter and polyhedrin promoter. The resulting recombinant baculoviruses were used to infect insect Sf9 cells and transduce several mammalian cell lines to test the expression of EGFP. We found that the WSSV ie1 promoter displayed a strong promoter activity in both insect and mammalian cells, and showed a stronger promoter activity than the ETL promoter in some mammalian cell lines. The activity of the WSSV ie1 promoter, but not the ETL promoter, can be enhanced by sodium butyrate, a histone deacetylase inhibitor. A transient plasmid transfection assay indicated that the WSSV ie1 promoter activity in mammalian cells is independent of baculovirus gene expression, differing from the ETL promoter, which was shown to be baculovirus-dependent. This study demonstrates, for the first time, that the WSSV ie1 promoter can function as a baculovirus-independent shuttle promoter between insect cells and mammalian cells. This novel shuttle promoter will facilitate the application of baculovirus-based vectors in gene expression, gene therapy, and non-replicative vector vaccines.  相似文献   

A Ca2+-dependent sialic acid-binding protein was purified on fetuin-Sepharose from various types of human tissue. The molecular mass was determined to be 10,315 Da by laser desorption mass spectrometry. Partial sequence analysis after cyanogen bromide cleavage that yielded one N-terminus accessible for Edman degradation revealed an identity to an internal stretch following the only methionine residue within a putative amino acid sequence (Mr 10,048), deduced from the cDNA of a cell cycle-specific gene. The reported biochemical identification is a prerequisite to infer the biological role of the so far undetected gene product. Initial glycohistochemical studies with sialic acid-(BSA-biotin) raised evidence for nuclear localization of sialic acid-binding sites that might reflect, at least in part, detection of this protein.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a previously unknown G protein alpha-subunit lacking the site for pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation was recently cloned and its putative protein product named Gz (Fong, H. K. W., Yoshimoto, K. K., Eversole-Cire, P., and Simon, M. I. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 85, 3066-3070) or Gx (Matsuoka, M., Itoh, H. Kozasa, T., and Kaziro, Y. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 85, 5384-5388). A synthetic peptide corresponding to the deduced carboxyl-terminal decapeptide of this putative protein (alpha z) has been synthesized and used to prepare a polyclonal rabbit antiserum directed against the protein. The specificity and cross-reactivity of this antiserum was assessed using bacterially expressed recombinant G protein alpha-subunit fusion proteins (r alpha). The crude antiserum strongly recognizes r alpha z in immunoblots. Pretreatment of antiserum with antigen peptide greatly reduces the interaction of the antiserum with r alpha z. Affinity purified antiserum strongly recognizes expressed r alpha z, does not recognize r alpha s1, r alpha s1, r alpha o, or r alpha i3, and very weakly interacts with r alpha i1 and r alpha i2. In contrast, the alpha-subunits of purified bovine brain Gi1 and human erythrocyte Gi2 and Gi3 did not react with the alpha z-antiserum. Partially purified mixtures of human erythrocyte G proteins contain a 41-kDa protein that reacts specifically in immunoblots with both crude and affinity purified alpha z-specific antiserum. Quantitative immunoblotting using r alpha z as a standard indicates that there is 60-100 ng of alpha z/micrograms of 40/41-kDa alpha-subunit protein in partially purified human erythrocyte G protein preparations. We conclude that we have identified the alpha z gene product as a 41-kDa trace protein in human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

We have identified a human insulinoma cDNA (PC2) that encodes a protein homologous to the precursor processing Kex2 endoprotease of yeast by using a polymerase chain reaction to detect and amplify conserved sequences within the catalytic site. The 638-residue amino acid sequence of PC2 begins with a cleavable signal peptide, indicating that it enters the secretory pathway, and contains a 282-residue domain that is homologous to the catalytic modules of both Kex2 and the related bacterial subtilisins. Within this region 49 and 27% of the amino acids are identical to those in the aligned Kex2 and subtilisin BPN' sequences, respectively, and the catalytically essential Asp, His, and Ser residues are all conserved. Northern blot analysis revealed the presence of 2.8- and 5.0-kilobase hybridizing bands in mRNA from the insulinoma. The PC2 protein also shows great similarity to the incomplete NH2-terminal sequence of the human furin gene product, a putative membrane-inserted receptor-like molecule. We propose that PC2 is a member of a family of mammalian Kex2/subtilisin-like proteases that includes members involved in a number of specific proteolytic events within cells, including the processing of prohormones.  相似文献   

We report the expression of a high level of human cyclooxygenase-1 (hCOX-1) in mammalian cells using a novel gene amplification method known as the IR/MAR gene amplification system. IR/MAR-plasmids contain a mammalian replication initiation region (IR) and a nuclear matrix attachment region (MAR) and amplify autonomously without a specific induction process. In this study, the IR/MAR-plasmid pΔBN.AR1 was cotransfected with pCAG-COX1, which expresses hCOX-1, into human HEK293T cells, and G418 and blasticidin S double-resistant cells were obtained in about 1month. Real-time PCR and Western blotting revealed that the expressions of hCOX-1 mRNA and protein in both polyclonal and monoclonal cells were remarkably higher than those in only pCAG-COX1-transfected control cells. Southern blotting demonstrated the amplification of the hCOX-1 gene, and the copy number of clone #43 obtained by the cotransfection of pΔBN.AR1 and pCAG-COX1 was more than 20 copies per cell, though that of clone #14 obtained without using the IR/MAR plasmid pΔBN.AR1 was only two copies. These results indicate that a high level of hCOX-1 expression was achieved as a result of hCOX-1 gene amplification. Furthermore, the crude extract from clone #43 showed a strong COX-1 activity, and the activity was inhibited by the representative COX-1 inhibitor indomethacin, with an IC(50) value of 36nM. These results demonstrate that the IR/MAR gene amplification system is a simple but useful method for generating highly productive mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The human pim-1 gene was recently identified as a new putative oncogene located on chromosome 6p21, a region showing karyotypic abnormalities in particular leukemias. In the present work we characterized the pim protein product. In vitro translation of positively selected poly(A)+ mRNA indicates that this gene encodes a 33-kilodalton protein. Anti-pim antibodies were raised against a fused TrpE-pim protein induced in a bacterial expression vector. This antibody immunoprecipitated a 33-kilodalton protein from in vivo [35S]methionine-labeled K562 and KCl myelogenous origin cell lines. This protein was localized to the cytoplasm, and in vivo labeling as well as in vitro kinase assay suggests that it is a phosphoprotein with tyrosine kinase activity. This was further confirmed by performing autophosphorylation directly on a p33pim-containing gel band cut out after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results imply that the tyrosine kinase activity of pim can be recovered after boiling the pim-1 protein in sample buffer: a feature not described yet for this class of protein. These results suggest that pim-1 is a new member of the subgroup of oncogenes encoding tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

We have stably expressed a recombinant form of apo(a) in a human embryonic kidney cell line. The engineered protein (predicted mass of 250 kDa) contains 17 copies of the apo(a) domain, which resembles kringle 4 of plasminogen, followed by the plasminogen-like kringle 5 and protease-like domain of apo(a). The recombinant protein [r-apo(a)] was isolated from cell culture media by immunoaffinity chromatography, and its physical properties were studied. As is the case for apo(a) isolated from plasma-derived Lp(a), r-apo(a) is highly glycosylated (23% by weight), containing both N- and O-linked glycans, which results in an observed molecular mass of 500 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The high sialic acid content was reflected in a pI of 4.3 for the r-apo(a). Two subpopulations of r-apo(a) secreted by the permanent cell line were identified with respect to lysine-Sepharose binding; the majority of the r-apo(a) bound specifically to this matrix and was eluted with epsilon-aminocaproic acid (epsilon-ACA). When the r-apo(a) plasmid was used to transfect a human hepatoma cell line, lipoprotein particles were secreted containing the disulfide-linked complex of apoB-100 and the r-apo(a). The density of these particles was shown to be heterogeneous, with the majority of the r-Lp(a) floating in the density range of plasma-derived Lp(a).  相似文献   

DNA synthesis of human hepatoblastoma HepG2 cells is reversibly inhibited by butyrate. When butyrate is removed from the culture medium, cells re-enter the cell cycle, synthesizing DNA with a time lag of about 12 h. HepG2 cells, growth-inhibited for 30 h with butyrate, synthesize and accumulate a nuclear protein, called D. Protein D synthesis is inhibited in cells which, released from the butyrate block, have resumed DNA synthesis as well as in growing cells never exposed to butyrate. Protein D has been purified from growth-arrested cells and partially sequenced. The amino acid sequences of five internal trypsin peptides indicate that protein D is a novel nuclear protein.  相似文献   

E Erikson  R L Erikson 《Cell》1980,21(3):829-836
The avian sarcoma virus-transforming gene product (pp60src) appears potentially able to mediate cell transformation via phosphorylation since it is tightly associated with a protein kinase activity. We have searched for and have been able to identify a normal cellular protein that appears to be a substrate of pp60src. The phosphorylation of this protein (34K) in transformation-specific in ASV-transformed cells of both avian and mammalian origin. Moreover, the 34K polypeptide serves as a substrate for the pp60src phosphotransferase activity in vitro and is phosphorylated at a site identical to the major site of phosphorylation in vivo. These data suggest that upon transformation the 34,000-dalton protein is phosphorylated directly as a result of pp60src activity.  相似文献   

The recA+ lexA+-dependent induction of four Escherichia coli SOS proteins was readily observed by two-dimensional gel analysis. In addition to the 38-kilodalton (kDa) RecA protein, which was induced in the greatest amounts and was readily identified, three other proteins of 115, 62, and 12 kDa were seen. The 115-kDa protein is the product of the uvrA gene, which is required for nucleotide excision repair and has previously been shown to be induced in the SOS response. The 62-kDa protein, which was induced to high intracellular levels, is the product of recN, a gene required for recBC-independent recombination. The recA and recN genes were partially derepressed in a recBC sbcB genetic background, a phenomenon which might account for the recombination proficiency of such strains. The 12-kDa protein has yet to be identified.  相似文献   

K Kuchler  R E Sterne    J Thorner 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(13):3973-3984
Saccharomyces cerevisiae MATa cells release a lipopeptide mating pheromone, a-factor. Radiolabeling and immunoprecipitation show that MATa ste6 mutants produce pro-a-factor and mature a-factor intracellularly, but little or no extracellular pheromone. Normal MATa cells carrying a multicopy plasmid containing both MFa1 (pro-a-factor structural gene) and the STE6 gene secrete a-factor at least five times faster than the same cells carrying only MFa1 in the same vector. The nucleotide sequence of the STE6 gene predicts a 1290 residue polypeptide with multiple membrane spanning segments and two hydrophilic domains, each strikingly homologous to a set of well-characterized prokaryotic permeases (including hlyB, oppD, hisP, malK and pstB) and sharing even greater identity with mammalian mdr (multiple drug resistance) transporters. These results suggest that the STE6 protein in yeast, and possibly mdr in animals, is a transmembrane translocator that exports polypeptides by a route independent of the classical secretory pathway.  相似文献   

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