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Despite high taxonomic diversity elsewhere in North America during the Pleistocene, vertebrate faunas are exceedingly rare in the region of northern Mexico. Térapa, a unique fossil site located in the present-day desert of Northcentral Sonora, Mexico (29°41′N, 109°39′W, 605 m elevation), contributes to our understanding of the paleoecology and paleoclimate of the region during the Late Pleistocene, ca. 43,000-40,000 cal. yr BP. At least 60 vertebrate taxa, including amphibians, turtles, a crocodilian, snakes, birds and many mammals, have been recovered from an 11-m thick sequence of fossiliferous sediments. The diversity and tropical affinity of these taxa suggest a more-forested environment than the thornscrub desert habitat present in this region today.Isotopic analyses of tooth enamel carbonate from ancient mammalian herbivores suggest that the Sonoran desert has undergone considerable climate change since the Late Pleistocene. Bulk carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopes from nine mammalian fossils indicate a habitat mosaic with variations in diet that include browsers, mixed feeders and C4 hyper-grazers (δ13C range of − 10‰ to 2‰). Unique to this site are δ13C tooth enamel values of − 6.1 and − 5.6 ‰ for the deer Odocoileus, which suggest a more variable diet than strict browsing, including possibly feeding on CAM and/or C4 plants. Serial sampling of carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopes for ancient mammal teeth with hypsodont dentitions (fossil Equus and Bison,) as well as δ18O meteroric water estimates from well-supported climatic models suggest a cooler and more equable environment at Térapa during the Late Pleistocene. These results also support previous habitat reconstructions inferred from the macrobotanical and packrat midden records of northern Sonora (Mexico). High-resolution stable isotope geochemistry indicates that: 1) ancient Térapa was covered with forest and grassland habitats that extended northward into Mexico by about 350 km relative to their present-day northern limits during the Late Pleistocene; and 2) an Amount Effect (AE) is demonstrated in the fossil record at Térapa even though the climate was less seasonal compared to the modern desert habitat.  相似文献   

The Cintura Formation of Albian–Cenomanian age in the Cabullona Basin yielded an important fossil flora, including palynomorphs, leaf impressions and fossil trunks. At the base of the Marquechi Member a poorly preserved palynomorph assemblage is recognised. The palynological assemblage is dominated by gymnosperms, mainly by cheirolepidiacean genus Classopollis. A noteworthy feature is the presence of angiosperm pollen grains of the genera Clavatipollenites, Retimonocolpites and Tucanopollis. A rich, diverse and well-preserved macroflora of leaf impressions has been observed in the uppermost part of this formation belonging to the San Juan Member. There are at least eight morphospecies of leaves including an abundance of taxa with possible botanical affinities to the family Sapindaceae. The angiosperm pollen grains together with the sapindalean leaves constitute the oldest record of such remains in Mexico.  相似文献   

Cultivation of agave was common in pre-Hispanic northern Mexico and the American Southwest, and scholars generally accept that it was a strategy to ensure food supply during years of drought when the maize crop failed. Some even suggest that incorporating agave cultivation make large, nucleated settlements possible in arid northern Mexico ca. 500–900 CE. Yet the environmental circumstances under which farmers could reasonably expect such a strategy to decrease the chances of agricultural failure are not well understood. We explore the potential of this crop complementarity by assessing the risk of famine-induced migration events in different idealized environmental settings. We use Monte Carlo simulation to analyze a simple discrete-time, age-structured stochastic model for maize and agave agroecology, deriving the climatological conditions under which agave could have significantly reduced the probability of short- and long-term famine events. Investments in agave production made the most sense where average annual rainfall was between the levels that would ensure maximum maize yield and those that would mean loss of the maize crop due to drought-related mortality. Cultivating agave had little impact on famine risk at high (maize yields sufficient) and low (failure of both maize and agave) rainfall levels. Perhaps more surprisingly, it had its highest impact at moderate rainfall levels when variance in rainfall was relatively low. While a higher variance in rainfall increased the number of ‘good’ years for maize—where production would exceed demand and allow for storage—it also increased the probability of simultaneous failures in both agave and maize production. These findings are difficult to apply to specific times and places in the past, because rainfall distribution in complex, environments change, and it is difficult to take all relevant human interventions into account. The analysis does, however, offer support for the proposition that agave cultivation could have significantly enhanced survival probabilities of large, nucleated settlements in certain circumstances. It remains for further study to identify such circumstances more precisely geographically and temporally.
Ann P. KinzigEmail:

Recent evidence indicates that primate populations may persist in neotropical fragmented landscapes by using arboreal agroecosystems, which may provide temporary habitats, increased areas of vegetation, and connectivity, among other benefits. However, limited data are available on how primates are able to sustain themselves in such manmade habitats. We report the results of a 9-month-long investigation of the feeding ecology of a troop of howler monkeys (n = 24) that have lived for the past 25 years in a 12-ha cacao plantation in the lowlands of Tabasco, Mexico. A vegetation census indicated the presence of 630 trees (> or =20 cm diameter at breast height (DBH)) of 32 shade species in the plantation. The howlers used 16 plant species (13 of which were trees) as sources of leaves, fruits, and flowers. Five shade tree species (Ficus cotinifolia, Pithecellobium saman, Gliricidia sepium, F. obtusifolia, and Ficus sp.) accounted for slightly over 80% of the total feeding time and 78% of the total number trees (n = 139) used by the howlers, and were consistently used by the howlers from month to month. The howlers spent an average of 51% of their monthly feeding time exploiting young leaves, 29% exploiting mature fruit, and 20% exploiting flowers and other plant items. Monthly consumption of young leaves varied from 23% to 67%, and monthly consumption of ripe fruit varied from 12% to 64%. Differences in the protein-to-fiber ratio of young vs. mature leaves influenced diet selection by the monkeys. The howlers used 8.3 ha of the plantation area, and on average traveled 388 m per day in each month. The howlers preferred tree species whose contribution to the total tree biomass and density was above average for the shade-tree population in the plantation. Given the right conditions of management and protection, shaded arboreal plantations in fragmented landscapes can sustain segments of howler monkey populations for many decades.  相似文献   

Summary The plant species composition of the chaff piles of three species of harvester ant (Messor spp.) and the contribution of the chaff to the organic pool were studied from August 1985 to July 1987. There were distinct differences in the plant species composition of the chaff of the three species. We attribute this to the different diets of the three species, which reflect the relative sizes of their individuals and their foraging strategies. The amount of chaff accumulated varies greatly between the three species (Messor rugossus: 127–196 g · ha–1 · y–1;Messor ebeninus: 2823–4437 g · ha–1 · y–1;Messor arenarius: 2165–2535 g · ha–1 · y–1), although the number of nests per hectare is virtually the same. We found that the amount of chaff is related to the rate of activity and the size of the individuals of each of the three ant species. The total chaff accumulated during the study period was 19.2 kg · ha–1, which is an important contribution to the organic matter in the soil in the Negev desert ecosystem.  相似文献   

Cold seeps, located along the Sonora Margin transform fault in the Guaymas Basin, were extensively explored during the ‘BIG'' cruise in June 2010. They present a seafloor mosaic pattern consisting of different faunal assemblages and microbial mats. To investigate this mostly unknown cold and hydrocarbon-rich environment, geochemical and microbiological surveys of the sediments underlying two microbial mats and a surrounding macrofaunal habitat were analyzed in detail. The geochemical measurements suggest biogenic methane production and local advective sulfate-rich fluxes in the sediments. The distributions of archaeal communities, particularly those involved in the methane cycle, were investigated at different depths (surface to 18 cm below the sea floor (cmbsf)) using complementary molecular approaches, such as Automated method of Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA), 16S rRNA libraries, fluorescence in situ hybridization and quantitative polymerase chain reaction with new specific primer sets targeting methanogenic and anaerobic methanotrophic lineages. Molecular results indicate that metabolically active archaeal communities were dominated by known clades of anaerobic methane oxidizers (archaeal anaerobic methanotroph (ANME)-1, -2 and -3), including a novel ‘ANME-2c Sonora'' lineage. ANME-2c were found to be dominant, metabolically active and physically associated with syntrophic Bacteria in sulfate-rich shallow sediment layers. In contrast, ANME-1 were more prevalent in the deepest sediment samples and presented a versatile behavior in terms of syntrophic association, depending on the sulfate concentration. ANME-3 were concentrated in small aggregates without bacterial partners in a restricted sediment horizon below the first centimetres. These niche specificities and syntrophic behaviors, depending on biological surface assemblages and environmental availability of electron donors, acceptors and carbon substrates, suggest that ANME could support alternative metabolic pathways than syntrophic anaerobic oxidation of methane.  相似文献   

In the Garhwal Himalaya of India's Uttarakhand State, a series of social movements emerged in the late 2000s to contest hydroelectric dams on a tributary of the sacred River Ganga. Within these opposition movements, men often took high‐profile leadership roles whereas women from a range of socio‐economic backgrounds formed the overwhelming base of participation at meetings, assemblies, and rallies. This article draws from event‐based participation and semi‐structured interviews to explore the diverse concerns that women gave to explain their engagements with opposition efforts. I counter essentialist frames and employ a feminist political ecology approach to argue that the gendered dynamics are attributable to historical, cultural, religious, and political‐economic influences. The article contributes to anthropologies of gender, environment, and social movements by taking an approach focused on disparities of practice and power that helps situate Garhwali women's roles in development contestations.  相似文献   

A now genus and species of large (up to 38 mm) arborescent foraminifer was found in abundance (100/m2) in an ice-covered embayment of the Ross Sea, Antarctica. In contrast to highly productive adjacent areas, this oligotrophic embayment is bathed with water coming from beneath the extensive Ross Ice Shelf. Analyses demonstrate no primary productivity and very low bacterial populations in the water column: however, benthic diatom productivity and bacterial populations are substantial. This arborescent foraminifer is well adapted to these unusual conditions. It is of complex construction with a subcentral double-walled bulb, a dendritic root system, and a stem which gives rise to branches. The bulb and root system reside in the sediment. The stem extends from the top of the bulb through from I to 3 mm of sediment into the overlying water, where it terminates in branches. Laboratory and in situ observations have demonstrated that the organism captures bottom sediments, which are brought into suspension by the activities of larger benthic invertebrates, in cytoplasm extending from the branches and stem. Examination of cytoplasmic composition and arrangement indicates that feeding lakes place infrequently.  相似文献   

Floral characteristics such as morphology and flower color have been interpreted as adaptive traits that evolved through selective pressures generated by pollinators. Differences among populations in the expression of floral characters could result from natural selection for their adaptive value to local conditions. We describe the patterns of variation of flower morphology, color, and fecundity of Agave lechuguilla in 11 populations along a latitudinal gradient encompassing the whole range of the species in the Chihuahuan desert. We found a latitudinal pattern in flower shape and color. Flowers tended to be shorter, more open, and colorful toward the northern part of the gradient. We also recorded flower visitation, discriminating between pollinators and floral robbers. The main pollinators seems to be nocturnal hawk moths (Hyles lineata) and diurnal large bees (Bombus pennsylvanicus and Xylocopa californica). In all populations large bees were the most abundant potential pollinators. However, the abundance of the potential pollinators varied along the gradient. We observed no bat visits along the gradient. The number of visits by all potential pollinators decreased significantly with latitude as did fruit set.  相似文献   

In Mexico, the tilapia Oreochromis provides one of the most important sources of animal protein and income in a wide variety of communities throughout the country, however, their culture and production face severe problems because of lack of management information. Evaluated in the present study is the degree of morphological, meristic and allozyme variation of two tilapia strains, two species and one hybrid from two important reservoirs in Mexico, two tilapia fry production farms (TFPF) and an experimental production system (EPS), to diagnose the actual status and degree of variation among them. Twenty‐two presumptive loci were utilized to determine the genetic variation, structuring and distances among samples. Multivariate analyses of 11 meristic and 33 morphometric characters were also evaluated, including the distance from the end of the mouth opening to the most anterior dorsal fin (0.9894), distance from the anal fin base to the anterior part of the caudal fin (0.9845) and the base length of the dorsal fin (0.9839) which contributed to the separation of groups. The canonical discriminant functions for the morphometric and meristic variables show that the correct classification of the organisms in percentages and in the sites of origin was on average 72%. The tilapia from the reservoirs and the experimental production system had higher genetic variations than tilapia from the fry production farms (average He 0.310, 0.062, 0.151 for Metztitlan, Infiernillo and EPS, respectively, vs 0.024 and 0.000 for Los Amates and Zacatepec, respectively). The genetic data indicate that fishes of the TFPF should be monitored closely, as they are the main source of dispersion to the reservoirs. Present results show that these data could be a fast and reliable aid to the fisheries and management of tilapia in Mexico.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is the pattern of party political preferences among the fast‐growing and increasingly politically significant Hispanic population. The source of our data is the 1990 City University of New York [CUNY] National Survey of Religious Identification, a nationally representative sample that includes 4,868 Hispanic adult respondents. One unique aspect of our large data set is that for the first time we disaggregate the one‐third who are Protestant and of No Religion from the Roman Catholic majority of Hispanics in order to see how religious identification affects political outlook. We found that Hispanics are most likely to be Democrats: 41 per cent, compared with 27 per cent who identified as Independents and 24 per cent as Republicans. Our research suggests that Hispanics are rapidly adopting mainstream American political characteristics. As a whole, the Hispanic population politically resembles non‐Hispanic white America more closely than it does black America. Among Hispanics, Protestantism and higher income favour the Republicans, and femaleness and older age assist the Democrats. The local political environment and individual social attributes are the determining factors in Hispanic political preferences. In fact, the geographical variable, state of residency, has the strongest effect on Democratic Party preference in the multivariate analysis. Overall, the dynamics of social trends among Hispanics seem to favour the Republican Party.  相似文献   

Plants with natural variation in their floral traits and reproductive ecology are ideal subjects for analyzing the effects of natural selection and other evolutionary forces on genetic structure of natural populations. Agave lechuguilla shows latitudinal changes in floral morphology, color, and nectar production along its distribution through north-central Mexico. Both the type and abundance of its pollinators also change with latitude. Using starch electrophoresis, we examined the levels and patterns of variation of 13 polymorphic allozyme loci in 11 populations of A. lechuguilla. The overall level of genetic variability was high (H(e) = 0.394), but the levels of genetic variation had no geographic pattern. However, the southern populations exhibited an excess of heterozygotes in relation to expectations for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, whereas the northern populations had an excess of homozygotes. Total differentiation among populations was low (θ = 0.083), although gene flow estimates (Nm) varied among groups of populations: southern populations had the lowest levels of genetic differentiation, suggesting high levels of gene flow; northern populations had greater levels of genetic differentiation (θ = 0.115), suggesting low gene flow among them. The patterns and inferences of the genetic structure of the population at the molecular level is consistent with variation in floral traits and pollinator visitation rates across the range of the species.  相似文献   

Rwenzori mountain range is important for its high diversity of unique species and as a water catchment area and yet very fragile to human interference. The study documented the impact of land use on ecology of uncultivated plant species in the Rwenzori mountain range using Bugoye sub‐county as a reference site. The ecological aspects of the plants studied included distribution, abundance and diversity of the plant species in and around the various land uses as well as in degraded, disturbed and undisturbed areas. Land uses identified were; agriculture, built up area and land with other activities (conservation and abandoned fields). The study revealed that agriculture was the main land use category taking up 69.7% of land use area. Plants distributed in and around the land uses were mainly trees with species diversity of 34.5%. Generally, there was no relationship in the distribution of plant species in degraded, undisturbed and disturbed areas (a = 0.01). In disturbed areas, there was vegetation cover especially of plant species that occur as secondary re‐growth, and in degraded areas, the ground was sparsely covered by primary succession species while in the undisturbed areas, plant species growing in a ‘natural. habitat dominated and most of them were climax species.  相似文献   

Approximately 200–250 pairs of kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) breed in Berlin, preferentially in nest boxes. From 2002 to 2004, ten monitoring sites (breeding sites) characterised by different housing structure, land utilisation, vegetation cover and degree of building density were studied in Berlin: four in the city centre, three in a mixed zone and three in the outskirts. All pairs bred in nest boxes, so the reproductive success could easily be determined. Pellets, and feathers of bird prey species, were collected during the breeding seasons, and the food spectrum was determined based on these remains. There was no significant difference in the reproductive success of the kestrels between the three zones. Data on the number of fledged young indicated a sufficient food supply. In total, 9 species of mice and shrews, 23 bird species and 31 beetle species were identified as prey of kestrels. Urban kestrels specialise in hunting birds if mice and shrews are not readily available, with the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) as the favoured prey bird. Of note are anthropogenic food items, such as cutlet bones, that were found only in the city centre. This shows that the kestrel can adapt itself to humans with regard to its diet. There was no urban gradient with regard to reproductive success, but there was with the composition of food, such as the domination of bird prey in the city centre. The number of individual items of bird prey decreased from the centre to the outskirts. In conclusion, the results show that the kestrel is an opportunistic species which survives well anywhere in the city of Berlin.
Stefan KupkoEmail:

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