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磁化水对农药生产工人血中胆碱酯酶活性影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

探讨了不同甘油浓度(3%、5%、7%、11%)和不同平衡时间(30、60、90、120min)对食蟹猴(Macaca fascicularis)精液冷冻效果的影响,以建立和优化食蟹猴精液冷冻的程序。参照TTE稀释液成分组成改良型TTE,冷冻前和解冻后均检测精子的活力、畸形率、质膜完整性、顶体完整率。结果显示,平衡时间为30min时精子的冷冻解冻后活力、复苏率均高于平衡时间90min和120min组,差异显著(P<0.05),比60min组稍好;甘油浓度为3%、5%组的精子冷冻解冻后活力及复苏率均高于甘油浓度11%组,差异显著(P<0.05),比7%组好;不同甘油浓度各组间以及不同平衡时间各组间畸形率、质膜完整性、顶体完整率差异不显著(P<0.05)。由此得出如下结论,在食蟹猴精液冷冻中,在改良TTE中加入3%~5%的甘油且平衡30min可以获得较好效果,精子冻后活率和复苏率达到45%和62%。  相似文献   

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分离时间对线粒体活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究者总希望得到结构完整、活性较高的线粒体制品,但分离过程中影响因素颇多,稍不注意就会使这种娇脆的亚细胞器活性下降。其中,分离时间对线粒体活性的影响虽已提出,但专文报告不多,笔者对此进行一些观察,现报告如下。  相似文献   

采用田间小区试验,以高产玉米新品种登海661为材料,研究了拔节期叶面喷施10、20和40 mg·L-1的胺鲜酯(DA-6)对玉米叶片光合羧化酶、保护酶活性和产量的影响.结果表明:喷施胺鲜酯各处理玉米分别比对照(含有表面活性剂和水)增产10.0%(10 mg·L-1)、8.9%(20 mg·L-1)和9.4%(40 mg·L-1),增产效果显著,但各浓度间差异不显著.胺鲜酯处理后,花后玉米的叶面积指数、光合速率、RuBP羧化酶和PEP羧化酶活性均显著上升(P<0.05),且对光合速率、RuBP羧化酶和PEP羧化酶活性的影响随着处理浓度的增加而提高;与对照相比,胺鲜酯处理后吐丝期、灌浆期、乳熟期和蜡熟期叶片SOD、CAT、POD和GSTs活性及可溶性蛋白质含量显著提高(P<0.05),MDA含量显著降低(P<0.05),其中CAT活性随着处理浓度的增加呈上升趋势,其余生理指标各浓度间无显著性差异.  相似文献   

精液平衡、冷冻及解冻是冻精制作过程中三个必不可少的环节,对精液冷冻效果起着决定性作用。在马(Equus caballus)精子冷冻中针对这三个过程的研究较少,为进一步优化马精液冷冻方法,提高精液冻后质量,本研究比较不同平衡时间、冷冻方法及解冻程序对冻融后精子运动参数、质膜完整性及线粒体膜电势的影响。平衡120 min、180 min和240 min组冻融后精液活力及质膜完整性明显高于平衡0 min、45 min、90 min及8 h平衡组;距离液氮面2 cm和4 cm高度熏蒸冷冻获得了与程序冷冻仪冷冻法相似的冷冻效果;采用高温瞬时解冻法(75℃7 s和46℃20 s)比常规方法(37℃30 s)获得了更高的冻后精液活力(P0.05)。综合上述结果,在马精液冷冻过程中综合采用120~240 min平衡,距离液氮面2~4 cm熏蒸法和高温瞬时解冻法(75℃7s和46℃20 s)可获得更好的精液冷冻效果。  相似文献   

本文探讨了饮用哈慈牌H型强场磁化杯磁化水对有机磷农药生产工人血中胆碱脂酶活性的影响,结果饮用磁化水组血中胆碱酯酶活性明显地高于饮用非磁化水组(P<0.05),证明长期饮用磁化水对胆碱脂酶有重活化作用,能有效地拮抗有机磷农药对人体的毒性作用。  相似文献   

本文以甘油、二甲亚砜(DMSO)为冷冻保护剂,采用两步降温法,以精子存活率和DNA损伤程度为检验其冷冻效果的评价指标,研究了冷冻保护剂和预冷时间对河蟹Eriocheir sinensis精子冷冻保存效果的影响。胰蛋白酶消化法获得河蟹游离精子,液氮冷冻保存8h以上,精子保存密度为10^7个/mL,伊红染色法检测精子存活率,单细胞凝胶电泳(SCGE)检测精子DNA损伤。实验共设置10个组,分别为不同浓度的单一冷冻保护剂(每种保护剂的体积百分比分别为5%、10%、12.5%、15%)和两种保护剂组合(两种保护剂在同一实验组巾的体积百分比含量均为5%、10%)。结果显示,12.5%甘油的保存效果最佳,精子存活率达到62.60%。在此基础上,以10%甘油作为冷冻保护剂,设置5、10、20、30、40min5个时间梯度,研究了预冷时间对精子冷冻保存效果的影响。结果显示预冷时间的长短对精子冷冻保存效果的影响显著,当预冷时间低于20min时,精子大量死亡,且精子DNA严重损伤;当预玲时间超过30min时,精子存活率明显提高,精子DNA损伤明显减弱。  相似文献   

目的:探讨模拟失重环境下大鼠血浆蛋白质组变化特征.方法:健康成年雄性 Wistar 大鼠88只,按模拟失重时相随机分为11组,分别为6 h、12 h、1 d、2 d、3 d、5 d、1周、2周、3周、4周及0 h 组(对照组).采用尾悬吊法建立模拟失重动物模型,实验结束时取动物静脉血,利用表面增强激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(SELDI-TOF-MS)技术及 MB-WCX 磁珠检测大鼠静脉血浆蛋白质谱,应用 Ciphergen Protein Chip Software 3.2.0和 Biomarker Wizard 3.1.0软件分析数据.结果:发现18个重力敏感蛋白,其中在模拟失重早期,相对分子质量较小的6个蛋白的表达呈上调趋势,而相对分子质量较大的12个蛋白的表达则逐渐下调;在模拟失重后期(悬尾2~3周后),上述蛋白的表达均呈回归趋势.结论:模拟失重环境对大鼠静脉血浆蛋白质谱产生明显影响,研究重力敏感蛋白对进一步揭示失重对机体的影响及机制具有重要意义,并对医监医保可能有一定的价值.  相似文献   

确定工程菌诱导表达时间对重组蚯蚓纤溶酶活性、含量、纯度的影响。采用摇瓶发酵 ,通过工程菌诱导表达时间 ,对重组蚯蚓纤溶酶发酵工艺进行了优化。结果可见 ,诱导表达 8h时活性最好 ,含量最高 ,纯度仍然为 1条蛋白带  相似文献   

探讨冷藏是否导致新鲜冰冻血浆(fresh frozen plasma,FFP)中的转化生长因子-β(transform growth factor-β,TGF-β)发生变化并降低其对内皮细胞迁移的诱导能力及其分子机制.为证实冷藏可能导致FFP中TGF-β的水平升高进而影响其功能,首先采用ELISA法分析当天解冻FFP(FFP Day 0)和解冻后4℃冷藏1~5天FFP中TGF-β含量,迁移实验及Western blot分析比较FFP(Day 0)和FFP(Day 5)处理人肺微血管内皮细胞(human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells,HPMECs)后的细胞迁移率及TGF-β信号通路Smad2和Smad3磷酸化,进一步采用ALK5-siRNA和ALK5特异性抑制剂阻断细胞TGF-βⅠ型受体ALK5的活性,分析下调TGF-β/Smad2/3信号传导后的内皮细胞迁移率.结果显示:随着冷藏时间的延长,FFP中TGF-β1水平逐渐增加,其增加率为244.31 ng/(L.d)(P<0.05);与FFP(Day 0)相比,FFP(Day 5)诱导内皮细胞HPMECs的TGF-β信号通路Smad2/3磷酸化显著增加(P<0.05);不管是FFP(Day 0)还是FFP(Day 5)体外均能诱导内皮细胞迁移,与FFP(Day 0)相比,FFP(Day 5)诱导细胞迁移能力显著降低(P<0.05);阻断TGF-βⅠ型受体ALK5的活性、下调Smad 3信号传导可恢复FFP(Day5)诱导细胞迁移能力.上述结果表明,FFP能显著诱导内皮细胞迁移,4℃冷藏增加FFP中TGF-β1水平并增加内皮细胞TGF-β1信号传导,进而降低FFP诱导内皮细胞迁移.提示,FFP复苏疗效的提高可能与增加内皮细胞迁移有关,冷藏导致内皮细胞迁移降低进而降低FFP复苏疗效.  相似文献   

Type E toxin of Clostridium botulinum, stored in the frozen state, retained its original toxicity level but lost its heat stability as the storage time increased.  相似文献   

For the histochemical demonstration of sensitive enzymes it is necessary to use fresh unfixed tissue sections. With the following procedure one can constantly obtain such sections 10-20μ thick with relative ease. Schanze's sliding microtome is employed. The microtome knife is deeply cooled by placing blocks of dry ice on its surface, and is provided with a device for preventing the sections from rolling up. The microtome is operated in an ordinary refrigerator maintained at a temperature of 0-3°C. For this purpose, the door of the refrigerator is replaced by a wooden door provided with a glass window, gloved arm holes, and a small door.  相似文献   

Contraction damage occurring when longitudinal frozen sections of fresh unfixed muscles are thawed on microscope slides has limited histological examination of this tissue mainly to cross sections. Longitudinally oriented sections are advantageous for investigating properties that vary along the length of the muscle fibers. A fume fixation technique has been developed for preventing contraction of thick longitudinal frozen aections. The technique is compatible with histochemical staining of enzymes.  相似文献   

Working with X-ray film autoradiography of soluble isotopes, we needed a staining technique for the localization of nuclei in frozen sections of fresh brain. We have found no Nissl staining method in the literature concerning autoradiography specially recommended for this purpose, nor have we found in handbooks on staining a Nissl method clearly recommended for unfixed, frozen sections of brain. The methods described are intended for paraffin or celloidin sections, and require fixation of brain before sectioning (which must be avoided when working with soluble isotopes). Because autoradiography is a time-consuming method, any technique which shortens time needed for the overall procedure is welcome. Most Nissl techniques described in the literature require long preprocessing of the tissue. We found two rapid methods, described by Humason (1967) and LaBossiere and Glickstein (1976), but their application to frozen sections did not give good results. After trials with several types of techniques, we succeeded in developing two Nissl modifications with slightly different qualities, one of 12 min and the other of 2-3 h. The longer method includes conventional steps in staining; the shorter method does not include fixation or lipid extraction. These methods were applied to 20-60 μm brain sections cut in the cryostat at -10 to -12 C and dried on gelatinized slides.  相似文献   

BackgroundBlood product transfusions are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study was to determine if implementation of a restrictive protocol for packed red blood cell (PRBC) and fresh frozen plasma (FFP) transfusion safely reduces blood product utilization and costs in a surgical intensive care unit (SICU).Results829 total patients were included in the analysis (PRE, n=372; POST, n=457). Despite higher mean age (56 vs. 52 years, p=0.01) and APACHE II scores (12.5 vs. 11.2, p=0.006), mean units transfused per patient were lower for both packed red blood cells (0.7 vs. 1.2, p=0.03) and fresh frozen plasma (0.3 vs. 1.2, p=0.007) in the POST compared to the PRE cohort, respectively. There was no difference in inpatient mortality between the PRE and POST cohorts (7.5% vs. 9.2%, p=0.39). There was a decreased risk of urinary tract infections (OR 0.47, 95%CI 0.28-0.80) in the POST cohort after controlling for age, illness severity and amount of blood products transfused.ConclusionsImplementation of a restrictive transfusion protocol can effectively reduce blood product utilization in critically ill surgical patients with no increase in morbidity or mortality.  相似文献   

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