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Cell expansion, and its coordination with cell division, plays a critical role in the growth and development of plant organs. However, the genes controlling cell expansion during organogenesis are largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that a novel Arabidopsis gene, ARGOS-LIKE (ARL), which has some sequence homology to the ARGOS gene, is involved in this process. Reduced expression or overexpression of ARL in Arabidopsis results in smaller or larger cotyledons and leaves as well as other lateral organs, respectively. Anatomical examination of cotyledons and leaves in ARL transgenic plants demonstrates that the alteration in size can be attributed to changes in cell size rather than cell number, indicating that ARL plays a role in cell expansion-dependent organ growth. ARL is upregulated by brassinosteroid (BR) and this induction is impaired in the BR-insensitive mutant bri1, but not in the BR-deficient mutant det2. Ectopic expression of ARL in bri1-119 partially restores cell growth in cotyledons and leaves. Our results suggest that ARL acts downstream of BRI1 and partially mediates BR-related cell expansion signals during organ growth.  相似文献   

The growth of plant organ to its characteristic size is a fundamental developmental process, but the mechanism is still poorly understood. Plant hormones play a great role in organ size control by modulating cell division and/or cell expansion. ETHYLENE INSENSITVE 2 (EIN2) was first identified by a genetic screen for ethylene insensitivity and is regarded as a central component of ethylene signaling, but its role in cell growth has not been reported. Here we demonstrate that changed expression of EIN2 led to abnormity of cell expansion by morphological and cytological analyses of EIN2 loss-of-function mutants and the overexpressing transgenic plant. Our findings suggest that EIN2 controls final organ size by restricting cell expansion.  相似文献   

Tryptophan (Trp) is an essential amino acid required not only for protein synthesis but also for the production of many plant metabolites, including the hormone auxin. Mutations that disrupt Trp biosynthesis result in various developmental defects in plant organs, but how Trp affects organ growth and development remains unclear. Here, we identify an Arabidopsis mutant, small organ1 ( smo1/trp2-301 ), which exhibits a reduction in the size of its aerial organs as a result of the retardation of growth by cell expansion, rather than by the retardation of growth by cell proliferation. smo1/trp2-301 contains a lesion in TSB1 that encodes a predominantly expressed Trp synthase β-subunit, and is allelic with trp2 mutants. Further analyses show that in trp2 leaf cells, the nuclear endoreduplication is impaired and chloroplast development is delayed. Furthermore, cell expansion and leaf growth in trp2 can be restored by the exogenous application of Trp, but not by auxin, and the general protein synthesis is not apparently affected in trp2 mutants. Our findings suggest that the deficiency in Trp or its derivatives is a growth-limiting factor for cell expansion during plant organogenesis.  相似文献   

控制植物器官大小的分子机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物器官大小是植物形态的一个重要特征并受严格的遗传调控。器官大小与两个不同的过程有关:细胞扩张和细胞分裂。分子遗传分析已经鉴定了许多基因,这些基因通过作用于其中一个或两个过程来影响器官的最终大小。某种植物个体间器官大小的差异是由控制该器官特征的基因表达水平变化引起的,通过拟南芥的遗传分析显示这些基因是如何受控制或被修饰的。以上这些资料阐明了植物如何确定继续或停止生长,同时也提供了改变植物积累生物量的方法。  相似文献   

Cell proliferation is a fundamental event essential for plant organogenesis and contributes greatly to the final organ size. Although the control of cell proliferation in plants has been extensively studied, how the plant sets the cell number required for a single organ is largely elusive. Here, we describe the Arabidopsis SMALL ORGAN 4 (SMO4) that functions in the regulation of cell proliferation rate and thus final organ size. The smo4 mutant exhibits a reduced size of organs due to the decreased cell number, and further analysis reveals that such phenotype results from a retardation of the cell cycle progression during organ development. SMO4 encodes a homolog of NUCLEOLAR PROTEIN 53 (NOP53) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is expressed primarily in tissues undergoing cell proliferation. Nevertheless, further complementation tests show that SMO4 could not rescue the lethal defect of NOP53 mutant of S. cerevisiae. These results define SMO4 as an important regulator of cell proliferation during organ growth and suggest that SMO4 might have been evolutionarily divergent from NOP53.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation is integrated into developmental progression in multicellular organisms, including plants, and the regulation of cell division is of pivotal importance for plant growth and development. Here, we report the identification of an Arabidopsis SMALL ORGAN 2 (SMO2) gene that functions in regulation of the progression of cell division during organ growth. The smo2 knockout mutant displays reduced size of aerial organs and shortened roots, due to the decreased number of cells in these organs. Further analyses reveal that disruption of SMO2 does not alter the developmental timing but reduces the rate of cell production during leaf and root growth. Moreover, smo2 plants exhibit a constitutive activation of cell cycle‐related genes and over‐accumulation of cells expressing CYCB1;1:β‐glucuronidase (CYCB1;1:GUS) during organogenesis, suggesting that smo2 has a defect in G2–M phase progression in the cell cycle. SMO2 encodes a functional homologue of yeast TRM112, a plurifunctional component involved in a few cellular events, including tRNA and protein methylation. In addition, the mutation of SMO2 does not appear to affect endoreduplication in Arabidopsis leaf cells. Taken together we postulate that Arabidopsis SMO2 is a conserved yeast TRM112 homologue and SMO2‐mediated cellular events are required for proper progression of cell division in plant growth and development.  相似文献   

器官形状和大小的控制是一个基本的发育生物学过程, 受细胞分裂和细胞扩展的影响。到目前为止, 人们对植物器官形状和大小的调控机制知之甚少。本实验室前期研究发现了一个种子和器官大小的调控基因DA1, 其编码一个泛素受体。在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中, DA1通过抑制细胞的分裂来限制种子和器官的大小。本研究通过激活标签的方法在da1-1突变体背景下筛选到一个叶子形状发生改变的半显性突变体(yuan1-1D)。yuan1-1D形成短而圆的叶片和短的叶柄, 细胞学分析显示, 叶片和叶柄变短的主要原因是细胞的长向扩展降低导致的。YUAN1编码一个含有PHD锌指结构域的蛋白。GFP-YUAN1融合蛋白定位在细胞核内。过量表达YUAN1基因导致叶片和叶柄变短。遗传学分析显示, YUAN1和DA1、ROT3以及ROT4在控制叶片形状和大小方面作用于不同的遗传途径中。因此, 本研究鉴定了一个新的控制器官形状和大小的基因YUAN1, 为阐明植物器官形状和大小调控的分子机制提供了重要线索。  相似文献   

Grain/seed yield and plant stress tolerance are two major traits that determine the yield potential of many crops. In cereals, grain size is one of the key factors affecting grain yield. Here, we identify and characterize a newly discovered gene Rice Big Grain 1 (RBG1) that regulates grain and organ development, as well as abiotic stress tolerance. Ectopic expression of RBG1 leads to significant increases in the size of not only grains but also other major organs such as roots, shoots and panicles. Increased grain size is primarily due to elevated cell numbers rather than cell enlargement. RBG1 is preferentially expressed in meristematic and proliferating tissues. Ectopic expression of RBG1 promotes cell division, and RBG1 co‐localizes with microtubules known to be involved in cell division, which may account for the increase in organ size. Ectopic expression of RBG1 also increases auxin accumulation and sensitivity, which facilitates root development, particularly crown roots. Moreover, overexpression of RBG1 up‐regulated a large number of heat‐shock proteins, leading to enhanced tolerance to heat, osmotic and salt stresses, as well as rapid recovery from water‐deficit stress. Ectopic expression of RBG1 regulated by a specific constitutive promoter, GOS2, enhanced harvest index and grain yield in rice. Taken together, we have discovered that RBG1 regulates two distinct and important traits in rice, namely grain yield and stress tolerance, via its effects on cell division, auxin and stress protein induction.  相似文献   

Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), a family of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins, occur throughout the plant kingdom. The lysine-rich classical AGP subfamily in Arabidopsis consists of three members, AtAGP17, 18 and 19. In this study, AtAGP19 was examined in terms of its gene expression pattern and function. AtAGP19 mRNA was abundant in stems, with moderate levels in flowers and roots and low levels in leaves. AtAGP19 promoter-controlled GUS activity was high in the vasculature of leaves, roots, stems and flowers, as well as styles and siliques. A null T-DNA knockout mutant of AtAGP19 was obtained and compared to wild-type (WT) plants. The atagp19 mutant had: (i) smaller, rounder and flatter rosette leaves, (ii) lighter-green leaves containing less chlorophyll, (iii) delayed growth, (iv) shorter hypocotyls and inflorescence stems, and (v) fewer siliques and less seed production. Several abnormalities in cell size, number, shape and packing were also observed in the mutant. Complementation of this pleiotropic mutant with the WT AtAGP19 gene restored the WT phenotypes and confirmed that AtAGP19 functions in various aspects of plant growth and development, including cell division and expansion, leaf development and reproduction.  相似文献   

The outer epidermal plant cell wall and cuticle play an important role in regulating both abiotic and biotic interactions between the plant and its environment. In addition to acting as a protective barrier that limits water loss, the effects of detrimental irradiation and invasion by pathogens, the epidermis also offers an interface that is inert to interactions between organs and ensures proper separation and expansion of organs at the growing points of the plant. Here, we describe the molecular cloning and characterization of HOTHEAD (HTH), a gene required to limit cellular interactions between contacting epidermal cells during floral development. HTH is a member of a small gene family in Arabidopsis and encodes an enzyme related to a group of FAD-containing oxidoreductases that have been described in several other species. Characterization of 11 independently derived mutant alleles suggests that key amino acids are shared between these related groups of enzymes and identify a cluster of other functionally important residues that are highly conserved only within the Arabidopsis gene family. Our findings add this new type of enzyme to a growing list of enzymes that have been shown to be involved in regulating post-genital organ fusion. Expression analysis of the HTH gene shows that it is expressed in all tissues tested, including roots, and is not epidermis-specific. Furthermore, the sequence data unequivocally show that none of the alleles isolated are epigenetic alleles as suggested by genetic behavior previously observed at this locus.  相似文献   

Organ size is determined by cell number and size, and involves two fundamental processes: cell proliferation and cell expansion. Although several plant hormones are known to play critical roles in shaping organ size by regulating the cell cycle, it is not known whether brassinosteroids (BRs) are also involved in regulating cell division. Here we identified a rice T-DNA insertion mutant for organ size, referred to as xiao, that displays dwarfism and erect leaves, typical BR-related phenotypes, together with reduced seed setting. XIAO is predicted to encode an LRR kinase. The small stature of the xiao mutant resulted from reduced organ sizes due to decreased cell numbers resulting from reduced cell division rate, as supported by the observed co-expression of XIAO with a number of genes involved in cell cycling. The xiao mutant displayed a tissue-specific enhanced BR response and greatly reduced BR contents at the whole-plant level. These results indicated that XIAO is a regulator of BR signaling and cell division. Thus, XIAO may provide a possible connection between BRs and cell-cycle regulation in controlling organ growth.  相似文献   

We have identified a new Arabidopsis mutant, yore-yore (yre), which has small trichomes and glossy stems. Adhesion between epidermal cells was observed in the organs of the yre shoot. The cloned YRE had high homology to plant genes involved in epicuticular wax synthesis, such as ECERIFERUM1 (CER1) and maize GLOSSY1. The phenotype of transgenic plants harboring double-stranded RNA interference (dsRNAi) YRE was quite similar to that of the yre mutant. The amount of epicuticular wax extracted from leaves and stems of yre-1 was approximately one-sixth of that from the wild type. YRE promoter::GUS and in situ hybridization revealed that YRE was specifically expressed in cells of the L1 layer of the shoot apical meristem and young leaves, stems, siliques, and lateral root primordia. Strong expression was detected in developing trichomes. The trichome structure of cer1 was normal, whereas that of the yre cer1 double mutant was heavily deformed, indicating that epicuticular wax is required for normal growth of trichomes. Double mutants of yre and trichome-morphology mutants, glabra2 (gl2) and transparent testa glabra1 (ttg1), showed that the phenotype of the trichome structure was additive, suggesting that the wax-requiring pathway is distinct from the trichome development pathway controlled by GL2 and TTG1.  相似文献   

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