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海萝是一种重要的经济红藻,人为扰动导致了该资源的严重衰退.本文研究了资源保护良好的山东小黑山岛海萝自然种群生物量和长度的时空分布规律及其影响因素.协方差分析表明,环岛尺度下底质和向海开放度对海萝生物量和长度影响显著,岩礁底质和大的向海开放度利于海萝生长;两因素方差分析表明,微生境尺度下浪击和潮位对海萝生物量和长度影响显著,迎浪和适中潮位利于海萝生长.单因素重复测量方差分析表明,海萝生物量和长度的季节变化显著,海萝适宜生长期为3-4月,生物量和长度峰值出现在春末夏初.  相似文献   

MacArthur-Wilson的平衡理论是生态学中最有影响力的理论之一,尽管进化的重要性早已认识到,但进化因素一直没有很好地整合到岛屿生物地理学模型中.本文通过在经典MacArthur-Wilson模型中整合成种及其他相关因素提出了一个更通用的综合模型.模型证实成种对岛屿上物种丰富度和特有种的形成具有重要作用,并且在满足一定条件时成种对局域物种多样性的作用可超过迁入的作用,这些条件与平均每物种成种率、绝灭率以及岛屿特征有关,但与迁入率无关.当其他参数固定时,模型预测,大岛具较大但不是最大的特有种比例.基于这一模型,可以预测海洋岛上物种丰富度和特有种的变化,预测结论与实际观察的一致.本文提出的模型为重新评估成种的作用和岛屿物种多样性数据,尤其是对那些偏离MacArthur-Wilson模型的数据进行重新分析提供了一个新方法.  相似文献   

三峡水库岛屿成岛前的植被特征与物种丰富度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
三峡水库蓄水导致原有生境的岛屿化, 本文调查了三峡水库6个即将形成的岛屿蓄水前的植被特征, 并对这些岛屿上各类群落类型的物种丰富度进行了分析。共调查到群落类型28个, 其中草丛12个, 灌丛7个, 森林9个。研究结果表明, 绝大多数岛屿自然植被覆盖率低, 植被退化严重。主要表现为森林比重很小, 群落多样性低, 撂荒地上处于次生演替初始阶段的杂类草草丛占了相当大的比例。6个岛屿的植物种数分别为126、157、175、189、242、254; 其中森林群落的平均物种丰富度指数为42.19, 灌、草丛分别为15.96和17.89。杂类草草丛具有较高的丰富度指数, 而演替到较为稳定的退化草丛物种丰富度指数呈下降趋势。各类灌丛之间物种丰富度指数相差不大。在针阔混交林向阔叶林演替过程中, 物种丰富度指数表现为较大的波动性。由于自然植被被严重破坏, 岛屿上外来入侵种形成了较大的灾害。三峡库区即将形成的这些岛屿具有重要的研究价值, 建议选择一些岛屿建立保护区。  相似文献   

千岛湖岛屿小型兽类群落的多样性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2007 年秋季和2008 年春季,选取千岛湖地区14 个岛屿和2 个半岛作为样地,采用夹夜法进行小型兽类群落组成调查。两季度共布夹20 400 个,捕获小型兽类1 141 只,隶属2 目3 科9 属13 种,啮齿目(Rodentia)鼠科(Muridae)10 种和仓鼠科(Cricetidae)1 种,食虫目(Insectivora)鼩鼱科(Soricidae)2 种。利用以上结果分析其群落多样性,结果显示:14 个岛屿小型兽类群落春、秋两季的多样性指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数均呈现极显著差异且优势种发生变化;对可能影响岛屿小型兽类群落多样性的岛屿面积、距最近陆地距离、距最近大岛距离和植物丰富度等因素进行逐步回归分析,发现只有植物丰富度对小型兽类群落的物种丰富度有显著影响;对16 个样地按照物种组成比进行聚类,许源半岛样地与14 个岛屿聚为一类,姚家半岛样地单独归为一类,相似性指数比较结果亦显示姚家半岛样地与其它样地的相似性指数偏低。结论:景观破碎化导致千岛湖岛屿小型兽类群落的稳定性下降,物种多样性季节变化强烈;随岛屿面积的增加,小型兽类物种丰富度并非总是增加的,而是出现反复,呈现明显的小岛效应;14 个岛屿的物种与许源半岛样地物种构成比接近,推断在水库未形成前属同一生境。  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统功能:进展与争论   总被引:50,自引:4,他引:50  
生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系已成为当前人类社会面临的一个重大科学问题,生物多样性的空前丧失,促使人们开展了大量研究工作来描述物种多样性-生态系统功能关系,并试图揭示多样性与系统功能关系的内在机制,本文将多样性对生态系统功能作用机制的有关假说分为统计学与生物学两大类:前者是从统计学角度来解释观察到的多样性-系统功能模式,包括抽样效应,统计均衡效应等;而后者是基于多样性的生物学效应给出的,包括生态位互补,种间正相互作用,保险效应等,本文较为详细地介绍了该领域内有代表性的实验工作,包括“生态箱”实验,Cedar Creek草地多样性实验,微宇宙实验,欧洲草地实验,以及在这些实验结果解释上的激烈争论。  相似文献   

王国昌  梁海燕 《广西植物》2018,38(6):788-794
为了解河南省板蓝根田节肢动物群落的结构组成及物种多样性,该研究采用5点随机取样,通过网捕法和目测法调查并记录了板蓝根植株及地面上的节肢动物种类和数量。结果表明:河南省板蓝根田节肢动物群落物种丰富,共采集到2 613头,隶属于2纲10目39科61种。其中,植食性种类和捕食性种类均为24种(各占39.34%),寄生性种类4种(占6.56%),中性种类9种(占14.75%)。蜘蛛的种类占群落总种数的比例最高(为21.31%),表明田间的蜘蛛种类最丰富。鳞翅目物种的个体数量远大于其他的目,占群落个体数的43.78%。菜青虫和小菜蛾的相对丰盛度最高,分别为0.184 8和0.162 6,说明二者是河南省板蓝根田的优势害虫。捕食性集团的均匀度指数最高,寄生性集团的优势度指数最高,其中小菜蛾幼虫的寄生性天敌菜蛾盘绒茧蜂的数量最大。  相似文献   

为了探讨千岛湖岛屿景观参数对地表蚂蚁群落物种α和β多样性空间格局的影响, 作者分别于2017和2018年的5-8月, 采用陷阱法、凋落物分拣法和手捡法调查了千岛湖33个岛屿上的地表蚂蚁群落, 并依据食性将其划分为捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁。利用回归模型分析了全部蚂蚁、捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁群落α和β多样性与岛屿景观参数的关系。结果表明, 岛屿面积对全部蚂蚁、捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁的物种丰富度均有显著的正向影响, 而隔离度则无显著作用。蚂蚁群落的β多样性由空间周转组分主导。岛屿面积差对全部蚂蚁、捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁群落β多样性的嵌套组分有正向影响, 隔离度差只对杂食性蚂蚁的总体β多样性有正向影响。因此, 岛屿面积是影响千岛湖地表蚂蚁群落物种丰富度的主要因素, 并且岛屿面积通过嵌套组分来影响蚂蚁群落的β多样性, 表现出选择性灭绝过程。此外, 不同食性蚂蚁可能因为扩散能力的差异对岛屿景观参数产生不同的响应。  相似文献   

苏南主要森林类型的生物多样性调查与比较研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
维护生物多样性是森林的重要功能之一,也是森林可持续发展的重要内容。森林生态系统具有高生物多样性的特点,是生物多样性保护的重要领域。保护生物多样性的目的在于生物资源的持续增长和人类对生物资源的持续利用,以满足实施持续发展战略的需要。过去生物多样性的保护...  相似文献   

长白山主要生态系统苔藓植物的多样性研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
长白山地区共有苔藓植物65科179属437种,32个变种和亚种。其中,石生和岩面薄土生种类(saxicolous bryophyte)最丰富,其次为腐木生种类(saprophytic bryophyte)和树生种类(epiphyticbryophyte),再次为土生种类(soil and humus bryophyte)。沼泽地、水体等生境中的种类(peat,marsh and water bry  相似文献   

千岛湖岛屿化对植物多样性的影响初探   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
选取千岛湖典型破碎化区域,研究了水库形成后引起的岛屿化对植物物种多样性的影响.在18个大中小型岛屿和一处陆地对照中设立了26个样方,调查乔木和灌木的种类和数量.乔木物种丰富度的单因素方差分析显示:F=13.0,P=0.000,说明各类岛屿间乔木物种差异极显著.多重比较发现大岛上乔木物种丰富度显著高于小岛和中岛,与对照陆地差别不大;灌木的分析显示:F=1.31,P=0.29,说明小、中、大岛和对照陆地灌木物种丰富度差异不显著.Spearman相关性分析显示乔木物种与岛屿面积显著相关,随岛屿面积增大而增加,而灌木物种相关性不显著.Shannon多样性指数分析表明,无论乔木还是灌木其多样性都是大岛最大,陆地次之,而小岛上灌木多样性指数大于中岛.Simpson优势度和Pielou均匀度分析显示,乔木样地中大岛的物种分布均匀性最好,优势种的优势度最低,而灌木样地中小岛的均匀度最高,优势种的优势度最不明显.  相似文献   

Species richness of six pasture arthropod assemblages (total arthropod species, total herbivore species, sucking and chewing herbivores, total predatory species and spiders) were regressed against several geographical variables (area, distance from the nearest mainland, maximum elevation and geological age of the islands) of three Azorean islands (S. Maria, Terceira and Pico). The species were sampled by the fixed-quadrat size sampling method and the results obtained are consistent with the geological age hypothesis, i.e. the species richness of the six indigenous arthropod assemblages increases with the geological age of the islands, both at local and regional scales. Higher values of indigenous and endemic species richness were consistendy found on the older island (S. Maria), and the lowest values on the most recent island (Pico). Moreover, when considering the age of Faial (an older island probably once connected with Pico) as a estimate of the age of Pico, correlations between species richness and island age were improved, thereby strengthening the relationship. The older island (S. Maria) has more specialized herbivores and a greater proportion of herbivores in relation to predatory arthropods. Ecological and biogeographical studies in the Azores should take into account the effects of the time each island has been available for colonization and evolution.  相似文献   

The Ionian archipelago is the second largest Greek archipelago after the Aegean, but the factors driving plant species diversity in the Ionian islands are still barely known. We used stepwise multiple regressions to investigate the factors affecting plant species diversity in 17 Ionian islands. Generalized dissimilarity modelling was applied to examine variation in the magnitude and rate of species turnover along environmental gradients, as well as to assess the relative importance of geographical and climatic factors in explaining species turnover. The values of the residuals from the ISAR log10‐transfomed models of native and endemic taxa were used as a measure of island floristic diversity. Area was confirmed to be the most powerful single explanatory predictor of all diversity metrics. Mean annual precipitation and temperature, as well as shortest distance to the nearest island are also significant predictors of vascular plant diversity. The island of Kalamos constitutes an important plant diversity hotspot in the Ionian archipelago. The recent formation of the islands, the close proximity to the mainland source and the relatively low dispersal filtering of the Ionian archipelago has resulted in islands with a flora principally comprising common species and a low proportion of endemics. Small islands keep a key role in conservation of plant priority sites.  相似文献   

Aim We used insular lizard communities to test the predictions of two hypotheses that attempt to explain patterns of species richness on small islands. We first address the subsidized island biogeography (SIB) hypothesis, which predicts that spatial subsidies may cause insular species richness to deviate from species–area predictions, especially on small islands. Next, we examine the small island effect (SIE), which suggests small islands may not fit the traditional log‐linear species–area curve. Location Islands with arthropodivorous lizard communities throughout the Gulf of California. Methods To evaluate the SIB hypothesis, we first identified subsidized and unsubsidized islands based on surrogate measures of allochthonous productivity (i.e. island size and bird presence). Subsequently, we created species–area curves from previously published lizard species richness and island area data. We used the residuals and slopes from these analyses to compare species richness on subsidized and unsubsidized islands. To test for an SIE, we used breakpoint regression to model the relationship between lizard species richness and island area. We compared results from this model to results from the log‐linear regression model. Results Subsidized islands had a lower slope than unsubsidized islands, and the difference between these groups was significant when small islands were defined as < 1 km2. In addition to comparing slopes, we tested for differences in the magnitude of the residuals (from the species–area regression of all islands) for subsidized vs. unsubsidized islands. We found no significant patterns in the residual values for small vs. large islands, or between islands with and without seabirds. The SIE was found to be a slightly better predictor of lizard species richness than the traditional log‐linear model. Main conclusions Predictions of the SIB hypothesis were partially supported by the data. The absence of a significant SIE may be a result of spatial subsidies as explained by the SIB hypothesis and data presented here. We conclude by suggesting potential scenarios to test for interactions between these two small island hypotheses. Future studies considering factors affecting species richness should examine the possible role of spatial subsidies, an SIE, or a synergistic effect of the two in data sets with small islands.  相似文献   

The latitudinal and altitudinal range sizes of north-west European land-snail species increase with increasing latitude/altitude. These Rapoport effects are not caused by northern/high-altitude species with wider latitudinal/altitudinal ranges and southern/low-altitude species with narrower latitudinal/altitudinal ranges, as predicted by the climatic variability hypothesis. They are instead caused mainly by different northern/upper borders of species occurring in the south part of the study area or at low and intermediate altitudes, respectively. This pattern indicates that the observed Rapoport effects are the result mainly of differential northward/upward expansion of species that were restricted to southern/low or intermediate altitude refugia during the glacials. Although all species occurring in a refugium experienced the same climatic conditions, there is stochastic variation in their climatic tolerance. Species with broader climatic tolerance were able to expand farer northwards/upwards postglacial. The altitudinal distribution of species richness in the analysed alpine faunas cannot be explained by the Rapoport-rescue hypothesis, because species richness peaks at intermediate altitudes and because there is no negative correlation between the number of range borders and altitude. The Rapoport-rescue hypothesis alone is probably also insufficient to explain the decrease in species richness with increasing latitude.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 309–323.  相似文献   

Global diversity of island floras from a macroecological perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Islands harbour a significant portion of all plant species worldwide. Their biota are often characterized by narrow distributions and are particularly susceptible to biological invasions and climate change. To date, the global richness pattern of islands is only poorly documented and factors causing differences in species numbers remain controversial. Here, we present the first global analysis of 488 island and 970 mainland floras. We test the relationship between island characteristics (area, isolation, topography, climate and geology) and species richness using traditional and spatial models. Area is the strongest determinant of island species numbers ( R 2 = 0.66) but a weaker predictor for mainlands ( R 2 = 0.25). Multivariate analyses reveal that all investigated variables significantly contribute to insular species richness with area being the strongest followed by isolation, temperature and precipitation with about equally strong effects. Elevation and island geology show relatively weak yet significant effects. Together these variables account for 85% of the global variation in species richness.  相似文献   

Aim To use a fine‐grained global model of ant diversity to identify the limits of our knowledge of diversity in the context of climate change. Location Global. Methods We applied generalized linear modelling to a global database of local ant assemblages to predict the species density of ants globally. Predictors evaluated included simple climate variables, combined temperature × precipitation variables, biogeographic region, elevation, and interactions between select variables. Areas of the planet identified as beyond the reliable prediction ability of the model were those having climatic conditions more extreme than what was represented in the ant database. Results Temperature was the most important single predictor of ant species density, and a mix of climatic variables, biogeographic region and interactions between climate and region yielded the best overall model. Broadly, geographic patterns of ant diversity match those of other taxa, with high species density in the wet tropics and in some, but not all, parts of the dry tropics. Uncertainty in model predictions appears to derive from the low amount of standardized sampling of ants in Asia, in Africa and in the most extreme (e.g. hottest) climates. Model residuals increase as a function of temperature. This suggests that our understanding of the drivers of ant diversity at high temperatures is incomplete, especially in hot and arid climates. In other words, our ignorance of how ant diversity relates to environment is greatest in those regions where most species occur – hot climates, both wet and dry. Main conclusions Our results have two important implications. First, temperature is necessary, but not sufficient, to explain fully the patterns of ant diversity. Second, our ability to predict ant diversity is weakest exactly where we need to know the most, the warmest regions of a warming world. This includes significant parts of the tropics and some of the most biologically diverse areas in the world.  相似文献   

通过对转基因耐除草剂(EPSPS)抗虫(Cry1Ab)玉米转化体‘DBN9936’、受体玉米‘DBN318’、常规玉米‘先玉335’和喷施除草剂的转化体‘DBN9936’玉米田中节肢动物种类及数量的调查, 评价转基因玉米对田间节肢动物群落多样性的影响。2015年和2017年我们采用直接观察法、陷阱调查法和剖秆法对田间节肢动物进行调查, 采用聚类分析、物种累积曲线等方法对数据进行分析, 并比较了4个处理玉米田节肢动物群落的Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、优势集中性指数和群落相似性指数的差异及其随时间变化的规律。调查期间共记录节肢动物20目80科; 转化体玉米‘DBN9936’ (2015: 10.3 ± 2.6头, 2017: 3.3 ± 1.7头)和喷施除草剂的转化体玉米‘DBN9936’ (2015: 6.0 ± 1.5头, 2017: 17.0 ± 0.6头)上鳞翅目昆虫的数量明显低于受体‘DBN318’ (2015: 20.0 ± 3.2头, 2017: 24.0 ± 6.0头)和‘先玉335’ (2015: 21.0 ± 8.9头, 2017: 26.7 ± 2.0头); 物种累积曲线呈典型的抛物线, 各类玉米田间总体物种丰富度差异较小; 玉米生育期节肢动物调查结果累计数量的功能团组成及其丰富度、多样性、均匀度、优势集中性间均无明显的差异, 各类指数随时间变化的动态趋于一致, 群落间相似性程度较高。转基因玉米‘DBN9936’对鳞翅目害虫有明显的抗性, 对非靶标节肢动物无显著的影响, 对田间节肢动物的群落多样性、均匀度、丰富度、优势集中性等没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

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