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Summary Mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe blocked during meiosis were analysed with respect to the induction of diploid mitotic division. Wild type zygotes of this yeast can form diploid colonies with a low probability (ca. 1%) when they are transferred to fresh growth medium. Mutants of three genes affecting meiosis responded to the shift by forming diploid colonies with high yield (ca. 80% of the zygotes). Hence, commitment to meiosis could not be reached by such zygotes. Zygotes of a fourth meiosis-I-deficient mutant were unable to yield diploid colonies more effectively than wild type zygotes. Morphological changes were prominent in the mutant zygotes not reaching commitment (as well as in mutant cells that could not complete conjugation), indicating that activities needed during early stages of conjugation were not turned off in these zygotes.This work was supported by NIH grant GM 13234 initially, and by DFG (SFB 46).  相似文献   

In budding yeast, commitment to meiosis is attained when meiotic cells cannot return to the mitotic cell cycle even if the triggering cue (nutrients deprivation) is withdrawn. Commitment is arrived at gradually, and different aspects of meiosis may be committed at different times. Cells become fully committed to meiosis at the end of Prophase I, long after DNA replication and just before the first meiotic division (MI). Whole‐genome gene expression analysis has shown that committed cells have a distinct and rapid response to nutrients, and are not simply insulated from environmental signals. Thus becoming committed to meiosis is an active process. The cellular event most likely to be associated with commitment to meiosis is the separation of the duplicated spindle‐pole bodies (SPBs) and the formation of the spindle. Commitment to the mitotic cell cycle is also associated with the separation of SPBs, although it occurs in G1, before DNA replication.  相似文献   

Summary Methyl methane sulphonate (MMS) was found to arrest mitotic cells at a specific stage in the cell cycle. Reciprocal double shift experiments involving MMS and temperature shifts in several temperature-sensitive cell-cycle (cdc) mutants have located the MMS-sensitive stage after the cdc7 and cdc8 temperature-sensitive stages and before the cdc13, cdc5 and cdc14 stages. An interdependent relationship was found between the arrests caused by MMS, cdc40 and hydroxyurea. Marked increases in mitotic recombination were induced by MMS, both in diploid and haploid strains. Meiosis is arrested by MMS at a very early stage, before DNA replication.  相似文献   

A. F. Croes  H. J. Dodemont  C. Stumm 《Planta》1976,130(2):131-136
Summary Saccharomyces cells induced to undergo meiosis when in late G 1 or early S-phase, proceed mitotically until a point between completion of the S-phase and nuclear division. From that point, the cells start meiotic development without intervention of a round of premeiotic DNA replication. Cells induced at any other point in the cell cycle, enter meiosis from G 1.  相似文献   

The expression of theSRS2 gene, which encodes a DNA helicase involved in DNA repair inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, was studied using anSRS2-lacZ fusion integrated at the chromosomalSRS2 locus. It is shown here that this gene is expressed at a low level and is tightly regulated. It is cell-cycle regulated, with induction probably being coordinated with that of the DNA-synthesis genes, which are transcribed at the G1-S boundary. It is also induced by DNA-damaging agents, but only during the G2 phase of the cell cycle; this distinguishes it from a number of other repair genes, which are inducible throughout the cycle. During meiosis, the expression ofSRS2 rises at a time nearly coincident with commitment to recombination. Sincesrs2 null mutants are radiation sensitive essentially when treated in G1, the mitotic regulation pattern described here leads us to postulate that either secondary regulatory events limit Srs2 activity to G1 cells or Srs2 functions in a repair mechanism associated with replication.  相似文献   

The microtubule inhibitor nocodazole {methyl-5-[2-(thienylcarbonyl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]-carbamate} prevented nuclear migration and nuclear division in yeasts and developing multicellular forms of the polymorphic fungus Wangiella dermatitidis. It did not prevent yeast bud formation during at least two or three budding cycles, and caused yeasts to accumulate as premitotic forms with one to three buds. The effects of the drug suggested that at least three control pathways were involved in the yeast cell cycle; that the nocodazole block point was separate from the execution points of two temperature-sensitive mutations which lead to multicellularity; and that microtubules were controlling neither the yeast budding process nor the development of multicellular forms.Non-standard Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide; nocodazole, methyl-5-[2-(thienylcarbonyl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]-carbamate  相似文献   

The oxygen consumption of 265 single Trillium erectum anthers was measured before and during the mitotic cycle of the microspores using a modified differential microrespirometer. The results show a rising oxygen consumption of the anther in the premitotic stages followed by a sharp drop immediately preceding and during active division. It is suggested from these results that active division may be associated with anaerobic behavior and that the rapid uptake of molecular oxygen commonly associated with proliferating tissues is probably characteristic of premitotic development.  相似文献   

Autogamy is a process of meiosis and fertilization which takes place in unpaired Paramecium cells, and which is triggered by starvation. This study examines the consequences of nutritional down-shift at various points within the cell cycle on the occurrence of autogamy. It shows that cells become committed to autogamy in a two-step process. An initial point of commitment to autogamy occurs about 100 min prior to the median time of cell division (cell cycle duration, 330 min). Cells which have become committed to autogamy initiate meiosis following the next fission, others complete another vegetative cell cycle before undergoing meiosis. Treatments that perturb the cell cycle and displace the point of commitment to division also displace the point of initial commitment to autogamy to the same extent.The initial commitment to autogamy can be reversed by refeeding. The second, final, point of commitment to autogamy occurs about 30 min after the fission, immediately prior to initiation of meiosis, and coincides with the beginning of meiosis. If cells are refed at this point, or at later stages, autogamy continues.Autogamy is not well synchronized either in naturally starved cultures or in those subjected to abrupt nutritional down-shift. This is a consequence of the cell cycle stage dependence of entry into autogamy. Autogamy occurs synchronously in samples of dividers selected from asynchronous cultures 2 or more hours after nutritional down-shift. The timing of the events of conjugation and autogamy coincide when the pre-autogamous fission is aligned temporally with the initial contact of mating cells.  相似文献   

At the transition from meiosis to cleavage mitoses, Drosophila requires the cell cycle regulators encoded by the genes, giant nuclei (gnu), plutonium (plu) and pan gu (png). Embryos lacking Gnu protein undergo DNA replication and centrosome proliferation without chromosome condensation or mitotic segregation. We have identified the gnu gene encoding a novel phosphoprotein dephosphorylated by Protein phosphatase 1 at egg activation. Gnu is normally expressed in the nurse cells and oocyte of the ovary and is degraded during the embryonic cleavage mitoses. Ovarian death and sterility result from gnu gain of function. gnu function requires the activity of pan gu and plu.  相似文献   

The expression of theSRS2 gene, which encodes a DNA helicase involved in DNA repair inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, was studied using anSRS2-lacZ fusion integrated at the chromosomalSRS2 locus. It is shown here that this gene is expressed at a low level and is tightly regulated. It is cell-cycle regulated, with induction probably being coordinated with that of the DNA-synthesis genes, which are transcribed at the G1-S boundary. It is also induced by DNA-damaging agents, but only during the G2 phase of the cell cycle; this distinguishes it from a number of other repair genes, which are inducible throughout the cycle. During meiosis, the expression ofSRS2 rises at a time nearly coincident with commitment to recombination. Sincesrs2 null mutants are radiation sensitive essentially when treated in G1, the mitotic regulation pattern described here leads us to postulate that either secondary regulatory events limit Srs2 activity to G1 cells or Srs2 functions in a repair mechanism associated with replication.  相似文献   

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