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Actin-rich (myoepithelial) cells in ductal carcinoma-in-situ of the breast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of the myoepithelial cells in 32 cases of ductal carcinoma-in-situ (DCIS) of the breast (11 not associated, 21 associated with invasive carcinoma) was investigated with a recently developed immunoperoxidase method for actin. Actin-rich myoepithelial cells were detected at the periphery of some ducts, however, their presence was neither constant nor continuous. Large areas of DCIS were devoid of a myoepithelial cell layer and the neoplastic cells were directly in contact with the stroma. No differences related to the histological pattern of DCIS or the presence and absence of invasive carcinoma were noted. The behaviour of the myoepithelial cells in ductal carcinoma appears different from that observed in cases of lobular carcinoma (Bussolati 1980) and of cystic disease, and may thus be of diagnostic interest. The selective destruction of myoepithelial cells in cases of DCIS might result in a focal disruption of the basement membrane, thus faciliatating invasion.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the role of automated image morphometry (AIM) in distinguishing infiltrating lobular carcinoma (ILC) of the breast from benign, borderline and infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC). STUDY DESIGN: Only histopathologically proven lobular carcinoma, ductal carcinoma, borderline lesions and benign breast lesions were selected for the study. There were 19 cases of ILC and 30 cases of IDC, 20 cases of benign lesions (fibroadenoma, 18; fibrocystic disease, 1; and fibroadenosis, 1); 10 cases were borderline lesions (mild epithelial hyperplasia, 3; moderate epithelial hyperplasia, 2; florid epithelial hyperplasia 4; intraductal papillary carcinoma, 1). In all cases hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides were used for AIM. At least 100 cells from each case were subjected to analysis randomly with an image cytometer with Leica Quantimet 600 software (Cambridge, England). Nuclear area, diameter, perimeter, convex perimeter, convex area and roundness were measured in each case with random, unbiased selection of cells and 40 x objectives (one pixel = 0.46 microm). AIM data on the cases were analyzed in relation to final cytologic diagnosis. RESULTS: All the nuclear morphometric features of ILC were much lower than those of IDC and borderline lesions, whereas nuclear morphometric data on ILC were only marginally more than those on benign cases. ANOVA showed that mophometric data were significant (P < .05) in all the variables between ILC and IDC. However, there was no significant difference between ILC, and borderline and benign cases. CONCLUSION: Image morphometry may be useful in distinguishing ILC from IDC on cytologic smears. However, morphometric data may not be helpful in distinguishing benign and borderline lesions from ILC.  相似文献   

Significance of metallothionein expression in breast myoepithelial cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Adenoid cystic carcinoma and adenomyoepithelioma are relatively rare, but well described, breast lesions. The FNA cytology features in two cases of mammary adenoid cystic carcinoma and two cases of adenomyoepithelioma are described. In both cases of adenoid cystic carcinoma, aspirates consisted of tightly cohesive clusters of cells arranged around spheres and interconnecting cylinders of acellular material. The two aspirates of adenomyoepithelioma were composed of large tightly cohesive clusters of cells associated with small amounts of stromal material. In all four aspirates a dual population of epithelial and myoepithelial cells could be identified within cellular aggregates, and numerous bare nuclei were present. Histology revealed the characteristic features of adenoid cystic carcinoma and adenomyoepithelioma. Immunohistochemical staining of histological sections for S‐100 protein and alpha‐smooth muscle actin confirmed the presence of large numbers of myoepithelial cells within all four lesions, providing indirect evidence that bare nuclei in breast aspirates represent myoepithelial cells. The presence of a dual population of epithelial and myoepithelial cells and of numerous bare nuclei within a breast aspirate is generally indicative of a benign lesion. This is not always the case, as adenoid cystic carcinoma is a malignant tumour, and adenomyoepithelioma, while generally exhibiting benign behaviour, is capable of local recurrence and distant metastasis.  相似文献   

In experiments on laboratory mice in situ, a contractile response of the mammary gland's myoepithelial cells was electromechanically studied. A gradual response to oxytocin application, with a relatively fast front of contraction and a prolonged relaxation period, was recorded. The contraction time up to the maximum was 8.5 s, the relaxation period--31 s. In many experiments (73%), following a single oxytocin application, a few successive contractions of the alveola were registered. The high velocity of the myoepithelium contraction maintains a necessary pressure for fast transport of the secret within the ducts. The contraction low velocity as well as appearance of new myoepithelium contraction waves creates conditions for keeping the secret within the ducts, extending the time when the litter can receive the feeding.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma of the breast is associated with aggressive behavior. CASE: Fine needle aspiration cytology was performed on a breast lump in a 55-year-old woman. The aspirates showed highly pleomorphic, large cells in a dyscohesive pattern, with a tendency of few cells to aggregate in small groups. A diagnosis of ductal carcinoma was made on cytology. On histology, the paraffin sections showed features of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma of the breast. CONCLUSION: The cytologic features of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma overlap with those of infiltrating ductal carcinoma. It is very difficult to make a diagnosis of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma prospectively on cytology. However, if Indian file arrangement and cytoplasmic vacuolation are present, pleomorphic lobular carcinoma must at least be suggested for the differential diagnosis as it has different clinical implications.  相似文献   

Ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS belongs to intraductal proliferative lesions, which are a group of cytologically and architecturally diverse ductal proliferations, typically originating from the terminal duct–lobular units. In these intraductal proliferative diseases, estrogens are considered to be involved in the progression of the disease especially from ductal non-neoplastic hyperplasia to DCIS and possibly development of invasive carcinoma from DCIS. Estrogen receptor (ER) alpha is abundantly expressed in atypical ductal hyperplasia and low grade DCIS. Suppression of estrogenic actions using tamoxifen resulted in inhibition of recurrence of DCIS and/or of progression into invasive carcinoma. Intratumoral estrogen concentration in DCIS determined by liquid chromatography/electrospray tandem mass spectrometry is significantly higher than that in non-neoplastic breast tissues with statistically not lower than that in invasive carcinoma. Aromatase mRNA expression in both stromal and parenchymal cells of DCIS determined by quantitative RT-PCR following laser capture microdissection was also much higher than that in non-neoplastic breast, although lower than that in invasive carcinoma. Immunohistochemistry of aromatase also revealed the similar patterns of immunolocalization as in invasive carcinoma. Aromatase is overexpressed in noninvasive breast malignancies including DCIS and results in elevated concentrations of intratumoral estradiol. These findings could provide the scientific rationale as to employing aromatase inhibitors in the management of ER positive DCIS patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Breast ductal lavage (DL) is a noninvasive procedure for sampling ductal epithelial cells. Patients at risk for breast cancer or with prior history can be monitored by DL. This report compares cytomorphology in concurrent DL, fine needle aspiration (FNA) and histology in a case of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ (PLCIS) with signet ring features. CASE: A 57-year-old woman had DL and FNA performed after quadrantectomy for lobular carcinoma in situ with signet ring cell features. DL and FNA were diagnosed as suspicious and positive for malignancy, respectively. Subsequent biopsy showed PLCIS. Cytomorphologic features of DL, FNA and histology were compared. DL showed epithelial cells in small clusters or single-file arrangement and single-lying; in FNA, single cells predominated. DL and FNA showed nuclear atypia and cytoplasmic vacuoles, the latter more prevalent in FNA. Both samples showed cells with signet ring features. The atypical epithelial cells present in DL and FNA were identical to those seen in the histologic material. CONCLUSION: Cytomorphologic findings in DL, although less striking, are comparable to those seen in FNA. Architecture, nuclear atypia and intracytoplasmic vacuoles are helpful features in DL for establishing a diagnosis of suspicious if not positive for malignancy in LCIS.  相似文献   

Pleomorphic variant of invasive lobular carcinoma (PILC) is an aggressive variant of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC). Its in situ counterpart, pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ (PLCIS) is a recently described entity. Morphologically it has the typical architectural pattern of LCIS, but the neoplastic cells resemble intermediate grade DCIS. Molecular signatures that distinguish PLCIS from DCIS and LCIS would provide additional tools to aid in the histopathologic classification of PLCIS as a lesion distinct from LCIS and DCIS. CIS lesions, obtained from a study cohort of 38 breast cancer patients, were divided into 18 DCIS, 14 PLCIS and 6 LCIS. DNA from microdissected archival tissue was interrogated for loss or gain of 112 breast-cancer-specific genes using the Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification Assay (MLPA). Classification Regression Tree (CART) analysis was employed to develop a gene-based molecular classification to distinguish or separate out PLCIS from DCIS and LCIS. Molecular classification via CART, based on gene copy number, agreed with histopathology in 34/38 CIS cases. Loss of CASP1 was predictive of LCIS (n=4) with one misclassified PLCIS. Gain of RELA predicted only the LCIS classification (n=2 cases). STK15 and TNFRSF1B were predictive only for DCIS with no misclassifications. Gain of EHF and TNFRSF1B and loss of NCOA3 were predictive of PLCIS, but not without misclassification. Molecular reclassification by CART was accomplished in 4 CIS cases: 1 PLCIS was reclassified as LCIS, 1 LCIS reclassified as PLCIS, and 2 DCIS cases as PLCIS. This study provides additional rationale for molecular modeling strategies in the evaluation of CIS lesions. This diagnostic aid may serve to minimize misclassification between PLCIS and DCIS, and PLCIS and LCIS, aiding to increase accuracy in the differential diagnosis of CIS lesions.  相似文献   



Several conditions are considered in differential diagnosis of neonatal cholestasis. Of these the most important is extrahepatic biliary atresia (EHBA), while prompt diagnosis and surgical correction of obstruction can ameliorate clinical symptoms, provides long term survival for about one fourth of patients and serves as an important bridge to transplantation for many others. From histopathologic standpoint, features of EHBA overlaps with other diagnoses and so ancillary tests such as immunohistochemical staining for CD56 is suggested by some authors as a helpful tool in differential diagnosis. Hereby we wanted to examine this staining in our center which is a referral children hospital and to prove its efficacy in our problematic cases.

Materials and Methods

By retrospective review of pathology records during 2000 to 2006 in Markaze Tebbi Koodakan (children hospital related to Tehran University of Medical Sciences), we selected 17 cases of EHBA as patients and 12 cases with other diagnoses as controls, both with some degree of bile ductular proliferation in liver biopsies. EHBA cases were all proved by surgery. Four of control cases also underwent surgery but proved to have open ducts by intra-operative cholangiography. Long term follow up and other tests ruled out EHBA in other 8 cases. Hematoxylin-Eosin stains of paraffin blocks were studied again and freshly prepared sections were immunostained for CD56.


Bile ducts and proliferating bile ductules were strongly positive for CD56 in 6 of 17 cases of EHBA. In 7 out of 17, positivity were seen in more than two thirds of portal tracts. In controls, one case showed strong positivity and 6 out of twelve showed positivity in more than two thirds of portal tracts. The intensity and distribution of CD56 staining did not differ significantly between two groups.


Despite findings of previous studies, we have shown that CD56 staining can not help as an ancillary test in differential diagnosis of neonatal cholestasis and perhaps other markers should be tested in this regard.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of scintimammography performed with gamma cameras optimized for breast imaging in the detection of infiltrating lobular carcinoma. This new procedure, Breast Specific Gamma Imaging (BSGI), was conducted on 105 patient presenting with 113 breast lesions. Studies were conducted at two medical centers using three prototype cameras [14, 16]. Biopsy and pathology reports were obtained for all cases and, of the 34 detected carcinomas, 6 were determined to be infiltrating lobular type without mixed component other than lobular carcinoma in situ. Of the 6 lesions, 4 were smaller than 1 cm, the smallest moasuring 3 mm at biopsy. BSGI detected all 6 of the lobular carcinomas and correctly identified the secondary lesion in the only multifocal case. The BSGI foci sizes matched the lesion size at biopsy to within +/-5.5 mm, with about an equal number of cases ovar and under estimated. Conclusion: BSGI provides an effective tool for the detection of lobular carcinoma and in the determination of lesion size and multifocality.  相似文献   

Rajesh L  Dey P  Joshi K 《Acta cytologica》2003,47(2):177-182
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the detailed cytomorphology of lobular breast carcinoma and to compare the cytologic smears of benign, borderline and infiltrating duct carcinoma. STUDY DESIGN: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) smears of histopathologically proven infiltrating lobular carcinoma (ILC), infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC), borderline lesions and benign breast lesions were selected for study. Detailed cytomorphologic analysis of the smears was carried out on hematoxylin and eosin- and May-Grünwald-Giemsa--stained slides, and a comparison of results was done. The various cytologic features were also graded semi-quantitatively with the numerical score; logistic regression analysis was done. RESULTS: There were 25 cases of ILC, 30 of IDC, and 10 borderline and 18 benign lesions. Cytologic diagnosis of malignancy on FNAC smears of ILC was offered in 19 cases; of them, 2 cases were diagnosed as ILC. The remaining six cases were diagnosed as borderline (four) and benign lesions (two). Overall sensitivity in detection of malignancy in ILC cases was 76%. FNAC smears of ILC showed moderate (52%) to abundant (32%) cellularity. The cells of ILC were arranged both in clusters and in dissociation (72%). Individual cells were monomorphic (40%) to mildly pleomorphic (60%), and the cells were smaller. The cells showed a smooth, regular nuclear margin; bland chromatin; and indistinct nucleoli. Indian file arrangement was frequently observed (28%). Nuclear molding (28%) and intranuclear inclusions (16%) were also noted. Intracytoplasmic lumina were seen in occasional cases. Logistic regression analysis was carried out, and a comparison between lobular carcinoma and ductal carcinoma, and borderline and benign lesions was done. Logistic regression analysis of cytomorphologic features showed that cellularity and nuclear margin irregularities were the two most important features to distinguish ILC from IDC. In comparison to borderline lesions, cell dissociation was more common in ILC. The salient cytologic features that helped to distinguish ILC from benign lesions was cell size, cellularity, cell uniformity and chromatin pattern. CONCLUSION: There are overlapping cytologic features between ILC, IDC and borderline breast lesions on FNAC smears. Logistic regression analysis may be helpful in this regard.  相似文献   

During tumor invasion, benign myoepithelial cells of carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma (CXPA) surround malignant epithelial cells and disappear. The mechanisms involved in the death and disappearance of these myoepithelial cells were investigated via analysis of the expression of regulatory proteins for apoptosis, autophagy and cellular senescence in an in situ in vitro model. Protein expression relating to apoptosis (Bax, Bcl-2, Survivin), autophagy (Beclin-1, LC3B) and cellular senescence (p21, p16) was evaluated using indirect immunofluorescence. β-galactosidase expression was assessed via histochemistry. Biopsies of CXPA (ex vivo) allowed immunhistochemical evaluation of p21 and p16, whilst LC3B, p21 and p16 protein expression was analyzed by western blotting. In the in vitro model, the myoepithelial cells were positive for LC3B (cytoplasm) and p21 (nucleus), whilst in vivo positivity for p21 and p16 was observed. In vitro, β-galactosidase activity increased in the myoepithelial cells over time. Western blotting analysis revealed an increased LC3B, p16 and p21 expression in the myoepithelial cells with previous contact with the malignant cells when compared with those without contact. The investigation of behavior of benign myoepithelial cells in ductal areas of CXAP revealed that the myoepithelial cells are involved in the autophagy-senescence phenotype that subsequently leads to their disappearance.  相似文献   

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