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Echolocating animals adjust the transmit intensity and receive sensitivity of their sonar in order to regulate the sensation level of their echoes; this process is often termed automatic gain control. Gain control is considered not to be under the animal''s cognitive control, but previous investigations studied animals ensonifying targets or hydrophone arrays at predictable distances. To test whether animals maintain gain control at a fixed level in uncertain conditions, we measured changes in signal intensity for a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) detecting a target at three target distances (2.5, 4 and 7 m) in two types of sessions: predictable and unpredictable. Predictable sessions presented the target at a constant distance; unpredictable sessions moved the target randomly between the three target positions. In the predictable sessions the dolphin demonstrated intensity distance compensation, increasing the emitted click intensity as the target distance increased. Additionally, as trials within sessions progressed, the animal adjusted its click intensity even from the first click in a click train, which is consistent with the animal expecting a target at a certain range. In the unpredictable sessions there was no significant difference of intensity with target distance until after the 7th click in a click train. Together, these results demonstrate that the bottlenose dolphin uses learning and expectation for sonar gain control.  相似文献   

We investigated whether dogs, Canis familiaris, can relocate a briefly presented food target after having been led away from it, by relying on feedback from locomotion (path integration). Dogs were led blindfolded and with earphones into a large symmetrical enclosure. Sitting at a location near the periphery of the enclosure, the subject could see the experimenter throw a food item on to a predetermined point on the ground. Again wearing the blindfold, the dog was guided outside and then to the opposite side of the enclosure. There the animal was freed from the blindfold and earphones and released to search for the food item, which was hidden among inedible food dummies. Each animal was tested four times, and the locations of the bait and the entrance into the enclosure were varied systematically between trials. In 36 of 40 trials, the dogs proceeded along a goal-directed path towards the target, found the bait fairly directly or made circular search movements in its vicinity. In control trials, the dogs failed to find the target when they could not see the target location at the beginning of the trial or were deprived of self-motion cues. Thus, they registered the bait location visually, and then updated the direction and distance to the target by ‘integrating’ signals derived from locomotion. Path integration may have functional implications for hunting: it allows the predator to approach prey through a detour, turning momentarily away from its target, but remaining prepared to reach it along a well-oriented path.  相似文献   

Animals can maintain a stable sense of direction even when they navigate in novel environments, but how the animal's brain interprets and encodes unfamiliar sensory information in its navigation system to maintain a stable sense of direction is a mystery. Recent studies have suggested that distinct brain structures of mammals and insects have evolved to solve this common problem with strategies that share computational principles; specifically, a network structure called a ring attractor maintains the sense of direction. Initially, in a novel environment, the animal's sense of direction relies on self-motion cues. Over time, the mapping from visual inputs to head direction cells, responsible for the sense of direction, is established via experience-dependent plasticity. Yet the mechanisms that facilitate acquiring a world-centered sense of direction, how many environments can be stored in memory, and what visual features are selected, all remain unknown. Thanks to recent advances in large scale physiological recording, genetic tools, and theory, these mechanisms may soon be revealed.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial F1Fo ATP synthase of the parasite Trypanosoma brucei has been previously studied in detail. This unusual enzyme switches direction in functionality during the life cycle of the parasite, acting as an ATP synthase in the insect stages, and as an ATPase to generate mitochondrial membrane potential in the mammalian bloodstream stages. Whereas the trypanosome F1 moiety is relatively highly conserved in structure and composition, the Fo subcomplex and the peripheral stalk have been shown to be more variable. Interestingly, a core subunit of the latter, the normally conserved subunit b, has been resistant to identification by sequence alignment or biochemical methods. Here, we identified a 17 kDa mitochondrial protein of the inner membrane, Tb927.8.3070, that is essential for normal growth, efficient oxidative phosphorylation, and membrane potential maintenance. Pull-down experiments and native PAGE analysis indicated that the protein is both associated with the F1Fo ATP synthase and integral to its assembly. In addition, its knockdown reduced the levels of Fo subunits, but not those of F1, and disturbed the cell cycle. Finally, analysis of structural homology using the HHpred algorithm showed that this protein has structural similarities to Fo subunit b of other species, indicating that this subunit may be a highly diverged form of the elusive subunit b.  相似文献   


Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is widely used as a vertebrate pesticide in New Zealand. However, cholecalciferol also occurs naturally in animals. Therefore, when trying to determine whether a non-target animal has been exposed to cholecalciferol baits, knowledge of the baseline cholecalciferol concentrations in the animal's plasma and tissue is required. We analysed cattle, sheep, pig, deer, dog and cat plasma and liver samples for the vitamin D3 metabolite 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OHD), a sensitive biomarker for cholecalciferol. Based on these data and a literature search we present 25-OHD reference ranges. We also examined the literature for 25-OHD concentrations in poisoned animals and compared these to the reference ranges. Where plasma and liver samples have 25-OHD concentrations at least four times higher than our reference ranges it is likely that the animal has been exposed to cholecalciferol baits. 25-OHD concentrations 10 times higher than the reference range indicate ingestion of abnormally high amounts of cholecalciferol.  相似文献   

The tortuosity of an animal's path is a key parameter in orientation and searching behaviours. The tortuosity of an oriented path is inversely related to the efficiency of the orientation mechanism involved, the best mechanism being assumed to allow the animal to reach its goal along a straight line movement. The tortuosity of a random search path controls the local searching intensity, allowing the animal to adjust its search effort to the local profitability of the environment. This paper shows that (1) the efficiency of an oriented path can be reliably estimated by a straightness index computed as the ratio between the distance from the starting point to the goal and the path length travelled to reach the goal, but such a simple index, ranging between 0 and 1, cannot be applied to random search paths; (2) the tortuosity of a random search path, ranging between straight line movement and Brownian motion, can be reliably estimated by a sinuosity index which combines the mean cosine of changes of direction with the mean step length; and (3) in the current state of the art, the fractal analysis of animals' paths, which may appear as an alternative and promising way to measure the tortuosity of a random search path as a fractal dimension ranging between 1 (straight line movement) and 2 (Brownian motion), is only liable to generate artifactual results. This paper also provides some help for distinguishing between oriented and random search paths, and depicts a general, comprehensive framework for analysing individual animals' paths in a two-dimensional space.  相似文献   

A computer model of the searching activity of Cataglyphis bicolor (Fab.), based on quantitative data obtained in the field in Greece, was investigated. This ant searches for individual items of food (mainly dead arthropods) in the open on flat ground, on which its paths can be followed and mapped. The model was based on an analogy with molecular diffusion from a centre, suggested by the fact that the average distance of ants from the nest increased in proportion to the square root of time, up to a distance more than half the radius of a circle enclosing 90% of the search area. Actual behaviour was well described by a model in which individual ants went out for the first time to search in a direction determined at random. Subsequently they went out in a straight line in a direction and to a distance related to that of the previous find before commencing a semi-random search, on a path consisting of straight portions branching at random angles, with restriction on turns in a backward direction. Individual real ants search in restricted areas, commonly sectors centred on the nest. This behaviour was reproduced in the model as were quantitative aspects of the nest behaviour. Communication between individuals was not required in the model.  相似文献   



Optimal foraging theory predicts that animals will tend to maximize foraging success by optimizing search strategies. However, how organisms detect sparsely distributed food resources remains an open question. When targets are sparse and unpredictably distributed, a Lévy strategy should maximize foraging success. By contrast, when resources are abundant and regularly distributed, simple Brownian random movement should be sufficient. Although very different groups of organisms exhibit Lévy motion, the shift from a Lévy to a Brownian search strategy has been suggested to depend on internal and external factors such as sex, prey density, or environmental context. However, animal response at the individual level has received little attention.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used GPS satellite-telemetry data of Egyptian vultures Neophron percnopterus to examine movement patterns at the individual level during consecutive years, with particular interest in the variations in foraging search patterns during the different periods of the annual cycle (i.e. breeding vs. non-breeding). Our results show that vultures followed a Brownian search strategy in their wintering sojourn in Africa, whereas they exhibited a more complex foraging search pattern at breeding grounds in Europe, including Lévy motion. Interestingly, our results showed that individuals shifted between search strategies within the same period of the annual cycle in successive years.


Results could be primarily explained by the different environmental conditions in which foraging activities occur. However, the high degree of behavioural flexibility exhibited during the breeding period in contrast to the non-breeding period is challenging, suggesting that not only environmental conditions explain individuals'' behaviour but also individuals'' cognitive abilities (e.g., memory effects) could play an important role. Our results support the growing awareness about the role of behavioural flexibility at the individual level, adding new empirical evidence about how animals in general, and particularly scavengers, solve the problem of efficiently finding food resources.  相似文献   

Sexuality in the marine araphid diatom Tabularia involves an unusual type of gamete, not only among diatoms but possibly in all of nature. The non-flagellated male gamete is free and vigorously motile, propelled by pseudopodia. However, the cues (if any) in their search for compatible female gametes and the general search patterns to locate them are unknown. We tracked and compared male gamete movements in the presence and absence of receptive female gametes. Path linearity of male movement was not affected by presence of female gametes. Male gametes did not move towards female gametes regardless of their proximity to each other, suggesting that the detection range for a compatible mate is very small compared to known algal examples (mostly spermatozoids) and that mate recognition requires (near) contact with a female gamete. We therefore investigated how male gametes move to bring insight into their search strategy and found that it was consistent with the predictions of a random-walk model with changes in direction coming from an even distribution. We further investigated the type of random walk by determining the best-fit distribution on the tail of the move length distribution and found it to be consistent with a truncated power law distribution with an exponent of 2.34. Although consistent with a Lévy walk search pattern, the range of move lengths in the tail was too narrow for Lévy properties to emerge and so would be best described as Brownian motion. This is somewhat surprising because female gametes were often outnumbered by male gametes, thus contrary to the assumption that a Brownian search mode may be most optimal with an abundant target resource. This is also the first mathematically analysed search pattern of a non-flagellated protistan gamete, supporting the notion that principles of Brownian motion have wide application in biology.  相似文献   

Animal personality research has become increasingly popular over the past few decades. The two main methods used to examine individual differences in animals are rating and coding. The rating method involves human scoring of an animal's behavioral tendencies along various behavioral dimensions, such ratings are typically based on the human rater's experience with the animal. The coding method also requires humans to score an animal's behavior, but differs in that the scoring is based on the animal's immediate behavior in a specific context. This brief report describes the use of both the rating and coding methods to examine personality within a group of 10 Garnett's bushbabies (Otolemur garnettii). The results indicated that individual personalities do exist in bushbabies, but also suggested that the rating method is heavily influenced by the rater's experience with an animal. Consequently, it is important that the nature of the rater's interactions with the target animals be considered when using the rating method to assess animal personality. Zoo Biol 29:509–516, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Theoretical studies predict that Lévy walks maximizes the chance of encountering randomly distributed targets with a low density, but Brownian walks is favorable inside a patch of targets with high density. Recently, experimental data reports that some animals indeed show a Lévy and Brownian walk movement patterns when forage for foods in areas with low and high density. This paper presents a simple, Gaussian-noise utilizing computational model that can realize such behavior.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We extend Lévy walks model of one of the simplest creature, Escherichia coli, based on biological fluctuation framework. We build a simulation of a simple, generic animal to observe whether Lévy or Brownian walks will be performed properly depends on the target density, and investigate the emergent behavior in a commonly faced patchy environment where the density alternates.


Based on the model, animal behavior of choosing Lévy or Brownian walk movement patterns based on the target density is able to be generated, without changing the essence of the stochastic property in Escherichia coli physiological mechanism as explained by related researches. The emergent behavior and its benefits in a patchy environment are also discussed. The model provides a framework for further investigation on the role of internal noise in realizing adaptive and efficient foraging behavior.  相似文献   

The analysis of animal movement within different landscapes may increase our understanding of how landscape features affect the perceptual range of animals. Perceptual range is linked to movement probability of an animal via a dispersal kernel, the latter being generally considered as spatially invariant but could be spatially affected. We hypothesize that spatial plasticity of an animal''s dispersal kernel could greatly modify its distribution in time and space. After radio tracking the movements of walking insects (Cosmopolites sordidus) in banana plantations, we considered the movements of individuals as states of a Markov chain whose transition probabilities depended on the habitat characteristics of current and target locations. Combining a likelihood procedure and pattern-oriented modelling, we tested the hypothesis that dispersal kernel depended on habitat features. Our results were consistent with the concept that animal dispersal kernel depends on habitat features. Recognizing the plasticity of animal movement probabilities will provide insight into landscape-level ecological processes.  相似文献   

Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase plays a crucial role in immune tolerance and has emerged as an attractive target for cancer immunotherapy. In this study, the Passerini and Ugi multicomponent reactions have been employed to assemble a small library of imidazothiazoles that target IDO1. While the p-bromophenyl and the imidazothiazole moieties have been kept fixed, a full SAR study has been performed on the side-chain, leading to the discovery of nine compounds with sub-micromolar IC50 values in the enzyme-based assay. Compound 7d, displaying a α-acyloxyamide substructure, is the most potent compound, with an IC50 value of 0.20?µM, but a low activity in a cell-based assay. Compound 6o, containing a α-acylaminoamide moiety, shows an IC50 value of 0.81?µM in the IDO1-based assay, a full biocompatibility at 10?µM, together with a modest inhibitory activity in A375 cells. Molecular docking studies show that both 7d and 6o display a unique binding mode in the IDO1 active site, with the side-chain protruding in an additional pocket C, where a crucial hydrogen bond is formed with Lys238. Overall, this work describes an isocyanide based-multicomponent approach as a straightforward and versatile tool to rapidly access IDO1 inhibitors, providing a new direction for their future design and development.  相似文献   

The interaction of extracellular Na (Nao), K (Ko), and strophanthidin with the Na-K pump of the human red blood cell has been investigated. Inhibition by submaximal concentrations of strophanthidin rapidly reaches a level which does not increase further over a relatively long period of time. Under these circumstances, it is possible to apply a steady-state kinetic analysis to the interaction of Nao, Ko, and strophanthidin with the pump. In Na-free solutions, strophanthidin increases the apparent K1/2 of the pump for Ko, but does not change the form of the relation between the reciprocal of the active K influx (iMKP–1) and the reciprocal of [Ko] ([Ko]–1); the relation both in the presence and absence of strophanthidin is adequately described by a straight line. In solutions containing Na, strophanthidin changes the form of the curve describing the relation between iMKP–1 vs. [Ko]–1; the curve becomes more parabolic in solutions containing strophanthidin. The rate of ouabain binding to K-free cells has also been measured; in the absence of K, the rate of binding is unaffected by Nao. The data are considered in terms of a simple kinetic model. The findings can be explained if it is supposed that at low external K the form of the pump combined with one Nao is more likely to combine with strophanthidin than is the uncombined form of the pump. The uncombined form of the pump is more likely to combine with K even at very low Ko than with strophanthidin.  相似文献   

Monoamines provide chemical codes of behavioral states. However, the neural mechanisms of monoaminergic orchestration of behavior are poorly understood. Touch elicits an escape response in Caenorhabditis elegans where the animal moves backward and turns to change its direction of locomotion. We show that the tyramine receptor SER-2 acts through a Gαo pathway to inhibit neurotransmitter release from GABAergic motor neurons that synapse onto ventral body wall muscles. Extrasynaptic activation of SER-2 facilitates ventral body wall muscle contraction, contributing to the tight ventral turn that allows the animal to navigate away from a threatening stimulus. Tyramine temporally coordinates the different phases of the escape response through the synaptic activation of the fast-acting ionotropic receptor, LGC-55, and extrasynaptic activation of the slow-acting metabotropic receptor, SER-2. Our studies show, at the level of single cells, how a sensory input recruits the action of a monoamine to change neural circuit properties and orchestrate a compound motor sequence.  相似文献   

The Na/K pump hydrolyzes ATP to export three intracellular Na (Nai) as it imports two extracellular K (Ko) across animal plasma membranes. Within the protein, two ion-binding sites (sites I and II) can reciprocally bind Na or K, but a third site (site III) exclusively binds Na in a voltage-dependent fashion. In the absence of Nao and Ko, the pump passively imports protons, generating an inward current (IH). To elucidate the mechanisms of IH, we used voltage-clamp techniques to investigate the [H]o, [Na]o, and voltage dependence of IH in Na/K pumps from ventricular myocytes and in ouabain-resistant pumps expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Lowering pHo revealed that Ho both activates IH (in a voltage-dependent manner) and inhibits it (in a voltage-independent manner) by binding to different sites. Nao effects depend on pHo; at pHo where no Ho inhibition is observed, Nao inhibits IH at all concentrations, but when applied at pHo that inhibits pump-mediated current, low [Na]o activates IH and high [Na]o inhibits it. Our results demonstrate that IH is a property inherent to Na/K pumps, not linked to the oocyte expression environment, explains differences in the characteristics of IH previously reported in the literature, and supports a model in which 1), protons leak through site III; 2), binding of two Na or two protons to sites I and II inhibits proton transport; and 3), pumps with mixed Na/proton occupancy of sites I and II remain permeable to protons.  相似文献   

Potentially, homing from distant areas can be based on two different principles of navigation: (1) A path-integration mechanism records and integrates an animal's motions during the outward trip; it is independent of location-specific stimuli. (2) Site localization, by contrast, is performed by deducing the animal's position in relation to home from such stimuli. Hence the first mechanism entirely depends on an uninterrupted flow of “outward-journey information”. The second mechanism may but need not be independent of stimuli recorded during the outward journey. Homing of pigeons is evidently based on site localization. Empirical findings do not support the idea that in experiments using passive displacement path integration is involved in addition or alternatively. Also, there is no reason to assume that very young pigeons transitionally, for only few weeks, apply such a method (as has been concluded by Wiltschko & Wiltschko 1982, 1985, etc.). It is shown that very young pigeons require local olfactory signals for initial homeward orientation as do older birds (Fig. 1). They are not generally better at homeward orientation than older inexperienced pigeons and show similar deviations from home and preferences for a particular compass direction (Table 1, Fig. 2). Olfactory signals appear to be gathered, as good as conditions allow, during any stage of a homing experiment. No fundamental difference can be recognized between olfactory “outward-journey information”, “release-site information”, etc. Signals received at different times and sites before release may contribute by varying proportions to the initial-orientation patterns observed under varying circumstances.  相似文献   

V1-ATPase is a rotary motor protein that rotates the central shaft in a counterclockwise direction hydrolyzing ATP. Although the ATP-binding process is suggested to be the most critical reaction step for torque generation in F1-ATPase (the closest relative of V1-ATPase evolutionarily), the role of ATP binding for V1-ATPase in torque generation has remained unclear. In the present study, we performed single-molecule manipulation experiments on V1-ATPase from Thermus thermophilus to investigate how the ATP-binding process is modulated upon rotation of the rotary shaft. When V1-ATPase showed an ATP-waiting pause, it was stalled at a target angle and then released. Based on the response of the V1-ATPase released, the ATP-binding probability was determined at individual stall angles. It was observed that the rate constant of ATP binding (kon) was exponentially accelerated with forward rotation, whereas the rate constant of ATP release (koff) was exponentially reduced. The angle dependence of the koff of V1-ATPase was significantly smaller than that of F1-ATPase, suggesting that the ATP-binding process is not the major torque-generating step in V1-ATPase. When V1-ATPase was stalled at the mean binding angle to restrict rotary Brownian motion, kon was evidently slower than that determined from free rotation, showing the reaction rate enhancement by conformational fluctuation. It was also suggested that shaft of V1-ATPase should be rotated at least 277° in a clockwise direction for efficient release of ATP under ATP-synthesis conditions.  相似文献   

In the face of climate change there is an urgent need to understand how animal performance is affected by environmental conditions. Biophysical models that use principles of heat and mass transfer can be used to explore how an animal's morphology, physiology, and behavior interact with its environment in terms of energy, mass and water balances to affect fitness and performance. We used Niche Mapper™ (NM) to build a vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) biophysical model and tested the model's ability to predict core body temperature (Tb) variation and thermal stress against Tb and behavioral data collected from wild vervets in South Africa. The mean observed Tb in both males and females was within 0.5 °C of NM's predicted Tbs for 91% of hours over the five-year study period. This is the first time that NM's Tb predictions have been validated against field data from a wild endotherm. Overall, these results provide confidence that NM can accurately predict thermal stress and can be used to provide insight into the thermoregulatory consequences of morphological (e.g., body size, shape, fur depth), physiological (e.g. Tb plasticity) and behavioral (e.g., huddling, resting, shade seeking) adaptations. Such an approach allows users to test hypotheses about how animals adapt to thermoregulatory challenges and make informed predictions about potential responses to environmental change such as climate change or habitat conversion. Importantly, NM's animal submodel is a general model that can be adapted to other species, requiring only basic information on an animal's morphology, physiology and behavior.  相似文献   

The influence of several ions on the membrane potential of the somatic muscle of Ascaris has been investigated by changing their concentration in the surrounding solution. When [K]o is increased at the expense of [Na]o leaving [Cl]o constant, the membrane potential is first seen to increase. [K]o higher than 45 mM reduces the membrane potential with a slope of 23 mv for a tenfold change in [K]o. However, when [K]o is increased keeping [Na]o and [Cl]o low and constant, the line relating the membrane potential with log [K]o has a slope of almost 50 mv. If [Cl]o is reduced in the absence of external Na, after the [K]o is increased to 45 mM, the membrane potential decreases with a slope of 59 mv per tenfold change in [Cl]o in close agreement with the Nernst equation. If Cl- is replaced by SO4 2-, a depolarization is produced, while chloride replacement by NO3 -, Br-, and I- results in a hyperpolarization of the membrane. Removal of the external Na+ ions increases the average membrane potential by 17 mv.  相似文献   

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