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Vegetation management on levees, especially removal of trees and shrubs, might affect burrowing mammals that are considered threats to levee integrity. We evaluated habitat associations of California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi) and Botta's pocket gophers (Thomomys bottae) on levees in the Sacramento Valley to assess the effects of levee vegetation management on these species. Using burrows as an indirect measure of mammal presence, we found that the presence of trees had a negative effect on the occurrence and abundance of ground squirrels on levees, and on the location of their burrowing activities on the levee slope, potentially because visual occlusion caused by tall woody vegetation impedes detection of predators. Similarly, trees had a negative effect on the abundance of pocket gophers on levees and on the location of their burrowing activities on the levee slope, probably because of the effect of tree cover on food availability. The conversion of woodland habitats to grasslands on levees most likely will result in increased occurrence, abundance, or both of ground squirrels and pocket gophers, and thereby increase the potential threat that their burrowing activities pose to levee integrity. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The meanders and floodplains of the Kushiro River were restored in March 2011. A 1.6‐km stretch of the straightened main channel was remeandered by reconnecting the cutoff former channel and backfilling the straightened reach, and a 2.4‐km meander channel was restored. Additionally, flood levees were removed to promote river–floodplain interactions. There were four objectives of this restoration project: to restore the in‐stream habitat for native fish and invertebrates; to restore floodplain vegetation by increasing flooding frequency and raising the groundwater table; to reduce sediment and nutrient loads in the core wetland areas; to restore a river–floodplain landscape typical to naturally meandering rivers. In this project, not only the natural landscape of a meandering river but also its function was successfully restored. The monitoring results indicated that these goals were likely achieved in the short term after the restoration. The abundance and species richness of fish and invertebrate species increased, most likely because the lentic species that formerly inhabited the cutoff channel remained in the backwater and deep pools created in the restored reach. In addition, lotic species immigrated from neighboring reaches. The removal of flood levees and backfilling of the formerly straightened reach were very effective in increasing the frequency of flooding over the floodplains and raising the water table. The wetland vegetation recovered rapidly 1 year after the completion of the meander restoration. Sediment‐laden floodwater spread over the floodplain, and approximately 80–90% of the fine sediment carried by the water was filtered out by the wetland vegetation.  相似文献   

Many paddy fields in the mountainous rural areas of Japan have been abandoned since the 1960s, and forests have regenerated on these sites. In a mountainous area on Sado Island, a large number of abandoned paddies were converted into wetlands and open terrestrial vegetation. In this study, we used pitfall traps to examine the effects of the creation of open vegetation on carabid beetle assemblages by investigating 14 sites spanning five vegetation types: six sites in secondary forests (three coppice forests and three 40‐year‐old regenerating forests on abandoned paddies), three each in clear‐cuts and paddy levees, and two in grasslands. The 14 study sites were clearly separated into two groups different in the species composition of carabid beetles: secondary forest and grassland‐levee groups. The species composition of two clear‐cut sites was similar to that of secondary forests, whereas that of the remaining one clear‐cut site was similar to that of grasslands. Analyses of species responses showed various habitat preferences, e.g., for only coppice forests, for two types of secondary forests, for secondary forests and clear‐cuts, for clear‐cuts and grasslands, and for grasslands or levees, or no clear preference. There were no characteristic species in the regenerating forests. These results suggest that the 40‐year‐old regenerating forests may sustain only a limited subset of the carabid fauna found in coppice forests and that the creation of open vegetation in the abandoned paddies enhances carabid diversity at the landscape level by raising β diversity among the different vegetation types.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of riverine woodlands in arid regions of Africa are poorly documented despite their considerable conservation value. We studied 1540 ha of riverine woodland in the lower Turkwel River floodplain, Kenya, between 1990 and 1998. Forty‐one woodland patches were mapped and their soil physical and chemical characteristics, tree species diversity, woody cover, tree density, wood volume and woodland regeneration were determined. The riverine woodland comprised nine vegetation types and a total of 14 woody species. Woodland patch mosaics were associated with microtopographical features and selected soil attributes. The most important woody species were Hyphaene compressa H. Wendl., Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne and Cadaba rotundifolia Forssk. The exotic Prosopis chilensis (Mol.) St. was invading parts of the riverine woodland. Overall, woody species diversity was low compared to similar riverine woodlands in East Africa. Tree density, wood volume and woody plant regeneration declined over the 8‐year study period, while woody cover was unchanged. Reduced tree density, wood volume and regeneration of woody species might be linked to changes in river flood patterns following the impoundment of the Turkwel Gorge Dam. It is suggested that spatially heterogeneous and temporally stochastic regeneration events, together with occasional tree mortality caused by channel abandonment, create the complex pattern of woodland patches in the lower Turkwel River floodplain. The mapped woodland patches may serve as monitoring units, which in future could reveal the interplay between changes in flooding patterns as a result of dam impoundment, anthropogenic disturbance and the well‐being of the riverine woodlands.  相似文献   

Biodiversity in the floodplain of Saône: a global approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Biodiversity of European floodplains is seriously threatened mainly due to (1) modifications of river courses such as channelisation or embankments, and (2) changes in traditional agricultural practices (i.e. usually pastures), into intensive production using drainage and fertilisation. A upstream-downstream survey of the Saône floodplain (France) has been done to identify the contribution of habitats to the floodplain biodiversity. Selected taxa were aquatic and terrestrial vegetation, Odonata, Coleoptera, Amphibians, and birds. The taxa were sampled in different habitat types that were: forests, grasslands and aquatic habitats. Tributary confluences with the river and cut-off channels contributed greatly to the floodplain diversity according to their invertebrates and aquatic vegetation communities. The abundance of rare species (benefitting of a national or regional protection status) was the highest in hygrophilous grasslands. Moreover, we demonstrated that diversity of breeding bird communities was correlated with the size of these habitats. We demonstrated also that alluvial forests contributed to maintain some particular species as Middle-spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopus medius), while new plantations were colonized by openland bird communities sensible to the edge effect. Grassland fragmentation for agriculture appeared to be a major cause in biodiversity loss. Any alteration of the floodplain dynamics must be avoided to preserve the present diversity of riverine wetlands.  相似文献   

Yankari Game Reserve in northeastern Nigeria consists largely of savanna woodland with trees on the better soils growing to 15 m and with spreading crowns. On shallow and stony soils the tree height is generally less and the canopy is discontinuous. The Gaji River riparian zone supports a wide variety of vegetation types ranging from evergreen, closed canopy forest to sedge meadows and patches of open grassland.
Elephant ( Loxodonta africana ) range backwards and forwards along the riparian strip, feeding on perennial grasses and a variety of browse material and utilizing closed canopy forest patches for shade cover. The major movement patterns of other important herbivore species are perpendicular to the riparian strip. Areas used intensively are: waterbuck ( Kobus defassa )–open savanna woodland immediately behind the riparian strip: Western hartebeest ( Alcelaphus buselaphus major )– open grassy habitat in relatively poor woodland at middle distances from the river; Roan antelope ( Hippotragus equinus )–patches of well-developed and infrequently burned woodland, often at major distances from the river. Buffalo ( Syncerus caffer brachyceros ) during the dry season ranged between the riparian grassland areas and the more open sections of nearby savanna woodland, but travelled out to distant sections of the reserve after rainwater pools had formed.
A major problem in management was the development of a burning policy that would maintain an appropriate balance between perennial and annual grasses and the shade providing trees.  相似文献   

A fundamental challenge in understanding the global nitrogen cycle is the quantification of denitrification on large heterogeneous landscapes. Because floodplains are important sites for denitrification and nitrogen retention, we developed a generalized floodplain biogeochemical model to determine whether dams and flood‐control levees affect floodplain denitrification by altering floodplain inundation. We combined a statistical model of floodplain topography with a model of hydrology and nitrogen biogeochemistry to simulate floods of different magnitude. The model predicted substantial decreases in NO3‐N processing on floodplains whose overbank floods have been altered by levees and upstream dams. Our simulations suggest that dams may reduce nitrate processing more than setback levees. Levees increased areal floodplain denitrification rates, but this effect was offset by a reduction in the area inundated. Scenarios that involved a levee also resulted in more variability in N processing among replicate floodplains. Nitrate loss occurred rapidly and completely in our model floodplains. As a consequence, total flood volume and the initial mass of nitrate reaching a floodplain may provide reasonable estimates of total N processing on floodplains during floods. This finding suggests that quantifying the impact of dams and levees on floodplain denitrification may be possible using recent advances in remote sensing of floodplain topography and flood stage. Furthermore, when considering flooding over the long‐term, the cumulative N processed by frequent smaller floods was estimated to be quite large relative to that processed by larger, less frequent floods. Our results suggest that floodplain denitrification may be greatly influenced by the pervasive anthropogenic flood‐control measures that currently exist on most majors river floodplains throughout the world, and may have the potential to be impacted by future changes in flood probabilities that will likely occur as a result of climate shifts.  相似文献   

Changes in vegetation cover in northern Chobe National Park (Botswana) were assessed using aerial photographs from 1962, 1985 and 1998, with subsequent ground proofing. In addition, cumulative browsing by elephants and the occurrence of fire scars were recorded on random vegetation sites within shrubland (n = 20) and mixed woodland (n = 20). Coverage of woodland vegetation decreased from 60% to 30% between 1962 and 1998, while shrubland vegetation increased from 5% to 33% during the same period. During the study period, woodland has gradually retreated away from the river front. While riparian forest covered a continuous area along the riverfront in 1962, only fragments were left in 1998. We found a significant decrease in browse use with increasing distance to the Chobe river for Combretum apiculatum, Combretum elaeagnoides, Combretum mossambicense and other woody plants combined (all P < 0.0001). The occurrence of fire (P < 0.0001) and basal area (P < 0.0001) were positively related to distance to the river. Elephant browsing occurred on >70% of available stems within 2 km from the river, while less than 20% of the trees had fire scars in the same zone. Beyond 7 km from the river, elephant browsing was reduced to >50% of available stems, while more than 50% of the trees had fire scars. The density of any of the shrubs was not related to distance to the river neither within shrubland (all P > 0.05) nor within mixed woodlands (all P > 0.05).  相似文献   

Orchid Island, 92  km off the southeast coast of Taiwan, has the northernmost tropical forests in East Asia. We assessed effects of habitat management by Orchid Island inhabitants, the Yami people, on spider diversity by comparing assemblages collected from the ground to canopy among four habitats (natural forest, cultivated woodland, second growth forest and grasslands) that receive different degrees of disturbance. Species and guild composition did not differ among replicates of habitat but differed significantly among habitats. Variation in spider diversity was inversely correlated with vegetation density. Cultivated woodland subjected to an intermediate level of disturbances had a lower understory vegetation density than natural forest, but higher spider diversity. Neither insect abundance nor biomass varied significantly among habitats suggesting little room for effects of prey availability on spider diversity. It appears that the Yami people maintain high spider diversity on Orchid Island by generating novel habitat types with different vegetation structures and disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

漓江上游典型森林植被对降水径流的调节作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用野外同步长期定位观测林外降雨、地表径流和河川径流的方法,对漓江上游典型森林植被的生态水文过程进行观测研究。结果表明:1)流域降水年内分配极不均匀,50a年降雨量总体变化趋势不明显。林冠截留受林外降雨特征的影响,也与植被类型密切相关。2)地表径流平均滞后时间为70 min。在连续降雨的情况下,降雨滞后效应不再明显,甚至出现地表径流与降雨同步的现象,小降雨可能产生大的地表径流,从而加大流域在雨季发生洪灾的风险。3)湿季径流系数略大于旱季,干季降水量减少,且森林植被消耗大量水分,减少了枯水期径流的产生,增大发生旱灾的风险。森林植被延长河川径流持续时间,使一次持续18 d的降水过程形成的径流,在降水停止后能延续24 d。降雨后退水持续时间与前期降水及后期降水叠加有关。目的为揭示漓江上游森林植被对降水径流的调节作用,客观评估漓江上游水资源潜力、加强流域水资源管理和森林经营提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Communities of plant-parasitic nematodes collected from five different vegetation types (canopy woodland, savannah, gallery forest, cultivated perennial, and annual plants) and soils (yellowish red latosols, dark red latosols, arenosols, acrisols, and gleysols) were studied. Ninety percent of the soil samples collected from savannah contained at least four genera of plant-parasitic nematodes. The highest population densities were recovered from perennial plants and from acrisols. Nematodes from perennial and annual plants formed one cluster, which had a similar flexible-beta distance to that from the gallery forest. The distance in the native savannah and in canopy woodland was very different. Distance values for the soil aspect were similar for arenosols, yellowish, and dark red latosols. The value for acrisols was much larger than for the other soils.  相似文献   

关于中国国家自然地图集中的中国植被区划图   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
 本文将中国植被区划的原则、依据、指标和标志作了明确说明和区分。将中国植被区划系统分为4级:超级单位为植被带,全国分为森林带、草原带和荒漠带。第一级单位为14个植被区域,第二级单位为植被地带,第三级单位为植被区。对这些区划单位的划分,充分吸取了以往历次中国植被区划方案的成果,并对很多区域单位的界线,依照新资料作了改动。  相似文献   

气候制约着植被的地理分布,植被是区域气候特征的反映和指示,两者之间存在密不可分的联系.揭示植被与气候之间的关系是正确认识植被分布的前提,是进行植被区划的理论基础.植被区划是植被研究的归纳和总结,是其他自然地理区划和农林业区划的基础.本文在简要回顾中国植被气候关系及植被分区的研究历史的基础上,对我国以往的主要植被分区原则、依据和方案进行了评述,对有争议的主要植被界线进行了讨论.我们认为,在当今我国大部分地区的原生植被已遭到破坏的现实情况下,根据原生植被及其衍生植被类型的分布,确定其分布与限制性气候因子的关系,以此来进行植被带(区)的划分,不仅反映植被气候间密不可分的关系,在实践上也便于操作.尽管在一些植被带的命名、具体界线的划定上有分歧,但最近的中国植被分区方案大都认为我国基本的植被区有8至9个,即针叶林、针阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、常绿阔叶林以及雨林季雨林、草原、荒漠以及高寒植被.通过分析主要植被带附近的植被、气候等特征,本文认为,1)秦岭淮河线是一条重要的水分气候带,而不是温度带,不是亚热带植被的北界;2)我国亚热带植被的北界基本上沿长江北岸,从杭州湾经太湖、安徽宣城、铜陵经大别山南坡到武汉往西,与WI值130-140 ℃·月一致;3)我国热带区域的面积极小,仅分布在海南岛的东南部和台湾南端及其以南地区; 4) 我国东部地区暖温带的水热条件南北差异甚大,建议以秦岭淮河为界,将暖温带划分为两个植被带,即落叶阔叶疏林带和落叶常绿阔叶混交林带;华北地区的地带性植被为落叶阔叶疏林.最后,本文还强调了对应于气候变化进行动态植被分区的重要性.  相似文献   

Dendrochronology was used to assess the influence of soil conditions, elevation and related inundation, climate fluctuations and vegetation cover on the establishment and growth of hawthorn in non-grazed river floodplains. Presence of forest influences the discharge capacity of the floodplain, therefore forest development needs to be considered in management plans. Although ring detection in hawthorn is difficult, clear dynamics in establishment and growth of this shrub species were found. Establishment was mainly influenced by inundation (length and height). The effect of inundation on establishment is location dependent; positive due to transport and deposition of seeds in higher areas, and negative due to drowning of young plants in lower locations. Extreme climatic events were found to influence establishment including a drought in 2003 and relatively low and high precipitation in 2004–2006 and 2007 respectively. These events combined with almost no inundation caused some anomalies in the time series for hawthorn establishment. Once above a certain height, hawthorn is able to withstand various abiotic disturbances occurring in these dynamic river floodplains. Excavated areas are enhancing forest development following hawthorn establishment and therefore these areas should be limited in size (e.g. by deeper and narrower excavations and thus a steeper transition towards the grasslands).  相似文献   

Vegetation-environment relations of a Middle Zambezi floodplain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dunham  Kevin M. 《Plant Ecology》1989,82(1):13-24
Detrended correspondence analysis was used to study the relationships between environmental factors and the species composition of vegetation on Zambezi River alluvium downstream of the Kariba hydroelectric dam. Grass, sedge and woody species were recorded in 73 stands in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. Grass and sedge species composition was related to the soil moisture regime, as indexed by soil texture and flooding frequency. The first woody plant ordination axis was related to a stand development gradient; Acacia albida was a pioneer species on lowlying sandbanks and the woody species richness of stands increased with their height above the Zambezi River. Two-way indicator species analysis identified 7 vegetation types which could be separated on the basis of their topsoil texture and flooding frequency. The types were: sandbanks; young A. albida woodland; A. albida woodland; A. albida dominated mixed woodland; mixed riverine woodland with understory; mixed riverine woodland; and grassland on clay soils.  相似文献   

Questions: Various floodplain communities may differ in their relative abilities to influence water quality through nutrient retention and denitrification. Our main questions were: (1) what is the importance of sediment deposition and denitrification for plant productivity and nutrient retention in floodplains; (2) will rehabilitation of natural floodplain communities (semi‐natural grassland, reedbed, woodland, pond) from agricultural grassland affect nutrient retention? Location: Floodplains of two Rhine distributaries (rivers Ussel and Waal), The Netherlands. Methods: Net sedimentation was measured using mats, denitrification in soil cores by acetylene inhibition and bio‐mass production by clipping above‐ground vegetation in winter and summer. Results: Sediment deposition was a major source of N and P in all floodplain communities. Highest deposition rates were found where water velocity was reduced by vegetation structure (reedbeds) or by a drop in surface elevation (pond). Sediment deposition was not higher in woodlands than in grassland types. Denitrification rates were low in winter but significantly higher in summer. Highest denitrification rates were found in an agricultural grassland (winter and summer) and in the ponds (summer). Plant productivity and nutrient uptake were high in reedbeds, intermediate in agricultural grasslands, ponds and semi‐natural grasslands and very low in woodlands (only understorey). All wetlands were N‐limited, which could be explained by low N:P ratios in sediment. Conclusions: Considering Rhine water quality: only substantial P‐retention is expected because, relative to the annual nutrient loads in the river, the floodplains are important sinks for P, but much less for N. Rehabilitation of agricultural grasslands into ponds or reedbeds will probably be more beneficial for downstream water quality (lower P‐concentrations) than into woodlands or semi‐natural grasslands.  相似文献   

Dombeya kefaensis was first described in 1998 from flowering material collected in a mosaic of humid montane forest, evergreen bushland and deciduous woodland of the Kefa Region, SW. Ethiopia. Fruiting individuals, ripe fruits and seeds have now been observed on an additional gathering made near the type locality in late January. The new observations confirm that D. kefaensis is a distinct taxon closely related to D. buettneri K. Schum., recognised by characters of vegetative parts and inflorescence. This rare species has been observed between 1700 and 2200 m. a.s.l. for a distance of four kilometres in the transition zone between evergreen forest and deciduous woodland. The mountains and river valleys of S. and SW. Ethiopia with their mosaic of moist forests, highly fire-prone wooded grasslands, evergreen bushlands and montane grasslands seem to have the highest diversity of Dombeya -species on the African mainland, but the taxa are closely related.  相似文献   

Classification of riverbed geomorphic surfaces based on flooding frequency was conducted and the relationship between their distribution and river morphology was analyzed, to provide an understanding of the structure and species composition of riparian forests dominated by Chosenia arbutifolia. The channel floors of two contrasting river morphologies (bar-braided and incised meandering channels), were divided into five geomorphic surfaces (gravel bar, lower and upper floodplains, secondary channel, and terrace) based on the water level of a 2-yr and a 20-yr recurrence interval. The environmental variables of the same geomorphic surfaces showed similar trends regardless of braided and meandering channel morphology, but differed significantly among the five geomorphic surfaces, which influenced the dominance of tree species. The geomorphic surface map based on recurrence interval of flood and physiognomical vegetation map based on aerial photos appeared almost identical. Geomorphic surface distribution, determined by river channel dynamics and the sediment transport processes occurring at a larger scale and a longer time frame, played an important role in shaping the structure and composition of the riparian forests. C. arbutifolia dominated gravel bar, and the upper and lower floodplains, because these geomorphic surfaces were characterized by gravelly soils which have lower soil moisture availability than soils of other geomorphic surfaces. Thus, an extensive distribution of C. arbutifolia in the braided channel section can be attributed to the frequent lateral migrations of river channels, which resulted in a high ratio of gravel bars, and lower and upper floodplains. In order to preserve indigenous plant communities in riparian zone, dynamic nature and processes of braided rivers should be maintained.  相似文献   

Aim To explore successional processes associated with rain forest expansion in Eucalyptus‐dominated woodland savanna vegetation in north‐eastern Australia. Location Iron Range National Park and environs, northeast Queensland, Australia. This remote region supports probably the largest extent of lowland (< 300 m) rainforest remnant in Australia. Rainfall (c. 1700 mm p.a.) occurs mostly between November and June, with some rain typically occurring even in the driest months July–October. Methods (1) Sampling of rain forest seedling distributions, and other vegetation structural attributes, in fifteen 10 × 10 m quadrats distributed equi‐distantly between mature rain forest margins (range: 70–840 m), at each of 10 sites which were open‐canopied vegetation in 1943. (2) Assessment of relationships between rain forest seedling densities and structural characteristics, including distance‐to‐rain forest‐margin, canopy height, stem density. (3) Assessment of lifeform and dispersal spectra for defined vegetation structural types. Results Rates of rain forest invasion were found to be substrate‐mediated. Transects established on hematite schist, diorite, riverine alluvium, and granite developed closed canopies (termed phase III sites) by 1991. The remainder (four transects on poorly drained colluvial/alluvial sediments; one on dune sands) continued to occur either as grassy woodland (phase I), or with developing rain forest understoreys (phase II). Rain forest seedlings were observed at maximum sampled distances from mature rain forest margins at all sites. Lifeform and dispersal spectra data illustrated that: (1) the proportions of woodland trees, shrubs and graminoids declined with successional phase, with concomitant increases in rain forest primary trees and all other lifeform categories save rain forest trees; (2) the proportions of major dispersal syndromes did not vary between successional phases, neither for rain forest nor woodland taxa. Main conclusions Rain forest seedling distribution data for phases I and II sites illustrate three successional processes: margin extension – seedling density significantly negatively correlated with distance from mature rain forest margins at two sites; nucleation – seedling densities significantly positively correlated with tall trees at two sites; and irruption – seedling densities at two sites neither correlated with distance from mature rain forest margins, nor with measured vegetation structural features. The observation of irruptive rain forest regeneration at these sites, combined with decadal‐scale rain forest canopy development at the five remaining sites, illustrates that under conditions conducive to growth (moisture, substrate), low fire disturbance, and maintenance of diverse dispersal processes (high frugivore richness), rain forest can rapidly invade regional landscapes.  相似文献   

Past and present vegetation ecology of Laetoli, Tanzania   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
We are attempting to set up a new protocol for palaeoecological reconstruction in relation to the fossil hominin site Laetoli, Tanzania. This is based on the premise that habitat variability in the past was at least as great as at present; that this variability at the landscape level is a function of variations in geology, soils, and topography rather than climate; and that vegetation type at the landscape level can be reconstructed from these environmental variables. Measurable variation in climate in tropical Africa today occurs over distances of at least 100 km, so that ranges of habitat variation within the limited area of Laetoli today can be reconstructed in relation to soils and topography, and the effects of climate changes are then estimated in relation to these other factors. In order to document the modern vegetation, we have made voucher collections of plants in the Laetoli region, recorded distributions of plants by habitat, climate, soil, and topography, and mapped the vegetation distributions. Results show that areas of low relief have soils with impeded drainage and dense Acacia drepanolobium woodland, having low canopies when disturbed by human action, higher when not; shallow brown soils on volcanic lavas have four woodland associations, two dominated by Acacia species, two by Combretum-Albizia species; shallow volcanic soils to the east have a woodland association with Croton-Dombeya-Albizia species; elevated land to the east on volcanic soils has two associations of montane-edge species, one with Croton-Celtis-Lepidotrichilia, and the other with Acacia lahai; the eastern highlands above 2,750 m have montane forest; seasonal water channels flowing from east to west have three Acacia riverine woodland associations; three deep valleys to the north of the area have dense riverine woodland with Celtis, Albizia, Euclea, Combretum, Acacia spp.; emergence of springs at Endulen feed a perennial stream with closed gallery forest with Ficus-Croton-Lepidotrichilia; and, finally, recent ash falls have produced immature alkaline soils with calcrete formation and short grass vegetation. All of these vegetation associations have been modified by human disturbance to greater or lesser degrees, and we have attempted to allow for this both by basing the associations on the least modified areas and by predicting how the associations, or parts of associations, have been altered by human action. Past land forms at Laetoli have been based on the geology and geomorphology of the area. Past vegetation patterns were estimated by superimposing present distributions of plant associations on equivalent landforms in the past, assuming similar climate to the present. This indicates the overall pattern of vegetation at Laetoli to have been a mosaic of low and tall deciduous woodlands and with riverine woodland and forest associations along water courses. Low woodlands would have been dominated by Acacia species, and tall woodlands by Combretum-Albizia species, with increasing increments of montane species, such as Croton species, to the east of the area. Riverine woodlands would have been dominated by Acacia-Euclea species, with wetter associations (downriver or linked with spring activity) supporting gallery forest with Ficus, Celtis, and Croton species. These are all species associations common in the area today, and with landforms little changed in the past, and assuming similar climate, there is every reason to predict that they would have been present in the past. Moreover, Pliocene environments lack the human disturbance that has destroyed much of the present day vegetation. Presence of woodlands is supported by fossil wood attributed to several of the tree species present in the area today and by similarities in the mammalian community structure between past and present. Having established the pattern for Pliocene vegetation based on climatic variables existing today, we then predict the effects of past variations in climate.  相似文献   

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