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The morphology of Nannophrys Günther, 1869, a genus of ranid frogs endemic to Sri Lanka, is reexamined. The three species comprising the genus are redescribed, and a detailed account of the osteology of the type-species, N. ceylonensis Günther, is given for the first time. Adults of two species show heavy secondary cranial ossification, a feature known in only one other ranid genus, the Solomon Islands Ceratobatrachus. New information on the tapdole of N. ceylonensis is provided. N. marmorata Kirtisinghe, 1946, is accorded full species status. Reference is made to the ecological niches of N. ceylonensis and N. marmorata. The resemblance of Nannophrys to the myobatrachine leptodactylids is noted, both groups possessing a cartilaginous omosternum and dilated sacral diapophyses. On the basis of this resemblance and other data presented in the present paper, it is suggested that Nannophrys may be interpreted as a primitive ranid genus which has independently acquired a large number of derived features. Comparison is made with a selected group of related Indian ranid genera, and with Ceratobatrachus. Results indicate that Nannophrys show some affinity with the southern Indian genera Nannobatrachus and Nyctibatrachus , and also with Ceratobatrachus. Comment is made on the correlation of the zoogeographical subdivision of the southern Indian region and Nannophrys relationships.  相似文献   

A new species of treefrog of the Boophis rappiodes group (Anura, Mantellidae) is described from the Sahamalaza – Iles Radama National Park in northwest Madagascar. This new species is green in colour with bright red speckling across its head and dorsum; similar in morphology to other species of this group including: B. bottae, B. rappiodes, B. erythrodactylus and B. tasymena. The new species can be distinguished by its advertisement call and by a genetic divergence of more than 4.9% in the analysed mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene fragment. Its call consists of two note types: a trill and a click; although similar sounding to B. bottae, the trill note of the new species has a faster pulse rate while the click note is predominantly two-pulsed rather than three. All individuals were detected from the banks of two streams in Ankarafa Forest. The new species represents the only member of the B. rappiodes group endemic to Madagascar’s western coast, with the majority of other members known from the eastern rainforest belt. Despite its conspicuous call, it has not been detected from other surveys of northwest Madagascar and it is likely to be a local endemic to the peninsula. The ranges of two other amphibian species also appear restricted to Sahamalaza, and so the area seems to support a high level of endemicity. Although occurring inside a National Park, this species is highly threatened by the continuing decline in the quality and extent of its habitat. Due to these threats it is proposed that this species should be classified as Critically Endangered according to the IUCN Red List criteria.  相似文献   

Abstract  Australian planthoppers of the genus Innobindus Jacobi are revised. A lectotype for Innobindus multimaculatus Jacobi is designated and six new species of Innobindus are described: I. alternans , I. collessi , I. licinus , I. marginatus , I. robinae and I. unicornis . Maps of the known distribution for the species of Innobindus are presented and discussed. The Australian Brixiini fauna, which appears to be restricted in distribution to Queensland and New South Wales, comprises a further two genera: Solonaima Kirkaldy and Undarana Hoch & Howarth. The majority of Brixiini, including Innobindus , is non-cavernicolous; however, eight species within the genera Solonaima and Undarana have adapted to life in lava tubes and limestone caves. A key to genera and a checklist of the Australian species are presented.  相似文献   

To elucidate the species composition, genetic divergence, evolutionary relationships, and divergence time of Hoplobatrachus and Euphlyctis frogs (subfamily Dicroglossinae, family Ranidae) in Bangladesh and other Asian countries, we analyzed the mitochondrial Cyt b, 12S, and 16S rRNA genes of 252 specimens. Our phylogenetic analyses showed 13 major clades corresponding to several cryptic species as well as to nominal species in the two genera. The results suggested monophyly of Asian Hoplobatrachus species, but the position of African Hoplobatrachus occipitalis was not clarified. Nucleotide divergence and phylogenetic data suggested the presence of allopatric cryptic species allied to Euphlyctis hexadactylus in Sundarban, Bangladesh and several parapatric cryptic species in the Western Ghats, India. The presence of at least two allopatric cryptic species among diverged Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis in Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka was also suggested. In some cases, our estimated divergence times matched the paleogeological events of South and Southeast Asian regions that may have led to the divergence of Hoplobatrachus and Euphlyctis taxa. Especially, land formation at Bangladesh (15–10 Ma) may have allowed the spread of these frog taxa to Southeast Asian areas, and the aridification of central India (5.1–1.6 Ma) might have affected the gene flow of widely distributed species. The present study revealed prior underestimation of the richness of the amphibian fauna in this region, indicating the possible occurrence of many cryptic species among these groups.  相似文献   

Background and aimsThe tribe Danaideae (Rubiaceae) is almost exclusively endemic to the Western Indian Ocean Region (WIOR), and encompasses the genera Danais, Payera and Schismatoclada that occur in humid, sub-humid and mountain and mountain bio climate zones. Much of the species diversity is endemic to restricted, remote and/or mountainous areas of Madagascar and recent field work on the island indicates substantial unknown diversity of the Danaideae. Furthermore, the monophyly of the Malagasy genera Payera and Schismatoclada has been questioned in previous work, species delimitations and phylogenetic relationships within the genera are poorly understood, and the distribution and evolution of gross morphological features have not been assessed.MethodsWe conducted morphological investigations, and produced robust phylogenies of Danaideae based on nuclear and plastid sequence data from 193 terminals. Ample plant material has been newly collected in the WIOR for the purpose of the present study, including potentially new species unknown to science. We performed Bayesian non-clock and relaxed-clock analyses employing three alternative clock models of a dataset with a dense sample of taxa from the entire geographical ranges of Danaideae. Based on the results, we discuss species diversity and distribution, relationships, and morphology in Danaideae.Key resultsOur results demonstrate the monophyly of Danaideae, its three genera and 42 species. Nine species are resolved as non-monophyletic. Many geographically distinct but morphologically heterogeneous lineages were identified, and morphological features traditionally considered diagnostic of subgroups of the genera, used for example in species identification keys, are not clade-specific.ConclusionsOur results demonstrate that Madagascar contains ample previously undocumented morphological and species diversity of Danaideae. Our novel approach to molecular phylogenetic analyses as a precursor to taxonomic revisions provides numerous benefits for the latter. There are tentative indications of parallel northward diversification in Payera and Schismatoclada on Madagascar, and of geographical phylogenetic clustering despite the anemochorous condition of Danaideae.  相似文献   

The centipede genus Eupolybothrus Verhoeff, 1907 in North Africa is revised. A new cavernicolous species, Eupolybothruskahfi Stoev & Akkari, sp. n., is described from a cave in Jebel Zaghouan, northeast Tunisia. Morphologically, it is most closely related to Eupolybothrusnudicornis (Gervais, 1837) from North Africa and Southwest Europe but can be readily distinguished by the long antennae and leg-pair 15, a conical dorso-median protuberance emerging from the posterior part of prefemur 15, and the shape of the male first genital sternite. Molecular sequence data from the cytochrome c oxidase I gene (mtDNA-5' COI-barcoding fragment) exhibit 19.19% divergence between Eupolybothruskahfi and Eupolybothrusnudicornis, an interspecific value comparable to those observed among four other species of Eupolybothrus which, combined with a low intraspecific divergence (0.3-1.14%), supports the morphological diagnosis of Eupolybothruskahfi as a separate species. This is the first troglomorphic myriapod to be found in Tunisia, and the second troglomorph lithobiomorph centipede known from North Africa. Eupolybothrusnudicornis is redescribed based on abundant material from Tunisia and its post-embryonic development, distribution and habitat preferences recorded. Eupolybothruscloudsley-thompsoni Turk, 1955, a nominal species based on Tunisian type material, is placed in synonymy with Eupolybothrusnudicornis. To comply with the latest technological developments in publishing of biological information, the paper implements new approaches in cybertaxonomy, such as fine granularity XML tagging validated against the NLM DTD TaxPub for PubMedCentral and dissemination in XML to various aggregators (GBIF, EOL, Wikipedia), vizualisation of all taxa mentioned in the text via the dynamically created Pensoft Taxon Profile (PTP) page, data publishing, georeferencing of all localities via Google Earth, and ZooBank, GenBank and MorphBank registration of datasets. An interactive key to all valid species of Eupolybothrus is made with DELTA software.  相似文献   

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