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The ligand-binding properties of a 53 kDa homomultimeric trimer from mannose-binding protein (MBP) have been investigated using residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) that are easily measured from NMR spectra of the ligand and isotopically labeled protein. Using a limited set of 1H-15N backbone amide NMR assignments for MBP and orientational information derived from the RDC measurements in aligned media, an order tensor for MBP has been determined that is consistent with symmetry-based predictions of an axially symmetric system. 13C-1H couplings for a bound trisaccharide ligand, methyl 3,6-di-O-(alpha-D-mannopyranosyl)-alpha-D-mannopyranoside (trimannoside) have been determined at natural abundance and used as orientational constraints. The bound ligand geometry and orientational constraints allowed docking of the trimannoside ligand in the binding site of MBP to produce a structural model for MBP-oligosaccharide interactions.  相似文献   

In solutions with partial molecular alignment, anisotropic magnetic interactions such as the chemical shift anisotropy, the electric quadrupole interaction, and the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction are no longer averaged out to zero in contrast to isotropic solutions. The resulting residual anisotropic magnetic interactions are increasingly used in biological NMR studies for the determination of 3D structures of proteins and other biomolecules. In the present paper we propose a new approach allowing the measurement of residual HN-H dipolar couplings of non-isotope enriched proteins based on the application of the MOCCA-SIAM experiment. This experiment allows the measurement of homonuclear coupling constants with an accuracy of ca. ±0.2 Hz and is therefore particularly well suited to determine residual dipolar couplings at relatively low degrees of molecular orientation. The agreement between experimentally determined residual HN-H couplings and calculated values is demonstrated for BPTI.  相似文献   

The structure of the 13C,15N-labeled d(GCGAAGC) hairpin, as determined by NMR spectroscopy and refined using molecular dynamics with NOE-derived distances, torsion angles, and residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), is presented. Although the studied molecule is of small size, it is demonstrated that the incorporation of diminutive RDCs can significantly improve local structure determination of regions undefined by the conventional restraints. Very good correlation between the experimental and back-calculated small one- and two-bond 1H-13C, 1H-15N, 13C-13C and 13C-15N coupling constants has been attained. The final structures clearly show typical features of the miniloop architecture. The structure is discussed in context of the extraordinary stability of the d(GCGAAGC) hairpin, which originates from a complex interplay between the aromatic base stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings are potentially very powerful probes of slower protein motions, providing access to dynamic events occurring on functionally important timescales up to the millisecond. One recent approach uses the three dimensional Gaussian Axial Fluctuation model (3D GAF) to determine the major directional modes and associated amplitudes of motions along the peptide chain. In this study we have used standard and accelerated molecular dynamics simulations to determine the accuracy of 3D GAF-based approaches in characterizing the nature and extent of local molecular motions. We compare modes determined directly from the trajectories with motional parameterization derived from RDCs simulated from the same trajectories. Three approaches are tested, that either suppose a known three-dimensional structure, simultaneously determine backbone structure and dynamics, or determine dynamic modes in the absence of a structural model. The results demonstrate the robustness of the 3D GAF analysis even in the presence of large-scale motions, and illustrate the remarkably quantitative nature of the extracted amplitudes. These observations suggest that the approach can be generally used for the study of functionally interesting biomolecular motions.  相似文献   

The determination of residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) by quantitative J spectroscopy methods such as Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation with Phase Encoded Coupling (HSQC-PEC) is prone to systematic errors that may be caused by differential attenuation during the conversion of orthogonal density operator components into observable terms. The attenuation may be caused by miscalibration of radio-frequency pulses and by relaxation effects. A simple method is presented that allows one to remove most of these systematic errors without losses in sensitivity or resolution.  相似文献   

Ohnishi S  Shortle D 《Proteins》2003,50(4):546-551
Residual dipolar couplings provide information on the orientation of individual bond vectors with respect to a unique set of molecular axes. We report that short peptides from 2 to 15 amino acids in length of arbitrary sequence exhibit a modest range of residual dipolar couplings when aligned in either strained polyacrylamide gels or alkyl-PEG bicelles. The absence of significant line broadening in gels suggests peptides align predominantly through steric interactions with the polyacrylamide matrix. However, broadening of NMR lines for a subset of residues aligned in bicelles indicates some peptides bind weakly to these lipid disks, yet a weak negative correlation between the couplings measured in gels and bicelles is consistent with steric hindrance playing a role in both media. The observation of dipolar couplings for peptides of length 10-15 suggests the statistical segment lengths of polypeptide chains must often be >10-15 residues, with data from denatured proteins indicating even larger values. Presumably, local side-chain backbone interactions severely restrict chain flexibility, with the cumulative effect of many such restrictions giving rise to biases in chain direction that may persist for the entire length of a protein chain. Comparison of experimental dipolar couplings for peptides with couplings calculated for ensembles of conformations generated by molecular dynamics should permit evaluation of the accuracy of molecular mechanics potentials in reproducing sequence-specific preferences for phi and psi angles.  相似文献   

We report the determination of the global fold of human ubiquitin using protein backbone NMR residual dipolar coupling and long-range nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data as conformational restraints. Specifically, by use of a maximum of three backbone residual dipolar couplings per residue (Ni-HN i, Ni-Ci–1, HN i - Ci–1) in two tensor frames and only backbone HN-HN NOEs, a global fold of ubiquitin can be derived with a backbone root-mean-square deviation of 1.4 Å with respect to the crystal structure. This degree of accuracy is more than adequate for use in databases of structural motifs, and suggests a general approach for the determination of protein global folds using conformational restraints derived only from backbone atoms.  相似文献   

A 2D-HSQC-carbon selective/proton selective-constant time COSY, 2D-HSQC-(sel C, sel H)-CT COSY experiment, which is applicable to uniformly 13C isotopically enriched samples (U-13C) of oligosaccharides or oligonucleotides is proposed for the measurement of proton–proton RDC in crowded regions of 2D-spectra. In addition, a heteronuclear constant time-COSY experiment, 13C-13C CT-COSY, is proposed for the measurement of one bond carbon–carbon RDC in these molecules. These two methods provide an extension, to U-13C molecules, of the original homonuclear constant time-COSY experiment proposed by Tian et al. (1999) for saccharides. The combination of a number of these RDC with NOE data may provide the method of choice to study oligosaccharide conformation in the free and receptor-bound state.  相似文献   

Previous NMR structural studies of the heparin-binding domain of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF165) revealed a novel fold comprising two subdomains, each containing two disulfide bridges and a short two-stranded antiparallel -sheet. The mutual orientation of the two subdomains was poorly defined by the NMR data. Heteronuclear relaxation data suggested that this disorder resulted from a relative lack of experimental restraints due to the limited size of the interface, rather than inherent high-frequency flexibility. Refinement of the structure using 1HN-15N residual dipolar coupling restraints results in significantly improved definition of the relative subdomain orientations.  相似文献   

A new set of HCACO based three-dimensional NMR experiments for measuring residual dipolar couplings in proteins is presented. Using spin-state selection and editing in three dimensions, the experiments allow accurate measurement of intraresidual , and scalar and residual dipolar couplings of 15N/13C labeled proteins in D2O and dilute liquid crystals with minimal spectral crowding. The presented experiments are especially suitable for small or medium sized proline-rich proteins, or proteins that require high pH solvent conditions, making 1HN detected experiments unattractive. In addition, the tetrahedral coordination of C is superior to the planar peptide bond for determination of local alignments in partially structured polypeptides. For the efficient use of spectrometer time and to avoid complications arising from the varying magnitude of the alignment tensor during relatively long experiments, the and couplings can also be measured simultaneously in an E.COSY like manner with high accuracy. The pulse sequences are balanced for cross-correlation effects and minimized for relaxation losses. The pulse sequences are tested with a sample of 15N/13C human ubiquitin. We find internuclear vector directions determined from the dipolar couplings to have an excellent correlation with those of ubiquitins refined solution structure.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings measured in weakly aligning liquid-crystalline solvent contain valuable information on the structure of biomolecules in solution. Here we demonstrate that dipolar couplings (DCs) can be used to derive a comprehensive set of pairwise angular restraints that do not depend on the orientation of the alignment tensor principal axes. These restraints can be used to assess the agreement between a trial protein structure and a set of experimental dipolar couplings by means of a graphic representation termed a `DC consistency map'. Importantly, these maps can be used to recognize structural elements consistent with the experimental DC data and to identify structural parameters that require further refinement, which could prove important for the success of DC-based structure calculations. This approach is illustrated for the 42 kDa maltodextrin-binding protein.  相似文献   

New methods for determining chemical structures from residual dipolar couplings are presented. The fundamental dipolar coupling equation is converted to an elliptical equation in the principal alignment frame. This elliptical equation is then combined with other angular or dipolar coupling constraints to form simple polynomial equations that define discrete solutions for the unit vector(s). The methods are illustrated with residual dipolar coupling data on ubiquitin taken in a single anisotropic medium. The protein backbone is divided into its rigid groups (namely, its peptide planes and C frames), which may be solved for independently. A simple procedure for recombining these independent solutions results in backbone dihedral angles and that resemble those of the known native structure. Subsequent refinement of these - angles by the ROSETTA program produces a structure of ubiquitin that agrees with the known native structure to 1.1 Å C rmsd.  相似文献   

The main limitation in NMR-determined structures of nucleic acids and their complexes with proteins derives from the elongated, non-globular nature of physiologically important DNA and RNA molecules. Since it is generally not possible to obtain long-range distance constraints between distinct regions of the structure, long-range properties such as bending or kinking at sites of protein recognition cannot be determined accurately nor precisely. Here we show that use of residual dipolar couplings in the refinement of the structure of a protein–RNA complex improves the definition of the long-range properties of the RNA. These features are often an important aspect of molecular recognition and biological function; therefore, their improved definition is of significant value in RNA structural biology.  相似文献   

The Ca2 calbindin protein in which one calcium has been substituted with Ce(III), Yb(III) and Dy(III) displays substantial alignment in high magnetic fields due to the high anisotropy of the metal magnetic susceptibility. This property has allowed the measurement of residual dipolar coupling contributions to 1 J HNand 2 J HH couplings of asparagine and glutamine NH2 moieties. Such data have been used to aid structural characterization of these groups. The exploitation of auto-orientation of magnetic anisotropic metalloproteins represents a step ahead in the investigation of the conformational space of peripheral residues that are not fixed by the protein folding.  相似文献   

The conformational propensities of unfolded states of apomyoglobin have been investigated by measurement of residual dipolar couplings between (15)N and (1)H in backbone amide groups. Weak alignment of apomyoglobin in acid and urea-unfolded states was induced with both stretched and compressed polyacrylamide gels. In 8 M urea solution at pH 2.3, conditions under which apomyoglobin contains no detectable secondary or tertiary structure, significant residual dipolar couplings of uniform sign were observed for all residues. At pH 2.3 in the absence of urea, a change in the magnitude and/or sign of the residual dipolar couplings occurs in local regions of the polypeptide where there is a high propensity for helical secondary structure. These results are interpreted on the basis of the statistical properties of the unfolded polypeptide chain, viewed as a polymer of statistical segments. For a folded protein, the magnitude and sign of the residual dipolar couplings depend on the orientation of each bond vector relative to the alignment tensor of the entire molecule, which reorients as a single entity. For unfolded proteins, there is no global alignment tensor; instead, residual dipolar couplings are attributed to alignment of the statistical segments or of transient elements of secondary structure. For apomyoglobin in 8 M urea, the backbone is highly extended, with phi and psi dihedral angles favoring the beta or P(II) regions. Each statistical segment has a highly anisotropic shape, with the N-H bond vectors approximately perpendicular to the long axis, and becomes weakly aligned in the anisotropic environment of the strained acrylamide gels. Local regions of enhanced flexibility or chain compaction are characterized by a decrease in the magnitude of the residual dipolar couplings. The formation of a small population of helical structure in the acid-denatured state of apomyoglobin leads to a change in sign of the residual dipolar couplings in local regions of the polypeptide; the population of helix estimated from the residual dipolar couplings is in excellent agreement with that determined from chemical shifts. The alignment model described here for apomyoglobin can also explain the pattern of residual dipolar couplings reported previously for denatured states of staphylococcal nuclease and other proteins. In conjunction with other NMR experiments, residual dipolar couplings can provide valuable insights into the dynamic conformational propensities of unfolded and partly folded states of proteins and thereby help to chart the upper reaches of the folding landscape.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar couplings for a ligand that is in fast exchange between a free state and a state where it is bound to a macroscopically ordered membrane protein carry precise information on the structure and orientation of the bound ligand. The couplings originate in the bound state but can be detected on the free ligand using standard high resolution NMR. This approach is used to study an analog of the C-terminal undecapeptide of the alpha-subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein transducin when bound to photo-activated rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is the major constituent of disk-shaped membrane vesicles from rod outer segments of bovine retinas, which align spontaneously in the NMR magnet. Photo-activation of rhodopsin triggers transient binding of the peptide, resulting in measurable dipolar contributions to 1J(NH) and 1J(CH) splittings. These dipolar couplings report on the time-averaged orientation of bond vectors in the bound peptide relative to the magnetic field, i.e. relative to the membrane normal. Approximate distance restraints of the bound conformation were derived from transferred NOEs, as measured from the difference of NOESY spectra recorded prior to and after photo-activation. The N-terminal eight residues of the bound undecapeptide adopt a near-ideal alpha-helical conformation. The helix is terminated by an alpha(L) type C-cap, with Gly9 at the C' position in the center of the reverse turn. The angle between the helix axis and the membrane normal is 40 degrees (+/-4) degrees. Peptide protons that make close contact with the receptor are identified by analysis of the NOESY cross-relaxation pattern and include the hydrophobic C terminus of the peptide.  相似文献   

Three transverse relaxation optimised NMR experiments (TROSY) for the measurement of scalar and dipolar couplings suitable for proteins dissolved in aqueous iso- and anisotropic solutions are described. The triple-spin-state-selective experiments yield couplings between 1HN-13C, 15N-13C, 1HN-13C i–1, 15N-13C i–1, 1HN-13Ci–1, 15N-13Ci–1, and 13Ci–1-13C i–1 without introducing nonessential spectral crowding compared with an ordinary two-dimensional 15N-1H correlation spectrum and without requiring explicit knowledge of carbon assignments. This set of /-J-TROSY experiments is most useful for perdeuterated proteins in studies of structure–activity relationships by NMR to observe, in addition to epitopes for ligands, also conformational changes induced by binding of ligands.  相似文献   

Two independent statistical models for evaluating the certainties of configurational assignments of compounds based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data are evaluated and compared. Both methods yield weights or probabilities with which two or more structure models (constitutional or configurational isomers or even conformers) could be differentiated based on experimental parameters. Although this paper focusses on the use of residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) for the differentiation of diastereomers, the concept can be expanded to any set of experimental NMR‐derived parameters. It is demonstrated that highly reliable configurational assignments crucially must depend on thorough statistical analysis, which is frequently neglected in the literature.  相似文献   

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