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The spin-spin relaxation times, T(2), of hydrated samples of poly(hydroxymethyl methacrylate), PHEMA, poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate), PTHFMA, and the corresponding HEMA-THFMA copolymers have been examined to probe the states of the imbibed water in these polymers. The decay in the transverse magnetization of water in fully hydrated samples of PHEMA, PTHFMA, and copolymers of HEMA and THFMA was described by a multiexponential function. The short component of T(2) was interpreted as water molecules that were strongly interacting with the polymer chains. The intermediate component of T(2) was assigned to water residing in the porous structure of the samples. The long component of T(2) was believed to arise from water residing in the remnants of cracks formed in the polymer network during water sorption.  相似文献   

The self-diffusion coefficients for water in a series of copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate, HEMA, and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate, THFMA, swollen with water to their equilibrium states have been studied at 310 K using PFG-NMR. The self-diffusion coefficients calculated from the Stejskal-Tanner equation, D(obs), for all of the hydrated polymers were found to be dependent on the NMR storage time, as a result of spin exchange between the proton reservoirs of the water and the polymers, reaching an equilibrium plateau value at long storage times. The true values of the diffusion coefficients were calculated from the values of D(obs) in the plateau regions by applying a correction for the fraction of water protons present, obtained from the equilibrium water contents of the gels. The true self-diffusion coefficient for water in polyHEMA obtained at 310 K by this method was 5.5 x 10(-10) m(2)s-1. For the copolymers containing 20% HEMA or more a single value of the self-diffusion coefficient was found, which was somewhat larger than the corresponding values obtained for the macroscopic diffusion coefficient from sorption measurements. For polyTHFMA and copolymers containing less than 20% HEMA, the PFG-NMR stimulated echo attenuation decay curves and the log-attenuation plots were characteristic of the presence of two diffusing water species. The self-diffusion coefficients of water in the equilibrium-hydrated copolymers were found to be dependent on the copolymer composition, decreasing with increasing THFMA content.  相似文献   

The ingress of water into poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), PHEMA, loaded with either one of two model drugs, vitamin B(12) or aspirin, was studied at 37 degrees C using three-dimensional NMR imaging. PHEMA was loaded with 5 and 10 wt % of the drugs. From the imaging profiles, it was observed that incorporation of vitamin B(12) into PHEMA resulted in enhanced crack formation on sorption of water and the crack healing behind the diffusion front was slower than for PHEMA without added drug. This was accounted for by the anti-plasticization of PHEMA by vitamin B(12). Crack formation was inhibited in the PHEMA-aspirin systems because of the plasticizing effect of the aspirin on the PHEMA matrix. All of the polymers were found to absorb water according to an underlying Fickian diffusion mechanism. For PHEMA loaded with 5 wt % of aspirin or vitamin B(12), the best values of the water diffusion coefficients were both found to be 1.3 +/- 0.1 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1) at 37 degrees C, while the values for the polymer loaded with 10 wt % of the drugs were slightly higher, 1.5 +/- 0.1 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1).  相似文献   

The fixation of cis (NH3)2Cl2Pt(II) to poly(I)·poly(C) leads to the formation of two complexed species. One involves coordination to a single base (accounting for about 70% of the total platinum bound over the rb range 0.07–0.25) and the other to two bases which are not adjacent to each other but may be on the same strand and separated by a loop. Reaction of the platinum compound with poly(I) gives in addition to the above two species a minor one (about 15%, independent of rb over the range 0.05–0.30) in which the platinum is bound to two adjacent bases. The availability of such coordination reduces the dominance of the 1:1 species, which, however, remains the major one (ca. 55%).  相似文献   

The conformation of the monolayer of poly(l-glutamic acid) on subsolutions of different pH values was studied by the film-balance technique, obtaining surface pressure measurements, together with polarized infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The monolayers of poly(l-glutamic acid) gave different surface pressure-area curves on subsolutions of various pH values. It was found that the conformation of poly(l-glutamic acid) monolayer spread at the air/water interface differs from that in solution. It can be presumed that poly(l-glutamic acid) in a monolayer is in the form of an α-helix at pH 2.0, in the β-form at pH 3.5 and in an ‘intramolecular’ heterogeneous conformation (consisting of a random coil and an α-helix) at pH 4.0.  相似文献   

The detection of phase separation and identification of miscibility in biopolymer blends is an important aspect for the improvement of their physical properties. In this article, the phase separation in blends of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) with poly(L-lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL), respectively, has been studied as a function of the blend composition by FT-IR imaging spectroscopy. For both polymer blend systems, a miscibility gap has been found around the 50:50% (w/w) composition of the two components. Furthermore, the separating phases have been identified as blends of the two polymer components and their compositions could be determined from calibrations based on the spectra of the blends in the compositional range of miscibility. The data derived from FT-IR spectroscopic imaging were corroborated by additional DSC analyses and mechanical stress-strain measurements of polymer blend films, which exhibited a characteristic fracture behavior as a function of PHB composition.  相似文献   

1H-1H and 31P-1H nuclear Overhauser effects and 31P NMR spin-lattice relaxation times were measured for a synthetic DNA poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) in a low-salt aqueous solution. The results have shown that all bases in the double helix are anti-orientated with respect to deoxyribose residues and that the sugar-phosphate backbone has an alternating architecture.  相似文献   

P A Mirau  D R Kearns 《Biochemistry》1984,23(23):5439-5446
One- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effects (2D NOE) have been used to compare the conformational properties of 60-80 base pair long duplexes of the synthetic DNA polymer poly(dI-dC) with those of poly(dI-dbr5C) and poly(dG-dC) in the B and Z conformations. Cross peaks in the 2D NOE spectra arising from proton-proton dipolar interactions which are more or less independent of the DNA conformation are used to assign the spectra of these molecules. Other cross peaks are sensitive to the conformational details, and these are used to make deductions about the average conformation in solution. The proton-proton interactions that give rise to the cross peaks in the 2D NOE spectrum of poly(dI-dC) are indicative of a B family conformation and rule out the possibility of some alternative conformations, including A, Z, alternating B, and left-handed B-DNA. The spectra are similar to those obtained from B-form poly(dI-dbr5C) and poly(dG-dC) but different from Z-form poly(dG-dC). Taken together, these results indicate that the solution conformation of poly(dI-dC) is not unusual but more closely resembles that of other B-form DNAs.  相似文献   

Coralyne is a small crescent-shaped molecule known to intercalate duplex and triplex DNA. We report that coralyne can cause the complete and irreversible disproportionation of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA). That is, coralyne causes the strands of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA) to repartition into equal molar equivalents of triplex poly(dT)·poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly(dA). Poly(dT)·poly(dA) will remain as a duplex for months after the addition of coralyne, if the sample is maintained at 4°C. However, disproportionation readily occurs upon heating above 35°C and is not reversed by subsequent cooling. A titration of poly(dT)·poly(dA) with coralyne reveals that disproportionation is favored by as little as one molar equivalent of coralyne per eight base pairs of initial duplex. We have also found that poly(dA) forms a self-structure in the presence of coralyne with a melting temperature of 47°C, for the conditions of our study. This poly(dA) self-structure binds coralyne with an affinity that is comparable with that of triplex poly(dT)·poly(dA)·poly(dT). A Job plot analysis reveals that the maximum level of poly(dA) self-structure intercalation is 0.25 coralyne molecules per adenine base. This conforms to the nearest neighbor exclusion principle for a poly(dA) duplex structure with A·A base pairs. We propose that duplex disproportionation by coralyne is promoted by both the triplex and the poly(dA) self-structure having binding constants for coralyne that are greater than that of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA).  相似文献   

We have synthesized and investigated the DNA binding properties of three fluorinated acridine derivatives—a monomer (I), a short dimer (II) and a long dimer (III). Only III has a sufficiently long chain bridging the two acridine nuclei to permit binding by bisintercalation. Analysis of the equilibrium and kinetic binding properties of these compounds to poly(dA-dT) demonstrates that they behave very similarly to their unfluorinated parent compounds. Helix extension, as determined by viscosity measurements, shows that both compounds I and II bind by monointercalation while III binds by bisintercalation. These results are confirmed by 19F-nmr analysis, which indicates, in particular, that the two chromophores of III share the same molecular environment as that of I in the presence of either calf thymus DNA or poly(dA-dT). Negative nuclear Overhauser effects in the presence of DNA indicate tight binding such that the motion of the ligands is governed by the polynucleotide dynamics. Optical titrations establish that in 4M NaCl, both I and III bind to calf thymus DNA, but no binding was observed with poly(dG-dC). This result is in contrast to those for dimers of ethidium, which show substantial binding to polynucleotides under high salt conditions. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments, however, carried out at considerably higher concentrations, show that compound I does indeed bind to poly(dG-dC) under these high salt conditions, albeit weakly, and leads to a conversion of the polynucleotide from a left-handed to a right-handed conformation.  相似文献   

The sorption and desorption of water in rape seeds was measured. From the sorption isotherm it follows that for water content greater than about 6% the water molecules tend to form clusters. The mutual diffusion coefficient of water into and out of the seeds was determined from the time dependence of sorption and desorption. There is a pronounced hysteresis in the sorption-desorption process, desorption proceeds faster than sorption. The self-diffusion of water (at maximum humidity of the seeds) and oil within the seeds was investigated by the pulsed field gradient NMR. The measurement of oil self-diffusion shows restricted diffusion of the oil within droplets and allows the determination of the droplet radii and their distribution width.  相似文献   

The enzymatic degradation and repolymerization were carried out with the objectives of developing the chemical recycling of aliphatic polyester-type plastics, such as the poly(butylene adipate) (PBA), poly(butylene succinate), and poly(butylene adipate-co-succinate) copolymers which are typical biodegradable plastics. They were degraded by lipase in an organic solvent solution containing a small amount of water to produce cyclic oligomers mainly consisting of the cyclic diester. The produced cyclic oligomer was readily repolymerized by lipase to produce a polyester having an equal or higher molecular weight compared to the parent polymer. As an example, PBA having an Mw of 22,000 was almost quantitatively transformed by lipase CA (Novozym 435) in water-containing toluene at 50 degrees C into the corresponding cyclic oligomers mainly consisting of dimers. Thus, the obtained oligomers were readily polymerized by lipase CA to produce the PBA with an Mw of 52,000.  相似文献   

A T-jump investigation of the binding of Cyan40 [3-methyl-2-(1,2,6-trimethyl-4(1H)pyridinylidenmethyl)-benzothiazolium ion] and CCyan2 [3-methyl-2-[2-methyl-3-(3-methyl-2(3H)-benzothiazolylidene)-1-propenyl]-benzothiazolium ion] with poly(dA-dT) x poly(dA-dT) and poly(dG-dC) x poly(dG-dC) is performed at I = 0.1M (NaCl), 25 degrees C and pH 7. Two kinetic effects are observed for both systems. The binding process is discussed in terms of the sequence D + P <==> P,D <==> PD(I) <==> PD(II), which leads first to fast formation of a precursor complex P,D and then to a partially intercalated complex PD(I) which converts to the fully intercalate complex PD(II). Concerning CCyan2 the rate parameters depend on the polymer nature and their analysis shows that in the case of poly(dG-dC) x poly(dG-dC) the most stable bound form is the fully intercalated complex PD(II), whereas in the case of poly(dA-dT) x poly(dA-dT) the partially intercalated complex PD(I) is the most stable species. Concerning Cyan40, the rate parameters remain unchanged on going from A-T to G-C indicating that this dye is unselective.  相似文献   

The fixation of trans-(NH3)2Cl2 Pt(II) to poly(I)·poly(C) at low rb (< 0.05) leads to the formation of two complexed species. The major species (ca. 82% of bound platinum) involves coordination of platinum to a single hypoxanthine base, while the other species involves coordination of two hypoxanthine bases, which are either far apart on the same strand or on separate poly(I) strands, to the platinum. These same two species are found after reaction with poly(I), as are two other species throughout the entire rb range studied (rb = 0–0.30). The latter two species are assigned to trans-Pt bound to two bases on a poly(I) strand with (a) one or (b) two free bases between the two bound bases. These two species, (a) and (b), account for ca. 35% of the bound platinum, although the 1:1 species remains dominant (ca. 55%). These two additional species are observed at high rb (>0.075) after reaction with poly(I)·poly(C) but as very minor species. They are formed by reaction with melted poly(I) loops. Also at high rb, we have observed a shifted cytidine H5 resonance arising from interaction of trans-Pt with a melted loop of poly(C). Most probably, this arises from an intramolecular poly(I) to poly(C) crosslink. Results from the reaction of trans-Pt with poly(C) are presented for comparison.  相似文献   

Diffusion-weighted nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging (DWI) is sensitive to the random translational motion of water molecules due to Brownian motion. Although the mechanism is still not completely understood, the cellular swelling that accompanies cell membrane depolarization results in a reduction in the net displacement of diffusing water molecules and thus a concomitant reduction in the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of tissue water. Cerebral regions of reduced ADC appear hyperintense in a DWI and this technique has been used extensively to study acute stroke. In addition to cerebral ischemia, reductions in the ADC of cerebral water have been observed following cortical spreading depression, ischemic depolarizations (IDs), transient ischemic attack (TIA), status epilepticus, and hypoglycemia. Although the mechanism responsible for initiating membrane depolarization varies in each case, the ensuing cell volume changes follow a similar pattern. Water ADC values are also affected by the presence and orientation of barriers to translational motion (such as cell membranes and myelin fibers) and thus NMR measures of anisotropic diffusion are sensitive to more chronic pathological states where the integrity of these structures is modified by disease. Both theoretical prediction and experimental evidence suggest that the ADC of tissue water is related to the volume fraction of the interstitial space via the electrical conductivity of the tissue. The implication is that acute neurological disorders that exhibit electrical conductivity changes should also exhibit ADC changes that are detectable by DWI. A qualitative correlation between electrical conductivity and the ADC of water has been demonstrated in a number of animal model studies and the results indicate that reduced ADC values are associated with reductions in the extracellular volume fraction and increased extracellular tortuosity. The close relationship between ADC changes and cell volume changes in various pathological states suggests that NMR measurements are also sensitive to chemical communication between cells through the extracellular space (i.e., extrasynaptic or volume transmission, VT).  相似文献   

Complexes of polyribocytidylic acid and polyriboadenylic acid with poly(L -lysine) and poly(L -arginine) were studied by Raman spectroscopy. The backbones of both polynucleotides are distorted by poly(L -arginine). On the other hand, poly(L -lysine) could distort the backbone of polyriboadenylic acid but not that of polyribocytidylic acid. In general, poly(L -arginine) can increase the order of the base stacking, while poly(L -lysine) causes disordering in the base stacking.  相似文献   

Bacterial infections on a sutured wound represent a critical problem, and the preparation of suture threads possessing antimicrobial properties is valuable. In this work, poly(caprolactone) (PCL) monofilaments were compounded at the concentration of 1, 2 and 4 % (w/w), respectively, to the antiseptic chlorhexidine diacetate (CHX). The incorporation was carried out in the melt by a single-step methodology, i.e. “online” approach. Mechanical tests revealed that the incorporation of CHX does not significantly change tensile properties of PCL fibres as the thermal profile adopted to prepare the compounded fibres does not compromise the antibacterial activity of CHX. In fact, CHX confers to compounded PCL fibres’ antimicrobial property even at the lowest CHX concentration as revealed by microbiological assays performed on Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus and Bacillus subtilis strains. The scanning electron microscope micrographs and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis of compounded threads revealed that CHX is uniformly distributed on fibre surface and that the overall amount of superficial CHX increases by increasing compounded CHX concentration. This distribution determines a biphasic CHX release kinetics characterized by an initial rapid solubilisation of superficial CHX micro-crystals, followed by a slow and gradual release of CHX incorporated in the bulk. Interestingly, the compounded threads did not show any toxic effect compromising cell viability of human fibroblasts in vitro, differently from that observed using an equal amount of pure CHX. Thus, this study originally demonstrated the effectiveness of an “online” approach to confer antimicrobial properties to an organic thermoplastic polymeric material commonly used for medical devices.  相似文献   

A computational method is elaborated for studying the water environment around regular polynucleotide duplexes; it allows rigorous structural information on the hydration shell of DNA to be obtained. The crucial aspect of this Monte Carlo simulation is the use of periodical boundary conditions. The output data consists of local maxima of water density in the space near the DNA molecule and the properties of one- and two-membered water bridges as function of pairs of polar groups of DNA. In the present paper the results for poly(dG).poly(dC) and poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) are presented. The differences in their hydration shells are of a purely structural nature and are caused by the symmetry of the polar groups of the polymers under study, the symmetry being reflected by the hydration shell. The homopolymer duplex hydration shell mirrors the mononucleotide repeat. The water molecules contacting the polynucleotide in the minor groove are located nearly in the plane midway between the planes of successive base pairs. One water molecule per base pair forms a water bridge facing two polar groups of bases from adjacent base pairs and on different strands making a "spine"-like structure. In contrast, the major groove hydration is stabilized exclusively by two-membered water bridges; the water molecules deepest in the groove are concentrated near the plane of the corresponding base pair. The alternating polymer is characterized by a marked dyad symmetry of the hydration shell corresponding to the axis between two successive base pairs. The minor groove hydration of the dCpdG step resembles the characteristic features of the homopolymer, but the bridge between the O2 oxygens of the other base-stacking type is formed by two water molecules. The major groove hydration is characterized by high probability of one-membered water bridges and by localization of a water molecule on the dyad axis of the dGpdC step. The found structural elements are discussed as reasonable invariants of a dynamic hydration shell.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism of Ac-(Ala)x-OMe and H-Lys-(Lys)x-OH with x = 1, 2, 3, and 4 has been measured in aqueous solutions. The oligomers with x = 4 show similar circular dichroism spectra in water when the lysyl amino groups are protonated, and they respond in similar fashion to heating and to sodium perchlorate. Both oligomers at 15°C exhibit a positive circular dichroism band at 217–218 nm, which is eliminated by the isothermal addition of 4 M sodium perchlorate or by heating. The positive circular dichroism of the lysine oligomer is also eliminated when the pH is elevated to deprotonate the amino groups. Positive circular dichroism is still observed for Ac-(Ala)4-OMe at elevated pH. Circular dichroism spectra have been estimated for poly(L -alanine) and poly(L -lysine) as statistical coils under the above conditions, based on the trends established with the oligomers. Poly(L -lysine) and poly(L -alanine) are predicted to exhibit similar circular dichroism behavior in aqueous solution so long as the lysyl amino groups are protonated. The circular dichroism of the statistical coil of poly(L -lysine), but not poly(L -alanine), is predicted to change when the pH is elevated sufficiently to deprotonate the lysyl amino groups. These results suggest that the unionized lysyl side chains participate in interactions that are not available to poly(L -alanine). Hydrophobic interactions may occur between the unionized lysyl side chains. Protonation of the lysyl amino groups is proposed to disrupt these interactions, causing poly(L -alanine) and protonated poly(L -lysine) to have similar circular dichroism properties.  相似文献   

H. J. Lader  L. Mandelkern 《Biopolymers》1979,18(10):2607-2623
The previous report that poly(L -glutamic acid) exhibits doubled resonances in the helix–coil transition region by either proton or carbon-13 nmr resolves the question of whether or not this behavior is limited to uncharged polypeptides in organic solvents, as had been previously thought. In the present work, we show that the underlying principle causing this anomalous double-peak behavior is due to molecular-weight polydispersity of the sample. The molecular-weight range in which this phenomenon is observed is largely dependent on the values of σ, the nucleation or cooperativity factor. The principles developed are shown to encompass all classes of polypeptides in a very natural way and to explain the key experimental data in the literature.  相似文献   

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