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Lipid lateral diffusion and membrane organization   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It is shown that investigating the lateral motion of lipids in biological membranes can provide useful information on membrane lateral organization. After labeling membranes with extrinsic or intrinsic lipophilic fluorescent probes, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments strongly suggests that specialized cells like spermatozoa, eggs and epithelia exhibit surface membrane regionalization or macrocompartmentation and that lateral microheterogeneities or lipid microdomains exist in the plasma membrane of many cellular systems.  相似文献   

We developed a new (to our knowledge) protocol to generate giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) composed of mixtures of single lipopolysaccharide (LPS) species and Escherichia coli polar lipid extracts. Four different LPSs that differed in the size of the polar headgroup (i.e., LPS smooth > LPS-Ra > LPS-Rc > LPS-Rd) were selected to generate GUVs composed of different LPS/E. coli polar lipid mixtures. Our procedure consists of two main steps: 1), generation and purification of oligolamellar liposomes containing LPSs; and 2), electroformation of GUVs using the LPS-containing oligolamellar vesicles at physiological salt and pH conditions. Analysis of LPS incorporation into the membrane models (both oligolamellar vesicles and GUVs) shows that the final concentration of LPS is lower than that expected from the initial E. coli lipids/LPS mixture. In particular, our protocol allows incorporation of no more than 15 mol % for LPS-smooth and LPS-Ra, and up to 25 mol % for LPS-Rc and LPS-Rd (with respect to total lipids). We used the GUVs to evaluate the impact of different LPS species on the lateral structure of the host membrane (i.e., E. coli polar lipid extract). Rhodamine-DPPE-labeled GUVs show the presence of elongated micrometer-sized lipid domains for GUVs containing either LPS-Rc or LPS-Rd above 10 mol %. Laurdan GP images confirm this finding and show that this particular lateral scenario corresponds to the coexistence of fluid disordered and gel (LPS-enriched)-like micron-sized domains, in similarity to what is observed when LPS is replaced with lipid A. For LPSs containing the more bulky polar headgroup (i.e., LPS-smooth and LPS-Ra), an absence of micrometer-sized domains is observed for all LPS concentrations explored in the GUVs (up to ∼15 mol %). However, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (using fluorescently labeled LPS) and Laurdan GP experiments in these microscopically homogeneous membranes suggests the presence of LPS clusters with dimensions below our microscope's resolution (∼380 nm radial). Our results indicate that LPSs can cluster into gel-like domains in these bacterial model membranes, and that the size of these domains depends on the chemical structure and concentration of the LPSs.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that at physiological pH, the trypsin-catalyzed activation of the lipase cofactor, procolipase, to colipase has no consequence for intestinal lipolysis and serves primarily to release the N-terminal pentapeptide, enterostatin, a satiety factor (Larsson, A., and C. Erlanson-Albertsson 1991. The effect of pancreatic procolipase and colipase on pancreatic lipase activation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1083:283-288). This hypothesis was tested by measuring the adsorption of [14C]colipase to monolayers of 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-3-glycerophosphocholine and 13, 16-cis, cis-docosadienoic acid in the presence and absence of procolipase. With saturating [14C]colipase in the subphase, the surface excess of [14C]colipase is 29% higher than that of procolipase, indicating that colipase packs more tightly in the interface. With [14C]colipase-procolipase mixtures, the proteins compete equally for occupancy of the argon-buffer interface. However, if a monolayer of either or both lipids is present, [14C]colipase dominates the adsorption process, even if bile salt is present in the subphase. If [14C]colipase and procolipase are premixed for > 12 h at pH approximately 8, this dominance is partial. If they are not premixed, procolipase is essentially excluded from the interface, even if procolipase is added before [14C]colipase. These results suggest that the tryptic cleavage of the N-terminal pentapeptide of procolipase may be of physiological consequence in the intestine.  相似文献   

The effects of bile salts and colipase on the adsorption of lipase at an interface were studied by hydrophobic affinity chromatography on phenyl- and octyl-Sepharose. In the absence of bile salts, lipase or colipase binds separately to the gel. This is unchanged in the presence of adsorbed bile salts, when one bile salt molecule is associated per hydrophobic ligand. The same data are obtained in the presence of monomeric bile salt solutions. In contrast, lipase adsorption is totally prevented in a micellar bile salt solution. These results favor the idea that the formation of a lipase-bile salt complex in solution is responsible for the lack of interfacial lipase adsorption.  相似文献   

Lipid organization in erythrocyte membrane microvesicles.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The aminophospholipids of microvesicles released from human erythrocytes on storage or prepared from erythrocyte ghosts by shearing under pressure are susceptible to the action of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid. The aminophospholipids of the former vesicles are also susceptible to attack by phospholipase A2. Under the same conditions, the aminophospholipids of erythrocytes undergo little reaction. This suggests that the phospholipids in microvesicle membranes are more randomly distributed than those in erythrocyte membranes. Measurements have also been made of the ability of filipin to react with the cholesterol of sealed and unsealed erythrocyte ghosts and of microvesicles prepared from them. From the initial rates of reaction, it was concluded that there is no preferential transfer of cholesterol molecules from one side of the bilayer to the other during the formation of the microvesicles.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of a solvent-free coarse-grained lipid model are used to characterize the mechanisms by which lipid-bilayer hemifusion diaphragm (HD) intermediates relax, across a range of global compositions of negative intrinsic curvature (NIC) lipids and neutral-curvature lipids. At low concentrations of NIC lipids, rapid fission produces a double bilayer end state through a lateral diffusion-based mechanism enabled by spontaneous rim-pore defects. At moderately higher NIC lipid concentrations, rim pores are absent and stable leaflet three-junctions persist, revealing an HD relaxation mechanism entirely reliant on lipid flip-flop, and end states that are either stable fusion pores or stable HD's. These fusogenic systems exhibit dynamics highly dependent on NIC lipid concentration via an underlying sensitivity of flip-flop rates for neutral lipids on NIC lipid concentration. This work illustrates that HD dynamics may be altered through regulation of lipid composition in the immediate three-junction region. This work further highlights the potential role of flippases in biological fusion and the importance of lipid composition on fusion dynamics.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron scattering studies have shown the association of porcine colipase with bile salts micelles to be a lateral one. The molecular structure parameters of the individual components were determined first. A radius of gyration of 13.9 Å is found for colipase, which implies a non-spherical shape for this molecule. The size of taurodeoxycholate micelles is controlled by the ionic strength of the solution. In 0.15 m-NaCl their volume is comparable to that of colipase; they are elongated with an axial ratio of about 2. At higher ionic strengths the elongation of the micelles increases.In 0.15 m-NaCl the complex is found to be an association of one colipase molecule with a volume of detergent corresponding to that of one free micelle. The contrast variation study of the radius of gyration shows that in the complex the centre of masses of the protein and of the detergent are well-separated: a distance between 29 and 45 Å has been estimated. The value of the radius of gyration of the complex at high contrast, and the agreement between the contrast variation analysis and a straightforward application of the parallel axes theorem indicate that the complex is formed by the juxtaposition of the protein and a preformed micelle, which has approximately the same size and shape as a free micelle. There is only one localized surface contact between the protein and the micelle, which implies that colipase possesses a relatively well-defined binding site.  相似文献   

Kim WK  Ison JC 《Proteins》2005,61(4):1075-1088
Considering the limited success of the most sophisticated docking methods available and the amount of computation required for systematic docking, cataloging all the known interfaces may be an alternative basis for the prediction of protein tertiary and quaternary structures. We classify domain interfaces according to the geometry of domain-domain association. By applying a simple and efficient method called "interface tag clustering," more than 4,000 distinct types of domain interfaces are collected from Protein Quaternary Structure Server and Protein Data Bank. Given a pair of interacting domains, we define "face" as the set of interacting residues in each single domain and the pair of interacting faces as an "interface." We investigate how the geometry of interfaces relates to a network of interacting protein families, such as how many different binding orientations are possible between two families or whether a family uses distinct surfaces or the same surface when the family has diverse interaction partners from various families. We show there are, on average, 1.2-1.9 different types of interfaces between interacting domains and a significant number of family pairs associate in multiple orientations. In general, a family tends to use distinct faces for each partner when the family has diverse interaction partners. Each face is highly specific to its interaction partner and the binding orientation. The relative positions of interface residues are generally well conserved within the same type of interface even between remote homologs. The classification result is available at http://www.biotec.tu-dresden.de/~wkim/supplement.  相似文献   

Summary The synaptic organization in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the monkey has been studied by electron microscopy.The axon terminals in the lateral geniculate nucleus can be identified by the synaptic vesicles that they contain and by the specialized contacts that they make with adjacent neural processes. Two types of axon terminal have been recognized. The first type is relatively large (from 3–20 ) and contains relatively pale mitochondria, a great many vesicles and, in normal material, a small bundle of neurofilaments. These terminals have been called LP terminals. The second type is smaller (1–3 ), contains darker mitochondria, synaptic vesicles, and no neurofilaments. These have been called SD terminals.Both types of terminal make specialized axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synaptic contacts, but the axo-somatic contacts are relatively rare. In addition the LP terminals frequently make specialized contacts with the SD terminals, that is, axo-axonal contacts, and at these contacts the asymmetry of the membranes is such that the LP terminal must be regarded as pre-synaptic to the SD terminal.The majority of the synaptic contacts are identical to those that have been described previously (Gray, 1959 and 1963a) but, in addition, a new type of contact has been found. This is characterized by neurofilaments that lie close to the post-synaptic membrane, and by an irregular post-synaptic thickening. Such filamentous contacts have been found only where an LP terminal contacts a dendrite or a soma.The degeneration that follows removal of one eye demonstrates that the LP terminals are terminals of optic nerve fibres. The origin of the SD terminals is not known.The glial cells often form thin lamellae around the neural processes and tend to isolate synaptic complexes. These lamellae occasionally show a complex concentric organization similar to that of myelin.It is a pleasure to thank Prof. J. Z. Young for advice and encouragement and Dr. E. G. Gray for the considerable help he has given us. Dr. J. L. de C. Downer gave us much help with the care of the animals and with the operations. We also wish to thank Mr. K. Watkins for technical assistance and Mr. S. Waterman for the photography.  相似文献   

Lipid composition and the lateral pressure profile in bilayers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cantor RS 《Biophysical journal》1999,76(5):2625-2639
The mechanisms by which variations in the lipid composition of cell membranes influence the function of membrane proteins are not yet well understood. In recent work, a nonlocal thermodynamic mechanism was suggested in which changes in lipid composition cause a redistribution of lateral pressures that in turn modulates protein conformational (or aggregation) equilibria. In the present study, results of statistical thermodynamic calculations of the equilibrium pressure profile and bilayer thickness are reported for a range of lipids and lipid mixtures. Large redistributions of lateral pressure are predicted to accompany variation in chain length, degree and position of chain unsaturation, head group repulsion, and incorporation of cholesterol and interfacially active solutes. Combinations of compositional changes are found that compensate with respect to bilayer thickness, thus eliminating effects of hydrophobic mismatch, while still effecting significant shifts of the pressure profile. It is also predicted that the effect on the pressure profile of addition of short alkanols can be reproduced with certain unnatural lipids. These results suggest possible roles of cholesterol, highly unsaturated fatty acids and small solutes in modulating membrane protein function and suggest unambiguous experimental tests of the pressure profile hypothesis. As a test of the methodology, calculated molecular areas and area elastic moduli are compared with experimental and simulation results.  相似文献   

The rate of lipid lateral diffusion has been investigated by computer simulation of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of spin-labelled dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles. An optimization method has been developed to fit the experimental spectra to the theoretical ones calculated from the modified Bloch-equations in order to determine frequencies of probe-probe collisions and the lipid lateral diffusion coefficients. The main results of this study are: (i) Due to the sensitivity of our method to the extent of the overlapping of hyperfine spectral lines it is possible to determine the spin exchange contribution to linebroadening. (ii) It is obvious from these computer analyses that over a wide range of temperatures well above the phase transition both static dipolar interaction and dynamic spin exchange make significant contributions to the linebroadening. (iii) Lipid lateral diffusion coefficient in DMPC bilayers at 36 degrees C was (2.3 +/- 0.2) x 10(-11) m2 s-1.  相似文献   

Lateral cortex is the most laterally placed of the four cortical areas in snakes. Earlier studies suggest that it is composed of several subdivisions but provide no information on their organization. This paper first investigates the structure of lateral cortex in boa constrictors (Constrictor constrictor), garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis), and banded water snakes (Natrix sipedon) using Nissl and Golgi preparations; and secondly examines the relation of main olfactory bulb projections to the subdivisions of lateral cortex using Fink-Heimer and electron microscopic preparations. Lateral cortex is divided on cytoarchitectonic grounds into two major parts called rostral and caudal lateral cortex. Each part is further divided into dorsal and ventral subdivisions so that lateral cortex has a total of four subdivisions: dorsal rostral lateral cortex (drL), ventral rostral lateral cortex (vrL), dorsal caudal lateral cortex (dcL) and ventral caudal lateral cortex (vcL). Systematic analyses of Golgi preparations indicate that the rostral and caudal parts each contain distinct populations of neurons. Rostral lateral cortex contains bowl cells whose dendrites arborize widely in the outer cortical layer (layer 1). The axons of some bowl cells can be traced medially into dorsal cortex, dorsomedial cortex and medial cortex. Caudal lateral cortex contains pyramidal cells whose somata occur in layers 2 and 3 and whose dendrites extend radially up to the pial surface. In addition, three populations of neurons occur in both rostral and caudal lateral cortex. Stellate cells occur in all three layers and have dendrites which arborize in all directions. Double pyramidal cells occur primarily in layer 2 and have dendrites which form two conical fields whose long axes are oriented radially. Horizontal cells occur in layer 3 and have dendrites oriented concentric with the ependyma. Fink-Heimer preparations of snakes which underwent lesions of the main olfactory bulb show that the primary olfactory projections to cortex are bilateral and restricted precisely to rostral lateral cortex. Electron microscopic degeneration experiments indicate that the olfactory bulb fibers end as terminals which have clear, spherical vesicles and asymmetric active zones. The majority are presynaptic to dendritic spines in outer layer 1. These studies establish that lateral cortex in snakes is heterogeneous and contains two major parts, each containing two subdivisions. The rostral and caudal parts have characteristic neuronal populations. Primary olfactory input is restricted to rostral lateral cortex and seems to terminate heavily on the distal dendrites of bowl cells. Axons of some of these cells leave lateral cortex, so that the rostral lateral cortex forms a direct route by which olfactory information reaches other cortical areas. The functional role of caudal lateral cortex is not clear.  相似文献   

Two colipases, named colipase I and colipase II, have been isolated from extracts of human pancreatic gland. The two proteins can be separated by ion-exchange chromatography, isoelectric focusing and slab technique gel electrophoresis. The result of this study indicates that the two colipases, both of which are glycoproteins, have identical amino acid compositions. The pI values were found to be 6.1 for colipase I and 5.8 for colipase II. The different colipases have also been found in human pancreatic juice. The N-terminal amino acid was glycine for both colipase I (gland) and colipase II (juice). Only minor differences were found between the colipases isolated from gland and juice, and colipase I from gland alone was examined in detail.  相似文献   

Nanoscopic domains with different crystal structures have been induced in closed artificial membranes and have been directly imaged by atomic force microscopy at a spatial resolution better than 0.3 nm. These observations provide experimental evidence to the hydrophobic mismatching theory of lateral phase separation phenomena. Under oxidant conditions, the lipid-lipid assembly reorganizes into a new steady-state structure with disappearance of specific nanodomains. This finding may contribute to understanding the mechanism of peroxidative damage to membrane properties. In fact, alterations of specific modes of molecular conformation and packing may lead to perturbation of specific properties.  相似文献   

Partitioning of lipid precursors between membranes and storage is crucial for cell growth, and its disruption underlies pathologies such as cancer, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. However, the mechanisms and signals that regulate this process are largely unknown. In yeast, lipid precursors are mainly used for phospholipid synthesis in nutrient-rich conditions in order to sustain rapid proliferation but are redirected to triacylglycerol (TAG) stored in lipid droplets during starvation. Here we investigate how cells reprogram lipid metabolism in the endoplasmic reticulum. We show that the conserved phosphatidate (PA) phosphatase Pah1, which generates diacylglycerol from PA, targets a nuclear membrane subdomain that is in contact with growing lipid droplets and mediates TAG synthesis. We find that cytosol acidification activates the master regulator of Pah1, the Nem1-Spo7 complex, thus linking Pah1 activity to cellular metabolic status. In the absence of TAG storage capacity, Pah1 still binds the nuclear membrane, but lipid precursors are redirected toward phospholipids, resulting in nuclear deformation and a proliferation of endoplasmic reticulum membrane. We propose that, in response to growth signals, activation of Pah1 at the nuclear envelope acts as a switch to control the balance between membrane biogenesis and lipid storage.  相似文献   

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