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Ng-CAM and N-CAM are cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), and each CAM can bind homophilically as demonstrated by the ability of CAM-coated beads (Covaspheres) to self-aggregate. We have found that the extent of aggregation of Covaspheres coated with either Ng-CAM or N-CAM was strongly inhibited by the intact 1D1 and 3F8 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans of rat brain, and by the core glycoproteins resulting from chondroitinase treatment of the proteoglycans. Much higher concentrations of rat chondrosarcoma chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (aggrecan) core proteins had no significant effect in these assays. The 1D1 and 3F8 proteoglycans also inhibited binding of neurons to Ng-CAM when mixtures of these proteins were adsorbed to polystyrene dishes. Direct binding of neurons to the proteoglycan core glycoproteins from brain but not from chondrosarcoma was demonstrated using an assay in which cell-substrate contact was initiated by centrifugation, and neuronal binding to the 1D1 proteoglycans was specifically inhibited by the 1D1 monoclonal antibody. Different forms of the 1D1 proteoglycan have been identified in developing and adult brain. The early postnatal form (neurocan) was found to bind neurons more effectively than the adult proteoglycan, which represents the C-terminal half of the larger neurocan core protein. Our results therefore indicate that certain brain proteoglycans can bind to neurons, and that Ng-CAM and N-CAM may be heterophilic ligands for neurocan and the 3F8 proteoglycan. The ability of these brain proteoglycans to inhibit adhesion of cells to CAMs may be one mechanism to modulate cell adhesion and migration in the nervous system.  相似文献   

A proteoglycan isolated from a rat yolk sac tumor and characterized as a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan with a smaller amount of dermatan sulfate was studied with respect to complex formation with collagen and fibronectin. The proteoglycan co-precipitated with native collagen from neutral salt solutions at 6 degrees C and 37 degrees C. Addition of fibronectin in such precipitation mixtures resulted in incorporation of fibronectin to the precipitate. Treatment of the proteoglycan with alkali to separate the glycosaminoglycan chains from the protein part and digestion of the protein part with papain greatly reduced the capacity of the proteoglycan to precipitate collagen and fibronectin. A defined extracellular matrix as represented by the complexes of collagen, proteoglycan, and fibronectin constructed here may be useful for studies on the biological effects of extracellular matrices. The multiple interactions of matrix macromolecules exemplified by these results may play a role in the formation of extracellular matrices and in the maintenance of their integrity.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that aggregation of microbeads coated with N- CAM and Ng-CAM is inhibited by incubation with soluble neurocan, a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan of brain, suggesting that neurocan binds to these cell adhesion molecules (Grumet, M., A. Flaccus, and R. U. Margolis. 1993. J. Cell Biol. 120:815). To investigate these interactions more directly, we have tested binding of soluble 125I- neurocan to microwells coated with different glycoproteins. Neurocan bound at high levels to Ng-CAM and N-CAM, but little or no binding was detected to myelin-associated glycoprotein, EGF receptor, fibronectin, laminin, and collagen IV. The binding to Ng-CAM and N-CAM was saturable and in each case Scatchard plots indicated a high affinity binding site with a dissociation constant of approximately 1 nM. Binding was significantly reduced after treatment of neurocan with chondroitinase, and free chondroitin sulfate inhibited binding of neurocan to Ng-CAM and N-CAM. These results indicate a role for chondroitin sulfate in this process, although the core glycoprotein also has binding activity. The COOH-terminal half of neurocan was shown to have binding properties essentially identical to those of the full-length proteoglycan. To study the potential biological functions of neurocan, its effects on neuronal adhesion and neurite growth were analyzed. When neurons were incubated on dishes coated with different combinations of neurocan and Ng-CAM, neuronal adhesion and neurite extension were inhibited. Experiments using anti-Ng-CAM antibodies as a substrate also indicate that neurocan has a direct inhibitory effect on neuronal adhesion and neurite growth. Immunoperoxidase staining of tissue sections showed that neurocan, Ng-CAM, and N-CAM are all present at highest concentration in the molecular layer and fiber tracts of developing cerebellum. The overlapping localization in vivo, the molecular binding studies, and the striking effects on neuronal adhesion and neurite growth support the view that neurocan may modulate neuronal adhesion and neurite growth during development by binding to neural cell adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated previously that the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) interacts with a neuronal heparan sulfate proteoglycan. The binding of this proteoglycan(s) by NCAM appears to be required for NCAM-mediated cell adhesion, although the mechanism is unclear. In the present study we show that a heparan sulfate proteoglycan copurifies with NCAM, and provide an initial biochemical characterization of the proteoglycan. The copurification of a heparan sulfate proteoglycan with NCAM was demonstrated following immunopurification of NCAM from a detergent extract of cell membranes derived from Na2(35)SO4-labeled neural retinal cells. A large-molecular-weight, 35SO4-labeled molecule copurified with NCAM isolated from these neural cell cultures, and was resistant to chondroitinase ABC treatment, but degraded completely by nitrous acid treatment. These results indicate that the molecule is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan. Although this proteoglycan copurifies with NCAM, it is not detected when the neuron-glia cell adhesion molecule (NgCAM) is immunopurified using the 8D9 monoclonal antibody. The heparan sulfate proteoglycan may also be a membrane-associated proteoglycan since it interacts with phenyl-Sepharose. Molecular weight characterization of the proteoglycan by gel filtration chromatography indicates a molecular weight of 400-520 kDa. The heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycan chains were shown to have an average molecular weight of approximately 40 kDa, and the polypeptide backbone was estimated to be 120 kDa by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These data therefore demonstrate that a neuronal heparan sulfate proteoglycan copurifies with NCAM.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans are expressed in various tissues on cell surfaces and in the extracellular matrix and display substantial heterogeneity of both protein and carbohydrate constituents. The functions of individual proteoglycans of the nervous system are not well characterized, partly because specific reagents which would permit their isolation are missing. We report here that the monoclonal antibody 473HD, which binds to the surface of early differentiation stages of murine astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, reacts with the chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate hybrid epitope DSD-1 expressed on a central nervous system chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan designated DSD-1-PG. When purified from detergent- free postnatal days 7 to 14 mouse brain extracts, DSD-1-PG displays an apparent molecular mass between 800-1,000 kD with a prominent core glycoprotein of 350-400 kD. Polyclonal anti-DSD-1-PG antibodies and monoclonal antibody 473HD react with the same molecular species as shown by immunocytochemistry and sequential immunoprecipitation performed on postnatal mouse cerebellar cultures, suggesting that the DSD-1 epitope is restricted to one proteoglycan. DSD-1-PG promotes neurite outgrowth of embryonic day 14 mesencephalic and embryonic day 18 hippocampal neurons from rat, a process which can be blocked by monoclonal antibody 473HD and by enzymatic removal of the DSD-1- epitope. These results show that the hybrid glycosaminoglycan structure DSD-1 supports the morphological differentiation of central nervous system neurons.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1987,105(6):2511-2521
The ability of purified extracellular matrix components to promote the initial migration of amphibian neural crest (NC) cells was quantitatively investigated in vitro. NC cells migrated avidly on fibronectin (FN), displaying progressively more extensive dispersion at increasing amounts of material incorporated in the substrate. In contrast, dispersion on laminin substrates was optimal at low protein concentrations but strongly reduced at high concentrations. NC cells were unable to migrate on substrates containing a high molecular mass chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (ChSP). When proteolytic peptides, representing isolated functional domains of the FN molecule, were tested as potential migration substrates, the cell binding region of the molecule (105 kD) was found to be as active as the intact FN. A 31- kD heparin-binding fragment also stimulated NC cell migration, whereas NC cells dispersed to a markedly lower extent on the isolated collagen- binding domain (40 kD), or the latter domain linked to the NH2-terminal part of the FN molecule. Migration on the intact FN was partially inhibited by antibodies directed against the 105- and 31-kD fragments, respectively; dispersion was further decreased when the antibodies were used in combination. Addition of the ChSP to the culture medium dramatically perturbed NC cell migration on substrates of FN, as well as of 105- or 31-kD fragments. However, preincubation of isolated cells or substrates with ChSP followed by washing did not affect NC cell movement. The use of substrates consisting of different relative amounts of ChSP and the 105-kD peptide revealed that ChSP counteracted the motility-promoting activity of the 105-kD FN fragment in a concentration-dependent manner also when bound to the substrate. Our results indicate that NC cell migration on FN involves two separate domains of the molecule, and that ChSP can modulate the migratory behavior of NC cells moving along FN-rich pathways and may therefore influence directionally and subsequent localization of NC cells in the embryo.  相似文献   

The single-copy mouse gene Ptprr gives rise to different protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) isoforms in neuronal cells through the use of distinct promoters, alternative splicing, and multiple translation initiation sites. Here, we examined the array of post-translational modifications imposed on the PTPRR protein isoforms PTPBR7, PTP-SL, PTPPBSgamma42 and PTPPBSgamma37, which have distinct N-terminal segments and localize to different parts of the cell. All isoforms were found to be short-lived, constitutively phosphorylated proteins. In addition, the transmembrane isoform, PTPBR7, was subject to N-terminal proteolytic processing, in between amino acid position 136 and 137, resulting in an additional, 65-kDa transmembrane PTPRR isoform. Unlike for some other receptor-type PTPs, the proteolytically produced N-terminal ectodomain does not remain associated with this PTPRR-65. Shedding of PTPBR7-derived polypeptides at the cell surface further adds to the molecular complexity of PTPRR biology.  相似文献   

Monolayer cultures of embryonic chick chondrocytes were incubated with 35SO42- in the presence and absence of 1.0 mM p-nitrophenyl-beta-d-xyloside for 2 days. The relative amounts of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan and free polysaccharide chains were measured following gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. Synthesis of beta-xyloside-initiated polysaccharide chains was accompanied by an apparent decrease in chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan production by the treated cultures. When levels of cartilage-specific core protein were determined by a radioimmunoassay, similar amounts of core protein were found in both beta-xyloside and control cultures, indicating that decreased synthesis of core protein is not responsible for the observed decrease in chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan production. Activity levels of the chain-initiating glycosyltransferases (UDP-D-xylose: core protein xylosyltransferase and UDP-D-galactose:D-xylose galactosyltransferase) as well as the extent of xylosylation of core protein were found to be similar in cell extracts from both culture types. Furthermore, beta-xylosides did not inhibit the xylosyltransferase reaction in cell-free studies. In contrast, the beta-xylosides effectively competed with several galactose acceptors, including an enzymatically synthesized xylosylated core protein acceptor, in the first galactosyltransferase reaction.  相似文献   

Neuroglycan C (NGC) is a membrane-spanning chondroitin sulfate (CS) proteoglycan that is expressed predominantly in the central nervous system (CNS). NGC dramatically changed its structure from a proteoglycan to a nonproteoglycan form with cerebellar development, whereas a small portion of NGC molecules existed in a nonproteoglycan form in the other areas of the mature CNS, suggesting that the CS glycosylation of NGC is developmentally regulated in the whole CNS. As primary cultured neurons and astrocytes from cerebral cortices expressed NGC in a proteoglycan form and in a nonproteoglycan form, respectively, CS glycosylation seems to be regulated differently depending on cell type. To investigate the glycosylation process, cell lines expressing a proteoglycan form of NGC would be favorable experimental models. When a mouse NGC cDNA was transfected into COS 1, PC12D, and Neuro 2a cells, only Neuro 2a cells, a mouse neuroblastoma cell line, expressed NGC bearing CS chains. In PC12D cells, although three intrinsic CS proteoglycans were detected, exogenously expressed NGC did not bear any short CS chains just like NGC in the mature cerebellum. This suggests that the addition of CS chains to the NGC core protein is regulated in a manner different from that of other CS proteoglycans. As the first step in investigating the CS glycosylation mechanism using Neuro 2a cells, we determined the CS attachment site as Ser-123 on the NGC core protein by site-directed mutagenesis. The CS glycosylation was not necessary for intracellular trafficking of NGC to the cell surface at least in Neuro 2a cells.  相似文献   

The receptor‐type protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) have been linked to signal transduction, cell adhesion, and neurite extension. PTPRT/RPTPρ is exclusively expressed in the central nervous system and regulates synapse formation by interacting with cell adhesion molecules and Fyn protein tyrosine kinase. Overexpression of PTPRT in cultured neurons increased the number of excitatory and inhibitory synapses by recruiting neuroligins that interact with PTPRT through their ecto‐domains. In contrast, knockdown of PTPRT inhibited synapse formation and withered dendrites. Incubation of cultured neurons with recombinant proteins containing the extracellular region of PTPRT reduced the number of synapses by inhibiting the interaction between ecto‐domains. Synapse formation by PTPRT was inhibited by phosphorylation of tyrosine 912 within the membrane–proximal catalytic domain of PTPRT by Fyn. This tyrosine phosphorylation reduced phosphatase activity of PTPRT and reinforced homophilic interactions of PTPRT, thereby preventing the heterophilic interaction between PTPRT and neuroligins. These results suggest that brain‐specific PTPRT regulates synapse formation through interaction with cell adhesion molecules, and this function and the phosphatase activity are attenuated through tyrosine phosphorylation by the synaptic tyrosine kinase Fyn.  相似文献   

The receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase, PTPmu, displays structural similarity to cell-cell adhesion molecules of the immunoglobulin superfamily. We have investigated the ability of human PTPmu to function in such a capacity. Expression of PTPmu, with or without the PTPase domains, by recombinant baculovirus infection of Sf9 cells induced their aggregation. However, neither a chimeric form of PTPmu, containing the extracellular and transmembrane segments of the EGF receptor and the intracellular segment of PTPmu, nor the intracellular segment of PTPmu expressed as a soluble protein induced aggregation. PTPmu mediates aggregation via a homophilic mechanism, as judged by lack of incorporation of uninfected Sf9 cells into aggregates of PTPmu-expressing cells. Homophilic binding has been demonstrated between PTPmu-coated fluorescent beads (Covaspheres) and endogenously expressed PTPmu on MvLu cells. Additionally the PTPmu-coated beads specifically bound to a bacterially expressed glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein containing the extracellular segment of PTPmu (GST/PTPmu) adsorbed to petri dishes. Covaspheres coated with the GST/PTPmu fusion protein aggregated in vitro and also bound to PTPmu expressed endogenously on MvLu cells. These results suggest that the ligand for this transmembrane PTPase is another PTPmu molecule on an adjacent cell. Thus homophilic binding interactions may be an important component of the function of PTPmu in vivo.  相似文献   

Type IIB receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are bi-functional cell surface molecules. Their ectodomains mediate stable, homophilic, cell-adhesive interactions, whereas the intracellular catalytic regions can modulate the phosphorylation state of cadherin/catenin complexes. We describe a systematic investigation of the cell-adhesive properties of the extracellular region of RPTPmu, a prototypical type IIB RPTP. The crystal structure of a construct comprising its N-terminal MAM (meprin/A5/mu) and Ig domains was determined at 2.7 A resolution; this assigns the MAM fold to the jelly-roll family and reveals extensive interactions between the two domains, which form a rigid structural unit. Structure-based site-directed mutagenesis, serial domain deletions and cell-adhesion assays allowed us to identify the four N-terminal domains (MAM, Ig, fibronectin type III (FNIII)-1 and FNIII-2) as a minimal functional unit. Biophysical characterization revealed at least two independent types of homophilic interaction which, taken together, suggest that there is the potential for formation of a complex and possibly ordered array of receptor molecules at cell contact sites.  相似文献   

The yolk sac carcinoma cell line L2 secretes a chondroitin/dermatan sulfate proteoglycan that has an Mr 10,000 core protein and carries an average of 14 glycosaminoglycan chains. The amino acid sequence of the mature core protein has been determined from cloned cDNA (Bourdon, M. A., Oldberg, A., Pierschbacher, M., and Ruoslahti, E. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 82, 1321-1325). From additional cDNA sequences described in this report we have identified the prepro core protein precursor of the yolk sac carcinoma chondroitin/dermatan sulfate proteoglycan. From the amino acid sequence of the core protein precursor can be deduced the protein processing events in the biosynthesis of the proteoglycan. The amino acid sequence shows that the 104-amino acid mature core protein is processed from a 179-amino acid prepro core protein precursor which, in addition to the mature core protein, contains a 26-amino acid signal peptide as well as a 49-amino acid propeptide. The molecular weight of the prepro core protein predicted from the cDNA sequence (Mr = 18,600) was in good agreement with the molecular weight of the in vitro translation product (Mr = 19,000) of hybrid-selected mRNA. Accordingly, we have designated the proteoglycan core protein PG19. Further analysis of the PG19 mRNA by RNA sequencing confirmed the identification of the core protein translation initiation codon by revealing stop codons in all three reading frames of the upstream mRNA sequence. Primer extension analyses demonstrated that the 5' untranslated sequence of the proteoglycan mRNA is approximately 220 nucleotides in length, which, combined with the length of cDNA clones, accounts for the entire length of the coding sequence of PG19 mRNA from L2 cells. The cDNA sequences presented here establish the complete protein sequence of PG19 and provide evidence of polypeptide processing during the biosynthesis of the proteoglycan core protein.  相似文献   

Staub E  Hinzmann B  Rosenthal A 《FEBS letters》2002,515(1-3):114-118
Potential contamination of animal-derived collagen with pathogens has led to the demand for safe recombinant sources of this complex molecule. In continuation of our previous work [Ruggiero et al. (2000) FEBS Lett. 469, 132-136], here we show that it is possible to produce recombinant hydroxylated homotrimeric collagen in tobacco plants that are co-transformed with a human type I collagen and a chimeric proline-4-hydroxylase (P4H). This is to our knowledge the first time that transient expression in tobacco was used to improve the quality of a recombinant protein produced in plants through co-expression with an animal cell-derived modifying enzyme. We demonstrated the functionality of the new chimeric P4H and thus improved the thermal stability of recombinant collagen I from plants to 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the large human basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) core protein was determined from cDNA clones. The cDNA sequence codes for a 467-kD protein with a 21-residue signal peptide. Analysis of the amino acid sequence showed that the protein consists of five domains. The amino-terminal domain I contains three putative heparan sulfate attachment sites; domain II has four LDL receptor-like repeats; domain III contains repeats similar to those in the short arms of laminin; domain IV has lg-like repeats resembling those in neural cell adhesion molecules; and domain V contains sequences resembling repeats in the G domain of the laminin A chain and repeats in the EGF. The domain structure of the human basement membrane HSPG core protein suggests that this mosaic protein has evolved through shuffling of at least four different functional elements previously identified in other proteins and through duplication of these elements to form the functional domains. Comparison of the human amino acid sequence with a partial amino acid sequence from the corresponding mouse protein (Noonan, D. M., E. A. Horigan, S. R. Ledbetter, G. Vogeli, M. Sasaki, Y. Yamada, and J. R. Hassell. 1988. J. Biol. Chem. 263:16379-16387) shows a major difference between the species in domain IV, which contains the Ig repeats: seven additional repeats are found in the human protein inserted in the middle of the second repeat in the mouse sequence. This suggests either alternative splicing or a very recent duplication event in evolution. The multidomain structure of the basement membrane HSPG implies a versatile role for this protein. The heparan sulfate chains presumably participate in the selective permeability of basement membranes and, additionally, the core protein may be involved in a number of biological functions such as cell binding, LDL-metabolism, basement membrane assembly, calcium binding, and growth- and neurite-promoting activities.  相似文献   

A high molecular weight chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (Mr 240,000) is released from platelet surface during aggregation induced by several pharmacological agents. Some details on the structure of this compound are reported. beta-Elimination with alkali and borohydride produces chondroitin sulfate chains with a molecular weight of 40,000. The combined results indicate a proteoglycan molecule containing 5-6 chondroitin sulfate chains and a protein core rich in serine and glycine residues. Degradation with chondroitinase AC shows that a 4-sulfated disaccharide is the only disaccharide released from this chondroitin sulfate, characterizing it as a chondroitin 4-sulfate homopolymer. It is shown that this proteoglycan inhibits the aggregation of platelets induced by ADP. Analysis of the sulfated glycosaminoglycans not released during aggregation revealed the presence of a heparan sulfate in the platelets. Degradation by heparitinases I and II yielded the four disaccharide units of heparan sulfates: N,O-disulfated disaccharide, N-sulfated disaccharide, N-acetylated 6-sulfated disaccharide, and N-acetylated disaccharide. The possible role of the sulfated glycosaminoglycans on cell-cell interaction is discussed in view of the present findings.  相似文献   

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