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A solution to the "protein folding" problem, the successful prediction of tertiary and quaternary protein structure from amino acid or gene sequence, would be a major advance in biology and biotechnology. Knowledge of any intermediate structure between fully unwound and folded would aid folding calculations. The use of high intensity synchrotron x-rays from the SUNY X21 beamline at National Synchrotron Light Source has been investigated as a probe of structural changes during protein folding and unfolding in solution. A temperature jump apparatus was used to study thermally-induced folding and unfolding. Scattering of solutions of myoglobin in the angular range 20 = 1-50 mrad. was measured during temperature jumps between 26 and 76 degrees C. There are clear signs of time/temperature-dependent structural changes, in the small angle region, consistent with those from other equilibrium techniques. Analysis indicates that this experimental technique can be extended to the higher angle region where theoretical calculations indicate more detailed structural information, for example when alpha-helix formation, is present.  相似文献   

Growth of E. coli in the presence of alcohols of chain lengths 1 through 8 results in an increase in the relative abundance of phosphatidyl glycerol. This results primarily from the preferential inhibition of phosphatidyl ethanolamine synthesis. This inhibition appears to be unrelated to membrane fluidity or to changes in fatty acid composition caused by alcohols. Alcohol-induced changes in total fatty acid composition are reflected in all phospholipid classes. Phosphatidyl serine synthetase is proposed as the most likely site for the effects of alcohols on phospholipid synthesis.  相似文献   

Small-molecule ligands that change the structure of a protein are likely to affect its function, whereas those causing no structural change are less likely to be functional. Wide-angle x-ray scattering (WAXS) can be easily carried out on proteins and small molecules in solution in the absence of chemical tags or derivatives. The authors demonstrate that WAXS is a sensitive probe of ligand binding to proteins in solution and can distinguish between nonfunctional and productive binding. Furthermore, similar ligand-binding modes translate into similar scattering patterns. This approach has high potential as a novel, generic, low-throughput assay for functional ligand binding.  相似文献   

Vpu is an 81-residue HIV-1 accessory protein, its transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains each responsible for one of its two functions. Langmuir monolayers of phospholipid incorporating a membrane protein with a unidirectional vectorial orientation, on a semiinfinite aqueous subphase, provide one "membranelike" environment for the protein. The cytoplasmic domain's interaction with the surface of the phospholipid monolayer in determining the tertiary structure of the peptide within the monolayer was investigated, employing a comparative structural study of Vpu with its submolecular fragments Tm and TmCy truncated to different extents in the cytoplasmic domain, via synchrotron x-ray scattering utilizing a new method of analysis. Localizations of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains within the monolayer profile structure were similar for all three proteins, the hydrophobic transmembrane helix within the hydrocarbon chain region tilted with respect to the monolayer plane and the helices of the cytoplasmic domains lying on the surface of the headgroups parallel to the monolayer plane. The thickness of the hydrocarbon chain region, determined by the tilt of the hydrocarbon chains and transmembrane domain with respect to the monolayer plane, was slightly different for Tm, TmCy, and Vpu systematically with protein/lipid mole ratio. Localization of the helices in the cytoplasmic domains of the three proteins relative to the headgroups depends on their extents and amphipathicities. Thus, the interaction of the cytoplasmic domain of Vpu on the surface may affect the tilt of the transmembrane helix within the hydrocarbon chain region in determining its tertiary structure in the membrane.  相似文献   

The structural transitions occurring during the assembly and disassembly of pig brain microtubule protein were investigated by time-resolved X-ray scattering using synchrotron radiation. The reactions were introduced by a slow temperature scan (2 deg.C/min) from 0 °C to 37 °C and back. Several structurally distinct states could be resolved during one cycle of assembly/disassembly. During the temperature rise, one observes four main phases: prenucleation events, microtubule nucleation, growth, and postassembly events.Heating from 0 °C to 22 °C results in a biphasic breakdown of rings and other aggregates, while the apparent mean diameter increases from 38 to 41 nm. Parallel time-resolved electron microscopic observations suggest that the initial solution contains several types of aggregates, mostly double concentric and single rings, but also rod-like particles, clusters of rings and other aggregates. All of these tend to break down with increasing temperature. Double concentric rings seem to dissociate into large and small single rings before both types of rings break down into protofilament fragments and tubulin subunits. From the breakdown products, associations of several protofilament fragments are formed, which are important for initiating microtubule nucleation. Assembly of nuclei begins around 22 °C. Microtubule elongation takes place between 25 and 30 °C. They grow mainly by addition of tubulin subunits but not via rings.During the reverse temperature scan, microtubules shorten by the release of subunits and/or small protofilament fragments from their ends. The degree of disassembly is strongly increased below 22 °C. Below about 10 °C rings are reformed, probably from the fragments, but their final number is much less than initially.Conditions that prevent microtubule nucleation such as GDP or Ca2+ also stabilize rings, even at 37 °C. Thus, rings are viewed as storage aggregates of tubulin and microtubule associated proteins, whose breakdown is a prerequisite for microtubule formation, and whose reformation is independent of microtubule breakdown.The midpoints of microtubule growth and breakdown differ by about 12 deg.C so that the system shows hysteresis-like behavior. It is dependent on microtubule formation and is not seen when the temperature is cycled below that required for nucleation. Thus, even during a slow temperature scan, microtubule assembly is kinetically limited by nucleation. By contrast, depolymerization proceeds close to equilibrium.The radius of gyration of the tubulin heterodimers is 3.1 nm. The weight average diameter of rings in cold solutions is 38 nm, that of microtubules is 24.5 nm.At radiation dose rates of about 100 rad/s. radiation damage is of minor importance, as judged by the criterion of polymerizability. Total doses of up to 500,000 rad can be applied.Some concepts of analyzing time-resolved X-ray scattering data are presented. They make use of the fact that the scattering intensities vary continuously both with scattering angle and time. Cross-correlation of different regions of the pattern, and comparison of their temperature derivatives, reveals structural transitions not seen by other techniques.  相似文献   

Although the antimicrobial, fungal peptide alamethicin has been extensively studied, the conformation of the peptide and the interaction with lipid bilayers as well as the mechanism of channel gating are still not completely clear. As opposed to studies of the crystalline state, the polypeptide structures in the environment of fluid bilayers are difficult to probe. We have investigated the conformation of alamethicin in highly aligned stacks of model lipid membranes by synchrotron-based x-ray scattering. The (wide-angle) scattering distribution has been measured by reciprocal space mappings. A pronounced scattering signal is observed in samples of high molar peptide/lipid ratio which is distinctly different from the scattering distribution of an ideal helix in the transmembrane state. Beyond simple models of ideal helices, the data is analyzed in terms of models based on atomic coordinates from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank, as well as from published molecular dynamics simulations. The results can be explained by assuming a wide distribution of helix tilt angles with respect to the membrane normal and a partial insertion of the N-terminus into the membrane.  相似文献   

T Fujisawa  M Kato  Y Inoko 《Biochemistry》1999,38(20):6411-6418
The effect of high pressure on lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was studied using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS results are interpreted in terms of the dissociation and association of LDH within a compression and decompression cycle and its temperature dependence. LDH consists of four identical subunits. At 120 MPa and 25 degrees C, 50% of the LDH dissociates into subunits, while at 10 degrees C, this occurs at 78 MPa. The hysteresis in the dissociation and association under pressure was confirmed in terms of the radius of gyration and was seen to be more conspicuous at low temperature. Forward scattering, I(0)/C, which is proportional to molecular weight, showed that LDH dissociated into dimer (not monomer) subunits under pressure. The application of high pressure to dissociated dimers induced irreversible aggregation. This result is in sharp contrast with the result of fluorescence spectroscopy suggesting a dissociated monomer [King, L., and Weber, G. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 3637-3640]. As for structural change after reassociation, there was little structural difference between native and drifted LDH. The difference was smaller than the structure change by ligand binding. At 200 MPa, the presence of five scattering peaks in the medium-angle region indicates that the dissociated dimer does not have a molten globule-like structure but a core structure. We propose a model of the dissociated dimer, based on the SAXS profile, in which the volume is reduced without disrupting the core structure.  相似文献   

The behavior of mixed bile salt micelles consisting of sodium taurocholate, egg phosphatidylcholine, and cholesterol has been studied by ESR spin labeling and synchrotron x-ray scattering. Consistent with published phase diagrams, pure and mixed bile salt micelles have a limited capacity to incorporate and, hence, solubilize cholesterol. Excess cholesterol crystallizes out, a process that is readily detected both by ESR spin labeling using 3-doxyl-5 alpha-cholestane as a probe for cholesterol and synchrotron x-ray scattering. Both methods yield entirely consistent results. The crystallization of cholesterol from mixed bile salt micelles is indicated by the appearance of a magnetically dilute powder spectrum that is readily detected by visual inspection of the ESR spectra. Both the absence of Heissenberg spin exchange and the observation of a magnetically dilute powder spectrum provide evidence for the spin label co-crystallizing with cholesterol. In mixed bile salt micelles containing egg phosphatidylcholine, the solubility of cholesterol is increased as detected by both methods. With increasing content of phosphatidylcholine and increasing mole ratio cholesterol/phosphatidylcholine, the anisotropy of motion of the spin probe increases. The spin label 3-doxyl-5 alpha-cholestane is a useful substitute for cholesterol provided that it is used in dilute mixtures with excess cholesterol: the cholesterol/spin label mole ratio in these mixtures should be greater than 100. Despite the structural similarity between the two compounds, there are still significant differences in their physico-chemical properties.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A synthesis of racemic diether analogues of glyceryl phosphatides is reported which is applicable to unsaturated aliphatic substituents. The "oleyl" diether analogue of phosphatidyl ethanolamine has been synthesized.  相似文献   

The present results report for the first time a systematic study of the effect of arbutin on the dipole potential of lipid membranes. The dipole potential and the area per lipid were measured in monolayers of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), 1,2-di-O-tetradecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (dietherPC), dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE) and 1,2-di-O-tetradecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (dietherPE), spread on aqueous solutions of different concentrations of arbutin. The decrease of the dipole potential of DMPC, both in condensed and expanded monolayers, is parallel to an increase in the area per lipid. In contrast, for dietherPC, the area per lipid is not affected, in spite of the fact that arbutin is also able to decrease the dipole potential in a less drastic extent. In the case of DMPE, the response is similar to that observed with dietherPC: the dipole potential decreases, while the area per lipid remains unchanged. However, when the carbonyl groups are absent in phosphatidylethanolamine derivatives such as the dietherPE, the dipole potential is not affected by arbutin, with a small decrease in the area. The effect of arbutin on the dipole potential differs from that of sucrose, trehalose and phloretin and is congruent with previous results obtained by FTIR on its interaction with the CO groups. Arbutin binding is interpreted in terms of the exposure to water of the phosphate and carbonyl groups at the membrane interface of the different monolayers.  相似文献   

The GroES protein from Escherichia coli is a well-known member of the molecular chaperones. GroES consists of seven identical 10 kDa subunits, and forms a dome-like oligomeric structure. In order to obtain information on the structural stability and unfolding-refolding mechanism of GroES protein, especially at protein concentrations (0.4-1.2 mM GroES monomer) that would mimic heat stress conditions in vivo, we have performed synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments. Surprisingly, in spite of the high protein concentration, reversibility in the unfolding-refolding reaction was confirmed by SAXS experiments structurally. Although the unfolding-refolding reaction showed an apparent single transition with a Cm of 1.1 M guanidium hydrochloride, a more detailed analysis of this transition demonstrated that the unfolding mechanism could be best explained by a sequential three-state model, which consists of native heptamer, dissociated monomer, and unfolded monomer. Together with our previous result that GroES unfolded completely via a partially folded monomer according to a three-state model at low protein concentration (5 microM monomer), the unfolding-refolding mechanism of GroES protein could be explained uniformly by the three-state model from low to high protein concentrations. Furthermore, to clarify an ambiguity of the native GroES structure in solution, especially mobile loop structures, we have estimated a solution structure of GroES using SAXS profiles obtained from experiments and simulation analysis. The result suggested that the native structure of GroES in solution was very similar to that seen in GroES-GroEL complex determined by crystallography.  相似文献   

Fully hydrated dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) undergoes liquid crystalline to metastable Pβ, phase transition in cooling. A small angle x-ray scattering study has been performed for obtaining further evidence about the structure of this phase. From a high-resolution observation of x-ray diffraction profiles, a distinct multipeak pattern has become obvious. Among them the (01) reflection in the secondary ripple structure is identified clearly. There are peaks assigned straightforwardly to (10) and (20) reflections in the primary ripple structure and peaks assigned to (10) and (20) reflections in the secondary ripple structure. Therefore the multipeak pattern is due to superposition of the reflections cause by the primary and secondary ripple structures. The lattice parameters are estimated as follows: for the primary ripple structure a = 7.09 nm, b = 13.64 nm, and γ = 95°, and for the secondary ripple structure a = 8.2 nm, b = 26.6 nm, and γ = 90°. The lattice parameters thus obtained for the secondary ripple structure are not conclusive, however. The hydrocarbon chains in the primary ripple structure have been reported as being tilted against the bilayer plane and, on the other hand, the hydrocarbon chains in the secondary ripple structure are likely to be perpendicular to the bilayer plane. This fact seems to be related to a sequential mechanism of phase transitions. On heating from the Lβ, phase where the hydrocarbon chains are tilted the primary ripple structure having tilted hydrocarbon chains takes place and on cooling from the Lα phase where the hydrocarbon chains are not tilted the secondary ripple structure with untilted chains tends to be stabilized. It appears that the truly metastable ripple phase is expressed by the second ripple structure although in the course of the actual cooling transition both the secondary and primary ripple structures form and coexist.  相似文献   

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