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A discoid organ, 'pereopodal disk (PD)', was found on the medial surface of the basipodite of each pereopod, except the third and the fourth, in an estuarine amphipod, Melita setiflagella. The silver methods showed that PD is an extrabranchial ion-permeable area of the body surface. The ultrastructural study revealed that PD is covered by a thin and soft cuticle layer suggesting high permeability to gases and ions, and is composed of a thick, transporting-type epithelium. This epithelium is characterized by deep basal infolding systems (BIS) of cell membranes exceeding two-thirds of the epithelial thickness and complicated interdigitations between adjacent epithelial cells, both associated with many mitochondria. Apical infolding systems (AIS) are shallow and not accompanied by any mitochondria. These characteristics resemble those of the sternal epithelia and form a striking contrast in the polarity of the infoldings to the gill epithelia, which are characterized by a well-developed AIS and sparse BIS. The results suggest that this unique organ may be involved in the active transport of electrolytes to maintain constant osmotic pressures of the body fluids under widely fluctuating salinities of the estuarine environments.  相似文献   

Sternomoera yezoensis has specialized sterna with 21 sternal gills in addition to six pairs of coxal gills. Despite a common high permeability to chloride ions, the cpithelia of these two kinds of gills are diametrically opposed in the polarity of the cell membranemitochondria complex. The coxal gill epithelium (4-6 mum thick) is characterized by a welldeveloped AIS (apical infolding system) associated with a huge number of large mitochondria. The AIS exceeds two-thirds of the epithelial thickness and forms a highly sophisticated, subcuticular labyrinth. On the contrary, the sternal gill epithelium, an extension of the sternal epithelium proper, is extremely thick (10-15 mum) and is characterized by a very deep BIS (basolateral infolding system) associated with numerous slender mitochondria. The BIS reaches nine-tenths of the epithelial thickness and forms a giant, baso-lateral labyrinth. Shallower, less elaborate AIS and BIS without mitochondrial association originate from the opposite sides of these epithelia. Although AIS and BIS interpenetrate in the sternal gill epithelium, they never communicate. The results indicate that in addition to the coxal gills, the sterna with Ihe sternal gills function as transporting as well as respiratory organs, though the functional difference between these two kinds of gills remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering of small diameter (<5?mm) blood vessels is a promising approach for developing viable alternatives to autologous vascular grafts. It involves in vitro seeding of cells onto a scaffold on which the cells attach, proliferate, and differentiate while secreting the components of extracellular matrix that are required for creating the tissue. The scaffold should provide the initial requisite mechanical strength to withstand in vivo hemodynamic forces until vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts reinforce the extracellular matrix of the vessel wall. Hence, the choice of scaffold is crucial for providing guidance cues to the cells to behave in the required manner to produce tissues and organs of the desired shape and size. Several types of scaffolds have been used for the reconstruction of blood vessels. They can be broadly classified as biological scaffolds, decellularized matrices, and polymeric biodegradable scaffolds. This review focuses on the different types of scaffolds that have been designed, developed, and tested for tissue engineering of blood vessels, including use of stem cells in vascular tissue engineering.  相似文献   

In euryhaline crabs, ion-transporting cells are clustered into osmoregulatory patches on the lamellae of the posterior gills. To examine changes in the branchial osmoregulatory patch in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus in response to change in salinity and to correlate these changes with other osmoregulatory responses, crabs were acclimated to a range of salinities between 10 and 35 ppt. When crabs that had been acclimated to 35 ppt were subsequently transferred to 10 ppt, both the size of the osmoregulatory patch on individual gill lamellae and the specific activity of Na+, K+-ATPase in whole-gill homogenates increased only after the first 24 h of exposure to dilute seawater. Enzyme activity and size of patch area increased gradually and reached their maxima (increasing by 200% and 60%, respectively) 6 days following transfer to 10 ppt seawater and then remained at these levels. Patch size at acclimation varied inversely with the salinity for seawater dilutions below 26 ppt (the isosmotic point of the crab), although it did not vary in salinities at or above 26 ppt. Thus, the size of the patch clearly is modulated with acclimation salinity, but it increases only in those salinities in which the crab hyperosmoregulates. An increase in the total RNA/DNA ratio in gill homogenates, the lack of mitotic figures in the lamellae, and the lack of incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine into nuclei of lamellar epithelial cells during acclimation to dilute seawater were interpreted as evidence that no cell proliferation had occurred and that increases in the size of the osmoregulatory patch occurred through differentiation of existing gas exchange cells or of undifferentiated epithelial cells into ion-transporting cells.  相似文献   

Individuals of Grandidierella bonnieroides and Cerapus sp. R commence tube formation by enrolling themselves in a blanket of detritus and gluing together clumps of the material with strands of silk in a few minutes. The initial tubes are very ragged. G. bonnieroides then expands the initial tube by simply dragging in more detritus. In contrast, Cerapus sp. R. commences building an architectured tube outward from the ragged initial tube using very fine detritus collected either by grasping nearby benthic material or by filter feeding particles from the water column. The diameter of the nearly circular architectured tube is tailored very exactly to the height of the body for which we propose a formula. The more advanced Cerapus sp. K skips the initial phase of blanket-tube formation and only makes short architectured tubes as long as the body, carries these about in a fashion analogous to hermit crabs, and attaches them temporarily to epfloral-faunal substrates well above the sediment surface; therefore, no detritus masses are available to Cerapus sp. K. Tube-building in amphipods is roughly classified into 12 kinds having many subdivisions. Advancement of, or specialization in tube building, lacks apparent correlation with morphological advancement or systematic and evolutionary deployment.  相似文献   

The endogenous formation of prostaglandin (PG) D2, E2, F2 alpha, and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha was determined in homogenates of mouse, rat, and rabbit brain, and of rat cerebral blood vessels, using gas chromatography mass spectrometry. In all species tested, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha could be identified in the brain homogenates, but was a minor component in relation to other PGs. In contrast 6-keto-PGF1 alpha was the most abundant PG in the blood vessels, being present in about 40-fold higher levels than in the brain tissue. PGD2 was the most abundant PG in rat and mouse brains, but was below detection limits in the analyzed blood vessels. These studies indicating differential metabolism of PG endoperoxides in nervous and vascular tissue, provide a biochemical basis for further studies on the role of the PGs in brain circulation and neuronal activity.  相似文献   

The endogenous formation of prostaglandin (PG) D2, E2, F, and 6-keto-PGF was determined in homogenates of mouse, rat, and rabbit brain, and of rat cerebral blood vessels, using gas chromatography mass spectrometry. In all species tested, 6-keto-PGF could be identified in the brain homogenates, but was a minor component in relation to other PGs. In contrast 6-keto-PGF was the most abundant PG in the blood vessels, being present in about 40-fold higher levels than in the brain tissue. PGD2 was the most abundant PG in rat and mouse brains, but was below detection limits in the analyzed blood vessels. These studies indicating differential metabolism of PG endoperoxides in nervous and vascular tissue, provide a biochemical basis for further studies on the role of the PGs in brain circulation and neuronal activity.  相似文献   

Extant Palaemonidae occupy aquatic environments that have generated physiological diversity during their evolutionary history. We analyze ultrastructural traits in gills and antennal glands of palaemonid species from distinct osmotic niches, and employ phylogenetic comparative methods to ascertain whether transformations in their osmoregulatory epithelia have evolved in tandem, driven by salinity. Gill pillar cells exhibit apical evaginations whose surface density (Sv, μm2 plasma membrane area/μm3 cytoplasmic volume) ranges from 6.3–7.1 in Palaemon, and 0.7–38.4 in Macrobrachium. In the septal cells, Sv varies from 8.9–10.0 in Palaemon, and 3.3–21.6 in Macrobrachium; mitochondrial volumes (Vmit) range from 43.3–46.8% in Palaemon and 34.9–53.4% in Macrobrachium. In the renal proximal tubule cells, apical microvilli Sv varies from 27.0–34.3 in Palaemon, and 38.3–47.8 in Macrobrachium; basal invagination Sv ranges from 18.7–20.0 in Palaemon and 30.8–40.8 in Macrobrachium. Septal cell Sv shows phylogenetic signal; evagination height/density, apical Sv, and Vmit vary independently of species relatedness. Salt transport capability by the gill and renal epithelia has increased during palaemonid evolution, reflecting amplified membrane availability for ion transporter insertion. These traits underpin the increased osmotic gradients maintained against the external media. Gill ultrastructure and osmotic gradient have evolved in tandem, driven by salinity at the genus level. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 673–688.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the invasion history of aquatic invasive species can enhance understanding of invasion risks by recognizing areas most susceptible to invasion and forecasting future spread based on past patterns of population expansion. Here we reconstruct the invasion history of the Japanese amphipod Grandidierella japonica Stephensen 1938 combining information from historical collection data with molecular genetic data to better understand post-invasion range expansion and anthropogenic connectivity across the Pacific coast of North America. Compilation of collection data from bays and estuaries of the Pacific North American coast show many new localities have been colonized in the last two decades, moving outward from harbors and bays with high commercial traffic into smaller coastal locations dominated by local recreational traffic. DNA barcode sequence data for G. japonica reveals two distinct clades: one found in San Francisco Bay and sites to the north, and one also found in San Francisco Bay and sites to the south. The two clades differ by an average 7.28 % genetic distance, large enough to consider these invasive amphipods two separate species. Both northern and southern clades exhibit low levels of genetic diversity, suggesting a single introduction event for each. The presence of cryptic diversity within this invasive amphipod highlights the need for more extensive study of the invasive and native populations of aquatic invasive invertebrates to address questions of taxonomy, diversity, and invasion history.  相似文献   

The American amphipod species Melita nitida andIncisocalliope aestuarius have been found in the WesternScheldt estuary (the Netherlands). This is the first record of these species inthe north-east Atlantic. Shipping is the most likely vector of introduction.Thedistribution of both species is investigated and compared with the distributionand the microhabitat of co-occurring amphipod species. Melitanitida is known from both the east and west coast of North Americaand I. aestuarius originates from the east coast of NorthAmerica. Until now neither has been reported from other parts of the world. Inthe Netherlands both species are restricted to the mesohaline part of theWestern Scheldt. Melita nitida occurs predominantly underPacific oysters at the underside of boulders, mainly sublittorally.Incisocalliope aestuarius is associated to hydrozoans.Bothmicrohabitats are hardly utilized by other amphipod species. Therefore, thetheory that the existence of many empty niches in north-western Europeanbrackish waters make this environment particularly susceptible to invasions ofalien species is corroborated. The application of hard substrates in a regionoriginally predominated by soft bottoms moreover facilitates the introductionofexotic species. The species community on hard substrates in the mesohaline partof the Western Scheldt contains a high proportion of introduced species:approximately one third of the macrofauna species is of allochthonous origin.  相似文献   

In larval and early postlarval brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, portions of the branchial chamber are lined by a tissue which appears ultrastructurally to be modified for osmoregulation. The distribution of this tissue, the larval stages in which it occurs, and its appearance with the light and electron microscope are presented. The significance of the distribution and ultrastructure of this modified tissue is discussed.  相似文献   

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