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Isotopic analyses of fossil bones of the extinct European cave bear indicate that this animal was a hibernator with the same unusual metabolic processes as some modern bear species. This finding provides useful biological and archaeological information on an extinct species, and the methods themselves may prove generally useful in studies of the metabolisms of modern bears, other hibernators, and perhaps of starving animals. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted: 31 March 1998  相似文献   

Few studies have been published on the feeding ecology of Japanese soil fauna based on stable isotope analysis. Therefore, the present work aims to use this technique for studying the trophic structure of Japanese soil fauna at two coniferous forests. Significant differences were observed between investigated sites (Arahama and Gamo) in genus richness and abundance, while for Shannon diversity indexes the difference was non-significant. The isotopic signatures (δ13C and δ15N) of the invertebrates collected at Arahama ranged from 0.3 to 6.3‰ for δ15N and from −27.3 to −23.3‰ for δ13C. At Gamo, invertebrates δ13C values ranged from −26.1 to −23.5‰ and δ15N values ranged from 1.6 to 6.8‰. At both sites, invertebrates formed two distinct groups on the basis of combined C and N stable isotope ratios. The locations of these groups related to δ13C values. The less enriched group (δ13C < −25‰) and the more enriched one (δ13C > −25‰). The range of δ15N for the present animals exceeded two trophic levels. While, the gradual 15N enrichment within the invertebrates species may indicate the dominance of omnivory in soil food webs. The differences between sites in δ15N confirm the importance of studying the trophic structure of soil fauna locally.  相似文献   

Molecular adaptation and the origin of land plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The origin and diversification of land plants was one of the most important biological radiations. Land plants are crucial components of all modern terrestrial ecosystems. The first land plants had to adapt to a wide array of new environmental challenges including desiccation, varying temperatures, and increased UV radiation. There have been numerous studies of the morphological adaptations to life on land. However the molecular adaptations to life on land have only recently gained attention. These studies have greatly benefited from the recent advances in our understanding of the phylogenetic relationships between and among the charophycean algae and the basal land plant groups. In this review I summarize the current knowledge of a variety of physiological and biochemical adaptations to land including plant growth hormones, isoprene, phenolics, and heat shock proteins.  相似文献   

Orestovia and the origin of vascular plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The enigmatic Orestovia from the Lower Devonian of Siberia has a vascular cylinder of spiral and annular tracheids, external and internal cuticles in the cortex, and stomata. Abundant spores are occasionally preserved between the cortex cuticles. The 'reticulate structures' are thyriothecia of a hemisphaeriacean fungus. Spores of several types are found sticking to the cuticle. Orestovia can be conceived as a transitional form between the alga-like Protosalvinia and the sporangiate vascular plants. The origin of land plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Climate reconstructions using stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C values) in tree rings are based on relationships between present climatic conditions and isotopic series. This widely used approach relies on the assumption that correlations between stable isotopes and climatic conditions are steady over time. In this paper, we evaluate the strength of the correlations between δ18O and δ13C series with several climatic parameters on fourteen black spruce trees coming from three different sites, in northeastern Canada. We applied a 21-year moving window on the r Pearson calculated between stable isotopes and March–May and June–August precipitation, June–August and April–June maximal temperatures. Our results indicate that despite the large distance and differences in stand conditions between the sites, the three sites responded in the same way over time. We show that because the climatic ambiance has changed during the 1980–1990 period due to a positive North Atlantic Oscillation index the δ13C values are not controlled anymore by spring precipitation or summer maximal temperature in the following two decades. As opposed to δ13C series, the relationship between summer maximal temperature and δ18O values was stable over time, and decreased only in the last decade. All these results attest of a “divergence problem” in the last decades which is most pronounced for δ13C series. We conclude that the spruce δ18O series appears to be the most appropriate indicator for reconstructing June–August maximal temperature in the studied area despite the divergence issue, given that the calibration–validation tests and reconstruction can exclude the divergent last decade.  相似文献   

Comparison between growth variability, based on ring-width (RW) analysis, and moisture-sensitive signals in tree-ring carbon and oxygen stable-isotope composition provides increased understanding of how climate and hydrology influenced bog pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) at two sites in southern Sweden during the mid- and late Holocene. Tree-ring sequences from two subfossil trees collected at raised bogs having different hydrology and catchment size were analyzed to probe the stable-isotope signals associated with two bog-wide episodes of growth depression, one during the Holocene Thermal Maximum and the other during the Neoglacial Transition. The occurrence of lower whole-wood δ13C and cellulose δ13C and δ18O values immediately prior to the onset of growth depression in both trees, suggesting increased atmospheric relative humidity, is consistent with the notion that excessive effective moisture impeded tree growth. Correlation analysis indicates that the growth response lagged about three years behind the decline in δ13C and δ18O values in each tree, possibly reflecting relatively slow rise in the local water table in response to wetter climate.  相似文献   

Studies in dendroisotope chemistry suggested that latewood cellulose contains better climatic records than whole-ring cellulose. However, this approach has never been tested on northeastern Canadian spruce trees. This study compares dendroisotopic series of cellulose from late and whole ring, and analyses their statistical relationships with hydro-climatic variables with the aim of selecting the best suited protocol for future hydro-climatic reconstruction in the downstream sector of Churchill River basin of Labrador, Canada. To this end, δ13C and δ18O series from latewood (LW) and whole ring (WR) α-cellulose of black spruce trees (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.) were produced for the 1940–2010 period. The results show strong correlations between LW and WR isotopic series suggesting that there are no important variation in the isotopic ratios during the growing year and that black spruce trees use photosynthates of the current growing season to form their earlywood. Moreover, LW and WR δ13C and δ18O show similar relationships with both maximum temperature (Tmax) and Churchill River discharge. Correlations are higher when combining δ13C and δ18O for LW and WR. Overall, those correlations support the indirect relationship between tree-ring isotopic series and river discharge, as they are integrators of several climatic variables and derived parameters (Tmax, relative humidity, evapotranspiration, etc.). The LW and WR isotopic series give similar statistical relationships with hydro-climatic variables, and the WR treatment is faster (separation easier compared to LW). Thus, for black spruce the use of combined isotopic series in WR can be favored over LW for hydro-climatic reconstruction in the study region.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotopic analyses from upper Palaeogene molluscs collected in the Hampshire Basin (S. England) show that, in addition to long‐term trends in the data caused by climatic change, there is variation within samples collected from any one horizon. This variation is not attributable to diagenesis or other “noise”;. Linear trends in data from the meso‐ and oligohaline organisms are salinity‐dependent, as is a differentiation into clusters of the marine and brackish water animals. Within the marine organisms there is further distinction between taxa, controlled by micro‐environment. This is quite distinct from disequilibrium precipitation, as shell growth occurs in equilibrium with local isotopic ratios, though this may not necessarily be the same as contemporary mean ocean values. This “ecological fractionation”; can seriously affect the isotopic signal from a suite of fossils. Its existence should therefore be borne in mind when interpreting any biogenic isotope data from diverse taxa, localities, or micro‐habitats.  相似文献   

Waterfowl management is more effective when based on detailed information on population connectivity between breeding, wintering, and stopover sites. For the American black duck (Anas rubripes), a species of conservation concern, estimates for the fall age ratio at harvest differed depending on whether harvest data were derived from Canada or the United States, suggesting regional differences. Within Canada, hunters in Atlantic Canada were more likely to harvest black ducks from nearby breeding locations compared to hunters in southern Ontario and Quebec, Canada, who were more likely to harvest individuals from the Boreal Softwood and Taiga Shield of eastern Canada. Black ducks harvested in the United States are thought to originate predominantly from northern portions of the breeding range, leading to the flyover hypothesis, which postulates that black ducks produced in the Boreal Softwood and Taiga Shield region are less susceptible to harvest by hunters in Atlantic Canada and northeastern United States. To test the flyover hypothesis, we examined regional and temporal differences in the origins of harvested black ducks using feathers from wings (n = 664) submitted by hunters to the species composition and parts collection surveys across 3 hunting seasons (2017–2018, 2018–2019, 2019–2020). We used a likelihood-based assignment method that relied on feather stable-hydrogen isotopes (δ2H) and stable-carbon isotopes (δ13C) to determine the natal or molt origin of individuals harvested within eastern Canada and the United States. We also used a spatial clustering technique to group harvested individuals by area of origin without a priori knowledge of such regions. Adult female black ducks originated farther south compared to males and juveniles. All sexes and ages of black ducks harvested in Atlantic Canada showed predominantly southern origins, while those harvested in the United States and other Canadian provinces primarily originated farther north within the boreal, supporting the flyover hypothesis. By contrast, we found no relationship between timing of harvest or peaks of migration and individual origin. After combining band returns and stable isotopes, we inferred 2 distinct stocks: the Mississippi flyway stock and the Atlantic flyway stock. We recommend that regional demographic parameters, particularly for Atlantic Canada, be directly measured to promote more effective conservation of black ducks and optimize harvest opportunities in the United States and Canada.  相似文献   

We used stable carbon isotopes to analyse individual variation in arctic fox diet. We extracted collagen from bones (the lower jaw), and measured stable carbon isotopes. The foxes came from three different localities: Iceland, where both microtines and reindeer are rare; west Greenland, where microtines are absent; and Sweden, where scat analyses showed the primary food to be microtine rodents and reindeer. The Icelandic samples included foxes from both coastal and inland habitats, the Swedish sample came from an inland area, and the Greenland sample from coastal sites. The spatial variation in the isotopic pattern followed a basic division between marine and terrestrial sources of protein. Arctic foxes from inland sites had 13C values of –21.4 (Iceland) and –20.4 (Sweden), showing typical terrestrial values. Coastal foxes from Greenland had typical marine values of –14.9, whereas coastal foxes from Iceland had intermediate values of –17.7. However, there was individual variation within each sample, probably caused by habitat heterogeneity and territoriality among foxes. The variation on a larger scale was related to the availability of different food items. These results were in accordance with other dietary analyses based on scat analyses. This is the first time that stable isotopes have been used to reveal individual dietary patterns. Our study also indicated that isotopic values can be used on a global scale.  相似文献   

Effect of land use change on soil carbon in Hawaii   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
Organic carbon storage and turnover were altered in soils formed from volcanic ash (Andisols) as a result of conversion of tropical forest to pasture and sugarcane cropland. Changes in soil carbon storage after approximately a century of each land use were estimated using stable carbon isotope values and carbon contents. Total organic carbon stored in soils varied as a result of management, with pasture soils showing net carbon gain and sugarcane soils showing net carbon loss. In pasture soils, increases in carbon at depth (40 to 80 cm) are below the rooting zone of the introduced (C4) vegetation, and have stable carbon isotopic values indicative of forest (C3) plants. Within the pasture rooting zone (0–40 cm) the isotopic data reveals that additions of pasture (C4) organic matter have been offset by losses of C3 carbon. The concentration of Fe/Al oxides (soil minerals that bind with organic matter to form oxide-humus complexes) appear to control the quantity of carbon stored in soils, as well as the difference in the depth and magnitude of carbon storage changes that occur with each type of land use change. Sugarcane land use appears to induce dissociation of Fe/Al oxide-humus complexes and loss of oxide-associated organic matter from the profile. In pastures, Fe/Al oxide-humus complexes are translocated to deeper horizons in the soils, resulting in greater profile carbon storage and longer apparent turnover time of carbon stored below 50 cm depth. In this high precipitation region, carbon losses from the soil appear to occur via downward transport, either as colloids or in solution, in addition to the generally assumed pathway of flux to the atmosphere as CO2.  相似文献   

The Late Oligocene (25.8 Ma) Enspel Fossillagerstätte in Westerwald, Germany, contains a comprehensive fossil ecosystem preserved with specimens retaining morphological detail and a concentration of organic material. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were used to examine the lacustrine ecosystem preserved in one stratigraphic horizon. These data suggest the presence of several trophic levels, including primary producers (diatoms and higher plants), primary consumers (e.g., tadpoles and insects), and secondary consumers (e.g., the fish species Paleorutilus enspelensis). Terrigenous and aquatic plants were associated with the lowest δ13C and δ15N values (mean plant = − 26.28‰ ± 0.45, 3.18‰ ± 1.04), primary consumers such as flies are one trophic level higher, and carnivores such as fish are yet another level higher. The δ15N values for P. enspelensis also showed enrichment in 15N with increasing body length, implying a shift in diet or feeding strategy with size. P. enspelensis and tadpole (Pelobates decheni) samples showed intraorganism fractionation between ‘muscle’ and ‘bone’ tissues. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data from the measurement of components (shale, leaves and seeds) common to a number of different stratigraphic horizons showed significant variation between horizons. A number of the features of the stable isotopic data are similar to those relationships seen in modern ecosystems and therefore suggest that stable isotope analyses can contribute to understanding ancient ecosystems.  相似文献   

Physiological correlates of the morphology of early vascular plants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
RAVEN, J. A., 1984. Physiological correlates of the morphology of early vascular plants. The early evolution of vascular land plants is considered in relation to the physiological problems of life on land. The universal characteristics of vascular plants (xylem, cuticle, stomata, intercellular air spaces, long-distance symplastic transport and alternation of generations) are discussed in terms of the essential properties of a homoiohydric phototroph. Likely precursors of vascular plants, and the physico-chemical and biotic environment in which they occurred, are outlined prior to a discussion of the selective forces acting on the evolution of vascular plants in the Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian. Emphasis is placed on biochemical and structural 'pre-adaptations' which may have occurred in the precursors of vascular plants and on which natural selection could have acted with lignified xylem, stomata, etc., as the end-products. Guiding principles in the analysis include the physiology of extant plants, physico-chemical constraints, and compatibility with the fossil record. It is concluded that the likely sequence of acquisition of vascular plant characteristics was: heteromorphic alternation of generations with an erect sporophyte; cuticularization of sporophyte; evolution of xylem; occurrence of intercellular air spaces with pores in the epidermis; stomatal activity of the pores. Endodermis and phloem-type long-distance transport probably originated around stages (3)-(5).  相似文献   



Land use is a main driver of biodiversity loss worldwide. However, quantifying its effects on global plant diversity remains a challenge due to the limited availability of data on the distributions of vascular plant species and their responses to land use. Here, we estimated the global extinction threat of land use to vascular plant species based on a novel integration of an ecoregion-level species-area model and the relative endemism richness of the ecoregions.




First, we assessed ecoregion-level extinction threats using a countryside species–area relationship model based on responses of local plant richness to land use types and intensities and a high-resolution global land use map. Next, we estimated global species extinction threat by multiplying the relative endemism richness of each ecoregion with the ecoregion-level extinction threats.


Our results indicate that 11% of vascular plant species are threatened with global extinction. We found the largest extinction threats in the Neotropic and Palearctic realms, mainly due to cropland of minimal and high intensity, respectively.

Main Conclusions

Our novel integration of the countryside species–area relationship and the relative endemism richness allows for the identification of hotspots of global extinction threat, as well as the contribution of specific land use types and intensities to this threat. Our findings inform where the development of measures to protect or restore plant diversity globally are most needed.  相似文献   

Complete nuclear-encoded small-subunit 18S rRNA (=SSU rRNA) gene sequences were determined for the prasinophyte green alga Mantoniella squamata; the charophycean green algae Chara foetida, Coleochaete scutata, Klebsormidium flaccidum, and Mougeotia scalaris; the bryophytes Marchantia polymorpha, Fossombronia pusilla, and Funaria hygrometrica; and the lycopod Selaginella galleottii to get a better insight into the sequential evolution from green algae to land plants. The sequences were aligned with several previously published SSU rRNA sequences from chlorophytic and charophytic algae as well as from land plants to infer the evolutionary relationships for major evolutionary lineages within the Chlorobionta by distance matrix, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood analyses. Phylogenetic trees created by the different methods consistently placed the Charophyceae on the branch leading to the land plants. The Charophyceae were shown to be polyphyletic with the Charales (charalean algae) diverging earlier than the Coleochaetales, Klebsormidiales, Chlorokybales, and Zygnematales (charophycean algae) which branch from a point closer to the land plants in most analyses. Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses imply a successive evolution from charophycean algae, particularly Coleochaetales, to bryophytes, lycopods, and seed plants. In contrast, distance matrix methods group the bryophytes together with the charophycean algae, suggesting a separate evolution of these organisms compared with the club moss and the seed plants. Correspondence to.: V.A.R. Huss  相似文献   

The Sava River and its tributaries in Slovenia represent waters strongly influenced by chemical weathering of limestone and dolomite. The carbon isotopic compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and suspended organic carbon (POC) fractions as well as major solute concentrations yielded insights into the origin and fluxes of carbon in the upper Sava River system. The major solute composition was dominated by carbonic acid dissolution of calcite and dolomite. Waters were generally supersaturated with respect to calcite, and dissolved CO2 was about fivefold supersaturated relative to the atmosphere. The δ13C of DIC ranged from −13.5 to −3.3‰. Mass balances for riverine inorganic carbon suggest that carbonate dissolution contributes up to 26%, degradation of organic matter ∼17% and exchange with atmospheric CO2 up to 5%. The concentration and stable isotope diffusion models indicated that atmospheric exchange of CO2 predominates in streams draining impermeable shales and clays while in the carbonate-dominated watersheds dissolution of the Mesozoic carbonates predominates.  相似文献   



Land plants (embryophytes) are monophyletic and encompass four major clades: liverworts, mosses, hornworts and polysporangiophytes. The liverworts are resolved as the earliest divergent lineage and the mosses as sister to a crown clade formed by the hornworts and polysporangiophytes (lycophytes, monilophytes and seed plants). Alternative topologies resolving the hornworts as sister to mosses plus polysporangiophytes are less well supported. Sporophyte development in liverworts depends only on embryonic formative cell divisions. A transient basal meristem contributes part of the sporophyte in mosses. The sporophyte body in hornworts and polysporangiophytes develops predominantly by post-embryonic meristematic activity.


This paper explores the origin of the sporophyte shoot in terms of changes in embryo organization. Pressure towards amplification of the sporangium-associated photosynthetic apparatus was a major driver of sporophyte evolution. Starting from a putative ancestral condition in which a transient basal meristem produced a sporangium-supporting seta, we postulate that in the hornwort–polysporangiophyte lineage the basal meristem acquired indeterminate meristematic activity and ectopically expressed the sporangium morphogenetic programme. The resulting sporophyte body plan remained substantially unaltered in hornworts, whereas in polysporangiophytes the persistent meristem shifted from a mid-embryo to a superficial position and was converted into an ancestral shoot apical meristem with the evolution of sequential vegetative and reproductive growth.


The sporophyte shoot is interpreted as a sterilized sporangial axis interpolated between the embryo and the fertile sporangium. With reference to the putatively ancestral condition found in mosses, the sporophyte body plans in hornworts and polysporangiophytes are viewed as the product of opposite heterochronic events, i.e. an anticipation and a delay, respectively, in the development of the sporangium. In either case the result was a pedomorphic sporophyte permanently retaining juvenile characters.  相似文献   

土地利用变化对陆地生态系统碳贮量的影响   总被引:49,自引:8,他引:41  
陆地生态系统是重要的碳库之一,在碳素生物地球化学循环中起着重要作用.本文就森林、农田生态系统,综述了土地利用变化对陆地生态系统碳贮量的影响及其可能的作用机制.土地利用变化显著地影响陆地生态系统的结构和功能,造成系统碳贮量的变化,这很大程度取决于生态系统类型和土地利用方式的改变.森林砍伐后变为农田和草地,使生态系统中植被和土壤碳贮量大大降低.土壤碳含量的降低主要是由于凋落物输入的减少,有机质分解速度的提高,以及耕种措施对有机质物理保护的破坏造成的.土壤碳损失主要发生在森林砍伐后较短的时期内,而其降低速率取决于诸多因素以及土壤理化和生物过程.农田和草地弃耕恢复为森林,以及农田保护性管理措施的利用.能够使大气中的碳在植被和土壤中得到汇集.森林恢复过程中植被可以大量汇集大气中的碳,而由于农田耕种历史不同以及土壤空间异质性。导致土壤碳汇集速率差异极大.保护性农田管理措施(诸如免耕、合理的种植制度、化肥的施用等)可以影响土壤理化特性、作物根系生长以及残茬数量和质量、土壤微生物数量和活性,维持和提高土壤碳含量水平.  相似文献   

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