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B. S. Ahloowalia 《Genetica》1963,33(1):207-221
Colchicine induced tetraploids (4x=28) from diploidSecale cereale heterozygous for a translocation showed a strong tendency of non-preferential pairing for the interchanged chromosomes. The normal chromosomes associated in configurations up to quadrivalents, and the translocation complex formed multivalents up to octavalents. Most of the interchanged chromosome associations were characterized by their heteromorphic nature. The percentage of the chromosomes in the interchange complex forming multivalent associations was far higher than that of the remaining twenty chromosomes. Abnormalities were observed at anaphase I and II in the pollen mother cells. The tetraploids appeared to be completely sterile. It is suggested that the high frequency of multivalent formation may be explained on the basis that the interchange might have involved a region of localized chiasmata. The absence of polyploidy in the genusSecale as against its widespread occurrence in the related grass genera may be accounted for, in part, on the basis of non-preferential pairing.  相似文献   

An improvement of rye is one of the mainstream goals of current breeding. Our study is concerned with the introduction of the tetraploid triticale (ABRR) into the 4x rye (RRRR) using classical methods of distant crossing. One hundred fifty BC1F9 hybrid plants [(4x rye?×?4x triticales)?×?4x rye] obtained from a backcrossing program were studied. The major aim of this work was to verify the presence of an introgressed A- and B- genome chromatin of triticale in a collection of the 4x rye-tiritcale hybrids and to determine their chromosome compositions. In the present study, karyotypes of the previously reported BC1F2s and BC1F3s were compared with that of the BC1F9 generation as obtained after several subsequent open pollinations. The genomic in situ hybridisation (GISH) allowed us to identify 133 introgression forms in which chromosome numbers ranged between 26 and 32. Using four DNA probes (5S rDNA, 25S rDNA, pSc119.2 and pAs1), the fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) was carried out to facilitate an exact chromosome identification in the hybrid plants. The combination of the multi-colour GISH with the repetitive DNA FISH singled out five types of translocated chromosomes: 2A.2R, 4A.4R, 5A.5R, 5B.5R and 7A.7R among the examined BC1F9s. The reported translocation lines could serve as valuable sources of wheat chromatin suitable for further improvements of rye.  相似文献   

In tetraploid rye with single-substitution wheat chromosomes - 1A, 2A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 3B, 5B, 7B - chromosome pairing was analysed at metaphase I in PMCs with the C-banding method. The frequency of univalents of chromosome 1A was considerably higher than that of the other four wheat chromosomes of genome A (6A, 5A, 7A and 2A). Among chromosomes of genome B, the lowest mean frequency of univalents was observed for chromosome 5B. In monosomic lines, wheat chromosomes 1A, 2A, 5A, 6A, 7A and 5B paired with rye homoeologues most often in rod bivalents and in chain quadrivalents (also including 3B). The 47% pairing of 5B-5R chromosomes indicate that the rye genomes block the suppressor Ph1 gene activity. In monosomic plants with chromosomes 5A, 2A, 6A, 7A and 5B, a low frequency of rye univalents was observed. It was also found that the wheat chromosomes influenced the pairing of rye genome chromosomes, as well as the frequency of ring and rod bivalents and tri- and quadrivalents. However, the highest number of terminal chiasmata per chromosome occurred in the presence of chromosomes 5A and 2A, and the lowest - in the presence of chromosomes 3B and 7B. In the presence of chromosome 5B, the highest frequency of bivalents was observed. The results of the present study show that the rye genome is closer related to the wheat genome A of than to genome B. The high pairing of wheat-rye chromosomes, which occurs in tetraploid rye with substitution wheat chromosomes, indicates that there is a high probability of incorporating wheat chromosome segments into rye chromosomes.  相似文献   

Chromosome pairing in tetraploid Secalotriticum was analysed. In the studied plants wheat chromosomes in PMCs during metaphase I showed a higher degree of pairing, in comparison to the rye genome. This is reflected in a very low frequency of univalents and a higher frequency of ring bivalents. The occurrence of wheat univalents was dependent on wheat mixogenome. In plants with an unstabilized fourth homoeologous group, a heteromorphic bivalent 4A-4B was observed in 39.9% of PMCs, whereas in plants with an unstabilized seventh homoeologous group, chromosome 7A-7B pairing was found in all analysed cells. Rye univalents were present in all plants studied. The highest mean frequency of univalents and rod bivalents, both in wheat and in rye genomes, were recorded in plants whose first homoeologous group contained chromosome 1A. The mean number of terminal chiasmata per chromosome amounted to 1.78 in the wheat genome and 1.36 in the rye genome. It may be concluded that the plasmagenes in Secalotriticum did not increase the meiotic stability of the rye genome and also did not stabilize plant fertility.  相似文献   

Summary Transmission of the extra (translocated) chromosome of tertiary trisomic T282W of rye (Secale cereale L.) upon seifing, through the male and/or the female, ranged from 0% to 36% in different inbred lines. Tetrasomics arising from simultaneous male and female transmission were not recovered and thus apparently not viable. Low seed weight, poor seed germination and a low transmission rate were correlated with low seed weight and reduced plant vigour. Inbreeding depression was concluded to affect transmission rate through its effect on the relative viability of trisomic seeds or seedlings.Male transmission in testcrosses with disomics averaged 7%, but varied between lines. Genetic factors were involved, but their expression remains uncertain. Pollen quality, as determined by a fluorescence reaction, was somewhat lower in trisomics than in disomics of the same genetic background and was not correlated with male transmission rate, which appears to be determined mainly by relative pollen-tube growth of euploid and aneuploid gametophytes. The results are discussed in relation to the use of tertiary trisomics in balanced chromosomal systems for hybrid breeding.  相似文献   

The hybridization and chromosome behaviour regularities at meiotic MI of reciprocal F1 hybrids of tetraploid wheats T. durum and T. turgidum with 56-chromosome incomplete wheat-Elymus amphiploid (IWEA) Elytricum fertile, were investigated. Variation of main indices of the hybridization has been revealed to be determined by variance of such factors as cross direction, genotype peculiarities of wheat strains and their interaction. Elymus sibiricus genome, contained in IWEA karyotype, carries several genes, that can suppress wheat diploidization system. Reduction of homologous chromosome synapsis is not determined by these genes, but is connected with influence of other Elymus sibiricus chromosome factors.  相似文献   

The origin of cultivated rye has been studied, taking into consideration evidence from various fields. Based on morphological resemblances and cytogenetic affinities, cultivated rye is included in Secale cereale L. emend. Sencer, which also includes annual wild and weedy ryes. Wild populations of 5. cereale , which have evolved from Secale montanum Guss. emend. Sencer, invaded wheat and barley fields during the early days of cultivation and gave rise to weedy ryes with varying degrees of rachis brittleness. Cultivated rye was selected from weedy ryes for non-brittle rachis and bigger caryopsis both unconsciously and consciously by man. The geographic origin of cultivated rye is postulated for the Büyük Ari Dai (Mt. Ararat) and Lake Van area in eastern Turkey. It spread from this area as a weed in wheat and barley fields towards the north, east and west and imposed itself as a secondary crop under conditions unfavourable for wheat and barley. It thus became a crop in its own right in several places independently, in addition to it being known by the people living in the Caucasus and Transcaucasus from very early agricultural times.  相似文献   

Conservation biologists need to be able to estimate reliably the effects of inbreeding on survival, and need to be able to do so with a range of different data types. Kalinowski and Hedrick described a non-linear maximum likelihood estimation procedure for modelling relationships between survivorship and inbreeding. Although their method is useful for illustrating the concepts involved in modelling such relationships, it is only applicable to simple datasets. We illustrate that the parameter estimates generated by Kalinowski and Hedrick's method are easily obtained using generalized linear modelling procedures available in standard statistical packages, and that these offer several advantages even with simple datasets. We suggest procedures that can be used for modelling relationships between survival and inbreeding with more complex data types, including datasets with multiple and ragged encounters, uncertain detection and random effects.  相似文献   

The magnitude of inbreeding depression in small populations may depend on the effectiveness with which natural selection purges deleterious recessive alleles from populations during inbreeding. The effectiveness of this purging process, however, may be influenced by the rate of inbreeding and the environment in which inbreeding occurs. Although some experimental studies have examined these factors individually, no study has examined their joint effect or potential interaction. In the present study, therefore, we performed an experiment in which 180 lineages of Drosophila melanogaster were inbred at slow and fast inbreeding rates within each of three inbreeding environments (benign, high temperature, and competitive). The fitness of all lineages was then measured in a common benign environment. Although slow inbreeding reduced inbreeding depression in lineages inbred under high temperature stress, a similar reduction was not observed with respect to the benign or competitive treatments. Overall, therefore, the effect of inbreeding rate was nonsignificant. The inbreeding environment, in contrast, had a larger and more consistent effect on inbreeding depression. Under both slow and fast rates of inbreeding, inbreeding depression was significantly reduced in lineages inbred in the presence of a competitor D. melanogaster strain. A similar reduction of inbreeding depression occurred in lineages inbred under high temperature stress at a slow inbreeding rate. Overall, our findings show that inbreeding depression is reduced when inbreeding takes place in a stressful environment, possibly due to more effective purging under such conditions.  相似文献   

An effective and timesaving analytical method was developed for the determination of 12 ergot alkaloids (ergometrine, ergotamine, ergocristine, α-ergokryptine, ergosine, ergocornine, and their respective -inine isomers) in rye and rye flour. Samples were extracted with dichloromethane/ethyl acetate/methanol/aqueous ammonia (25%) (50/25/5/1, v/v/v/v), and extracts were purified using a basic alumina column. The eluate was dried in the nitrogen stream and redissolved in acetonitrile/ ammonia carbamate-buffer (0.2 g/1), (1/1, v/v), and injected into an HPLC-FLD system (λEx 330 nm, λEm 415 nm), using the same mixture as mobile phase and a Phenyl-Hexyl column. Detection limits for the individual compounds ranged from 0.01 μg/kg to 0.5 μg/kg. In sample material spiked with a mixture of these compounds at two different levels (13 μg/kg and 27 μg/kg per compound), mean (n=5) recoveries were at 101% (sr 6.4%) and 89% (sr 3.1%), respectively. Presented at the 28th Mykotoxin-Workshop, Bydgoszcz, Poland, May 29–31, 2006  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a unified mathematical model for linkage analysis that allows for inbreeding among founders in all families. The identical by descent (IBD) configuration of each pedigree is modeled as a Markov process containing two parameters; the inverse inbreeding and kinship coefficient and a rate parameter proportional to the inverse expected length of chromosome segments shared IBD by two different founder haplotypes. We use hidden Markov models and define a forward-backward algorithm for computing the conditional IBD-distribution given marker data, thereby extending the multipoint method of Lander and Green [1987. Construction of multilocus genetic maps in humans, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 2363-2367] to situations where founders are inbred. Our methodology is valid for arbitrary pedigree structures. Simulation and theoretical approximations for nonparametric linkage (NPL) analysis based on affected sib pairs reveal that NPL scores are inflated and type 1 errors increased when the inbreeding coefficient or rate parameter is underestimated. When the parents are genotyped, we present a general way of modifying the score function to drastically reduce this effect.  相似文献   

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