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We study here the permeability of the hydrophobic O2 molecule through a model DPPC bilayer at 323K and 350K, and of the trace amine p-tyramine through PC bilayers at 310K. The tyramine results are compared to previous experimental work at 298K. Nonequilibrium work methods were used in conjunction to simultaneously obtain both the potential of mean force (PMF) and the position dependent transmembrane diffusion coefficient, D(z), from the simulations. These in turn were used to calculate the permeability coefficient, P, through the inhomogeneous solubility-diffusion model. The results for O2 are consistent with previous simulations, and agree with experimentally measured P values for PC bilayers. A temperature dependence in the permeability of O2 through DPPC was obtained, with P decreasing at higher temperatures. Two relevant species of p-tyramine were simulated, from which the PMF and D(z) were calculated. The charged species had a large energetic barrier to crossing the bilayer of ~ 21 kcal/mol, while the uncharged, deprotonated species had a much lower barrier of ~ 7 kcal/mol. The effective in silico permeability for p-tyramine was calculated by applying three approximations, all of which gave nearly identical results (presented here as a function of the pKa). As the permeability value calculated from simulation was highly dependent on the pKa of the amine group, a further pKa study was performed that also varied the fraction of the uncharged and zwitterionic p-tyramine species. Using the experimental P value together with the simulated results, we were able to label the phenolic group as responsible for the pKa1 and the amine for the pKa2, that together represent all of the experimentally measured pKa values for p-tyramine. This agrees with older experimental results, in contrast to more recent work that has suggested there is a strong ambiguity in the pKa values.  相似文献   

Long-chain free fatty acids (FFAs) play an important role in several physiological and pathological processes such as lipid fusion, adjustments of membrane permeability and fluidity, and the regulation of enzyme and protein activities. FFA-facilitated membrane proton transport (flip-flop) and FFA-dependent proton transport by membrane proteins (e.g., mitochondrial uncoupling proteins) are governed by the difference between FFA’s intrinsic pKa value and the pH in the immediate membrane vicinity. Thus far, a quantitative understanding of the process has been hampered, because the pKa value shifts upon moving the FFA from the aqueous solution into the membrane. For the same FFA, pKa values between 5 and 10.5 were reported. Here, we systematically evaluated the dependence of pKa values on chain length and number of double bonds by measuring the ζ-potential of liposomes reconstituted with FFA at different pH values. The experimentally obtained intrinsic pKa values (6.25, 6.93, and 7.28 for DOPC membranes) increased with FFA chain length (C16, C18, and C20), indicating that the hydrophobic energy of transfer into the bilayer is an important pKa determinant. The observed pKa decrease in DOPC with increasing number of FFA double bonds (7.28, 6.49, 6.16, and 6.13 for C20:0, C20:1, C20:2, and C20:4, respectively) is in line with a decrease in transfer energy. Molecular dynamic simulations revealed that the ionized carboxylic group of the FFAs occupied a fixed position in the bilayer independent of chain length, underlining the importance of Born energy. We conclude that pKa is determined by the interplay between the energetic costs for 1) burying the charged moiety into the lipid bilayer and 2) transferring the hydrophobic protonated FFA into the bilayer.  相似文献   

Metallonucleases conduct metal-dependent nucleic acid hydrolysis. While metal ions serve in multiple mechanistic capacities in these enzymes, precisely how the attacking water is activated remains unclear for those lacking an obvious general base. All arguments hinge on appropriate pKas for active site moieties very close to this species, and measurement of the pKa of a specific water molecule is difficult to access experimentally. Here we describe a computational approach for exploring the local electrostatic influences on the water-derived nucleophile in metallonucleases featuring the common PD…(D/E)xK motif. We utilized UHBD to predict the pKas of active site groups, including that of a water molecule positioned to act as a nucleophile. The pKa of a Mg(II)-ligated water molecule hydrogen bonded to the conserved Lys70 in a Mg(II)-PvuII enzyme complex was calculated to be 6.5. The metal and the charge on the Lys group were removed in separate experiments; both resulted in the elevation of the pKa of this water molecule, consistent with contributions from both moieties to lowering this pKa. This behavior is preserved among other PD…(D/E)xK metallonucleases. pKas extracted from the pH dependence of the single turnover rate constant are compared to previous experimental data and the above predicted pKas.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of electrostatics in protein stability requires knowledge of these interactions in both the folded and unfolded states. Electrostatic interactions can be probed experimentally by characterizing ionization equilibria of titrating groups, parameterized as pKa values. However, pKa values of the unfolded state are rarely accessible under native conditions, where the unfolded state has a very low population. Here, we report pKa values under nondenaturing conditions for two unfolded fragments of the protein G B1 domain that mimic the unfolded state of the intact protein. pKa values were determined for carboxyl groups by monitoring their pH-dependent 13C chemical shifts. Monte Carlo simulations using a Gaussian chain model provide corrections for changes in electrostatic interactions that arise from fragmentation of the protein. Most pKa values for the unfolded state agree well with model values, but some residues show significant perturbations that can be rationalized by local electrostatic interactions. The pH-dependent stability was calculated from the experimental pKa values of the folded and unfolded states and compared to experimental stability data. The use of experimental pKa values for the unfolded state results in significantly improved agreement with experimental data, as compared to calculations based on model data alone.  相似文献   

The majority of pKa values in protein unfolded states are close to the amino acid model pKa values, thus reflecting the weak intramolecular interactions present in the unfolded ensemble of most proteins. We have carried out thermal denaturation measurements on the WT and eight mutants of HEWL from pH 1.5 to pH 11.0 to examine the unfolded state pKa values and the pH dependence of protein stability for this enzyme. The availability of accurate pKa values for the folded state of HEWL and separate measurements of mutant-induced effects on the folded state pKa values, allows us to estimate the pKa values of seven acidic residues in the unfolded state of HEWL. Asp-48 and Asp-66 display pKa values of 2.9 and 3.1 in our analysis, thus representing the most depressed unfolded state pKa values observed to date. We observe a strong correlation between the folded state pKa values and the unfolded state pKa values of HEWL, thus suggesting that the unfolded state of HEWL possesses a large degree of native state characteristics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to investigate the synthetic phospholipid dependence of permeability measured by parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA) method. Three phospholipids with hydrophobic groups of different lengths and phosphorylcholine as the hydrophilic group were concisely synthesized. Ten model drug molecules were selected because of their distinct human fraction absorbed (%FA) values and various pKa characteristics. In vitro drug permeation experiments were designed to determine the effect of the incubation time (4–20 h), pH gradient (4.6–9.32) and carbon chain length (8, 10, 12) on the drug permeability through the synthetic phospholipid membrane in the PAMPA system. The results showed that intensive and significant synthetic phospholipids dependence of permeability influenced by the length of lipid’s hydrophobic carbon chain. The effective permeability constant (Pe) of each drug increased rapidly with time, then decreased slightly after reaching the maximum; the pH gradient changed the drug permeability according to the pH-partition hypothesis for drugs with diverse pKa values; and longer hydrophobic chains in the synthetic phospholipid membrane improved the drug permeability, as observed for all test drugs at almost all incubation time points. This newly proposed PAMPA model considered the synthetic phospholipid membrane and showed good Pe-%FA correlation for the passive transport of drugs, making it a helpful supplementary method for PAMPA systems.  相似文献   

Intramolecular electrostatic attraction and repulsion strongly influence the conformational sampling of intrinsically disordered proteins and domains (IDPs). In order to better understand this complex relationship, we have used nuclear magnetic resonance to measure side chain pKa values and pH‐dependent translational diffusion coefficients for the unstructured and highly acidic carboxyl‐terminus of γ‐tubulin (γ‐CT), providing insight into how the net charge of an IDP relates to overall expansion or collapse of the conformational ensemble. Many of the pKa values in the γ‐CT are shifted upward by 0.3–0.4 units and exhibit negatively cooperative ionization pH profiles, likely due to the large net negative charge that accumulates on the molecule as the pH is raised. pKa shifts of this magnitude correspond to electrostatic interaction energies between the affected residues and the rest of the charged molecule that are each on the order of 1 kcal mol?1. Diffusion of the γ‐CT slowed with increasing net charge, indicative of an expanding hydrodynamic radius (rH). The degree of expansion agreed quantitatively with what has been seen from comparisons of IDPs with different charge content, yielding the general trend that every 0.1 increase in relative charge (|Q|/res) produces a roughly 5% increase in rH. While γ‐CT pH titration data followed this trend nearly perfectly, there were substantially larger deviations for the database of different IDP sequences. This suggests that other aspects of an IDP's primary amino acid sequence beyond net charge influence the sensitivity of rH to electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   

Several methods for including the conformational flexibility of proteins in the calculation of titration curves are compared. The methods use the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation to calculate the electrostatic free energies of solvation and are applied to bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) and hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL). An ensemble of conformations is generated by a molecular dynamics simulation of the proteins with explicit solvent. The average titration curve of the ensemble is calculated in three different ways: an average structure is used for the pKa calculation; the electrostatic interaction free energies are averaged and used for the pKa calculation; and the titration curve for each structure is calculated and the curves are averaged. The three averaging methods give very similar results and improve the pKa values to approximately the same degree. This suggests, in contrast to implications from other work, that the observed improvement of pKa values in the present studies is due not to averaging over an ensemble of structures, but rather to the generation of a single properly averaged structure for the pKa calculation. Proteins 33:145–158, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The acid-base behavior of amino acids is an important subject of study due to their prominent role in enzyme catalysis, substrate binding and protein structure. Due to interactions with the protein environment, their pKas can be shifted from their solution values and, if a protein has two stable conformations, it is possible for a residue to have different “microscopic”, conformation-dependent pKa values. In those cases, interpretation of experimental measurements of the pKa is complicated by the coupling between pH, protonation state and protein conformation. We explored these issues using Nitrophorin 4 (NP4), a protein that releases NO in a pH sensitive manner. At pH 5.5 NP4 is in a closed conformation where NO is tightly bound, while at pH 7.5 Asp30 becomes deprotonated, causing the conformation to change to an open state from which NO can easily escape. Using constant pH molecular dynamics we found two distinct microscopic Asp30 pKas: 8.5 in the closed structure and 4.3 in the open structure. Using a four-state model, we then related the obtained microscopic values to the experimentally observed “apparent” pKa, obtaining a value of 6.5, in excellent agreement with experimental data. This value must be interpreted as the pH at which the closed to open population transition takes place. More generally, our results show that it is possible to relate microscopic structure dependent pKa values to experimentally observed ensemble dependent apparent pKas and that the insight gained in the relatively simple case of NP4 can be useful in several more complex cases involving a pH dependent transition, of great biochemical interest.  相似文献   

The electrostatic field was calculated for the mammalian cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) catalytic subunit (C-subunit) complexed with a 20-residue peptide from a heat stable protein kinase inhibitor (PKI: 5–24). The electrostatic field was also calculated for the C-subunit complexed with a modeled heptapeptide substrate that has been used extensively in structure/function studies for the C-subunit. Perturbations in the electrostatic free energy were calculated when single ionizable active site residues were mutated to alanine. These perturbations in electrostatic free energy were correlated to changes in the binding energy measured in a charge-to-alanine scan of the homologous yeast C-subunit by M. J. Zoller and C. S. Gibbs [(1991) Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 266, pp. 8923–8931; C. S. Gibbs and M. J. Zoller (1991) Biochemistry, Vol. 30, p. 22]. This analysis indicated that the substrate binding parameters primarily depend on electrostatic interactions between a substrate or inhibitor and the C-subunit. Amino acid replacements that led to large perturbations in the electrostatic field are listed in the text. pKa shifts were also calculated for the substrate's phosphate accepting atom, the serine hydroxyl oxygen, when the active site ionizable residues were changed to structurally similar uncharged amino acids. The theoretical mutation of three active site residues caused large shifts in this parameter: E91Q, D166N, and D184N. The calculated pKa shifts for these mutants indicate that the rate of phosphotransfer should be markedly reduced in these cases. This prediction has been experimentally confirmed for the D166N mutant. The correlation between calculated electrostatic free energy changes and measured binding energy, and pKa shifts with phosphotransfer for C-subunit mutants were within experimental error of the measurements. The calculations of electrostatic energy and ΔpKa have identified previously unconsidered active site residues in the mammalian C-subunit that contribute to binding energy and phosphotransfer. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A computational approach, based on a continuum molecular electrostatics model, for the calculation of the pKa values of secondary ionization of the phosphate group in phenyl phosphate derivatives is described. The method uses the ESP atomic charges of the mono-anionic and di-anionic forms of the ionizable phosphate group, computed with the use of the density functional method, and applies a new concept of the model group, being the reference state for the pKa calculations. Both conformational flexibility and tautomeric degrees of freedom are taken into account in the calculations. The method was parameterized using experimentally available pKa values of four derivatives of phenyl phosphates, and phosphotyrosine. Subsequently this parameterization was used to predict pKa of the phosphate group in a short peptide Gly-Gly-Tyr(P)-Ala, and in a longer peptide consisting of 12 residues, the latter in water, and in a complex with a protein—phospholipase. The agreement between the computed and the experimental pKa values is better than ±0.3 pH units for the optimized solute dielectric constant of 11–13. This approach is promising and its extension to other phospho-amino acids is in progress.  相似文献   

The aldehyde inhibitor Z-Ala-Ala-Phe-CHO has been synthesized and shown by 13C-NMR to react with the active site serine hydroxyl group of alpha-chymotrypsin to form two diastereomeric hemiacetals. For both hemiacetals oxyanion formation occurs with a pKa value of ~ 7 showing that chymotrypsin reduces the oxyanion pKa values by ~ 5.6 pKa units and stabilizes the oxyanions of both diastereoisomers by ~ 32 kJ mol− 1. As pH has only a small effect on binding we conclude that oxyanion formation does not have a significant effect on binding the aldehyde inhibitor. By comparing the binding of Z-Ala-Ala-Phe-CHO with that of Z-Ala-Ala-Phe-H we estimate that the aldehyde group increases binding ~ 100 fold. At pH 7.2 the effective molarity of the active site serine hydroxy group is ~ 6000 which is ~ 7 × less effective than with the corresponding glyoxal inhibitor. Using 1H-NMR we have shown that at both 4 and 25 °C the histidine pKa is ~ 7.3 in free chymotrypsin and it is raised to ~ 8 when Z-Ala-Ala-Phe-CHO is bound. We conclude that oxyanion formation only has a minor role in raising the histidine pKa and that the aldehyde hydrogen must be replaced by a larger group to raise the histidine pKa > 10 and give stereospecific formation of tetrahedral intermediates. The results show that a large increase in the pKa of the active site histidine is not needed for the active site serine hydroxyl group to have an effective molarity of 6000.  相似文献   

To date, most spectroscopic studies on mammalian purple acid phosphatases (PAPs) have been performed at a single pH, typically pH 5. The catalytic activity of these enzymes is, however, pH dependent, with optimal pH values of 5.5–6.2 (depending on the form). For example, the pH optimum of PAPs isolated as single polypeptides is around pH 5.5, which is substantially lower that of proteolytically cleaved PAPs (ca. pH 6.2). In addition, the catalytic activity of single polypeptide PAPs at their optimal pH values is four to fivefold lower than that of the proteolytically cleaved enzymes. In order to elucidate the chemical basis for the pH dependence of these enzymes, the spectroscopic properties of both the single polypeptide and proteolytically cleaved forms of recombinant human PAP (recHPAP) and their complexes with inhibitory anions have been examined over the pH range 4 to 8. The EPR spectra of both forms of recHPAP are pH dependent and show the presence of three species: an inactive low pH form (pH<pK a,1), an active form (pK a,1<pH<pK a,2), and an inactive high pH form (pH>pK a,2). The pK a,1 values observed by EPR for the single polypeptide and proteolytically cleaved forms are similar to those previously observed in kinetics studies. The spectroscopic properties of the enzyme–phosphate complex (which should mimic the enzyme–substrate complex), the enzyme–fluoride complex, and the enzyme–fluoride–phosphate complex (which should mimic the ternary enzyme–substrate–hydroxide complex) were also examined. EPR spectra show that phosphate binds to the diiron center of the proteolytically cleaved form of the enzyme, but not to that of the single polypeptide form. EPR spectra also show that fluoride binds only to the low pH form of the enzymes, in which it presumably replaces a coordinated water molecule. The binding of fluoride and phosphate to form a ternary complex appears to be cooperative.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   



Charge states of ionizable residues in proteins determine their pH-dependent properties through their pKa values. Thus, various theoretical methods to determine ionization constants of residues in biological systems have been developed. One of the more widely used approaches for predicting pKa values in proteins is the PROPKA program, which provides convenient structural rationalization of the predicted pKa values without any additional calculations.  相似文献   

The enzyme 4‐oxalocrotonate tautomerase catalyzes the ketonization of dienols, which after further processing become intermediates in the Krebs cycle. The enzyme uses a general acid–base mechanism for proton transfer: the amino‐terminal proline has been shown to function as the catalytic base and Arg39 has been implicated as the catalytic acid. We report the results of molecular docking simulations of 4‐oxalocrotonate tautomerase with two substrates, 2‐hydroxymuconate and 5‐carboxymethyl‐2‐hydroxymuconate. pKa calculations are also performed for the free enzyme. The predicted binding mode of 2‐hydroxymuconate is in agreement with experimental data. A model for the binding mode of 5‐carboxymethyl‐2‐hydroxymuconate is proposed which explains the lower catalytic efficiency of the enzyme toward this substrate. The pKa predictions and docking simulations support residue Arg39 as the general acid for the enzyme catalysis. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 50: 319–328, 1999  相似文献   

The tuning of the pKa of ionizable residues plays a critical role in various protein functions, such as ligand-binding, catalysis, and allostery. Proteins harness the free energy of folding to position ionizable groups in highly specific environments that strongly affect their pKa values. To investigate the interplay among protein folding kinetics, thermodynamics, and pKa modulation, we introduced a pair of Asp residues at neighboring interior positions of a coiled-coil. A single Asp residue was replaced for an Asn side chain at the a-position of the coiled-coil from GCN4, which was also crosslinked at the C-terminus via a flexible disulfide bond. The thermodynamic and kinetic stability of the system was measured by circular dichroism and stopped-flow fluorescence as a function of pH and concentration of guanidine HCl. Both sets of data are consistent with a two-state equilibrium between fully folded and unfolded forms. Distinct pKa values of 6.3 and 5.35 are assigned to the first and second protonation of the Asp pair; together they represent an energetic difference of 5 kcal/mol relative to the protonation of two Asp residues with unperturbed pKa values. Analysis of the rate data as a function of pH and denaturant concentration allowed calculation of the kinetic constants for the conformational transitions of the peptide with the Asp residues in the doubly protonated, singly protonated, and unprotonated forms. The doubly and singly protonated forms fold rapidly, and a ϕ-value analysis shows that their contribution to folding occurs subsequent to the transition state ensemble for folding. By contrast, the doubly charged state shows a reduced rate of folding and a ϕ-value near 0.5 indicative of a repulsive interaction, and possibly also heterogeneity in the transition state ensemble.  相似文献   

The cell surface reactivity of the cyanobacterium Calothrix sp. strain KC97, an isolate from the Krisuvik hot spring, Iceland, was investigated in terms of its proton binding behavior and charge characteristics by using acid-base titrations, electrophoretic mobility analysis, and transmission electron microscopy. Analysis of titration data with the linear programming optimization method showed that intact filaments were dominated by surface proton binding sites inferred to be carboxyl groups (acid dissociation constants [pKa] between 5.0 and 6.2) and amine groups (mean pKa of 8.9). Sheath material isolated by using lysozyme and sodium dodecyl sulfate generated pKa spectra similarly dominated by carboxyls (pKa of 4.6 to 6.1) and amines (pKa of 8.1 to 9.2). In both intact filaments and isolated sheath material, the lower ligand concentrations at mid-pKa values were ascribed to phosphoryl groups. Whole filaments and isolated sheath material displayed total reactive-site densities of 80.3 × 10−5 and 12.3 × 10−5 mol/g (dry mass) of cyanobacteria, respectively, implying that much of the surface reactivity of this microorganism is located on the cell wall and not the sheath. This is corroborated by electrophoretic mobility measurements that showed that the sheath has a net neutral charge at mid-pHs. In contrast, unsheathed cells exhibited a stronger negative-charge characteristic. Additionally, transmission electron microscopy analysis of ultrathin sections stained with heavy metals further demonstrated that most of the reactive binding sites are located upon the cell wall. Thus, the cell surface reactivity of Calothrix sp. strain KC97 can be described as a dual layer composed of a highly reactive cell wall enclosed within a poorly reactive sheath.  相似文献   

The Kleier model of phloem-mobility of xenobiotics combines the intermediate permeability hypothesis with the acid trap mechanism for weak acids. The output of the model is dependent on the lipophilicity of a compound, for which octanol/water partition coefficients (log Kow) have been used as a measure. The membrane permeability of xenobiotics is predicted from these partition coefficients, and the nature of the sieve tube membranes has been modelled using regressions derived from Nitella or potato permeability data. A wide range of log Kow values for herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and experimental compounds (400) have been tabulated along with the model output for various membrane parameters. The application of the model is in broad agreement with literature and experimental observations on many of the known phloem mobile herbicides and predicts low phloem mobility for the fungicides and insecticides considered here, again in agreement with the literature. The behaviour of herbicides representative of the main chemical families and modes of action are reviewed, along with examples of the few phloem-mobile fungicides and insecticides identified.Abbreviations Kow octanol-water partition coefficient - pKa –log10 acid dissociation constant - Cf Concentration factor - P membrane permeability  相似文献   

Modification of the calcium channel of the somatic membrane of molluscan neurons under the influence of EDTA and other Ca-binding agents was investigated. The results showed that there are two selective filters in the calcium channel of this membrane. The first is located near the outer pore of the calcium channel and it binds bivalent cations in the order:pK Ca:pK Sr:pK Ba:pK Mg=6.6:5.5:4.8:4.2. This external filter regulates selectivity of the channel relative to the charge of the cation and it conjecturally contains several carboxyl groups. The second selective filter lies inside the channel and regulates permeability for ions with a single charge. It is suggested that the structure of the inner filter closely resembles that postulated by Hille for the selective filter of the sodium channel, and that it contains one carboxyl group. The results of investigation of the effect of Ca++, Cd++, and H+ on the fast sodium current of the somatic membrane showed that it is not blocked by these ions, but the decrease observed in its amplitude is connected with a change in the membrane surface potential and a corresponding change in the juxtamembranous concentration of carrier ions. On the basis of the experimental results it is postulated that the selective filter of the fast sodium channel of the molluscan neuron somatic membrane does not contain a carboxyl group.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 420–427, July–August, 1983.  相似文献   

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