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Import of cytochrome c into mitochondria. Cytochrome c heme lyase   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The import of cytochrome c into mitochondria can be resolved into a number of discrete steps. Here we report on the covalent attachment of heme to apocytochrome c by the enzyme cytochrome c heme lyase in mitochondria from Neurospora crassa. A new method was developed to measure directly the linkage of heme to apocytochrome c. This method is independent of conformational changes in the protein accompanying heme attachment. Tryptic peptides of [35S]cysteine-labelled apocytochrome c, and of enzymatically formed holocytochrome c, were resolved by reverse-phase HPLC. The cysteine-containing peptide to which heme was attached eluted later than the corresponding peptide from apocytochrome c and could be quantified by counting 35S radioactivity as a measure of holocytochrome c formation. Using this procedure, the covalent attachment of heme to apocytochrome c, which is dependent on the enzyme cytochrome c heme lyase, could be measured. Activity required heme (as hemin) and could be reversibly inhibited by the analogue deuterohemin. Holocytochrome c formation was stimulated 5--10-fold by NADH greater than NADPH greater than glutathione and was independent of a potential across the inner mitochondrial membrane. NADH was not required for the binding of apocytochrome c to mitochondria and was not involved in the reduction of the cysteine thiols prior to heme attachment. Holocytochrome c formation was also dependent on a cytosolic factor that was necessary for the heme attaching step of cytochrome c import. The factor was a heat-stable, protease-insensitive, low-molecular-mass component of unknown function. Cytochrome c heme lyase appeared to be a soluble protein located in the mitochondrial intermembrane space and was distinct from the previously identified apocytochrome c binding protein having a similar location. A model is presented in which the covalent attachment of heme by cytochrome c heme lyase also plays an essential role in the import pathway of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (COX) deficiencies are one of the most common defects of the respiratory chain found in mitochondrial diseases. COX is a multimeric inner mitochondrial membrane enzyme formed by subunits encoded by both the nuclear and the mitochondrial genome. COX biosynthesis requires numerous assembly factors that do not form part of the final complex but participate in prosthetic group synthesis and metal delivery in addition to membrane insertion and maturation of COX subunits. Human diseases associated with COX deficiency including encephalomyopathies, Leigh syndrome, hypertrophic cardiomyopathies, and fatal lactic acidosis are caused by mutations in COX subunits or assembly factors. In the last decade, numerous animal models have been created to understand the pathophysiology of COX deficiencies and the function of assembly factors. These animal models, ranging from invertebrates to mammals, in most cases mimic the pathological features of the human diseases.  相似文献   

C-type cytochromes are characterized by having the heme moiety covalently attached via thioether bonds between the heme vinyl groups and the thiols of conserved cysteine residues of the polypeptide chain. Previously, we have shown the in vitro formation of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c(552) (Daltrop, O., Allen, J. W. A., Willis, A. C., and Ferguson, S. J. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 99, 7872-7876). In this work we report that thioether bonds can form spontaneously in vitro between heme and the apocytochromes c from horse heart and Paracoccus denitrificans via b-type cytochrome intermediates. Both apocytochromes, but not the holo forms, bind 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate, indicating that the apoproteins each have an affinity for a hydrophobic ligand. Furthermore, for both apocytochromes c an intramolecular disulfide can form between the cysteines of the CXXCH motif that is characteristic of c-type cytochromes. In vitro reaction of these apocytochromes c with heme to yield holocytochromes c, and the tendency to form a disulfide, have implications for the different systems responsible for cytochrome c maturation in vivo in various organisms.  相似文献   

Carbonyl complexes of horse cytochrome c and various carboxymethylated derivatives have been examined using 13C NMR (carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy. The multiplicity and chemical shift of the 13CO resonance were found to be functions of pH and the extent of alkylation. Correlations have been made among prominent features of the chemical shift titration curves and changes in the environment of the heme. A simple model compatible with the bulk of previous observations has been suggested to account for the several carbonyl resonance peaks and the complex behavior of the chemical shift with changes in pH.  相似文献   

The degradation of cytochrome P-450 heme in the liver has been studied by a new approach. In rats, hepatic heme was labeled by administration of a tracer pulse of [5-14C]δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), and its degradation was analyzed in terms of labeled carbon monoxide (14CO) excretion, which is a specific degradation product of the labeled heme. Within minutes after administration of [5-14C]ALA, 14CO was detectable and increased after 2 h to an “early peak,” reflecting the elimination of labeled heme from a rapidly turning over pool in the liver. Beyond the early peak, the rate of 14CO production decreased in a log-linear manner, consistent with the degradation of heme in stable hepatic hemoproteins. From the rate at which 14CO production declined during this phase, from the predominant labeling of cytochrome P-450 heme by the administered [5-14C]ALA and from the known turnover characteristics of this hemoprotein in the liver, it could be inferred that production of 14CO—between 16 and 30 h after administration of labeled ALA—largely reflected degradation of cytochrome P-450 heme. This approach, which permits serial measurements in a single animal, was used to study the effect on cytochrome P-450 heme of administered heme or endotoxin, both of which are potent stimulators of hepatic heme oxygenase activity. Both of these substances caused marked acceleration of the degradation of cytochrome P-450 heme, the effect occurring over the same dose range as that for stimulation of hepatic heme oxygenase. The findings suggest that stimulation of this enzyme activity in the liver is closely related to the rate of degradation of cytochrome P-450 heme.  相似文献   

In his comments, W.H. Koppenol criticizes our article with respect to our conclusions and procedures. In this answer, we respond in detail to his objections, demonstrating that the approaches used are commonly accepted in the literature and that he makes a number of assumptions regarding our proposed mechanism that are not justified. Our study is thus a contribution to the ongoing investigation of the behavior of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Hemes c are characterized by their covalent attachment to a polypeptide via a widely conserved CXXCH motif. There are multiple biological systems that facilitate heme c biogenesis. System I, the cytochrome c maturation (CCM) system, is found in many bacteria and is commonly employed in the maturation of bacterial cytochromes c in Escherichia coli-based expression systems. System III, cytochrome c heme lyase (CCHL), is an enzyme found in the mitochondria of many eukaryotes and is used for heterologous expression of mitochondrial holocytochromes c. To test CCM specificity, a series of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c(552) variants was successfully expressed and matured by the CCM system with CX(n)CH motifs where n = 1-4, further extending the known substrate flexibility of the CCM system by successful maturation of a bacterial cytochrome c with a novel CXCH motif. Horse cytochrome c variants with both expanded and contracted attachment motifs (n = 1-3) were also tested for expression and maturation by both CCM and CCHL, allowing direct comparison of CCM and CCHL substrate specificities. Successful maturation of horse cytochrome c by CCHL with an extended CXXXCH motif was observed, demonstrating that CCHL shares the ability of CCM to mature hemes c with extended heme attachment motifs. In contrast, two single amino acid mutants were found in horse cytochrome c that severely limit maturation by CCHL, yet were efficiently matured with CCM. These results identify potentially important residues for the substrate recognition of CCHL.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c: functions beyond respiration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytochrome c is primarily known for its function in the mitochondria as a key participant in the life-supporting function of ATP synthesis. However, when a cell receives an apoptotic stimulus, cytochrome c is released into the cytosol and triggers programmed cell death through apoptosis. The release of cytochrome c and cytochrome-c-mediated apoptosis are controlled by multiple layers of regulation, the most prominent players being members of the B-cell lymphoma protein-2 (BCL2) family. As well as its role in canonical intrinsic apoptosis, cytochrome c amplifies signals that are generated by other apoptotic pathways and participates in certain non-apoptotic functions.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c: resonance Raman spectra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A c-type cytochrome from Hydrogenomonas eutropha was purified 150-fold by butanol extraction, ammonium sulfate precipitation, and column chromatography. Three distinct c-type cytochromes were recovered which did not bind with either carbon monoxide or cyanide and hence did not appear to be denatured. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that one protein was acidic and the other two were basic. The acidic cytochrome c had a sedimentation coefficient of 3.46. Its amino acid composition was not markedly different from other bacterial cytochromes, but relative to mammalian cytochromes c it was low in lysine, threonine, and isoleucine and high in alanine and valine.  相似文献   

As part of the respiratory chain, c-type cytochromes are essential electron transporters. They are characterized by the covalent attachment of a heme prosthetic group. The biogenesis of these proteins includes all the processes leading to this fixation. Yeast and animals have evolved a comparatively simple mechanism relying on cytochrome c heme lyases. In contrast, plant mitochondria have kept a maturation pathway inherited from their prokaryote ancestor. It involves Ccm proteins encoded in both the nuclear and the mitochondrial genomes of plants. These proteins compose a heme delivery pathway, include an ABC transporter, a redox protein and a putative heme lyase.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase in prokaryotes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Several heme aa 3-type cytochrome c oxidases, purified from the cytoplasmic membranes of bacteria, are able to catalyze the same reactions as the structurally far more complex eukaryotic enzyme, i.e., electron transport from cytochrome c to oxygen coupled to proton translocation. However, these oxidases show a very simple subunit pattern, and moreover, individual polypeptides even have homologous amino-acid sequences. This review summarizes the present data on purified bacterial cytochrome c oxidases and relates these findings to results obtained with the mitochondrial enzymes.  相似文献   

线粒体、细胞色素c与细胞凋亡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
线粒体是细胞的一个独特而重要的细胞器,它为细胞各种生命活动提供能量。许多研究表明,线粒体的作用远比人们了解的复杂和多样。近年来研究发现,线粒体与细胞凋亡密切相关,表现在如下一些方面。1.细胞凋亡早期线粒体跨膜电位(ΔΨm)下降自1993年以来,Kro...  相似文献   

Abstract The role of cytochrome c in insect cell apoptosis has drawn considerable attention and has been subject to considerable controversy. In Drosophila, the majority of studies have demonstrated that cytochrome c may not be involved in apoptosis, although there are conflicting reports. Cytochrome c is not released from mitochondria into the cytosol and activation of the initiator caspase Dronc or effector caspase Drice is not associated with cytochrome c during apoptosis in Drosophila SL2 cells or BG2 cells. Cytochrome c failed to induce caspase activation and promote caspase activation in Drosophila cell lysates, but remarkably caused caspase activation in extracts from human cells. Knockdown of cytochrome c does not protect cells from apoptosis and over‐expression of cytochrome c also does not promote apoptosis. Structural analysis has revealed that cytochrome c is not required for Dapaf‐1 complex assembly. In Lepidoptera, the involvement of cytochrome c in apoptosis has been demonstrated by the accumulating evidence. Cytochrome c release from mitochondria into cytosol has been observed in different cell lines such as Spodoptera frugiperda Sf9, Spodoptera litura Sl‐1 and Lymantria dispar LdFB. Silencing of cytochrome c expression significantly affected apoptosis and activation of caspase and the addition of cytochrome c to cell‐free extracts results in caspase activation, suggesting the activation of caspase is dependent on cytochrome c. Although Apaf‐1 has not been identified in Lepidoptera, the inhibitor of apoptosome formation can inhibit apoptosis and caspase activation. Cytochrome c may be exclusively required for Lepidoptera apoptosis.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase generates a proton motive force by two separate mechanisms. The first mechanism is similar to that postulated by Peter Mitchell, and is based on electrons and protons used to generate water coming from opposite sides of the membrane. The second mechanism was not initially anticipated, but is now firmly established as a proton pump. A brief review of the current state of our understanding of the proton pump of cytochrome oxidase is presented. We have come a long way since the initial observation of the pump by Mårten Wikström in 1977, but a number of essential questions remain to be answered.  相似文献   

线粒体,细胞包素c与细胞凋亡   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
线粒体是细胞的一个独特而重要的细胞器,它为细胞各种生命活动提供能量.许多研究表明,线粒体的作用远比人们了解的复杂和多样.近年来研究发现,线粒体与细胞凋亡密切相关,表现在如下一些方面.  相似文献   

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