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When variation in life-history characters is caused by many genes of small effect, then quantitative-genetic parameters may quantify constraints on rate and direction of microevolutionary change. I estimated heritabilities and genetic correlations for 16 life-history and morphological characters in two populations of Impatiens capensis, a partially self-pollinating herbaceous annual. The Madison population had little or no additive genetic variance for any of these characters, while the Milwaukee population had significant narrowsense heritabilities and genetic correlations for several traits, including adult size, which is highly correlated with fitness. All genetic correlations among fitness components were positive, hence there is no evidence for antagonistic pleiotropy among these traits. Dissimilarity of heritabilities in the two populations supports theoretical predictions that long-term changes in genetic variance-covariance patterns may occur when population sizes are small and selection is strong, as may occur in many plant species.  相似文献   

Polymorphic seeds of Atriplex triangularis were germinated at various temperatures (5–15 C, 5–25 C, 10–20 C, 20–30 C) and salinity regimes (0 to 1.5% NaCl) in order to determine their germinability and early seedling growth under these conditions. Larger seeds generally had a higher germination percentage in saline medium. The rate and percentage of germination decreased with increased salinity stress. A thermoperiod of 25 C day and 5 C night, 12 hr/12 hr, temperature enhanced germination of seeds. Early seedling growth is promoted in larger seeds at lower salinity, and at high-day and low-night temperatures. Polymorphic seeds have different physiological requirements which provide alternative situations for seed germination in natural habitats.  相似文献   

对采自中国云南省高海拔地区-稀有低额溞-喜马拉雅低额溞(Simocephalus himalayensis)在低海拔地区实验室内不同温度梯度下的生长及生殖能力进行了研究.结果表明:高海拔地区生活的低额溞在低海拔地区的相应环境中同样生长繁殖良好,其繁殖率、最大生殖量及种群的增长能力不受海拔高度及不同环境条件的影响.在一定温度条件下(15-31℃,误差为±1℃),喜马拉雅低额溞的发育速率随温度的升高而加快,但在32℃时减慢.在通常培养条件下,喜马拉雅低额溞一般有4个幼龄期(15℃时部分溞体有5个幼龄),16-19个成龄,平均寿命通常为74d(15℃)、54d(20℃)、39d(25℃)和24d(30℃).平均总产仔量在15-25℃最高,分别为449个(15℃)、482个(20℃)和447个(25℃).各温度梯度下的体长增长模型都表明,其体长与龄期之间存在显著的对数关系.每溞平均生殖量以20℃时最高,种群的内禀增长率(rm)和一生的生殖次数都以25℃时最高,净增殖率(R0)以20℃最高.喜马拉雅低额溞最适合的繁殖温度范围在15-25℃.研究还对该种与相应种类在不同温度条件下的生殖量和生物学特性进行了比较.  相似文献   

1. The time course of germination of Grand Rapids lettuce seedshas heen followed with different combinations of temperature(3°–35°) and irradiation (red or far-red light).For each set of conditions the following three parameters weredetermined: (i) the time required for half maximum germination,(ii) the rate of germination during the actively germinatingphase, and (iii) the maximum germination attained. In general,as the temperature was lowered, with dark-imbibed seeds, (i)became longer, (ii) became lower, but (iii) became progressivelyhigher. The effect of red light at any temperature was to shorten(i) and increase (ii) and (iii) over the values dark controls.Far-red light exerted an effect opposite to that of red light.Temperatures higher than 25° inhibited (ii) and (iii) underany light conditions. The optimum temperature to the actionof red and far-red light is 25°, at which the stimulatoryeffect of red light and the inhibition of this effect by far-redlight are both maximal. 2. The growth of the radicles of de-coated seeds of Grand Rapidslettuce shows two phases at all temperatures studied. PhaseI is characterized by slow but linear growth which continuesuntil shortly after visible differentiation of the radicle intothe hypocotyl and the root. Phase II is a phase of active growthin which the total length reflects mainly the length of theroot. The optimum temperature for Phase I is 25°-35°,and that, for Phase II is 25°. In neither phase, and atnone of the temperatures studied, is there any effect of redor far-red radiation on the growth of the radicle. The firstvisible sign of radicle elongation in red light induced seeds,however, takes place at exactly the same time as that of germination. 3. Similarities and dissimilarities between the germinationand the growth are pointed out, and it is concluded that thetwo phenomena are different, but proceed at sites closely associatedin the embryo. 1Present address: Johnson Foundation for Medical Physics, Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.  相似文献   

The germination behavior and early growth of chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) progeny of Impatiens capensis were investigated in two eastern Nebraska stands. Field germination of families of buried seeds was scored in mid-April. In one stand a significantly higher proportion of CL seeds germinated than CH seeds while no significant differences were observed in the second stand. Among-family variation in germination rates was significant in both stands. The time course of field germination was similar for CL and CH seeds. A sample of the germinated CL and CH seedlings, matched in size, was planted individually in pots and grown in the greenhouse for five wk. Early growth of CL and CH seedlings was similar. In addition, CL seedlings were as variable as CH seedlings for four morphological traits. Overall, a large fitness advantage for CH progeny was not detected in the germination and early growth of Impatiens capensis seedlings.  相似文献   

侧杂食线螨的生长发育与温湿度的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
侧杂食线螨Polyphagotarsonemus latus(Banks)亦称黄茶螨,严重为害茶叶、茄子、辣椒等作物,造成损失,该螨发育速率与温度成逻辑斯蒂曲线关系。在30℃以下随温度的上升而加快,但在35℃下速度反而减慢。本文用接近致死50%的上下两个温度结合内插法来估计高温致死点,更为简单、精确。本试验测定侧杂食线螨雌螨致死中温为43.60℃,用内插法估计为43.86℃,两者十分接近。湿度对其发育速度的影响不如温度影响显著。  相似文献   

温度和氮磷浓度对平裂藻和栅藻生长及竞争的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(6):1217-1223
为了解温度及氮磷浓度对平裂藻和栅藻生长及竞争的影响,分别在18、25和35℃条件下,以BG11培养基为基础,设置了不同的氮磷浓度组,进行了2种藻的单独培养试验和混合培养试验,结果表明:在纯培养条件下,低营养浓度组(磷浓度分别为0.1和0.5 mg/L)平裂藻在3种温度下基本停止生长,高营养盐浓度组(磷浓度分别为1.0和1.5 mg/L)除18℃1.0 mg/L组停止生长外,其余均能正常生长增殖,且细胞最大密度表现为25℃ 18℃ 35℃, 1.5和1.0 mg/L浓度组细胞生长差异不显著。栅藻在纯培养条件下,细胞密度总体表现为随着营养盐浓度升高而增加的趋势,细胞最大密度表现为18℃ 25℃ 35℃。在混合培养试验中,除35℃、1.5 mg/L组平裂藻对栅藻的竞争抑制参数大于栅藻对平裂藻的竞争抑制参数外,其余试验组均表现为栅藻受平裂藻影响较小。在混合培养体系中, 0.1 mg/L组平裂藻仍基本停止生长, 0.5 mg/L组受栅藻的刺激作用,生长优于纯培养体系。1.0和1.5 mg/L组均受栅藻的抑制作用,且浓度越高抑制作用越强。    相似文献   

1. With constant temperature and light intensity, the rate of elongation of a sporangiophore of Phycomyces is constant for many hours. 2. With constant light intensity, values of µ, the "critical thermal increment," have been computed for the elongation of different sporangiophores. These values group themselves closely about the modes 11,000, 16,000, 20,000, 26,000, and 33,000 calories. Sporangiophores from the same culture need not have similar increments. 3. The significance of these results for studies of growth is discussed.  相似文献   

温度和盐度对青蛤孵化及幼虫、稚贝存活与生长变态的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在9个温度梯度(10-34℃)和10个盐度梯度(盐度3‰-50‰)条件下,研究了温度和盐度对青蛤孵化及幼 虫、稚贝生存与生长变态的影响。结果表明,青蛤孵化和浮游幼虫生长的适温范围为24-32℃,最适温度均为26- 30℃,稚贝生长的适温范围为22-32℃,最适温度为24-30℃。在最适温度下,D形幼虫变态率达80.7%-88.2%, 浮游幼虫和稚贝的存活率分别为86.2%-88.7%和81.5%-84.0%;孵化及浮游幼虫的生长适宜盐度为15‰- 30‰,稚贝为10‰-35‰,最适盐度均为20‰-25‰。在最适盐度下,D形幼虫的成活率、变态率、生长速度皆最高, 分别达到86.9%、77.5%和9.38×11.0μm/d,匍匐幼虫经14-14.5d发育至双管期稚贝,至双管期稚贝的成活率 82.5%-85.0%,日平均生长达13.1μm以上。与大多数滩涂贝类一样,青蛤属于广温广盐性贝类,且稚贝对低盐的 适应能力强于对高盐的适应能力。  相似文献   

Trade‐offs can exist within and across environments, and constrain evolutionary trajectories. To examine the effects of competition and resource availability on trade‐offs, we grew individuals of recombinant inbred lines of Impatiens capensis in a factorial combination of five densities with two light environments (full light and neutral shade) and used a Bayesian logistic growth analysis to estimate intrinsic growth rates. To estimate across‐environment constraints, we developed a variance decomposition approach to principal components analysis, which accounted for sample size, model‐fitting, and within‐RIL variation prior to eigenanalysis. We detected negative across‐environment genetic covariances in intrinsic growth rates, although only under full‐light. To evaluate the potential importance of these covariances, we surveyed natural populations of I. capensis to measure the frequency of different density environments across space and time. We combined our empirical estimates of across‐environment genetic variance–covariance matrices and frequency of selective environments with hypothetical (yet realistic) selection gradients to project evolutionary responses in multiple density environments. Selection in common environments can lead to correlated responses to selection in rare environments that oppose and counteract direct selection in those rare environments. Our results highlight the importance of considering both the frequency of selective environments and the across‐environment genetic covariances in traits simultaneously.  相似文献   

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