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CpG dinucleotides are mutation hot spots in phenylketonuria   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The coding region of the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene contains 22 CpG dinucleotides, including five doublets in the seventh exon of the gene. We hypothesized that CpG doublets could represent mutation hot spots in PAH deficiencies and we carried out the systematic sequence analysis of exon 7 in 20 unrelated PAH-deficient kindreds of Mediterranean ancestry. This procedure resulted in the detection of two novel missense mutations whose location and nature (CG to CA and CG to TG) were consistent with the accidental deamination of a 5-methylcytosine in a CpG doublet (codon 261arg----gln and codon 252arg----trp). Moreover, the codon 261 mutation was found to be associated with mutant restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) haplotype 1, the most frequent mutant RFLP haplotype at the PAH locus in the studies reported thus far. However, since the mutation was detected in only 36% of haplotype 1 mutant alleles, it appears that this haplotype at the PAH locus is genotypically heterogeneous in Mediterranean countries.  相似文献   

Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) is an efficient method for detection of mutations involving a single or few numbers of nucleotides, and it has been successfully used for mutation detection in disease-related genes. Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers, and mutations in the genes for hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC), hMLH1 and hMSH2, also involve mainly point mutations. Sequence analysis is supposed to be a screening method with high sensitivity; however, it is time-consuming and expensive. We therefore decided to test sensitivity and reproducibility of DHPLC for 71 sequence variants in hMLH1 and hMSH2 initially found by sequence analysis in DNA samples of German HNPCC patients. DHPLC conditions of the PCR products were based on the melting pattern of the wild-type sequence of the corresponding PCR fragments. All but one of the 71 mutations was detected using DHPLC (sensitivity of 97%). Running time per sample averaged only 7 min, and the system is highly automated. Thus DHPLC is a rapid and sensitive method for the detection of hMLH1 and hMSH2 sequence variants.  相似文献   

There is a critical need to understand why missense mutations are deleterious. The deleterious effects of missense mutations are commonly attributed to their impact on primary amino acid sequence and protein structure. However, several recent studies have shown that some missense mutations are deleterious because they disturb cis-acting splicing elements-so-called "exonic splicing enhancers" (ESEs). It is not clear whether the ESE-related deleterious effects of missense mutations are common. We have evaluated colocalization of pathogenic missense mutations (found in affected individuals) with high-score ESE motifs in the human mismatch-repair genes hMSH2 and hMLH1. We found that pathogenic missense mutations in the hMSH2 and hMLH1 genes are located in ESE sites significantly more frequently than expected. Pathogenic missense mutations also tended to decrease ESE scores, thus leading to a higher propensity for splicing defects. In contrast, nonpathogenic missense mutations (polymorphisms found in unaffected individuals) and nonsense mutations are distributed randomly in relation to ESE sites. Comparison of the observed and expected frequencies of missense mutations in ESE sites shows that pathogenic effects of >/=20% of mutations in hMSH2 result from disruption of ESE sites and disturbed splicing. Similarly, pathogenic effects of >/=16% of missense mutations in the hMLH1 gene are ESE related. The colocalization of pathogenic missense mutations with ESE sites strongly suggests that their pathogenic effects are splicing related.  相似文献   

张渊智  盛剑秋  张宏  陈彪  李世荣 《生物磁学》2009,(15):2854-2857
目的:探讨遗传性非息肉病性结直肠癌(HNPCC)家系中错配修复基因hMLH1和hMSH2种系突变携带者发生HNPCC相关恶性肿瘤的累积风险度。方法:通过随访14个HNPCC家系中222例hMLH1或hMSH2种系突变携带者与非携带者,应用SPSS14.0统计软件包分析种系突变携带者在不同年龄点发生HNPCC相关恶性肿瘤的累积风险度及两种基因种系突变累积患癌风险的差异。结果:hMLH1或hMSH2种系突变携带者肿瘤发生率为63.8%(60/94),非突变携带者肿瘤发生率为0.8%(1/128),种系突变携带者发生恶性肿瘤的相对危险度为非突变携带者的317.6倍;种系突变携带者发生各种HNPCC相关恶性肿瘤的累积风险度随年龄的增加逐渐增大,在60岁时发生各种HNPCC相关恶性肿瘤、结直肠癌、胃癌等的平均累积风险度分别为92.4%、81.3%、29.6%,40岁以前发生胃癌的平均风险度较低(6.1%);hMLH1与hMSH2种系突变携带者发生各种HNPCC相关恶性肿瘤、结直肠癌、胃癌等累积风险度的差异无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。结论:hMLH1或hMSH2种系突变携带者为HNPCC家系中患癌高危人群,发生HNPCC相关恶性肿瘤的风险度随年龄的增加而增大,最常发生恶性肿瘤的部位为胃和结直肠;hMLH1与hMSH2种系突变携带者发生各种HNPCC相关恶性肿瘤的累积风险度无明显差异。  相似文献   

From nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial and chloroplast genes the probable frequency of the CpG----TpG + CpA substitutions was determined. These substitutions may indicate the level of prior DNA methylation. It was found that the level of this methylation is significantly lower in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and chloroplast DNA (chDNA) than in nuclear DNA (nDNA) of the same species. The species (taxon) specificity of mtDNA and chDNA methylation was revealed. A correlation was found between the level of CpG methylation in nDNA, and mtDNA and chDNA in different organisms. It is shown that cytosine residues in CpG were not subjected to significant methylation in the fungi and invertebrate mtDNA and also in the algae chDNA. In contrast, the vertebrate mtDNA bears the impress of CpG-supression, which is confirmed by direct data on methylation of these DNA. Here the first data on the possible enzymatic methylation of the plant mtDNA and chDNA were obtained. It was shown that the degree of CpG-suppression in the 5S rRNA nuclear genes of lower and higher plants is significantly higher in the chloroplast genes of 4,5S and 5S rRNA. From data on pea chDNA hydrolysis with MspI and HpaII it was established that in CCGG sequences this DNA is not methylated. The role of DNA methylation in increasing the mutation rate and in accelerating the evolutionary rates of vertebrate mtDNA is discussed.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation and the fate of CpG dinucleotides in vertebrate genomes   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
Summary The dinucleotide CpG is a hotspot for mutation in the human genome as a result of (1) the modification of the 5 cytosine by cellular DNA methyltransferases and (2) the consequent high frequency of spontaneous deamination of 5-methyl cytosine (5mC) to thymidine. DNA methylation thus contributes significantly, albeit indirectly, to the incidence of human genetic disease. We have attempted to estimate for the first time the in vivo rate of deamination of 5mC from the measured rate of 5mC deamination in vitro and the known error frequency of the cellular G/T mismatch-repair system. The accuracy and utility of this estimate (m d ) was then assessed by comparison with clinical data, and an improved estimate of m d (1.66x10-16 s-1) was derived. Comparison of the CpG mutation rates exibited by globin gene and pseudogene sequences from human, chimpanzee and macaque provided further estimates of m d , all of which were consistent with the first. Use of this value in a mathematical model then permitted the estimation of the length of time required to produce the level of CpG suppression currently found in the bulk DNA of vertebrate genomes. This time span, approximately 450 million years, corresponds closely to the estimated time since the emergence and adaptive radiation of the vertebrates and thus coincides with the probable advent of heavily methylated genomes. An accurate estimate of the 5mC deamination rate is important not only for clinical medicine but also for studies of gene evolution. Our data suggest both that patterns of vertebrate gene methylation may be comparatively stable over relatively long periods of evolutionary time, and that the rate of CpG deamination can, under certain limited conditions, serve as a molecular clock.  相似文献   

DNA sequence information that directs the translational positioning of nucleosomes can be attenuated by cytosine methylation when a short run of CpG dinucleotides is located close to the dyad axis of the nucleosome. Here, we show that point mutations introduced to re-pattern methylation at the (CpG)3 element in the chicken βA-globin promoter sequence themselves strongly influenced nucleosome formation in reconstituted chromatin. The disruptive effect of cytosine methylation on nucleosome formation was found to be determined by the sequence context of CpG dinucleotides, not just their location in the positioning sequence. Additional mutations indicated that methylation can also promote the occupation of certain nucleosome positions. DNase I analysis demonstrated that these genetic and epigenetic modifications altered the structural characteristics of the (CpG)3 element. Our findings support a proposal that the intrinsic structural properties of the DNA at the −1.5 site, as occupied by (CpG)3 in the nucleosome studied, can be decisive for nucleosome formation and stability, and that changes in anisotropic DNA bending or flexibility at this site explain why nucleosome positioning can be exquisitely sensitive to genetic and epigenetic modification of the DNA sequence.  相似文献   

From nucleotide sequences of more than 70 histones genes in 15 species of eucaryotes the probable frequency was determined for CpG----TpG + CpA substitutions, occurring as a result of deamination of 5-methylcytosine residues in DNA. It was found that histone genes differ in the character of CpG methylation with respect to the species studied and may be divided into three groups differing in the value of CpG suppression. In one of them, M-, CpG dinucleotides must have not been methylated throughout the existence of these genes; in another, M+, nearly every other CpG has undergone transition. In the third group, M +/-, no more than 20% of CpG have steadily undergone methylation (and mutation). The CpG deficiency in M+ and M +/- histone genes is in general proportional to the level of methylation of total DNA in different species. It has been noted that the genes of different core histones in the same organism are characterized, as a rule, by the same type of CpG methylation and belong to the same group. Genes H1 and H5 show a higher level of CpG suppression and thus have a higher degree of methylation than the genes of core histones from the same organism. The most conserved among the histone genes, those for H3 and H4 in particular, must have not been methylated in the majority of the species studied. The distribution of methylated and non-methylated spacers and coding sequences of histone genes of man, mouse, hen and yeast reveals a mosaic pattern. It has been found that 5'-flanked regions in most cases are methylated more than respective genes, while the G + C content in them is significantly lower, compared with the coding gene sequences. The absence of methylation in the 5'-regulatory regions does not appear to be mandatory for histone genes. It has been established that the genes of the same histones may differ in the level of methylation even in more or less closely related species. Group M- comprises genes of core histones of man, hen, sea urchin, Drosophila, Neurospora and wheat; group M +/- includes analogous genes of mouse, Xenopus, trout and sea urchins. The results obtained testify against the possible universal involvement of methylation in the regulation of histone gene expression.  相似文献   

Germline and somatic mutations of the hMSH2 gene were determined in a Japanese hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) family fulfilling the Amsterdam criteria. PCR-SSCP-sequencing of genomic DNA detected a somatic hMSH2 mutation of an A deletion at codon 227-229 in a duodenal carcinoma and a somatic hMSH2 mutation of an A insertion at codon 21 in a gastric carcinoma from affected family members, both carcinomas exhibiting high microsatellite instability. However, no germline hMSH2 mutation was detected by the PCR-SSCP-sequencing method. Genomic DNA was then analyzed by Southern blot hybridization using three hMSH2 cDNA probes (probe A involving exons 1-5, probe B involving exons 4-11 and probe C involving exons 9-16) after digestion by restriction enzymes, EcoRI, HindIII and NsiI. The NsiI digest of DNA from normal tissues of affected members exhibited an aberrant 8.6 kb restriction fragment, in addition to the normal 10.6 kb fragment, when hybridized to probes A and B. This suggested the presence of a heterozygous 2kb genomic deletion encompassing exon 4, 5 or 6. RT-PCR-sequencing revealed that the deleted region encompassed exon 5. This novel genomic deletion of the hMSH2 gene was confirmed to be pathogenic, and the Southern hybridization pattern was applied to the pre-symptomatic diagnosis.  相似文献   

Wei W  Liu F  Liu L  Li Z  Zhang X  Jiang F  Shi Q  Zhou X  Sheng W  Cai S  Li X  Xu Y  Nan P 《BMB reports》2011,44(5):317-322
Hereditary non-polyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) is an autosomal dominant inheritance syndrome. HNPCC is the most common hereditary variant of colorectal cancer (CRC), which accounts for 2-5% CRCs, mainly due to hMLH1 and hMSH2 mutations that impair DNA repair functions. Our study aimed to identify the patterns of hMSH2 and hMLH1 mutations in Chinese HNPCC patients. Ninety-eight unrelated families from China meeting Amsterdam or Bethesda criteria were included in our study. Germline mutations in MLH1 and MSH2 genes, located in the exons and the splice-site junctions, were screened in the 98 probands by direct sequencing. Eleven mutations were found in ten patients (11%), with six in MLH1 (54.5%) and five in MSH2 (45.5%) genes. One patient had mutations in both MLH1 and MSH2 genes. Three novel mutations in MLH1 gene (c.157_160delGAGG, c.2157dupT and c.-64G>T) were found for the first time, and one suspected hotspot in MSH2 (c.1168C>T) was revealed.  相似文献   

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) is a relatively common autosomal dominant cancer-susceptibility condition. The recent isolation of the DNA mismatch repair genes (hMSH2, hMLH1, hPMS1, and hPMS2) responsible for HNPCC has allowed the search for germ-line mutations in affected individuals. In this study we used denaturing gradient-gel electrophoresis to screen for mutations in the hMSH2 gene. Analysis of all the 16 exons of hMSH2, in 34 unrelated HNPCC kindreds, has revealed seven novel pathogenic germ-line mutations resulting in stop codons either directly or through frameshifts. Additionally, nucleotide substitutions giving rise to one missense, two silent, and one useful polymorphism have been identified. The proportion of families in which hMSH2 mutations were found is 21%. Although the spectrum of mutations spread at the hMSH2 gene among HNPCC patients appears extremely heterogeneous, we were not able to establish any correlation between the site of the individual mutations and the corresponding tumor spectrum. Our results indicate that, given the genomic size and organization of the hMSH2 gene and the heterogeneity of its mutation spectrum, a rapid and efficient mutation detection procedure is necessary for routine molecular diagnosis and presymptomatic detection of the disease in a clinical setup.  相似文献   

Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) is a syndrome characterized by familial predisposition to colorectal carcinoma and extracolonic cancers of the gastrointestinal, urological, and female reproductive tracts. This dominant disorder is caused by germline defects in one of at least five DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes: hMLH1, hMSH2, hPMS1, hPMS2, and hMSH6 (GTBP). Germline mutations of hMSH2 and hMLH1 are also frequently identified in families not fulfilling all the Amsterdam criteria, thereby demonstrating that the involvement of these genes is not confined to typical HNPCC. To evaluate the respective involvement of the various MMR genes in typical and incomplete HNPCC syndromes, we have performed an analysis of the hMLH1, hMSH2, hPMS1, hPMS2, and hMSH6 genes in a large series of French kindreds (n=75) with colorectal tumors and/or aggregation of extracolonic cancers belonging to the HNPCC spectrum. Mutational analysis has been performed in all families, without preselection for the tumor phenotype. We have detected 26 pathogenic germline mutations of the hMLH1 and hMSH2 genes and several novel variants of the hPMS1, hPMS2, and hMSH6 genes. Our data confirm that, regardless of the type of families and the tumor phenotype, hPMS1, hPMS2, and hMSH6 germline mutations are rare in familial aggregation of colorectal cancers. Furthermore, they suggest that the presence of multiple primary malignancies in a single individual and the observation of extracolonic tumors in relatives of a colorectal cancer patient should be included among the guidelines for referring patients for genetic testing. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary Most individuals with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) are heterozygous for dominant mutations in one of the genes that encode the chains of type I collagen. Each of the more than 30 mutations characterized to date has been unique to the affected member (s) of the family. We have determined that two individuals with a progressive deforming variety of OI, OI type III, have the same new dominant mutation [1(I)gly154 to arg] and that two unrelated infants with perinatal lethal OI, OI type II, share a second new dominant muation [1(I)gly1003 to ser]. These mutations occurred at CpG dinucleotides, in a manner consistent with deamination of a methylated cytosine residue, and raise the possibility that CpG dinucleotides are common sites of recurrent mutations in collagen genes. Further, these findings confirm that the OI type-III phenotype, previously thought to be inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, can result from new dominant mutations in the COL1A1 gene of type-I collagen.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, DNA has to bend significantly to pack inside the nucleus. Physical properties of DNA such as bending flexibility and curvature are expected to affect DNA packaging and partially determine the nucleosome positioning patterns inside a cell. DNA CpG methylation, the most common epigenetic modification found in DNA, is known to affect the physical properties of DNA. However, its detailed role in nucleosome formation is less well‐established. In this study, we evaluated the effect of defined CpG patterns (unmethylated and methylated) on DNA structure and their respective nucleosome‐forming ability. Our results suggest that the addition of CpG dinucleotides, either as a (CG)n stretch or (CGX8)n repeats at 10 bp intervals, lead to reduced hydrodynamic radius and decreased nucleosome‐forming ability of DNA. This effect is more predominant for a DNA stretch ((CG)5) located in the middle of a DNA fragment. Methylation of CpG sites, surprisingly, seems to reduce the difference in DNA structure and nucleosome‐forming ability among DNA constructs with different CpG patterns. Our results suggest that unmethylated and methylated CpG patterns can play very different roles in regulating the physical properties of DNA. CpG methylation seems to reduce the DNA conformational variations affiliated with defined CpG patterns. Our results can have significant bearings in understanding the nucleosome positioning pattern in living organisms modulated by DNA sequences and epigenetic features. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 517–524, 2014.  相似文献   

Mining is among the human activities with widest environmental impacts, and mining-impacted environments are characterized by high levels of metals that can co-select for antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in microorganisms. However, ARGs in mining-impacted environments are still poorly understood. Here, we conducted a comprehensive study of ARGs in such environments worldwide, taking advantage of 272 metagenomes generated from a global-scale data collection and two national sampling efforts in China. The average total abundance of the ARGs in globally distributed studied mine sites was 1572 times per gigabase, being rivaling that of urban sewage but much higher than that of freshwater sediments. Multidrug resistance genes accounted for 40% of the total ARG abundance, tended to co-occur with multimetal resistance genes, and were highly mobile (e.g. on average 16% occurring on plasmids). Among the 1848 high-quality metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), 85% carried at least one multidrug resistance gene plus one multimetal resistance gene. These high-quality ARG-carrying MAGs considerably expanded the phylogenetic diversity of ARG hosts, providing the first representatives of ARG-carrying MAGs for the Archaea domain and three bacterial phyla. Moreover, 54 high-quality ARG-carrying MAGs were identified as potential pathogens. Our findings suggest that mining-impacted environments worldwide are underexplored hotspots of multidrug resistance genes.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Environmental microbiology  相似文献   

Hereditary and sporadic gastrointestinal cancer of the microsatellite mutator phenotype (MMP) is characterized by a remarkable genomic instability at simple repeated sequences. The genomic instability is often caused by germline and somatic mutations in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes hMSH2 and hMLH1. The MMP can be also caused by epigenetic inactivation of hMLH1. The MMP generates many somatic frameshift mutations in genes containing mononucleotide repeats. We previously reported that in MMP tumors the hMSH6 and hMSH3 MMR genes often carry frameshift mutations in their (C)(8) and (A)(8) tracks, respectively. We proposed that these 'secondary mutator mutations' contribute to a gradual manifestation of the MMP. Here we report the detection of other frameshift, nonsense, and missense mutations in these genes in colon and gastric cancers of the MMP. A germline frameshift mutation was found in hMSH6 in a colon tumor harboring another somatic frameshift mutation. Several germline sequence variants and somatic missense mutations at conserved residues were detected in hMSH6 and only one was detected in hMSH3. Of the three hMSH6 germline variants in conserved residues, one coexisted with a somatic mutation at the (C)(8) track and another had a somatic missense mutation. We suggest that some of these germline and somatic missense variants are pathogenic. While biallelic hMSH6 and hMSH3 frameshift mutations were found in some tumors, many tumors seemed to contain only monoallelic mutations. In some tumors, these somatic monoallelic frameshift mutations at the (C)(8) and (A)(8) tracks were found to coexist with other somatic mutations in the other allele, supporting their functionality during tumorigenesis. However, the low incidence of these additional somatic mutations in hMSH6 and hMSH3 leaves many tumors with only monoallelic mutations. The impact of the frameshift mutations in gene expression was studied by comparative analysis of RNA and protein expression in different tumor cell clones with different genotypes. The results show that the hMSH6 (C)(8) frameshift mutation abolishes protein expression, ruling out a dominant negative effect by a truncated protein. We suggest the functionality of these secondary monoallelic mutator mutations in the context of an accumulative haploinsufficiency model.  相似文献   

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