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The susceptibility of rats to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced by myelin basic protein (MBP) was studied in a variety of genetic crosses. Rats were evaluated according to weight loss, neurological symptoms, and histological criteria. The results demonstrate that three different types of genes are involved in susceptibility. AnRTI-linked gene is necessary but not sufficient for full expression of EAE induced by MBP in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). Additional genes are required for the occurrence of histological EAE, but a full-blown inflammatory reaction is not sufficient for the expression of clinical EAE. A third type of gene, which can be demonstrated in appropriate crosses, is required for the consistent expression of clinical symptoms. Dominant genes for resistance to clinical symptoms were transferred to the Lewis (LEW) background from the BN.B1 strain through two generations of backcrossing. Thus, there are genetically controlled mechanisms involved in the neurological expression of EAE which are independent of the inflammatory reaction as observed in central nervous system (CNS) histology.  相似文献   

The Serengeti wildebeest migration is a rare and spectacular example of a once-common biological phenomenon. A proposed road project threatens to bisect the Serengeti ecosystem and its integrity. The precautionary principle dictates that we consider the possible consequences of a road completely disrupting the migration. We used an existing spatially-explicit simulation model of wildebeest movement and population dynamics to explore how placing a barrier to migration across the proposed route (thus creating two disjoint but mobile subpopulations) might affect the long-term size of the wildebeest population. Our simulation results suggest that a barrier to migration--even without causing habitat loss--could cause the wildebeest population to decline by about a third. The driver of this decline is the effect of habitat fragmentation (even without habitat loss) on the ability of wildebeest to effectively track temporal shifts in high-quality forage resources across the landscape. Given the important role of the wildebeest migration for a number of key ecological processes, these findings have potentially important ramifications for ecosystem biodiversity, structure, and function in the Serengeti.  相似文献   

Species of the Enterobacter cloacae complex are widely encountered in nature, but they can act as pathogens. The biochemical and molecular studies on E. cloacae have shown genomic heterogeneity, comprising six species: Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter asburiae, Enterobacter hormaechei, Enterobacter kobei, Enterobacter ludwigii and Enterobacter nimipressuralis, E. cloacae and E. hormaechei are the most frequently isolated in human clinical specimens. Phenotypic identification of all species belonging to this taxon is usually difficult and not always reliable; therefore, molecular methods are often used. Although the E. cloacae complex strains are among the most common Enterobacter spp. causing nosocomial bloodstream infections in the last decade, little is known about their virulence-associated properties. By contrast, much has been published on the antibiotic-resistance features of these microorganisms. In fact, they are capable of overproducing AmpC β-lactamases by derepression of a chromosomal gene or by the acquisition of a transferable ampC gene on plasmids conferring the antibiotic resistance. Many other resistance determinants that are able to render ineffective almost all antibiotic families have been recently acquired. Most studies on antimicrobial susceptibility are focused on E. cloacae, E. hormaechei and E. asburiae; these studies reported small variations between the species, and the only significant differences had no discriminating features.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and resistance to marine pollution   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We tested in the laboratory three pairs of species belonging to three genera and families of marine gastropods, Monodonta turbinata, M. turbiformis (Trochidae), Littorina punctata, L. neritoides (Littorinidae), Cerithium scabridum, C. rupestre (Cerithiidae), for resistance to diverse inorganic (heavy metals and NaC1) and organic (detergents and crude oil) pollutants. Each pair consisted of one narrow-niche species with low genetic diversity and one broad-niche species with higher genetic diversity. Evidence is presented that in all three cases the species with a higher level of genetic diversity was more resistant to all pollutants than its counterpart. These results suggest that fitness is positively correlated with heterozygosity and support the niche-width-variation hypothesis in regard to pollutants. The results also have practical implications for the identification of optimum marine species as genetic monitors of pollution.  相似文献   

Aside from representing a physical barrier and providing an unfavorable chemical milieu to viral and bacterial infections, mucosae of gut and female genital tract also contain organized lymphoid structures that support the initiation of anti-microbial immune responses, and more diffuse lymphoid tissues that represent immune effector mucosal sites. Local expression of specific chemokines orchestrates lymphoid cell trafficking and positioning in the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, leading to their efficient priming during antigenic stimulations as well as their specific homing back where they were primed. This review examines productions and roles of mucosae-specific chemokines in healthy and pathological conditions, as well as their possible positive and deleterious effects during mucosal HIV infection.  相似文献   

Chromosomal genes conferring resistance to trimethoprim were transferred from three independently isolated thy+ clinical strains of Escherichia coli to Escherichia coli K12 by using P1 transduction. Trimethoprim-resistant transductants were obtained less frequently than transductants of other chromosomal markers, suggesting that there were problems related to the expression of the trimethoprim resistance genes in E. coli K12. Mapping studies revealed that one of the resistance determinants was located at a similar position on the chromosome (1 min) to the fol-type mutations previously described in E. coli K12. The two remaining resistance determinants mapped at separate positions between 2.5 and 3 min on the chromosome. The presence of one of these determinants reduced the efficiency with which either donor or recipient cells carrying it could participate in conjugation mediated by the sex factor F and also resulted in phenotypic interaction with the azi gene. The mechanisms of trimethoprim resistance in the three clinical E. coli isolates studied were more complex and diverse than was expected from previous studies of E. coli K12 mutants.  相似文献   

Parasitic nematodes cause huge economic losses to the domestic livestock industry. Control requires skilled farm management and heavy use of anthelmintics, but breeding for resistant animals has long been held a possibility. For about 20 years after World War ll, the genetics of association between sheep breeds and Haemonchus contortus - the main parasite of importance in sheep - was studied in the USA and Europe. Since the early 1970s, however, such studies have received greater emphasis in Australia, where anthelmintic resistance has become widespread. In this article, Douglas Gray discusses the background to breeding programmes for resistance to hoemonchosis - paying homage to the 'Golden Ram', a Merino believed to have carried a single major gene for immunological resistance to Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus.  相似文献   

There appears to be an emerging consensus that resistance to aluminium (Al) is mediated at the cellular level. Virtually all current hypotheses which seek to explain the basis of Al resistance have a cellular focus, including those which postulate that external mechanisms limit the rate of Al entry across the membrane and/or protect sensitive extracellular sites, as well as those which postulate that internal mechanisms detoxify Al in the cytoplasm. If Al resistance is a cellular phenomenon, it should be expressed in single cells. Attempts to demonstrate resistance in cell culture systems, however, have not been uniformly satisfying. Considerable uncertainty has arisen from use of experimental conditions which favour formation of insoluble or non-toxic Al species. This problem has plagued research which has attempted to select for Al resistance in cell culture systems, as well as research which has attempted to express existing patterns of differential resistance in cell culture systems. Despite technical problems such as this, work at the cellular level has provided some important contributions. Most importantly, we now know resistance to Al can be expressed at the cellular level. We have discovered also that plant cells accumulate Al much more rapidly in cell culture systems than in intact roots and that isolated cells are more sensitive to Al than complex tissues. While this type of research is still hampered by a number of technical barriers, it would appear that more rapid progress could be achieved if greater emphasis was placed on true experimental work. Furthermore, we need to begin evaluating experimental data in the context of an integrated Al stress response if we are to achieve a full understanding of the cellular basis of Al resistance.  相似文献   

Two unembalmed and one embalmed human cadaveric head-neck systems were instrumented and subjected to central forehead impact of ballistically suspended 3.07-kg aluminum shell at velocities ranging from 50 to 345 cm/s. Occipital skull accelerations and disk pressures were measured by transducers, while the deformation of the system was determined by framing camera data. The results were found to be in accord with those from corresponding tests in artificial head-neck replica. Initial and terminal X-ray examination of the structure revealed no evidence of either skull or vertebral fractures.  相似文献   

Genetic studies on resistance to clubroot in Brassica napus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rate of softening of apples of the variety Spartan was reduced by addition of 6 or 8% CO2 to a storage atmosphere of 2% O2 at 1 -5 oC. This effect was observed in three seasons and in samples from five sources. Sensory assessments suggested that addition of carbon dioxide to the storage atmosphere had no adverse effect on eating quality. Storage in 2% O2 at – 1 oC was as effective in maintaining flesh firmness as 8% CO2+ 2%O2 at 1–5 oC. Strategies for further reductions in firmness loss during storage of Spartan apples are discussed.  相似文献   

Premise of the study: The glacial cycles of the Quaternary did not impact Australia in the same way as Europe and North America. Here we investigate the history of population isolation, species differentiation, and hybridization in the southeastern Australian landscape, using five species of Lomatia (Proteaceae). We use a chloroplast DNA phylogeography to assess chloroplast haplotype (chlorotype) sharing among these species and whether species with shared distributions have been affected by shared biogeographic barriers. • Methods: We used six chloroplast DNA simple sequence repeats (cpSSR) across five species of Lomatia, sampled across their entire distributional range in southeastern Australia. Resulting size data were combined, presented as a network, and visualized on a map. Biogeographical barriers were tested using AMOVA. To explore hypotheses of chlorotype origin, we converted the network into a cladogram and reconciled with all possible species trees using parsimony-based tree mapping. • Key results: Some chlorotypes were shared across multiple species of Lomatia in the study, including between morphologically differentiated species. Chlorotypes were either widespread in distribution or geographically restricted to specific regions. Biogeographical structure was identified across the range of Lomatia. The most parsimonious reconciled tree incorporated horizontal transfer of chlorotypes. • Conclusions: Lomatia shows evidence of both incomplete lineage sorting and extensive hybridization between co-occurring species. Although the species in the study appear to have responded to a number of biogeographic barriers to varying degrees, our findings identified the Hunter River Valley as the most important long-term biogeographic barrier for the genus in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

In Western countries, therapeutic management of patients affected by choroidal neovascularization (CNV) secondary to different typologies of macular degeneration represents a major health care problem. Age-related macular degeneration is the disease most frequently associated with CNV development. Schematically, CNVs can be distinguished into classic and occult subtypes, which are characterized by variable natural history and different responsiveness to some therapeutic procedures. At present, the dramatic vision loss due to CNV can be mainly treated by two interventional strategies, which are utilizable in either single or combined modalities: photodynamic therapy with verteporfin (PDT-V), and intravitreal administration of drugs acting against vascular endothelial growth factor. The combined use of PDT-V and anti-angiogenic drugs represents one of the most promising strategies against neovascular macular degeneration, but it unavoidably results in an expensive increase in health resource utilization. However, the positive data from several studies serve as a basis for reconsidering the role of PDT-V, which has undergone a renaissance prompted by the need for a more rational therapeutic approach toward CNV. New pharmacogenetic knowledge of PDT-V points to exploratory prospects to optimize the clinical application of this intriguing photothrombotic procedure. In fact, a Medline search provides data regarding the role of several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as genetic predictors of CNV responsiveness to PDT-V. Specifically, correlations between SNPs and different levels of PDT-V efficacy have been detected by examining the gene variants influencing (i) thrombo-coagulative pathways, i.e. methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) 677C>T (rs1801133), factor V (F5) 1691G>A (rs6025), prothrombin (F2) 20210G>A (rs1799963), and factor XIII-A (F13A1) 185G>T (rs5985); (ii) complement activation and/or inflammatory processes, i.e. complement factor H (CFH) 1277T>C (rs1061170), high-temperature requirement factor A1 (HTRA1) promoter -512G>A (rs11200638), and two variants of the C-reactive protein (CRP) gene (rs2808635 and rs876538); and (iii) production and bioavailability of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGFA -2578C>A [rs699947] and rs2146323). This article critically evaluates both the clinical plausibility and the opportunity to utilize the most important SNP-response interactions of PDT-V for an effective upgrade of the current anti-CNV therapeutic scenario. In addition, the pharmacogenetics of a very severe post-PDT-V adverse event, i.e. a decrease in acute vision, is briefly discussed. A comprehensive appraisal of the findings reviewed in this article should be carefully considered to design future trials aimed at verifying (after proper genotypic stratification of the enrolled patients) whether these innovative pharmacogenetic approaches will be able to improve the multifaceted interventional management of neovascular macular degeneration.  相似文献   

The influence of genetic factors on acquired resistance to Haemonchus contortus infections in sheep was investigated. Animals whose primary infections were terminated with an anthelmintic failed to develop any immunity against subsequent challenge as judged by worm numbers. Nevertheless, all were better able to retard the development and reduce the fecundity and haematophagic activities of their parasite populations than animals undergoing primary infections. High levels of resistance, as judged by all these parameters, were observed in most animals when the challenge larvae were superimposed on existing worm populations. The patterns of worm establishment and disease indicated that genetic factors operated in determining resistance, since fewer worms became established and less severe clinical and pathophysiological changes were observed in Scottish Blackface than in Finn Dorset sheep with the same haemoglobin type. Similar advantages were displayed by animals with haemoglobin AA and to a lesser extent those with haemoglobin AB over haemoglobin BB types. The importance of breed was further indicated by the occurrence of 'self-cure' in the majority of the Scottish Blackfaces but in only one Finn Dorset. There was no evidence that this reaction was associated with haemoglobin type.  相似文献   

As machines that reprogramme eukaryotic cells to suit their own purposes, viruses present a difficult problem for multicellular hosts, and indeed, have become one of the central pre-occupations of the immune system. Unable to permanently outpace individual viruses in an evolutionary footrace, higher eukaryotes have evolved broadly active mechanisms with which to sense viruses and suppress their proliferation. These mechanisms have recently been elucidated by a combination of forward and reverse genetic methods. Some of these mechanisms are clearly ancient, whereas others are relatively new. All are remarkably adept at discriminating self from non-self, and allow the host to cope with what might seem an impossible predicament.  相似文献   

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