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Infection of mice with Trypanosoma cruzi elicits the production of parasite-specific antibodies which reach high levels and remain elevated for at least 105 days of infection. The more susceptible C3H(He) mouse actually has a higher level of "natural" antibodies for T. cruzi but may show a greater lag time in the production of antibodies in response to infection than the more resistant C57BL/6 mouse. Comparison of the kinetics of antibody production against T. cruzi and the numbers of immunoglobulin-producing cells in the spleen during the course of infection suggests that a large number of the immunoglobulin-producing cells are probably producing antibodies directed against the parasite and are not the result of an exhaustive polyclonal B-cell activation. Cell numbers in the spleen change dramatically both in total numbers and in the percentage of different cell types during infection with T. cruzi. The percentage of T cells in the spleen remains relatively unchanged throughout infection in both mouse strains tested but numbers of Ig-positive cells decrease markedly during the acute phase of infection while macrophage numbers increase up to sixfold. Cell numbers and proportions of B cells, T cells, and macrophages return to near normal values by 105 days of infection in the C57BL/6 mouse.  相似文献   

Band 3 of the human erythrocyte is involved in anion transport and binding of the cytoskeleton to the membrane bilayer. Human erythrocytes were treated to incorporate varying concentrations of DIDS (4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid) a non-penetrating, irreversible inhibitor of anion transport, and both functions of Band 3 were analyzed. The rate of efflux of 35SO4. was measured and the binding of cytoskeletal components to the membrane was evaluated by extracting the membranes with 0.1 n NaOH and analyzing for the peptides remaining with the membrane. It was found that 0.1 n NaOH extracts all the extrinsic proteins from membranes of untreated cells, while, in the case of the membranes from cells treated with DIDS, a portion of the cytoskeletal components, spectrin (Bands 1 and 2) and Band 2.1 (ankyrin, syndein) remain with the membrane. The amount of these cytoskeletal components remaining with the membrane depends on the concentrations of DIDS incorporated. The effect of DIDS on the extractability of the spectrin-Band 2.1 complex correlates well with DIDS inhibition of anion transport (r = 0.91). At DIDS concentrations which completely inhibit anion transport, about 10% of total spectrin-Band 2.1 complex remains unextracted. Another anion-transport inhibitor, pyridoxal phosphate, has no effect on binding of the cytoskeleton to the membrane. On the other hand, digestion of DIDS-pretreated intact erythrocytes with Pronase, chymotrypsin, or trypsin releases the tight binding of Band 3 to cytoskeleton on the inside of the membrane. Since trypsin does not hydrolyze Band 3 the data suggest that a second membrane protein which is trypsin sensitive may be involved with Band 3 in cytoskeletal binding.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice and BN rats manifesting persistent IgE and IgG responses were examined up to 1 year after immunization. A significant proportion of the ongoing antibody response in these animals survived lethal X-irradiation employing dosages sufficient to deplete B memory cells. The persistent IgE responses in both species were refractory to exogenous isotype-specific suppressor cells taken from tolerant syngeneic animals, which were shown to abrogate primary IgE responses in parallel tests. Employing a novel ELISA-based assay for plaque forming cells, long-lived radioresistant IgE- and IgG-secreting cells were identified in differing ratios in lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow of both species. These long-lived cells were shown to arise following maximum antigenic challenge with antigen plus adjuvant, and after repeated low-grade stimulation by antigen alone, including passive inhalation of dilute antigen aerosols.  相似文献   

M Jacquet  D Caput  E Falcoff  R Falcoff  F Gros 《Biochimie》1977,59(2):189-195
Complementary DNA (cDNA) from Mengo virus RNA has been synthesized and used as a probe to measure the synthesis and accumulation of viral RNA in Mengo infected L cell cultures, treated or untreated with interferon. Under experimental conditions used (200 units interferon/ml and 50 virus plaque-forming units/cell) results show that there is some synthesis of Mengo virus RNA in cells treated with interferon. One hour after infection, treated cells contain three times less viral RNA than untreated cells; five hours after infection, this difference has increased to ten fold. As in the control, no fragmented Mengo virus RNA molecules were found in interferon treated cells. The smaller recovery of infectious particles from interferon treated cells as compared to RNA accumulation suggests that not only RNA accumulation is inhibited but also a step posterior in viral maturation.  相似文献   

M Girard  L Marty  C Cajean  F Suarez 《Biochimie》1976,58(9):1101-1111
Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication was studied in vitro using cell free extracts prepared from SV40 infected CV1 cells. The cells were fractionated into a soluble cytoplasmic fraction and nuclei. The nuclei were lysed with high salt and used to prepare a soluble nuclear fraction. Both fractions displayed DNA polymerase activity as measured with activated calf thymus DNA. However, only the cytoplasmic fraction was active when SV40 DNA comonent I molecules were used as template. Under these conditions, the cytoplasmic extract was shown to catalyse the SV40 DNA dependent, in vitro incorporation of the four deoxyribonucleotides into DNA molecules which had, at both neutral and alkaline pH, the same sedimentation behavior as authentic SV40 DNA component I and component II molecules. Optimal Mg++ concentration was 5-8 mM. Incorporation of label into DNA component I molecules showed an initial lag of about 15 min., after which it was linear with time for up to 5 hrs at 32 degrees. Incorporation into DNA component II molecules proceeded without obvious lag and reached a plateau after approximately 2 hrs of incubation. It is concluded that the cytoplasmic extract supports the in vitro synthesis of SV40 DNA and that DNA component II molecules appear to be a precursor to DNA component I molecules in the reaction. Labeling of viral DNA molecules was highly dependent on ATP and on an ATP generating system. In the absence of ATP and of the energy generating system, incorporation occurred but both template and newly synthesized DNA molecules were extensively degraded.  相似文献   

Several strains of inbred mice were infected with the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani, and, at several points during the infection, spleens of groups of these mice were tested for natural killer (NK)-cell activity vs lymphoma target cells in vitro and were evaluated for parasite burdens. Generally, elevated followed by normal (compared to uninfected control mice) or subnormal NK responses occurred as the result of infection. Elevated NK responses were not accompanied by high circulating levels of interferon, yet infected mice responded to an injection of an interferon inducer with interferon production as great as control mice. No consistent correlations among susceptibility phenotype to L. donovani infection, spontaneous NK activity phenotype, and infection-induced NK activation/depression patterns were detected among the various strains of mice.  相似文献   

The fluorescent probe l-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) has been used to investigate the properties of plasma membranes derived from normal hepatocytes and from hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells as well as used to study the effects of Ca2+ and procaine on these membrane systems. The interaction of ANS with hepatocyte plasma membranes (50 nmol/mg protein; KD = 120,μM) resulted in a marked enhancement of fluorescence and a 20-nm blue shift. Both Ca2+ and procaine further increased the fluorescence intensity. Binding studies showed no alteration in the number of ANS binding sites but a significant decrease in KD (40–50 μm). Procaine was also shown to completely displace Ca2+ from the membrane. The interaction of ANS with HTC cell plasma membranes again resulted in an enhancement in fluorescence intensity but with different binding properties (102 nmol/mg protein; KD = 74 μM) from the hepatocyte system. The addition of Ca+2 resulted in the formation of high and low affinity ANS binding sites as shown by Scatchard plot analysis with KD values of 15 μm and 50 μm. The effect of procaine on ANS fluorescence in the normal and transformed cell membranes was indistinguishable; however, in the latter system procaine only displaced 60% of the bound Ca2+. These studies suggest several structural and binding alterations between plasma membranes derived from hepatocytes and HTC cells.  相似文献   

Mouse immune Interferon, induced by the T-cell mitogen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA), was partially purified and used to immunize rabbits. The resulting antiserum neutralized all immune interferon preparations tested, including interferon induced in vitro by SEA, concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin P, and pokeweed mitogen, and in mixed lymphocyte cultures. Interferon produced in vivo with specific antigen was also neutralized. The antiserum was equally potent against all these interferon preparations. The serum did not neutralize any virus-type interferon preparation tested, but immune interferon induced by SEA in athymic nude mouse spleen cells was neutralized. The neutralizing activity was precipitable by 33% ammonium sulfate, and was not removed by absorption of the serum with mouse cells. The data suggest that immune interferons produced under diverse conditions are antigenically the same or closely related.  相似文献   

Quenching of 12-(9-anthroyl) stearic acid (AS) fluorescence by cytochrome c occurs through an energy-transfer mechanism and can be used to measure the binding of the cytochrome to artificial and mitochondrial membranes. The quenching of AS3 fluorescence is biphasic (t12 below 25 msec and above 500 msec) and its extent diminishes at high salt concentration or at high pH and increases in the presence of negatively charged lipids.Addition of cytochrome c to cytochrome c-depleted mitochondria results in binding of the cytochrome to the membrane and quenching of AS fluorescence. The affinity of oxidized cytochrome c for cytochrome c-depleted mitochondria is 1.8 × 106m, while the affinity constant for reduced cytochrome c is 0.5 × 106m. The lower affinity of the reduced cytochrome c for mitochondrial membranes is in accordance with midpoint potential differences between the bound and free forms.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the interaction of various cytochromes c with phospholipid vesicles and with mitochondrial membranes was undertaken. Both mammalian and yeast types of cytochrome c bind preferentially in the oxidized form as evidenced by the midpoint redox potential (Em 7.0) becoming more negative upon binding. Cytochrome c which is reincorporated into cytochrome c-depleted mitochondria is kinetically comparable with the native cytochrome c component; rate of cytochrome b oxidation is maximally restored at ratios of c1:c:a of 1:1:1. Comparison between the electron paramagnetic spectrum of cytochrome c labeled at methionine 65 or cysteine 103 reveals that upon binding to the mitochondrial membrane, the former is immobilized and not the latter. This result suggests that cytochrome c binds to the membrane at the side at which methionine 65 is located.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ATPase inactivation by interaction with its substrate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Purified F1-ATPase is slowly inactivated by interaction, in a preincubation medium, with its substrate MgATP. Interaction with Mg2+ before addition of ATP to the preincubation medium is essential to induce the inactivation. This inactivation is different from other Mg2+-induced inhibitions previously described. Free ATP concentration is implicated in the inactivation process and a linear relationship can be established between this concentration and the number of turnovers which are necessary for total inactivation. ITP, 2′-dATP, and GTP can also induce inactivation. Although ITP and GTP are hydrolyzed at a lower rate than ATP and 2′-dATP, they induce inactivation after a smaller number of turnovers than the latter. This process closely follows a kinetics of the type described for suicide enzymes. A reaction scheme is suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

An IgG1 monoclonal antibody, termed ACM-1, has been shown to react with rabbit T cells, but not Ig+ cells or macrophages. This antibody appears to recognize the same epitope as the previously described 9AE10 antibody and, together with 9AE10, has been used to obtain highly pure and fully functional T- and B-cell populations. However, the relevant epitope does not appear to be homologous to rodent Thy-1 since quantitative absorptions failed to show reactivity with rabbit brain. Furthermore, attempts to obtain in vivo T-cell depletion resulted in larger decreases in white blood cells than would be expected for simple T-cell removal. In vitro assays on enriched neutrophil preparations revealed that 80-95% of these cells were reactive with ACM-1 and 9AE10. Thus, it appears that in the rabbit, T cells and neutrophils share a major epitope.  相似文献   

To define the roles of subnuclear structure in SV40 infection, the relative distribution of T-antigen (T-ag) in various subnuclear fractions obtained from both lytically infected and transformed African green monkey kidney cells was determined. Depending on the differential sensitivity of nuclear T-ag to extraction by salt and detergent, nuclear T-ag could be separated into nucleoplasmic T-ag, salt-sensitive T-ag and matrix-bound T-ag subclasses. At least fivefold less matrix-bound T-ag was found in transformed cells than in lytically infected cells. While a cAMP-independent protein kinase was detected in the nuclear matrix, the matrix-bound T-ag (94K) could not be phosphorylated in vitro. The removal of cellular chromosomes by DNase caused changes in the interaction of T-ag with nuclear components. The results suggest that the compartmentalization of nuclear T-ag may be determined by its interaction with host chromosomes.  相似文献   

The ability of different anti-human T-cell lymphocyte monoclonal antibodies to inhibit the effector function of the cytotoxic T-cell response against autologous Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-infected B-cell targets has been tested. It was found that monoclonal antibody, OKT3, which reacts with most human T cells, blocks the effector cell function in the absence of complement, an effect that was dose dependent. When monoclonal antibody OKT3 was tested at a concentration of 1 μg/ml, inhibition of cytotoxicity ranged between 50 and 80%. The F(ab′)2 fragment of OKT3 inhibited as well as the intact IgG molecule, indicating that the Fc portion of the antibody is not necessary for the cytotoxicity blocking. The Fab fragment of OKT3 had lower blocking activity per microgram of protein tested. Antibodies SC1, OKT11 (anti-pan T cell), OKT8 (anti-cytotoxic/suppressor subset), and L368 (anti-HLA) did not have any discernible blocking effects. However, antibodies SC1, OKT8, and L368 could abrogate the cytotoxic activity in the presence of complement. Blocking by OKT3 was not due to its being present on the cell surface in higher concentrations than the other monoclonal antibodies since cytofluorographic analysis demonstrated that the amount of OKT8 or L368 antibodies bound on the cells was greater than OKT3. In addition, blocking was not due to antigenic modulation since incubation with antibody OKT3-F(ab′)2 was not associated with a significant decrease in the amount of its reactive antigen. Under the conditions tested OKT3 did not affect cell viability or cause agglutination.  相似文献   

The interaction of the potential-sensitive extrinsic molecular probe merocyanine 540 ( M540 ) with phosphorylating submitochondrial particles has been investigated under equilibrium and time-resolved conditions. The addition of ATP to a M540 -membrane suspension produces oligomycin and CCCP-sensitive spectral changes with absolute maxima near 490, 530, and 565 nm; a 1- to 2-nm red shift of the dye absorption spectrum is also evident in the longer-wavelength region of the spectrum. In fixed-wavelength work, the energy-dependent optical signals were increased by the addition of nigericin and NH4Cl, and could be subsequently restored to the control level by valinomycin or KSCN, respectively. These observations suggest that M540 is specifically sensitive to the membrane-potential portion of the electrochemical gradient presumably present in the submitochondrial particle system in the presence of substrate. Binding analyses based on the Langmuir adsorption isotherm and the direct linear method indicate that the M540 dissociation constant is decreased by the presence of ATP with little or no change in the maximum number of binding sites. The M540 dissociation constant was markedly decreased when 0.1 M NaCl was present in the medium, suggesting that the association of this probe with the membrane may be subject to considerable surface charge repulsion. Results from the binding analyses indicate that the origin of the energy-dependent spectral changes may be an enhanced association of M540 with the submitochondrial particle membrane resulting from the transfer of dye from the aqueous phase to membrane-binding sites. The time course of the NADH-, ATP-, or succinate-induced signal developed slowly, on a time scale of tens of seconds, and follows a second-order rate law, suggesting that the rate-limiting step in the development of the ATP-induced M540 signal may be the transfer of dye from the aqueous phase to membrane-binding sites. The enhanced passive binding of M540 to the submitochondrial particle membrane in the presence of NaCl reduces the concentration of free dye apparently available to redistribute to the membrane when substrate is present, with a concomitant reduction in the observed pseudo-first-order and the second-order rate constants. If the effective free dye concentration is estimated from binding data and used in the plot from which the latter rate constant is obtained, the value of this constant compares favorably with the obtained in the absence of the electrolyte.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cell membrane receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGF) appears to be a glycoprotein of Mr 170,000 and mediates the mitogenic and metabolic responses of cells with EGF receptors (EGF-R). Normal rat kidney (NRK) have about 3 X 10(5) EGF-R per cell. Upon transformation of NRK cells by Kirsten sarcoma virus, the transformed derivative (KNRK) loses the ability to bind 125I-EGF. Membranes from NRK and KNRK cells were included in EGF-dependent phosphorylation reactions to search for evidence of the EGF-R. A phosphorylated protein of Mr 170,000 was detected in both NRK and KNRK membranes. The Mr 170,000 protein was identified to be EGF-R by immunoprecipitation with monoclonal antibody to the receptor. Furthermore, two-dimensional peptide mapping using trypsin and chymotrypsin digestions of the iodinated receptors from both NRK and KNRK cells showed essentially identical patterns. These data indicate that the EGF-R is present in KNRK cells with apparently the same protein structure as the NRK counterpart.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of 1-O-[3H]alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine ([3H]-AGEPC) upon interaction with rabbit platelets was investigated. [3H]AGEPC was converted to a product identified as the long-chain fatty acyl analog. The reaction was unaffected by extracellular calcium. After a lag time of 30 to 60 s the kinetics of the conversion was linear. The rate of the reaction was found to be a function of platelet and AGEPC concentrations. Of the [3H]AGEPC (10?9m) 85 ± 5% was processed into the-long chain fatty acyl analog within 1 h when incubated at 37 2C with a 1.25 × 109 platelets per milliliter suspension. A maximal number of 1200 to 3600 [3H]AGEPC molecules were converted to the long-chain fatty acyl derivative per minute per platelet in the presence of 2 mm EDTA. Under similar conditions the 1-O-[3H]alkyl-2-(lyso)-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine ([3H]lysoGEPC) also was transformed to a comparable long-chain fatty acyl derivative at a much slower rate and to a lower extent. No significant increase in lysoGEPC was noted in incubation mixtures containing [3H]AGEPC. The possible direct transacylation of AGEPC upon interaction with platelets is discussed as well as the possible involvement of this reaction in directly triggering the platelet response to AGEPC stimuli.  相似文献   

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