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Unilamellar vesicles are observed to form spontaneously at planar lipid bilayers agitated by exothermic chemical reactions. The membrane-binding reaction between biotin and streptavidin, two strong transmembrane neutralization reactions, and a weak neutralization reaction involving an "antacid" buffer, all lead to spontaneous vesicle formation. This formation is most dramatic when a viscosity differential exists between the two phases bounding the membrane, in which case vesicles appear exclusively in the more viscous phase. A hydrodynamic analysis explains the phenomenon in terms of a membrane flow driven by liberated reaction energy, leading to vesicle formation. These results suggest that energy liberated by intra- and extracellular chemical reactions near or at cell and internal organelle membranes can play an important role in vesicle formation, membrane agitation, or enhanced transmembrane mass transfer.  相似文献   

Small unilamellar lipid bilayer vesicles were prepared from brain phosphatidylserine, egg phosphatidylcholine, and synthetic dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, and were fused into larger structures by freezing and thawing, addition of calcium chloride, and passage through the lipid phase transition temperature. Fusion reactions were studied by electron microscopy, light scattering, and use of fluorescent probes. Fusion was accompanied by leakage of lipid vesicle constituents and of water-soluble solutes in the inner vesicle compartments, and by uptake of these types of components from the external solution. Such leakage was greater during fusion by freezing than by Ca2+. Passage through the transition temperature produced a moderate degree of fusion, without loss of membrane components. It is concluded that each fusion method gives rise to a characteristic size or narrow range of sizes of fusion products. The fraction of small vesicles fused into larger structure depends on the method of vesicle preparation, composition of the lipid bilayer, and composition of the external solution. Fusion is induced by creation of a discontinuity in the bilayer or by removal of water associated with the bilayer. The amount of water removed controls the extent of fusion. This is maximized in bilayers when in the liquid-crystal phase, as against the gel phase, in vesicles made by ethanol injection, as against sonication, and in charged bilayers, as against neutral ones.  相似文献   

Trains of short and intense electric pulses may induce a reversible local permeabilization on the membrane of the treated cells. Hydrophilic species can then almost freely cross the envelope and either enter or escape from the cytoplasm. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the possibility of introducing well defined amounts of Ca2+ ions within the cell. Chinese hamster ovary cells were used as a model system. When the pulsing buffer contained high levels of free Ca2+, the survival of cells was strongly affected. A 1 mM level was well tolerated. When cells were pulsed under moderated field conditions, it was observed that Ca2+ entered cells very rapidly (second time range). But the basic cytoplasmic level was set back spontaneously within a few minutes. The perspectives of this electrical injection are discussed for basic cell biology and high-throughput biotechnology.  相似文献   

The fusion of a membrane-bounded vesicle with a target membrane is a key step in intracellular trafficking, exocytosis, and drug delivery. Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the fusion of small unilamellar vesicles composed of a dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC)/palmitic acid 1:2 mixture in atomic detail. The simulations were performed at 350-370 K and mimicked the temperature- and pH-induced fusion of DPPC/palmitic acid vesicles from experiments by others. To make the calculations computationally feasible, a vesicle simulated at periodic boundary conditions was fused with its periodic image. Starting from a preformed stalk between the outer leaflets of the vesicle and its periodic image, a hemifused state formed within 2 ns. In one out of six simulations, a transient pore formed close to the stalk, resulting in the mixing of DPPC lipids between the outer and the inner leaflet. The hemifused state was (meta)stable on a timescale of up to 11 ns. Forcing a single lipid into the interior of the hemifusion diaphragm induced the formation and expansion of a fusion pore on a nanosecond timescale. This work opens the perspective to study a wide variety of mesoscopic biological processes in atomic detail.  相似文献   

According to their distinct biological functions, membrane-active peptides are generally classified as antimicrobial (AMP), cell-penetrating (CPP), or fusion peptides (FP). The former two classes are known to have some structural and physicochemical similarities, but fusogenic peptides tend to have rather different features and sequences. Nevertheless, we found that many CPPs and some AMPs exhibit a pronounced fusogenic activity, as measured by a lipid mixing assay with vesicles composed of typical eukaryotic lipids. Compared to the HIV fusion peptide (FP23) as a representative standard, all designer-made peptides showed much higher lipid-mixing activities (MSI-103, MAP, transportan, penetratin, Pep1). Native sequences, on the other hand, were less fusogenic (magainin 2, PGLa, gramicidin S), and pre-aggregated ones were inactive (alamethicin, SAP). The peptide structures were characterized by circular dichroism before and after interacting with the lipid vesicles. A striking correlation between the extent of conformational change and the respective fusion activities was found for the series of peptides investigated here. At the same time, the CD data show that lipid mixing can be triggered by any type of conformation acquired upon binding, whether α-helical, β-stranded, or other. These observations suggest that lipid vesicle fusion can simply be driven by the energy released upon membrane binding, peptide folding, and possibly further aggregation. This comparative study of AMPs, CPPs, and FPs emphasizes the multifunctional aspects of membrane-active peptides, and it suggests that the origin of a peptide (native sequence or designer-made) may be more relevant to define its functional range than any given name.  相似文献   

Pressure affects reaction kinetics because chemical transitions involve changes in volume, and therefore pressure is a standard thermodynamic parameter to measure these volume changes. Many organisms live in environments at external pressures other than one atmosphere (0.1 MPa). Marine animals have adapted to live at depths of over 7000 m (at pressures over 70 MPa), and microorganisms living in trenches at over 110 MPa have been retrieved. Here, kinetic changes in secretion from chromaffin cells, measured as capacitance changes using the patch-clamp technique at pressures of up to 20 MPa are presented. It is known that these high pressures drastically slow down physiological functions. High hydrostatic pressure also affects the kinetics of ion channel gating and the amount of current carried by them, and it drastically slows down synaptic transmission. The results presented here indicate a similar change in volume (activation volume) of 390 ± 57 Å3 for large dense-core vesicles undergoing fusion in chromaffin cells and for degranulation of mast cells. It is significantly larger than activation volumes of voltage-gated ion channels in chromaffin cells. This information will be useful in finding possible protein conformational changes during the reactions involved in vesicle fusion and in testing possible molecular dynamic models of secretory processes.  相似文献   

Work with Paramecium has contributed to the actual understanding of certain aspects of exocytosis regulation, including membrane fusion. The system is faster and more synchronous than any other dense-core vesicle system described and its highly regular design facilitates correlation of functional and ultrastructural (freeze-fracture) features. From early times on, several crucial aspects of exocytosis regulation have been found in Paramecium cells, e.g. genetically controlled microdomains (with distinct ultrastructure) for organelle docking and membrane fusion, involvement of calmodulin in establishing such microdomains, priming by ATP, occurrence of focal fusion with active participation of integral and peripheral proteins, decay of a population of integral proteins ("rosettes", mandatory for fusion capacity) into subunits and their lateral dispersal during fusion, etc. The size of rosette particles and their dispersal upon focal fusion would be directly compatible with proteolipid V(0) subunits of a V-ATPase, much better than the size predicted for oligomeric SNARE pins (SCAMPs are unknown from Paramecium at this time). However, there are some restrictions for a straightforward interpretation of ultrastructural results. The rather pointed, nipple-like tip of the trichocyst membrane could accommodate only one (or very few) potential V(0) counterpart(s), while the overlaying domain of the cell membrane contains numerous rosette particles. Particle size is compatible with V(0), but larger than that assumed for the SNARE complexes. When membrane fusion is induced in the presence of antibodies against cell surface components, focal fusion is seen to occur with dispersing rosette particles but without dispersal of their subunits and without pore expansion. Clearly, this is required for completing fusion and pore expansion. After cloning SNARE and V(0) components in Paramecium (with increasing details becoming rapidly available), we may soon be able to address the question more directly, whether any of these components or some new ones to be detected, serve exocytotic and/or any other membrane fusions in Paramecium.  相似文献   

Å mechanism for rupture of a separating bilayer, resulting from vesicle monolayer fusion is investigated theoretically. The stalk mechanism of monolayer fusion, assuming the formation and expansion of a stalk between two interacting membranes is considered. The stalk evolution leads to formation of a separating bilayer and mechanical tension appearance in the system. This tension results in rupture of the separating bilayer and hydrophilic pore formation. Competition between the mechanical tension and hydrophilic pore energy defines the criteria of contacting bilayer rupture. The tension increases with an increase of the absolute value of the negative spontaneous curvature of the outer membrane monolayer, K s o . The pore edge energy decreases with an increase of the positive spontaneous curvature of the inner membrane monolayer, K s i . The relations of spontaneous curvatures of outer and inner monolayers, leading to separating bilayer rupture, is calculated. It is demonstrated that his process is possible, provided spontaneous curvatures of membrane monolayers have opposite signs: K s o <0, K s i <0. Experimental data concerning the fusion process are analysed.  相似文献   

The compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells is reliant on the fidelity of vesicle-mediated intracellular transport. Vesicles deliver their cargo via membrane fusion, a process requiring membrane tethers, Sec1/Munc18 (SM) proteins, and SNAREs. These components function in concert to ensure that membrane fusion is efficient and accurate, but the mechanisms underlying their cooperative action are still in many respects mysterious. In this brief review, we highlight recent progress toward a more integrative understanding of the vesicle fusion machinery. We focus particular attention on cryo-electron microscopy structures of intact multisubunit tethers in complex with SNAREs or SM proteins, as well as a structure of an SM protein bound to multiple SNAREs. The insights gained from this work emphasize the advantages of studying the fusion machinery intact and in context.  相似文献   

The focus of this special issue (SI) »Membrane Merger in Conventional and Unconventional Vesicle Secretion« is regulated exocytosis, a universally conserved mechanism, consisting of a merger between the vesicle and the plasma membranes. Although this process evolved with eukaryotic organisms some three billion years ago (Spang et al., 2015), the understanding of physiology and patobiology of this process, especially at elementary vesicle level, remains unclear. Exocytotic fusion consists of several stages, starting by vesicle delivery to the plasma membrane, initially establishing a very narrow and stable fusion pore, that can reversibly open and close several times before it can fully widen. This allows vesicle cargo to be completely discharged from the vesicle lumen and permits vesicle-membrane resident proteins including channels, transporters, receptors and other signalling molecules, to be incorporated into the plasma membrane. The contributions in this SI bring new insights on the complexity of vesicle–based secretion, including discussion that vesicle anatomy appears to modulate exocytotic fusion pore properties and that the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive-factor attachment protein receptor proteins (SNARE-proteins), not only facilitate pre- and post-fusion stages of exocytosis, but also serve in vesicle navigation within the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

During exocytosis, vesicles in secretory cells fuse with the cellular membrane and release their contents in a Ca2+-dependent process. Release occurs initially through a fusion pore, and its rate is limited by the dissociation of the matrix-associated contents. To determine whether this dissociation is promoted by osmotic forces, we have examined the effects of elevated osmotic pressure on release and extrusion from vesicles at mast and chromaffin cells. The identity of the molecules released and the time course of extrusion were measured with fast scan cyclic voltammetry at carbon fiber microelectrodes. In external solutions of high osmolarity, release events following entry of divalent ions (Ba2+ or Ca2+) were less frequent. However, the vesicles appeared to be fused to the membrane without extruding their contents, since the maximal observed concentrations of events were less than 7% of those evoked in isotonic media. Such an isolated, intermediate fusion state, which we term "kiss-and-hold," was confirmed by immunohistochemistry at chromaffin cells. Transient exposure of cells in the kiss and hold state to isotonic solutions evoked massive release. These results demonstrate that an osmotic gradient across the fusion pore is an important driving force for exocytotic extrusion of granule contents from secretory cells following fusion pore formation.  相似文献   

The ability of apocytochrome c and the heme containing respiratory chain component, cytochrome c, to induce fusion of phosphatidylcholine (PC) small unilamellar vesicles containing 0-50 mol % negatively charged lipids was examined. Both molecules mediated fusion of phosphatidylserine (PS):PC 1:1 vesicles as measured by energy transfer changes between fluorescent lipid probes in a concentration- and pH-dependent manner, although cytochrome c was less potent and interacted over a more limited pH range than the apocytochrome c. Maximal fusion occurred at pH 3, far below the pKa of the 19 lysine groups contained in the protein (pI = 10.5). A similar pH dependence was observed for vesicles containing 50 mol % cardiolipin (CL), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and phosphatidylinositol (PI) in PC but the apparent pKa values varied somewhat. In the absence of vesicles, the secondary structure of apocytochrome c was unchanged over this pH range, but in the presence of negatively charged vesicles, the polypeptide underwent a marked conformational change from random coil to alpha-helix. By comparing the pH dependencies of fusion induced by poly-L-lysine and apocytochrome c, we concluded that the pH dependence derived from changes in the net charge on both the vesicles and apocytochrome c. Aggregation could occur under conditions where fusion was imperceptible. Fusion increased with increasing mole ratio of PS. Apocytochrome c did induce some fusion of vesicles composed only of PC with a maximum effect at pH 4. Biosynthesis of cytochrome c involves translocation of apocytochrome c from the cytosol across the outer mitochondrial membrane to the outer mitochondrial space where the heme group is attached. The ability of apocytochrome c to induce fusion of both PS-containing and PC-only vesicles may reflect characteristics of protein/membrane interaction that pertain to its biological translocation.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicle docking and fusion.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Neurotransmitter secretion shares many features with constitutive membrane trafficking. In both cases, vesicles are targeted to a specific acceptor membrane and fuse via a series of protein-protein interactions. Recent work has added to the list of protein complexes involved and is beginning to define the order in which they act. The rapid fusion, precise regulation and plasticity characteristic of synaptic exocytosis probably results from the addition of specialized regulators.  相似文献   

Tethered bilayer lipid membranes (tBLMs) are important tools for studying protein–lipid interactions. The widely used methodology for the preparation of these membranes is the fusion of phospholipid vesicles from an aqueous medium onto an anchored phospholipid layer. The preparation of phospholipid vesicles is a long and tedious procedure. There is another simple method, rapid solvent exchange, for preparing lipid membranes. However, there is a lack of information on the effects of the preparation method of tBLMs on their interactions with proteins. Therefore, we present in this paper a comparative study on the binding of lysozyme onto tBLMs prepared by the abovementioned methods. The prepared tBLMs have either zwitterionic or anionic characteristics. The results show that lysozyme binding onto the prepared tBLMs is unaffected by the preparation method of the tBLMs, suggesting that the tedious fusion method might be replaced by the simple rapid solvent exchange method without altering the level of protein–lipid interactions.  相似文献   

Membrane organization has received substantial research interest since the degree of ordering in membrane regions is relevant in many biological processes. Here we relate the impact of varying cholesterol concentrations on native secretory vesicle fusion and the lateral domain organization of membrane extracts from these vesicles. Membranes of isolated cortical secretory vesicles were either depleted of cholesterol, had cholesterol loaded to excess of native levels, or were depleted of cholesterol but subsequently reloaded to restore native cholesterol levels. Lipid analyses confirmed cholesterol was the only species significantly altered by these treatments. Treated vesicles were characterized for their ability to undergo fusion. Cholesterol depletion resulted in a decrease of Ca2 + sensitivity and the extent of fusion, while cholesterol loading had no effect on fusion parameters. Membrane extracts were characterized in terms of lipid packing by surface pressure–area isotherms whereas the lateral membrane organization was analyzed by Brewster angle microscopy. While no differences in the isotherms were observed, imaging revealed drastic differences in domain size, shape and frequency between the various conditions. Cholesterol depletion induced larger but fewer domains, suggesting that domain coalescence into larger structures may disrupt the native temporal–spatial organization of the fusion machinery and thus inhibit vesicle docking, priming, and fusion. In contrast, adding excess cholesterol, or rescuing with exogenous cholesterol after sterol depletion, resulted in more but smaller domains. Therefore, cholesterol is an important membrane organizer in the process of Ca2 + triggered vesicular fusion, which can be related to specific physical effects on native membrane substructure.  相似文献   

Ostermann J 《EMBO reports》2001,2(4):324-329
The in vitro complementation assay established by Rothman and co-workers continues to be an important tool to study intra-Golgi transport. In this study, kinetic modeling is used to identify four main parameters that, together, explain the basic features of an assay that is a modification of the original assay. First, the assay signal depends on the ratio of Golgi membranes to transport intermediates in the assay. Secondly, an inactivation rate describes how the activity of transport intermediates decreases over time. Thirdly, the rate at which transport intermediates irreversibly bind to Golgi membranes is measured independently of membrane fusion, thus allowing a quantitative distinction between these two steps. Fourthly, a single rate constant describes the remaining reactions, which result in membrane fusion. This approach of kinetic modeling of experiments is generally applicable to other in vitro assays of cell biological phenomena, permitting quantitative interpretations and an increased resolution of the experiments.  相似文献   

Mechanism and regulation of GLUT-4 vesicle fusion in muscle and fat cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Twenty years ago it was shown that recruitment ofglucose transporters from an internal membrane compartment to theplasma membrane led to increased glucose uptake into fat and musclecells stimulated by insulin. The final step of this process is thefusion of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT-4)-containing vesicles with the plasma membrane. The identification of a neuronal solubleN-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment proteinreceptor (SNARE) complex as a requirement for synaptic vesicle-plasmamembrane fusion led to the search for homologous complexes outside thenervous system. Indeed, isoforms of the neuronal SNAREs were identifiedin muscle and fat cells and were shown to be required for GLUT-4incorporation into the cell membrane. In addition, proteins that bindto nonneuronal SNAREs were cloned and proposed to regulate vesiclefusion. We have summarized the molecular mechanisms leading to membranefusion in nonneuronal systems, focusing on the role of SNAREs andaccessory proteins (Munc18c, synip, Rab4, and VAP-33) in incorporationof GLUT-4 into the plasma membrane. Potential modes of regulation ofthis process are discussed, including SNARE phosphorylation andinteraction with the cytoskeleton.


Modified herpes virus (amplicons) were used to express myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) chimeras with green fluorescent protein (GFP) in cultured bovine chromaffin cells to study myosin II implication in secretion. After infection, RLC-GFP constructs were clearly identified in the cytoplasm and accumulated in the cortical region, forming a complex network that co-localized with cortical F-actin. Cells expressing wild type RLC-GFP maintained normal vesicle mobility, whereas cells expressing an unphosphorylatable form (T18A/S19A RLC-GFP) presented severe restrictions in granule movement as measured by individual tracking in dynamic confocal microscopy studies. Interestingly, the overexpression of this mutant form of RLC also affected the initial secretory burst elicited by either high K(+) or BaCl(2), as well as the secretion induced by fast release of calcium from caged compounds in individual cells. Moreover, T18A/S19A RLC-GFP-infected cells presented slower fusion kinetics of individual granules compared with controls as measured by analysis of amperometric spikes. Taken together, our results demonstrate the implication of myosin II in the transport of vesicles, and, surprisingly, in the final phases of exocytosis involving transitions affecting the activity of docked granules, and therefore uncovering a new role for this cytoskeletal element.  相似文献   

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