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Exotic pine plantations constitute a significant landscape feature in the North Island of New Zealand but their conservation value for native plant species is not often documented. Pine stem density, height and basal area of nine plantations of Pinus radiata ranging in age from 6 to 67 years in Kinleith Forest was determined. Pines reached heights of 60 m, and stand basal areas up to 183 ± 14 m(2)ha(-1). The abundance of woody shrubs, tree ferns and ground ferns was assessed in each stand. Understorey composition of shrubs and ferns was reflected on the first two axes of DCA ordinations and correlated with the age of the pines. Adventive shrubs predominated in stands < 20 years old. Light-demanding native shrubs with bird dispersed fruits predominated in older stands, with more shade-tolerant species in the oldest site. Species richness increased rapidly in the first 11 years, but thereafter more slowly. Twelve native shrub species and 22 ferns were recorded from the most diverse stands. Richness and species composition were related to stand age, and probably also to topographical heterogeneity and aspect. Tree ferns reached densities of 2000—2500 ha(-1) and basal areas of 20—30 m(2)ha(-1) in the older stands. Initially the tree fern population was strongly dominated by Dicksonia squarrosa, which comprised 84% of individuals overall. Five species were present by 29 years. The faster growing Cynthea medullaris and C. smithii achieved greater heights than the Dicksonia spp., and their relative biomass was greatest in the oldest stands.  相似文献   

向小果  王伟 《生物多样性》2015,23(3):281-146
<正>1常用植物DNA条形码物种的准确鉴定是开展科学研究和生物多样性保护的先决条件,但根据形态学特征进行物种鉴定对非专业人员而言比较困难。即使是专业人员,面对纷繁复杂的物种,要想逐一鉴定也难以实现。DNA条形码技术(DNA barcoding)为物种的快速、准确鉴定提供了可能(Hebert et al.,2003)。线粒体COI基因作为动物的DNA条形码已得到广泛应用。但对  相似文献   

DNA barcode is effective for biological taxonomy and is able to identify species from any life-history stage. In the present study, eight species which belong to four different subgenera of genus Sebastes found in China sea waters were identified by cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) barcode. The results indicated that the intra-species variation in DNA barcode was less than inter-species variation. When the phylogenetic trees were reconstructed by neighbor joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods, all the species clustered in their groups distinguishable by high bootstrap values, which proved that COI barcode is a powerful means to differentiate species of Sebastes and supports their identification. When the molecular tree was compared to the morphological tree, only Sebastes trivittatus in subgenus Sebastocles settled in the different positions. It is suggested that S. trivittatus is one of the shallowest occurring species in the Northwest Pacific due to its life characters.  相似文献   

Identifying Canadian mosquito species through DNA barcodes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A short fragment of mt DNA from the cytochrome c oxidase 1 (CO1) region was used to provide the first CO1 barcodes for 37 species of Canadian mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) from the provinces Ontario and New Brunswick. Sequence variation was analysed in a 617-bp fragment from the 5' end of the CO1 region. Sequences of each mosquito species formed barcode clusters with tight cohesion that were usually clearly distinct from those of allied species. CO1 sequence divergences were, on average, nearly 20 times higher for congeneric species than for members of a species; divergences between congeneric species averaged 10.4% (range 0.2-17.2%), whereas those for conspecific individuals averaged 0.5% (range 0.0-3.9%).  相似文献   

DNA barcodes for biosecurity: invasive species identification   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Biosecurity encompasses protecting against any risk through 'biological harm', not least being the economic impact from the spread of pest insects. Molecular diagnostic tools provide valuable support for the rapid and accurate identification of morphologically indistinct alien species. However, these tools currently lack standardization. They are not conducive to adaptation by multiple sectors or countries, or to coping with changing pest priorities. The data presented here identifies DNA barcodes as a very promising opportunity to address this. DNA of tussock moth and fruit fly specimens intercepted at the New Zealand border over the last decade were reanalysed using the cox1 sequence barcode approach. Species identifications were compared with the historical dataset obtained by PCR-RFLP of nuclear rDNA. There was 90 and 96% agreement between the methods for these species, respectively. Improvements included previous tussock moth 'unknowns' being placed to family, genera or species and further resolution within fruit fly species complexes. The analyses highlight several advantages of DNA barcodes, especially their adaptability and predictive value. This approach is a realistic platform on which to build a much more flexible system, with the potential to be adopted globally for the rapid and accurate identification of invasive alien species.  相似文献   

Chen J  Li Q  Kong L  Yu H 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21326


The species boundaries of some venerids are difficult to define based solely on morphological features due to their indistinct intra- and interspecific phenotypic variability. An unprecedented biodiversity crisis caused by human activities has emerged. Thus, to access the biological diversity and further the conservation of this taxonomically muddling bivalve group, a fast and simple approach that can efficiently examine species boundaries and highlight areas of unrecognized diversity is urgently needed. DNA barcoding has proved its effectiveness in high-volume species identification and discovery. In the present study, Chinese fauna was chosen to examine whether this molecular biomarker is sensitive enough for species delimitation, and how it complements taxonomy and explores species diversity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A total of 315 specimens from around 60 venerid species were included, qualifying the present study as the first major analysis of DNA barcoding for marine bivalves. Nearly all individuals identified to species level based on morphological traits possessed distinct barcode clusters, except for the specimens of one species pair. Among the 26 individuals that were not assigned binomial names a priori, twelve respectively nested within a species genealogy. The remaining individuals formed five monophyletic clusters that potentially represent species new to science or at least unreported in China. Five putative hidden species were also uncovered in traditional morphospecies.


The present study shows that DNA barcoding is effective in species delimitation and can aid taxonomists by indicating useful diagnostic morphological traits, informing needful revision, and flagging unseen species. Moreover, the BOLD system, which deposits barcodes, morphological, geographical and other data, has the potential as a convenient taxonomic platform.  相似文献   

Clare EL  Lim BK  Fenton MB  Hebert PD 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e22648
DNA barcoding using the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene (COI) is frequently employed as an efficient method of species identification in animal life and may also be used to estimate species richness, particularly in understudied faunas. Despite numerous past demonstrations of the efficiency of this technique, few studies have attempted to employ DNA barcoding methodologies on a large geographic scale, particularly within tropical regions. In this study we survey current and potential species diversity using DNA barcodes with a collection of more than 9000 individuals from 163 species of Neotropical bats (order Chiroptera). This represents one of the largest surveys to employ this strategy on any animal group and is certainly the largest to date for land vertebrates. Our analysis documents the utility of this tool over great geographic distances and across extraordinarily diverse habitats. Among the 163 included species 98.8% possessed distinct sets of COI haplotypes making them easily recognizable at this locus. We detected only a single case of shared haplotypes. Intraspecific diversity in the region was high among currently recognized species (mean of 1.38%, range 0-11.79%) with respect to birds, though comparable to other bat assemblages. In 44 of 163 cases, well-supported, distinct intraspecific lineages were identified which may suggest the presence of cryptic species though mean and maximum intraspecific divergence were not good predictors of their presence. In all cases, intraspecific lineages require additional investigation using complementary molecular techniques and additional characters such as morphology and acoustic data. Our analysis provides strong support for the continued assembly of DNA barcoding libraries and ongoing taxonomic investigation of bats.  相似文献   

We evaluated nine plastid(matK, rbcL, rpoC1, rpoB,rpl36-rps8, ndhJ, trnL-F, trnH-psbA, accD) and two nuclear(ITS and ITS2) barcode loci in family Zingiberaceae by analyzing 60 accessions of 20 species belonging to seven genera from India.Bidirectional sequences were recovered for every plastid locus by direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction(PCR)amplicons in all the accessions tested. However, only 35(58%)and 40 accessions(66%) yielded ITS and ITS2 sequences,respectively, by direct sequencing. In different bioinformatics analyses, matK and rbcL consistently resolved 15 species(75%)into monophyletic groups and five species into two paraphyletic groups. The 173 ITS sequences, including 138 cloned sequences from 23 accessions, discriminated only 12 species(60%), and the remaining species were entered into three paraphyletic groups. Phylogenetic and genealogic analyses of plastid and ITS sequences imply the possible occurrence of natural hybridizations in the evolutionary past in giving rise to species paraphyly and intragenomic ITS heterogeneity in the species tested. The results support using matK and rbcL loci for barcoding Zingiberaceae members and highlight the poor utility of ITS and the highly regarded ITS2 in barcoding this family, and also caution against proposing ITS loci for barcoding taxa based on limited sampling.  相似文献   

Estimating species richness using environmental DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The foundation for any ecological study and for the effective management of biodiversity in natural systems requires knowing what species are present in an ecosystem. We assessed fish communities in a stream using two methods, depletion‐based electrofishing and environmental DNA metabarcoding (eDNA) from water samples, to test the hypothesis that eDNA provides an alternative means of determining species richness and species identities for a natural ecosystem. In a northern Indiana stream, electrofishing yielded a direct estimate of 12 species and a mean estimated richness (Chao II estimator) of 16.6 species with a 95% confidence interval from 12.8 to 42.2. eDNA sampling detected an additional four species, congruent with the mean Chao II estimate from electrofishing. This increased detection rate for fish species between methods suggests that eDNA sampling can enhance estimation of fish fauna in flowing waters while having minimal sampling impacts on fish and their habitat. Modern genetic approaches therefore have the potential to transform our ability to build a more complete list of species for ecological investigations and inform management of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Success of species assignment using DNA barcodes has been shown to vary among plant lineages because of a wide range of different factors. In this study, we confirm the theoretical prediction that gene flow influences species assignment with simulations and a literature survey. We show that the genome experiencing the highest gene flow is, in the majority of the cases, the best suited for species delimitation. Our results clearly suggest that, for most angiosperm groups, plastid markers will not be the most appropriate for use as DNA barcodes. We therefore advocate shifting the focus from plastid to nuclear markers to achieve an overall higher success using DNA barcodes.  相似文献   

Plant species richness: the world records   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Species richness records from replicated deployments of baited remote underwater video stations (BRUVS) and unbaited remote underwater video stations (UBRUVS) in shallow (<1 m) and deep (>1 m) water were compared with those obtained from using fyke nets, gillnets and beach seines. Maximum species richness (14 species) was achieved through a combination of conventional netting and camera‐based techniques. Chanos chanos was the only species not recorded on camera, whereas Lutjanus argentimaculatus, Selenotoca multifasciata and Gerres filamentosus were recorded on camera in all three waterholes but were not detected by netting. BRUVSs and UBRUVSs provided versatile techniques that were effective at a range of depths and microhabitats. It is concluded that cameras warrant application in aquatic areas of high conservation value with high visibility. Non‐extractive video methods are particularly desirable where threatened species are a focus of monitoring or might be encountered as by‐catch in net meshes.  相似文献   

Abstract The shape of species accumulation curves is influenced by the relative abundance and diversity of the fauna being sampled, and the order in which individuals are caught. We use resampling to show the variation in species accumulation curves caused by the order of trapping periods. Averaged species accumulation curves calculated by randomly assigning the order of trapping periods are smooth curves that are a better estimate of species richness and a more useful tool for determining the trapping effort required to adequately survey a site. We extend this concept of randomly resampling the trapping period to show that randomizing the number of individuals caught for each species over the number of collection periods (e.g. days) can provide an accurate estimate of the averaged species accumulation curve. This is particularly useful as it enables an accurate estimation of the proportion of the total number of species caught in an area during a survey from information on the number of individuals caught for each species and the number of trapping periods, and is not dependent on having knowledge of the trapping period in which each individual was caught. This calculation also enables an assessment to be made of the adequacy of fauna surveys to report a species inventory in environmental impact assessments when only a species list and relative abundance data are provided.  相似文献   

植物DNA条形码促进系统发育群落生态学发展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
系统发育群落生态学是近年兴起的一个重要牛态学研究分支,它以群落生态学为基础并引入了系统发育的分析方法,全面动态地反映了群落中物种内和物种间的相互作用关系,揭示了群落格局形成的生态学过程,研究了生物多样性的形成及维持机制.巴拿马BCI(Barro Colorado Island)样地的成功例子说明,在固定样地进行长期的群落生态与系统发育研究切实可行且极具意义;DNA条形码的快速兴起对这一研究发挥着重要作用.本文先列举了群落生态与系统发育综合分析能解决的群落系统发育结构、群落生态位结构、生物地理学和性状进化等生态学问题;接着介绍了标准植物DNA条形码以及利用片段组合(rbcL+matK+trnH-psbA)进行快速物种识别和近缘种区分、精确群落系统发育关系的构建以及群落生态学研究;随后提出DNA条形码研究在类群水平上需注意两片段的条形码组合(matK+rbcL)在同属种鉴别能力上的不足,而在较大尺度群落水平上需对实验设计进行优化.DNA条形码将为探讨物种多样性及其维持机理、系统发育beta多样性以及群落水平上功能性状进化研究提供新的思路.  相似文献   

Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) is a large angiosperm family that includes many medicinally important species. The ability to identify these species and their adulterants is important, yet difficult to do so because of their subtle fruit morphological differences and often lack of diagnostic features in preserved specimens. Moreover, dried roots are often the official medical organs, making visual identification to species almost impossible. DNA barcoding has been proposed as a powerful taxonomic tool for species identification. The Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) Plant Working Group has recommended the combination of rbcL+matK as the core plant barcode. Recently, the China Plant BOL Group proposed that the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS), as well as a subset of this marker (ITS2), be incorporated alongside rbcL+matK into the core barcode for seed plants, particularly angiosperms. In this study, we assess the effectiveness of these four markers plus psbA‐trnH as Apiaceae barcodes. A total of 6032 sequences representing 1957 species in 385 diverse genera were sampled, of which 211 sequences from 50 individuals (representing seven species) were newly obtained. Of these five markers, ITS and ITS2 showed superior results in intra‐ and interspecific divergence and DNA barcoding gap assessments. For the matched data set (173 samples representing 45 species in five genera), the ITS locus had the highest identification efficiency (73.3%), yet ITS2 also performed relatively well with 66.7% identification efficiency. The identification efficiency increased to 82.2% when using an ITS+psbA‐trnH marker combination (ITS2+psbA‐trnH was 80%), which was significantly higher than that of rbcL+matK (40%). For the full sample data set (3052 ITS sequences, 3732 ITS2 sequences, 1011 psbA‐trnH sequences, 567 matK sequences and 566 rbcL sequences), ITS, ITS2, psbA‐trnH, matK and rbcL had 70.0%, 64.3%, 49.5%, 38.6% and 32.1% discrimination abilities, respectively. These results confirm that ITS or its subset ITS2 be incorporated into the core barcode for Apiaceae and that the combination of ITS/ITS2+psbA‐trnH has much potential value as a powerful, standard DNA barcode for Apiaceae identification.  相似文献   

The species pool hypothesis is applied here to the interpretation of ‘hump-shaped’ (unimodal) species richness patterns along gradients of both habitat fertility and disturbance level (the habitat templet). A ‘left-wall’ effect analogous to that proposed for the evolution of organismal complexity predicts a right-skewed unimodal distribution of historical habitat commonness on both gradients. According to the species pool hypothesis, therefore, the distribution of opportunity for net species accumulation (speciation minus extinction) should also have a corresponding unimodal central tendency on both habitat gradients. Two assumptions of this hypothesis are illustrated with particular reference to highly fertile, relatively undisturbed habitats: (i) such habitats have been relatively uncommon in space and time, thus providing relatively little historical opportunity for the origination of species with the traits necessary for effective competitive ability under these habitat conditions; and (ii) species that have evolved adaptation to these habitats are relatively large, thus imposing fundamental ‘packing’ limitations on the number of species that can ‘fit’ within such habitats. Based on these assumptions, the species pool hypothesis defines two associated predictions that are both supported by available data: (a) resident species richness will be relatively low in highly fertile, relatively undisturbed contemporary habitats; and (b) species sizes within regional floras should display as a right-skewed unimodal (log-normal) distribution. The latter is supported here by an analysis of data for 2,715 species in the vascular flora of northeastern North America.  相似文献   



Assessing how different sampling strategies affect the accuracy and precision of species response curves estimated by parametric species distribution models.

Major Taxa Studied

Virtual plant species.


Abruzzo (Italy).

Time Period

Timeless (simulated data).


We simulated the occurrence of two virtual species with different ecology (generalist vs specialist) and distribution extent. We sampled their occurrence following different sampling strategies: random, stratified, systematic, topographic, uniform within the environmental space (hereafter, uniform) and close to roads. For each sampling design and species, we ran 500 simulations at increasing sampling efforts (total: 42,000 replicates). For each replicate, we fitted a binomial generalised linear model, extracted model coefficients for precipitation and temperature, and compared them with true coefficients from the known species' equation. We evaluated the quality of the estimated response curves by computing bias, variance and root mean squared error (RMSE). Additionally, we (i) assessed the impact of missing covariates on the performance of the sampling approaches and (ii) evaluated the effect of incompletely sampling the environmental space on the uniform approach.


For the generalist species, we found the lowest RMSE when uniformly sampling the environmental space, while sampling occurrence data close to roads provided the worst performance. For the specialist species, all sampling designs showed comparable outcomes. Excluding important predictors similarly affected all sampling strategies. Sampling limited portions of the environmental space reduced the performance of the uniform approach, regardless of the portion surveyed.

Main Conclusions

Our results suggest that a proper estimate of the species response curve can be obtained when the choice of the sampling strategy is guided by the species' ecology. Overall, uniformly sampling the environmental space seems more efficient for species with wide environmental tolerances. The advantage of seeking the most appropriate sampling strategy vanishes when modelling species with narrow realised niches.  相似文献   

Species of Podophyllum, Dysosma, Sinopodophyllum, and Diphylleia, genera from Podophylloideae of Berberidaceae, have long been used in traditional herbal medicine in East Asia and/or North America. Accurate identification of the species of these four genera is crucial to their medicinal uses. In this study, we tested the utility of nine barcodes (matK, rbcL, atpH-atpI, rpl32-trnLUAG, rps18-clpp, trnL-trnF, trnL-ndhJ, trnS-trnfM, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)) to discriminate different species of Podophylloideae. Thirty-six individuals representing 12 species of Podophylloideae were collected from different locations in China, Japan, and North America. We assessed the feasibility of amplification and sequencing of all markers, examined the levels of the barcoding gap based on DNA sequence divergence between ranges of intra- and interspecific variation using pairwise distances, and further evaluated successful identifications using each barcode by similarity-based and tree-based methods. Results showed that nine barcodes, except rps18-clpp, have a high level of primer universality and sequencing success. As a single barcode, ITS has the most variable sites, greater intra- and interspecific divergences, and the highest species discrimination rate (83%), followed by matKwhich has moderate variation and also high species discrimination rates. However, these species can also be discriminated by ITS alone, except Dysosma versipellis (Hance) M. Cheng ex T. S. Ying and D. pleiantha (Hance) Woodson. The combination of ITS + matK did not improve species resolution over ITS alone. Thus, we propose that ITS may be used as a sole region for identification of most species in Podophylloideae. The failure of ITS to distinguish D. versipellis and D. pleiantha is likely attributed to incomplete lineage sorting due to recent divergence of the two species.  相似文献   

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