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A 260-kb half-YAC clone derived from human chromosome 1q was mapped at high resolution using cosmid subclone fingerprint analysis and was integrated with overlapping clones from the telomeric end of a separately derived 1q44 BAC contig to create a sequence-ready map extending to the molecular telomere of 1q. Analysis of 100 kb of sample sequences from across the 260-kb region encompassed by the half-YAC revealed the presence of EST sequence matches corresponding to 12 separate Unigene clusters and to 12 separate unclustered EST sequences. Low-copy subtelomeric repeats typical of many human telomere regions are present within the distal-most 30 kb of 1q. The previously isolated and radiation hybrid-mapped markers Bda84F03, 1QTEL019, and WI11861 localized at distances approximately 32, 88, and 99 kb, respectively, from the 1q terminus. This sequence-ready map permits high-resolution integration of genetic maps with the DNA sequences directly adjacent to the tip of human chromosome 1q and will enable telomeric closure of the human chromosome 1q DNA reference sequence by connecting the molecular 1q telomere to an internal BAC contig.  相似文献   

Localization of Usher syndrome type II to chromosome 1q   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Usher syndrome is characterized by congenital hearing loss, progressive visual impairment due to retinitis pigmentosa, and variable vestibular problems. The two subtypes of Usher syndrome, types I and II, can be distinguished by the degree of hearing loss and by the presence or absence of vestibular dysfunction. Type I is characterized by a profound hearing loss and totally absent vestibular responses, while type II has a milder hearing loss and normal vestibular function. Fifty-five members of eight type II Usher syndrome families were typed for three DNA markers in the distal region of chromosome 1q: D1S65 (pEKH7.4), REN (pHRnES1.9), and D1S81 (pTHH33). Statistically significant linkage was observed for Usher syndrome type II with a maximum multipoint lod score of 6.37 at the position of the marker THH33, thus localizing the Usher type II (USH2) gene to 1q. Nine families with type I Usher syndrome failed to show linkage to the same three markers. The statistical test for heterogeneity of linkage between Usher syndrome types I and II was highly significant, thus demonstrating that they are due to mutations at different genetic loci.  相似文献   

A fine physical map of the top arm of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 3 has been constructed by ordering P1, TAC and BAC clones using the sequences of a variety of DNA markers and end-sequences of clones. The marker sequences used in this study were derived from 58 DNA markers, 93 YAC end-sequences, and 807 end-sequences of P1, TAC and BAC clones. The entire top arm of chromosome 3, except for the centromeric and telomeric regions, was covered by a single contig 13.3 Mb long. This fine physical map will facilitate gene isolation by map-based cloning experiments as well as genome sequencing of the top arm of chromosome 3. The map and end-sequence information are available on the web site KAOS (Kazusa Arabidopsis data Opening Site) at [http://www.kazusa.or.jp/arabi/].  相似文献   

Z Xiang  X L Hu  J Flint  H C Riethman 《Genomics》1999,58(2):207-210
A half-YAC clone derived from human chromosome 17p was mapped at high resolution using cosmid subclone fingerprint analysis. Colinearity of the half-YAC with the telomeric human genomic DNA fragment was ascertained by RecA-assisted restriction endonuclease cleavage mapping. Previously isolated and radiation hybrid-mapped markers TEL17P37, TEL17P49, and TEL17P80 mapped 30-60 kb from the 17p terminus. This sequence-ready map permits high-resolution integration of genetic maps with the DNA sequences directly adjacent to the tip of human chromosome 17p, and will provide the cloned DNA required for ascertaining the nucleotide sequence of this subtelomeric region.  相似文献   

Human chromosome 11q23.2 has been proposed to contain a tumor suppressor gene(s) whose deletion has been associated with cancer of the lung and breast and with neuroblastoma. To analyze the genomic structure and to isolate a candidate tumor suppressor gene from this region, we constructed a 2-Mb sequence-ready contig map using bacteriophage P1 (P1), bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), and P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC). The map comprises a contig of 24 overlapping P1, BAC, and PAC clones. To isolate gene fragments from the region, we performed direct cDNA library screening, exon trapping, EST mapping, and genomic sequencing using the P1, BAC, and PAC clones. Sequence analysis of 5 clones, which spans 23% (458,738 bp) of the region, and extensive gene scanning along the entire region revealed that the region is extraordinarily scarce in genes, but we identified one ubiquitously expressed novel gene and one testis-specific gene fragment. The novel gene, which we call IGSF4 (immunoglobulin superfamily 4), is transcribed into a 1.6- or 4.4-kb RNA encoding a 442-amino-acid protein. It shares strong homology with mouse IGSF-B12 and cell adhesion molecules NCAM1 and NCAM2 within their Ig-like C2-type domains. The IGSF4 gene, a novel gene that is shown to be located in the common loss of heterozygosity region, possesses a number of interesting features and may be good candidate for a tumor suppressor gene.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome (US) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by congenital hearing impairment and retinitis pigmentosa. It is the most frequent cause of deaf-blindness in adults and accounts for 3 to 6% of deaf children. Here, we report the genetic mapping of a gene for US type I (USH1A), the most severe form of the disease, to the long arm of chromosome 14, by linkage to probe MLJ14 at the D14S13 locus in 10 families of Western France ancestry (Z = 4.13 at theta = 0). Among them, 8 families originated from a small area of the Poitou-Charentes region (Z = 3.78 at theta = 0), suggesting that a founder effect could be involved. However, since not all US type I families were found to be linked to this locus, the present study provides evidence for genetic heterogeneity of this condition (heterogeneity versus homogeneity test HOMOG, P < 0.05; heterogeneity versus no linkage, P < 0.01).  相似文献   

We developed a sequence-ready physical map of a part of human chromosome 12p12.3-p13.2 where the natural killer gene complex (NKC) is located. The NKC includes a cluster of genes with structure similar to that of the Ca(2+)-dependent lectin superfamily of glycoproteins that are expressed on the surface of most natural killer (NK) cells and a subset of T cells. These killer cell lectin-like receptors (KLR) are involved in NK target cell recognition, leading to activation or inhibition of NK cell function. We used a number of sequence-tagged site (STS) markers from this region to screen two large insert bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries and a bacteriophage P1-derived (PAC) chromosome library. The clones were assembled into contiguous sets by STS content analysis. The 72-BAC and 11-PAC contig covers nearly 2 Mb of DNA and provides an average marker resolution of 26 kb. We have precisely localized 17 genes, 5 expressed sequence tags, and 49 STSs within this contig. Of this total number of STS, 30 are newly developed by clone-end sequencing. We established the order of the genes as tel-M6PR-MAFAL (HGMW-approved symbol KLRG1)-A2M-PZP-A2MP-NKRP1A (HGMW-approved symbol KLRB1)-CD69-AICL (HGMW-approved symbol CLECSF2)-KLRF1-OLR1-CD94 (HGMW-approved symbol KLRD1)-NKG2D (HGMW-approved symbol D12S2489E)-PGFL-NKG2F (HGMW-approved symbol KLRC4)-NKG2E (HGMW-approved symbol KLRC3)-NKG2A (HGMW-approved symbol KLRC1)-LY49L (HGMW-approved symbol KLRA1)-cen. This map would facilitate the cloning of new KLR genes and the complete sequencing of this region.  相似文献   

We have constructed a 1.5-Mb contig spanning the distal half of the critical region for cat eye syndrome on human chromosome 22 from D22S543 to D22S181. The contig consists of 20 P1 artificial chromosome (PAC) clones and 11 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones screened from 2 BAC and 2 PAC libraries. Continuous overlap between the clones was confirmed using vectorette PCR and riboprobes. Despite the instability of this region in a previous YAC contig, only 1 BAC showed a minor instability and then in only one isolation. This contig is now providing the basis for genomic sequencing and gene identification in the cat eye syndrome critical region.  相似文献   

A primary linkage map of the human chromosome 11q22-23 region   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have constructed a genetic map of the human chromosomal region 11q22-23 by multipoint linkage analysis of 13 DNA polymorphisms that we have condensed into eight loci. An analysis for linkage disequilibrium between tightly linked probe/enzyme systems allows us to make specific recommendations for future DNA typing at these loci. The resulting sex-averaged multipoint map spans approximately 80 cM and differs considerably from previously reported genetic maps of this region. Our mathematically derived "most likely order" of the markers is compatible with physical mapping data using somatic cell hybrids. The known localizations of at least 14 functional genes and several disease loci to 11q22-23, including ataxia telangiectasia, make the mapping of this region especially relevant to studies of disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Hereditary paragangliomas (PGL, glomus tumors, MIM no.168000) are mostly benign, slow-growing tumors of the head and neck region. The gene (or genes) affecting risk to PGL are subject to genomic imprinting: children of affected fathers exhibit an autosomal dominant pattern of disease inheritance, whereas children of affected mothers rarely if ever develop the disease through maternal transmission. We previously confined the disease gene to an approximately 6 Mb critical region on chromosome band 11q23 (PGL1). Based on haplotype analysis of an extended Dutch pedigree, a 2 Mb sub-region between D11S938 and D11S1885 was proposed as the PGL1 critical interval. In this study, we excluded this interval by analysis of two new single tandem repeat polymorphisms (STRP) contained therein. Instead, we predicted a non-overlapping, more proximal 2 Mb critical interval between D11S1647 and D11S897, and evaluated this new region using nine STRP (D11S1986, five new, closely-linked STRP, D11S1347, D11S3178, and D11S1987). Consistent with our prediction, we observed substantial haplotype-sharing within the Dutch pedigree. We also analyzed four new American PGL families. A recombination event detected in one family further defined D11S1347 as the new telomeric border. We observed significant haplotype-sharing within this new interval among three unrelated American PGL families, strongly suggesting that they originated from a common ancestor. Thus, we confined PGL1 to an approximately 1.5 Mb region between D11S1986 and D11S1347, and showed identity-by-descent sharing for a group of American PGL families. Received: 2 November 1998 / Accepted: 21 December 1998  相似文献   

Based on a detailed sequence of the distal Down syndrome critical region (DSCR), we predicted and molecularly cloned a novel gene, designated DSCR5. We determined the sequences of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) that almost matched the predicted cDNA sequence of DSCR5. Northern blot analysis showed that DSCR5 is expressed in several tissues including the liver, skeletal muscle, heart, pancreas and testis. To determine the 5'-end of DSCR5, the oligo-capping method was employed. Combining the EST sequence data and that from the oligo-capping experiments, we obtained the full-length cDNA sequence of DSCR5. DSCR5 had at least four types of alternatively spliced variants. According to the number of exons, they could be classified into two subtypes: DSCR5alpha and DSCR5beta. DSCR5alpha includes three splice variant subtypes, DSCR5alpha1, alpha2 and alpha3, which each has different first non-coding exon. In addition, the most abundantly isolated form, DSCR5alpha1, shows microheterogeneity of the mRNA start site. Comparison of the sequences between the predicted cDNA and the molecularly cloned cDNA revealed that the computer programs had limited validity to correctly predict the terminal exons. Thus, molecular cloning should always be required to complement the inadequacy of the computer predictions.  相似文献   

The HED (hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia) or Clouston syndrome gene (named ED2) has been mapped to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 13 (13q11) to a 2.4-cM interval flanked by markers D13S1828 and D13S1830. We have developed a BAC/PAC-based contig map of this region. This contig, comprising 23 clones and spanning 1.5 Mb, was established by mapping of 27 BAC/PAC end-derived STSs, 11 known polymorphic markers, 2 previously mapped genes, and 14 ESTs. The genomic clone overlaps were confirmed by restriction fragment fingerprint analysis. This contig provides the basis for genomic sequencing and gene identification in the ED2 critical region. Of the 14 ESTs mapped to the contig, 6 show homology to human genes and 8 appear to be novel. Expression patterns of the genes/ESTs were tested by Northern blot and RT-PCR. Full characterization of some of these genes, as well as the novel ESTs, will be useful in assessing their involvement in the HED/Clouston syndrome.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome is a heterogeneous group of autosomal recessive disorders that combines variably severe congenital neurosensory hearing impairment with progressive night-blindness and visual loss similar to that in retinitis pigmentosa. Usher syndrome type I is distinguished by profound congenital (preverbal) deafness and retinal disease with onset in the first decade of life. Usher syndrome type II is characterized by partial hearing impairment and retinal dystrophy that occurs in late adolescence or early adulthood. The chromosomal assignment and the regional localization of the genetic mutation(s) causing the Usher syndromes are unknown. We analyzed a panel of polymorphic genomic markers for linkage to the disease gene among six families with Usher syndrome type I and 22 families with Usher syndrome type II. Significant linkage was established between Usher syndrome type II and the DNA marker locus THH33 (D1S81), which maps to chromosome 1q. The most likely location of the disease gene is at a map distance of 9 cM from THH33 (lod score 6.5). The same marker failed to show linkage in families segregating an allele for Usher syndrome type I. These data confirm the provisional assignment of the locus for Usher syndrome type II to the distal end of chromosome 1q and demonstrate that the clinical heterogeneity between Usher types I and II is caused by mutational events at different genetic loci. Regional localization has the potential to improve carrier detection and to provide antenatal diagnosis in families at risk for the disease.  相似文献   

Hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (HNA) is an autosomal dominant recurrent neuropathy mapped to a 4-cM interval on chromosome 17q25 between the short tandem repeat (STR) markers D17S1603 and D17S802. Chromosome 17q25 in general and the 4-cM HNA region in particular are also implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of tumors (tylosis with esophageal cancer, sporadic breast and ovarian tumors) and harbor a psoriasis susceptibility locus. Initial attempts to construct a yeast artificial chromosome contig failed. Therefore, we have now constructed a complete P1 artificial chromosome (PAC) and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contig of the region flanked by the STR markers D17S1603 and D17S802. The contig contains 22 PAC and 64 BAC clones and covers a physical distance of approximately 1. 5 Mb. A total of 83 sequence-tagged site (STS) markers (10 known STSs and STRs, 56 STSs generated from clone end-fragments, 12 expressed sequence tags, and 5 known genes) were mapped on the contig, resulting in an extremely dense physical map with approximately 1 STS per 20 kb. This sequence-ready PAC and BAC contig will be pivotal for the positional cloning of the HNA gene as well as other disease genes mapping to this region.  相似文献   

Genome-wide scans have mapped economically important quantitative trait loci (QTL) for mastitis susceptibility in dairy cattle at the telomeric end of bovine chromosome 18 (BTA18). In order to increase the density of markers in this chromosomal region and to improve breakpoint resolution in the human-bovine comparative map, this study describes the chromosomal assignment of seven newly developed gene-associated markers and five microsatellites and eight previously mapped sequence tagged site markers near these QTL. The orientation of KCNJ14, BAX, CD37, NKG7, LIM2, PRKCG, TNNT1, MGC2705, RPL28, EPN1, ZNF582, ZIM2, STK13, ZNF132 and SLC27A5 on the 3000-rad radiation hybrid (RH) map of BTA18 is homologous to the organization found on the corresponding 10 Mbp of human chromosome 19q (HSA19q). The resulting bovine RH map with a length of 20.9 cR spans over about 11 cM on the bovine linkage map. The location of KCNJ14 and SLC27A5 flanking the RH map on BTA18q25-26 has been confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The data of this refined human-bovine comparative map should improve selection of candidate genes for mastitis susceptibility in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

The serum protein cystic fibrosis-associated antigen (CFAG), present at elevated levels in CF homozygotes and heterozygotes, is now known to consist of two distinct but related subunits (calgranulins A (CAGA) and B (CAGB)). Both show similarity to the S100-related calcium-binding proteins. We have previously assigned CAGA to human chromosome 1q12-q21 and demonstrate here that the cDNA probe for CAGB cosegregates with it in our somatic cell hybrid panel. cDNA probes for the related genes calcyclin (CACY) and a mouse placental protein (18A2, suggested name Capl) enabled us to confirm and refine the in situ hybridization result assigning CACY to chromosome 1q21-25 and to demonstrate that both genes cosegregate with CAGA and CAGB. Capl was mapped to a region of chromosome 3 in the mouse using the BXD recombinant inbred strain mice where the p11 protein (calpactin light chain Cal1l), another S100 family member, has been localized. Cacy is shown to be within 8 kb of Capl in the mouse genome.  相似文献   

A primary genetic map of chromosome 13q.   总被引:23,自引:9,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
We have constructed a primary genetic map spanning most of human chromosome 13. A total of 14 polymorphic DNA sequences and one protein polymorphism provided, after construction of haplotypes, seven markers for the long arm of this chromosome. A panel of cell lines from 30 three-generation families with large sibship size served as the sample set. Pairwise cross analysis of the inheritance patterns of the marker loci established that six of the seven loci constituted a single linkage group; the seventh was localized by physical means. Significantly higher recombination rates were found in female than in male meioses in several intervals. The six closely linked loci were arranged, based on the two-point data, in three clusters, and a number of alternate gene orders were excluded by three-point linkage tests. The order and spacing of the individual loci were refined by linkage analyses that considered five loci jointly.  相似文献   

A detailed multipoint gene map of chromosome 1q   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Utilizing genotyping data for 23 markers, we have constructed a 21-locus multipoint genetic map of the long arm of chromosome 1. Five new RFLPs are reported. The map integrates anonymous loci from previous primary linkage maps and incorporates markers for 10 coding sequences. These markers form a continuous linkage group of 85 cM in males and 141 cM in females. The map was constructed employing the LINKAGE and CRIMAP computational methodologies via a stepwise algorithm.  相似文献   

Localization of two genes for Usher syndrome type I to chromosome 11.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The Usher syndromes (USH) are autosomal recessive diseases characterized by congenital sensorineural hearing loss and progressive pigmentary retinopathy. While relatively rare in the general population, collectively they account for approximately 6% of the congenitally deaf population. Usher syndrome type II (USH2) has been mapped to chromosome 1q (W. J. Kimberling, M. D. Weston, C. M?ller, et al., 1990, Genomics 7: 245-249; R. A. Lewis, B. Otterud, D. Stauffer, et al., 1990, Genomics 7: 250-256), and one form of Usher syndrome type I (USH1) has been mapped to chromosome 14q (J. Kaplan, S. Gerber, D. Bonneau, J. Rozet, M. Briord, J. Dufier, A. Munnich, and J. Frezal, 1990. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 58: 1988). These loci have been excluded as regions of USH genes in our data set, which is composed of 8 French-Acadian USH1 families and 11 British USH1 families. Both of these sets of families show linkage to loci on chromosome 11. Linkage analysis demonstrates locus heterogeneity between these sets of families, with the French-Acadian families showing linkage to D11S419 (Z = 4.20, theta = 0) and the British families showing linkage to D11S527 (Z = 6.03, theta = 0). Genetic heterogeneity of the data set was confirmed using HOMOG and the M test (log likelihood ratio > 10(5)). These results confirm the presence of two distinct USH1 loci on chromosome 11.  相似文献   

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