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SUMMARY. Some authors have recently concluded that, using morphological criteria, the freshwater bryozoans Plumatella repens and P. fugosa cannot be separated and should be regarded as conspecific. To test this conclusion, electrophoretic techniques have been used to examine genetic differences between the two nominate species at several enzyme loci. Significant variation at a malate dehydrogenase locus and three aminopeptidase loci establish beyond doubt that P. repens and P. fugosa are separate but related species. No significant variation was found between two populations of P. repens . Morphological characters for the distinction of the two species are discussed and evaluated.  相似文献   

Upon germination of a statoblast, the shell is split into two valves; a mucous pad which represents the basal portion of the body wall of the incipient zooid or ancestrula then appears from between the valves; lastly, a tiny polypide evaginates at the opposite site. When two or more contiguously located statoblasts (floatoblasts or sessoblasts) of the same species germinate simultaneously, their mucous pads often come into contact with each other. The walls of the mucous pads then disappear in the contact areas, thus uniting the coeloms of the ancestrulae. This type of fusion between mucous pads of statoblast-derived ancestrulae was ascertained in Plumatella emarginata, P. repens, P. casmiana, and Hyalinella punctata. The fusion is clearly species specific, and shows no clone specificity or allogeneic recognition. The fusibility test reported here seems to be a useful method for the examination of conspecificity in plumatellid bryozoans.  相似文献   

Isozymes were used to study the putative ancestors of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.). Ten enzymes were examined, and 18 loci were resolved via starch-gel electrophoresis for accessions representing T. repens, Trifolium isthmocarpum, Trifolium nigrescens, Trifolium occidentale and Trifolium uniflorum, in addition to two more distantly related species, Trifolium alpinum and Trifolium purseglovei. Nei's genetic identities indicate that T. uniflorum and T. nigrescens are the closest relatives of T. repens. The isozyme data thus support a hypothesis that the two genomes of the tetraploid T. repens could have been derived from hybridization between T. nigrescens and T. uniflorum. This conclusion is further supported by shared alleles between T. repens, T. nigrescens and T. uniflorum. However, the origin of T. repens is somewhat obscured by the presence of shared alleles between T. repens and both T. occidentale and T. isthmocarpum, suggesting that introgression of genes from the latter two species into T. repens may also have taken place. High values of genetic identity are shared between T. occidentale with T. nigrescens and T. uniflorum, also indicative of introgression. Alternatively the presence of shared alleles among the five species may reflect their recent common ancestry.  相似文献   

Few are studies on P elements that have addressed the saltans group. These studies had shown that species from the cordata and elliptica subgroups were devoid of any discernible P homologous sequences, while species from the parasaltans, sturtevanti, and saltans subgroups all contain P element sequences. Our analyses showed the presence of one to 15 P element insertion sites in species of the saltans group, including Drosophila neocordata and Drosophila emarginata (cordata and elliptica subgroups, respectively). From these species, only those from the parasaltans, sturtevanti, and saltans subgroups harbor canonical P elements and, only those of the last two subgroups seem to harbor putative full-sized elements. Due to the low similarity of the sequences found in D. neocordata and D. emarginata to those earlier described, we suggest that these sequences might be rudimental P element derivatives that were present in the ancestral of the subgenus Sophophora.  相似文献   

Although sympatric character divergence between closely related species has been described in a wide variety of taxa, the evolutionary processes responsible for generating these patterns are difficult to identify. One hypothesis that can explain sympatric differences is ecological character displacement: the sympatric origin of morphologically divergent phenotypes in response to selection caused by interspecific competition. Alternatively, populations may adapt to different conditions in allopatry, with sympatric distributions evolving through selective colonization and proliferation of ecologically compatible phenotypes. In this study, I characterize geographic variation within two sibling species of rocky-shore gastropods that have partially overlapping distributions in central California. In sympatry, both Nucella emarginata and N. ostrina show significant differences in shell shape and shell ornamentation that together suggest that where the two species co-exist, divergent phenotypes arose as an evolutionary consequence of competition. To examine the evolutionary origins of divergent characters in sympatry, I used a comparative method based on spatial autocorrelation to remove the portion of the phenotypic variance among populations that is explained by genetic distance (using mitochondrial DNA sequences and allozyme frequency data). Because the remaining portion of the phenotypic variance represents the independent divergence of individual populations, a significant sympatric difference in the corrected dataset provides evidence of true character displacement: significant sympatric character evolution that is independent of population history. After removal of genetic distance effects in Nucella, shell shape differences remain statistically significant in N. emarginata, providing evidence of significant sympatric character divergence. However, for external shell ornamentation in both species and shell shape in N. ostrina, the significance of sympatric differences is lost in the corrected dataset, indicating that colonization events and gene flow have played important roles in the evolutionary history of character divergence in sympatry. Although the absence of a widely dispersing planktonic larva in the life cycle of Nucella will promote local adaptation, the results here indicate that once advantageous traits arise, demographic processes, such as recurrent gene flow between established populations and extinction and recolonization, are important factors contributing to the geographic pattern of sympatric character divergence.  相似文献   

The cyanogenic polymorphism in Trifolium repens is caused by the variation in two genes, the interaction of which produces four distinct cyanotypes. Along the Atlantic coasts of Bretagne, T. repens is sometimes found in populations mixed with the related species Trifolium occidentale, although the latter species usually occurs only in a narrow fringe along the coast, whereas T. repens is a more inland species. No plants of T. occidentale have ever been reported to have linamarase activity. Indeed, of 763 T. occidentale plants studied, none contained linamarase activity. However, the variation in the proportion of cyanotypes in T. repens was enormous, even between sites less than 2km apart. Our results confirm the presumption that T. repens and T. occidentale are indeed separate species. Both the fact that T. occidentale plants never contain linamarase activity, and the difference in proportion of plants with cyanoglucosides in mixed stands show that gene flow between the species must be rare. These dissimilar distributions strongly indicate that cyanotypic frequencies in adjacent and mixed populations of the very closely related species T. occidentale and T. repens are regulated by different mechanisms  相似文献   

Geographic variation in resource use can produce locally adapted populations that exhibit genetic and phenotypic divergence. In the bird-winged grasshopper (Schistocerca emarginata = [lineata]), we investigate whether genetic data exist in accordance with geographic variation in resource (host) use and coloration. In Texas, juvenile grasshoppers feed almost exclusively on one of two host plants, Rubus trivialis (Rosaceae) or Ptelea trifoliata (Rutaceae), whereas adults of both forms are dietary generalists and consume many plants from unrelated families. Along with differences in juvenile feeding, differences in a density-dependent color polyphenism are concordant with genetic (mitochondrial DNA) variation among eight populations of the bird-winged grasshopper. Forms feeding on R. trivialis and those feeding on P. trifoliata represent monophyletic lineages according to phylogenetic analysis and maximum-likelihood tests of two alternative phylogeographic hypotheses for geographic variation in host use. Character-state optimization of host-plant acceptability on a phylogeny containing S. emarginata and outgroup taxa indicates that populations consuming R. trivialis gave rise to populations consuming P. trifoliata. Juvenile grasshoppers that consume P. trifoliata acquire deterrence against predation, suggesting that enemy-free space facilitated this host shift. In extant populations, adaptations stemming from alternative resource use during ontogeny present possible barriers to gene exchange. This study represents the first demonstration of resource-associated divergence in an otherwise generalist insect that exhibits temporal variation in resource use, characterized as developmental changes in host specialization. Our findings suggest that exploitation of different resources may have unexplored significance for generalist species that compartmentalize specialization to particular life stages.  相似文献   

Kloda JM  Dean PD  Maddren C  MacDonald DW  Mayes S 《Heredity》2008,100(3):253-260
The investigation of genetic diversity between related plant populations which differ in ploidy levels is problematic, with common statistical methods developed for diploids being inappropriate for polyploid species. Studies into gene flow in such complexes are critical and can shed light on the mechanisms that generate and maintain populations of different polyploidy levels. We have investigated the use of principle component (PCO) analysis as one approach to elucidate population structure within British Restharrows (Leguminsoae, Ononis spp). Restharrows were common agricultural weed species until the advent of mechanical ploughing and both diploid (2n=2x=30; O. spinosa and O. intermedia) and tetraploid (2n=4x=60; O. repens and O. maritima) taxa exist. Patterns of genetic diversity were investigated among British Restharrows using 10 microsatellite loci with 21 Restharrow populations analysed (411 individual plants) from Central and Eastern Britain. PCO analysis revealed clear genetic differentiation of the sampled plants into two groups, corresponding to O. spinosa/O. intermedia (diploid) and O. repens/O. maritima (tetraploid) plants. Evidence of genetic differentiation by distance was also revealed for O. repens/O. maritima, but not for O. spinosa/O. intermedia. The data suggest the presence of strong reproductive barriers between diploid and tetraploid Restharrows in Britain, but not within ploidy levels. This genetic isolation between ploidy levels is confirmed by a detailed analysis of a sympatric site (Harton Down Hill). These results demonstrate that PCA analysis is a suitable general tool for comparing related species of different ploidy levels.  相似文献   

White rot fungi, Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Phanerochaete sordida, have been mostly studied in a variety of industrial processes like biopulping and pulp bleaching as well as in bioremediation. Whereas P. sordida is widely distributed in the North Temperate Zone, P. chrysosporium is reported in the restricted area and hundreds of reports have been described from a few strains of P. chrysosporium, which are deposited at various fungal collections in the world. The isolates of two species are not easily discriminated because of their morphological and molecular similarity. Through the ITS sequence analyses, a region containing substantial genetic variation between the two species was identified. PCR amplification using two specific primers was successfully used to differentiate P. chrysosporium from P. sordida. These results were supported by cultural studies. The growth rates at 37 degrees C on PDA, MEA, and Cza and the microscopic features of conidia on PDA and YMA were also very useful to differentiate those two species.  相似文献   

黄皮属部分种及栽培品种花粉形态的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
喻自觉  何丽卿  黄昌贤   《广西植物》1992,12(2):118-124+193
本文应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对华南地区黄皮属(Clausena Burm.f.)5种(变种)及9个黄皮栽培品种(Clausena lansium (Lour.)Skeels)的花粉形态特征进行了观察分析,发现花粉形态组成、沟孔特征、外壁纹饰特征是黄皮属种级或种级以下各个分类等级内的个体相互区分的有效特征,可以作为种或品种鉴定的依据之一。另外,对花粉形态研究中的一些问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

吸果夜蛾优势种群的发生与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在湖北,鸟咀壶夜蛾与咀壶夜蛾是吸果夜蛾的优势种群。鸟咀壶夜蛾一年出现4次为害高峰;咀壶夜蛾一年出现4次为害期,但仅第4次形成为害高峰期。两者的幼虫均以木防己为食,木防己的分布及密度直接与两种夜蛾的发生及虫口密度相关。根除果园周围吸果夜蛾幼虫的寄主植物--木防己是防治吸果夜蛾的有效措施。用除草剂涂茎防除木防己是一种简便易行、一次防除、长期受益的好方法。  相似文献   

This paper considers the patterns of shell shape variation shown by Nucella canalicuata, N. emarginata and N. lamellosa from two areas of the Pacific Northwest: the shores near Friday Harbour on San Juan Island and near Bamfield on the west coast of Vancouver Island. No clear pattern of variation in association with changes in exposure was seen in either N. canaliculata or N. lamellosa . It appears that genetic influences are more important controls of shell shape than environmental selection in both these species. Nucella emarginata shows the nearest approximation to the pattern shown by the Atlantic species, N. lapillus , but only at the exposed end of the wave-action gradient. On those shores, enclaves from the most surf-washed open coast headlands have shells with proportionally larger apertures (and thus a shorter, squatter form) than their equivalents in local shelter. But, unlike in N. lapillus , the trend does not continue onto genuinely sheltered shores. Under these circumstances the species is generally rare and, where enclaves do occur, their shells are of much the same shape (although of a much larger size) as in more exposed situations.  相似文献   

Pyrene and pollen morphology of several neo- and paleotropical Geophila species is documented and discussed. Pyrenes show distinct morphological variation. They have one central or several adaxial ribs and are straight or twisted. Neotropical species only have twisted pyrenes, whereas Madagascan species have straight ones. Both pyrene types occur on the tropical African mainland and in tropical Asia. The genus is eurypalynous, including inaperturate, colpate and pantoporate pollen. The paper includes the first record of operculate pollen in the Rubiaceae, viz. in Geophila repens var. repens . Pyrenes as well as pollen morphology indicate that the varieties of the pantropical species G. repens need recognition at the specific level.  相似文献   

A multilocus genetic analysis based on protein electrophoresis was carried out on 39 adult specimens of Dirofilaria repens and 31 of D. immitis. Seventeen enzymatic loci provided reliable electrophoretic patterns which were compared in the two species. All loci except one were monomorphic. Fixed alternative allozymes were found at 13 loci while only 3 loci shared apparently the same allozyme in the two species. The polymorphic locus, Pgm, also showed alternative allozymes. This remarkably high genetic divergence, which presumably reflects a very old speciation process, allows an easy characterization of D. repens and D. immitis and supports their classification in the subgenera Nochtiella and Dirofilaria, respectively.  相似文献   

The majority of species interact with at least several others. We develop simple genetic models of coevolution between three species where interactions are mediated by quantitative traits. We assume that one of the species has two quantitative traits, each of which governs its interaction with one of the other two species. We use this model to explore how genetic correlations between the two traits in the multivariate species shape the evolutionary dynamics and outcomes of three species interactions. Our results suggest that genetic correlations are most important when at least one of the interactions is between a predator and prey or parasite and host. In these cases, genetic correlations between traits lead to a wide variety of novel coevolutionary outcomes and dynamics. In particular, genetic correlations can affect the existence and stability of coevolutionary equilibrium points, and they can lead to recurrent or permanent maladaptation. When the three species interact only as competitors or mutualists, however, genetic correlations have no effect on the outcome of coevolution. In all cases, our results reveal the surprising conclusion that both positive and negative genetic correlations between traits have qualitatively identical effects on coevolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

We summarize information concerning Recent and Pleistocene-Holocene Uruguayan sand dollars (Mellitidae), as well as Miocene taxa (Monophorasteridae). Recent and Pleistocene-Holocene species (Encope emarginata, Mellita quinquiesperforata, and Leodia sexisperforata) are at their southernmost limits of distribution, with only E. emarginata recorded further south than Uruguay. Lower temperatures to the south, and/or the Rio de la Plata salinity barrier are suggested as controlling factors of these distributions. During the Miocene, the sea temperatures were notably higher than at present, and it was at this time that the extinct genera Monophoraster and Amplaster reached their maximum diversity in Uruguay. The family Monophorasteridae is the basal sister group of the Mellitidae.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the pollen morphology of 10 species and 1 variety of Loxostemon in China. The pollen grains were all examined under light microscope. The pollen grains of Loxostemon are subspheroidal, spheroidal or prolate, 18--33×11.8-28 μ in size, 3-colpate, colpi 15-21 μ long and 1-2 μ wide. The exine is 1.5-3 μ thick with two indistinct or distinct layers. All the pollen grains are generally reticulate under light microscope. They are distinctly or obscurely and finely reticulate. L. axillus and L. repens are generally similar in gross morphology, but the pollen grains of these two species are different. The pollen grains of L. axillus are regularly polygonally reticulate, colpi are acute-ended and the exine is about 3 μ thick, whereas those of L.repens are irregularly polygonally reticulate, colpi are enlarged at both ends and the exine is about 2.8 μ thick. L. incanus and L. stenolobus appear to have similar gross morphology, but the pollen grains of the former have exines with two distinct layers and a densely and finely reticulate ornamentation and those of the latter have exines with two indistinct layers and a flexuosely reticulate ornamentation.  相似文献   

The genome constitution of Icelandic Elymus caninus, E. alaskanus, and Elytrigia repens was examined by fluorescence in situ hybridization using genomic DNA and selected cloned sequences as probes. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) of Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. californicum (diploid, H genome) probe confirmed the presence of an H genome in the two tetraploid Elymus species and identified its presence in the hexaploid Elytrigia repens. The H chromosomes were painted uniformly except for some chromosomes of Elytrigia repens which showed extended unlabelled pericentromeric and subterminal regions. A mixture of genomic DNA from H. marinum ssp. marinum (diploid, Xa genome) and H. murinum ssp. leporinum (tetraploid, Xu genome) did not hybridize to chromosomes of the Elymus species or Elytrigia repens, confirming that these genomes were different from the H genome. The St genomic probe from Pseudoroegneria spicata (diploid) did not discriminate between the genomes of the Elymus species, whereas it produced dispersed and spotty hybridization signals most likely on the two St genomes of Elytrigia repens. Chromosomes of the two genera Elymus and Elytrigia showed different patterns of hybridization with clones pTa71 and pAes41, while clones pTa1 and pSc119.2 hybridized only to Elytrigia chromosomes. Based on FISH with these genomic and cloned probes, the two Elymus species are genomically similar, but they are evidently different from Elytrigia repens. Therefore the genomes of Icelandic Elymus caninus and E. alaskanus remain as StH, whereas the genomes of Elytrigia repens are proposed as XXH.  相似文献   

Aims Competition for pollinators between phenotypically similar flowers is believed to play an important role in floral trait diversification in the angiosperms. However, in many plant communities, species with apparently similar floral phenotypes and generalist pollination systems co-flower. Here, the pollination systems of Ranunculus acris L. and Ranunculus repens L. were investigated to determine the factors enabling the species to coexist within apparently overlapping pollination niches.Methods Sympatrically flowering populations of R. acris and R. repens were investigated at three study sites in West Wales. The floral phenotypes of the two species were compared using measurements of floral morphology and spectral analyses of petal reflectance, using principal component analysis and bee and fly colour-space models. Evidence of inter-specific discrimination by foraging insects was tested for in the field and using floral arrays. The relative roles of behavioural constancy and spatial patchiness in maintaining pollinator fidelity were estimated.Important findings The floral phenotypes of R. acris and R. repens differed significantly. Social bees were highly constant when foraging at flowers of the two species and patchy floral distribution explained some of the observed fidelity. Dipterans visiting mixed floral arrays appeared to discriminate between the species, visiting more R. acris than R. repens flowers, but there was no difference in the number of visits to single-species arrays. Social bees were more likely to display constancy to flowers of R. repens in the field. Patchiness in floral distribution, subtle differences in floral phenotype, pollinator preferences and behavioural constancy are all likely to contribute to the continued coexistence of R. acris and R. repens, despite apparent overlap in their pollination niches. Such differences have the potential to facilitate the maintenance of species diversity in plant communities, even where plants appear to share similar floral phenotypes.  相似文献   

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