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Models of mastication require knowledge of fiber lengths and physiological cross-sectional area (PCS), a proxy for muscle force. I dissected 36 medial pterygoid and 36 lateral pterygoid muscles from 30 adult females of 3 macaque species (Macaca fascicularis, M. mulatta, M. nemestrina) using gross and chemical techniques and calculated PCS. These macaques have mechanically similar dietary niches and exhibit no significant difference in muscle architecture or fiber length. Fiber length does not scale with body size (mass) for either total pterygoid muscle or for medial pterygoid muscle mass. However, fiber length scales weakly with lateral pterygoid muscle mass. In each case, differences in PCS among species result from differences in muscle mass not fiber length. Medial pterygoid PCS scales isometrically with body size; larger animals have greater force production capabilities. Medial and lateral pterygoid PCS scale positively allometrically with facial size; individuals with more prognathic faces and taller mandibular corpora have greater PCS, and hence force, values. This positive allometry counters the less efficient positioning of masticatory muscles in longer-faced macaques. PCS is only weakly correlated with bone proxies previously used to estimate muscle force. Thus, predictions of muscle force from bone parameters will entail large margins of error and should be used with caution.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to test various hypotheses about balancing-side jaw muscle recruitment patterns during mastication, with a major focus on testing the hypothesis that symphyseal fusion in anthropoids is due mainly to vertically- and/or transversely-directed jaw muscle forces. Furthermore, as the balancing-side deep masseter has been shown to play an important role in wishboning of the macaque mandibular symphysis, we test the hypothesis that primates possessing a highly mobile mandibular symphysis do not exhibit the balancing-side deep masseter firing pattern that causes wishboning of the anthropoid mandible. Finally, we also test the hypothesis that balancing-side muscle recruitment patterns are importantly related to allometric constraints associated with the evolution of increasing body size. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the left and right superficial and deep masseters were recorded and analyzed in baboons, macaques, owl monkeys, and thick-tailed galagos. The masseter was chosen for analysis because in the frontal projection its superficial portion exerts force primarily in the vertical (dorsoventral) direction, whereas its deep portion has a relatively larger component of force in the transverse direction. The symphyseal fusion-muscle recruitment hypothesis predicts that unlike anthropoids, galagos develop bite force with relatively little contribution from their balancing-side jaw muscles. Thus, compared to galagos, anthropoids recruit a larger percentage of force from their balancing-side muscles. If true, this means that during forceful mastication, galagos should have working-side/balancing-side (W/B) EMG ratios that are relatively large, whereas anthropoids should have W/B ratios that are relatively small. The EMG data indicate that galagos do indeed have the largest average W/B ratios for both the superficial and deep masseters (2.2 and 4.4, respectively). Among the anthropoids, the average W/B ratios for the superficial and deep masseters are 1.9 and 1.0 for baboons, 1.4 and 1.0 for macaques, and both values are 1.4 for owl monkeys. Of these ratios, however, the only significant difference between thick-tailed galagos and anthropoids are those associated with the deep masseter. Furthermore, the analysis of masseter firing patterns indicates that whereas baboons, macaques and owl monkeys exhibit the deep masseter firing pattern associated with wishboning of the macaque mandibular symphysis, galagos do not exhibit this firing pattern. The allometric constraint-muscle recruitment hypothesis predicts that larger primates must recruit relatively larger amounts of balancing-side muscle force so as to develop equivalent amounts of bite force. Operationally this means that during forceful mastication, the W/B EMG ratios for the superficial and deep masseters should be negatively correlated with body size. Our analysis clearly refutes this hypothesis. As already noted, the average W/B ratios for both the superficial and deep masseter are largest in thick-tailed galagos, and not, as predicted by the allometric constraint hypothesis, in owl monkeys, an anthropoid whose body size is smaller than that of thick-tailed galagos. Our analysis also indicates that owl monkeys have W/B ratios that are small and more similar to those of the much larger-sized baboons and macaques. Thus, both the analysis of the W/B EMG ratios and the muscle firing pattern data support the hypothesis that symphyseal fusion and transversely-directed muscle force in anthropoids are functionally linked. This in turn supports the hypothesis that the evolution of symphyseal fusion in anthropoids is an adaptation to strengthen the symphysis so as to counter increased wishboning stress during forceful unilateral mastication. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED)  相似文献   

Primates with diets that require greater occlusal forces to process exhibit anteroposteriorly shorter, vertically deeper faces, more anteriorly placed masseter attachment areas, and broader, taller mandibular corpora compared to closely related species/populations. Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)eat different, perhaps mechanically tougher to process, foods than other macaques do. Accordingly, they should exhibit structural features of the skull related to dissipating great occlusal loads. To test this hypothesis I compared cranial variables amongst wild-caught, adult female skulls (n = 85) of M. fuscataand three other macaque species (M. mulatta, M. fascicularis,and M. nemestrina)and applied least-squares and reduced-major-axis regression analysis and principal components analysis (PCA) to 17 cranial variables reflecting facial, vault, and mandibular dimensions. When scaled for size, the Japanese macaque has a vertically deeper and anteroposteriorly shorter face,a broader but not taller mandibular corpus, and a more anteriorly placed masseter muscle than the other three macaques do. The first PCA axis isolates variation due to a suite of characters related to mechanical efficiency in dissipating occlusal loads (vertically deep face and broad corpus) and differentiates the Japanese macaques from the other species. This, coupled with reported dietary differences among species, suggests that Japanese macaques are selected for dissipating greater occlusal loads than other macaques are. The presence of a narrow mandible relative to cranial breadth and a hyperrobust mandibular corpus width suggests that axial torsion is a significant influence in the masticatory regime of M. fuscata.The lack of an increase in corpus height indicates that parasagittal bending is not as significant an influence. Geographic and climatic influences cannot account for the patterns of variation between M. fuscataand the other macaques.  相似文献   

The DRB region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of cynomolgus and rhesus macaques is highly plastic, and extensive copy number variation together with allelic polymorphism makes it a challenging enterprise to design a typing protocol. All intact DRB genes in cynomolgus monkeys (Mafa) appear to possess a compound microsatellite, DRB-STR, in intron 2, which displays extensive length polymorphism. Therefore, this STR was studied in a large panel of animals, comprising pedigreed families as well. Sequencing analysis resulted in the detection of 60 Mafa-DRB exon 2 sequences that were unambiguously linked to the corresponding microsatellite. Its length is often allele specific and follows Mendelian segregation. In cynomolgus and rhesus macaques, the nucleotide composition of the DRB-STR is in concordance with the phylogeny of exon 2 sequences. As in humans and rhesus monkeys, this protocol detects specific combinations of different DRB-STR lengths that are unique for each haplotype. In the present panel, 22 Mafa-DRB region configurations could be defined, which exceeds the number detected in a comparable cohort of Indian rhesus macaques. The results suggest that, in cynomolgus monkeys, even more frequently than in rhesus macaques, new haplotypes are generated by recombination-like events. Although both macaque species are known to share several identical DRB exon 2 sequences, the lengths of the corresponding microsatellites often differ. Thus, this method allows not only fast and accurate DRB haplotyping but may also permit discrimination between highly related macaque species.  相似文献   

The jaw‐closing muscles are responsible for generating many of the forces and movements associated with feeding. Muscle physiologic cross‐sectional area (PCSA) and fiber length are two architectural parameters that heavily influence muscle function. While there have been numerous comparative studies of hominoid and hominin craniodental and mandibular morphology, little is known about hominoid jaw‐muscle fiber architecture. We present novel data on masseter and temporalis internal muscle architecture for small‐ and large‐bodied hominoids. Hominoid scaling patterns are evaluated and compared with representative New‐ (Cebus) and Old‐World (Macaca) monkeys. Variation in hominoid jaw‐muscle fiber architecture is related to both absolute size and allometry. PCSAs scale close to isometry relative to jaw length in anthropoids, but likely with positive allometry in hominoids. Thus, large‐bodied apes may be capable of generating both absolutely and relatively greater muscle forces compared with smaller‐bodied apes and monkeys. Compared with extant apes, modern humans exhibit a reduction in masseter PCSA relative to condyle‐M1 length but retain relatively long fibers, suggesting humans may have sacrificed relative masseter muscle force during chewing without appreciably altering muscle excursion/contraction velocity. Lastly, craniometric estimates of PCSAs underestimate hominoid masseter and temporalis PCSAs by more than 50% in gorillas, and overestimate masseter PCSA by as much as 30% in humans. These findings underscore the difficulty of accurately estimating jaw‐muscle fiber architecture from craniometric measures and suggest models of fossil hominin and hominoid bite forces will be improved by incorporating architectural data in estimating jaw‐muscle forces. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:120–134, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Tufted capuchins (sensu lato) are renowned for their dietary flexibility and capacity to exploit hard and tough objects. Cebus apella differs from other capuchins in displaying a suite of craniodental features that have been functionally and adaptively linked to their feeding behavior, particularly the generation and dissipation of relatively large jaw forces. We compared fiber architecture of the masseter and temporalis muscles between C. apella (n = 12) and two “untufted” capuchins (C. capucinus, n = 3; C. albifrons, n = 5). These three species share broadly similar diets, but tufted capuchins occasionally exploit mechanically challenging tissues. We tested the hypothesis that tufted capuchins exhibit architectural properties of their jaw muscles that facilitate relatively large forces including relatively greater physiologic cross-sectional areas (PCSA), more pinnate fibers, and lower ratios of mass to tetanic tension (Mass/P0). Results show some evidence supporting these predictions, as C. apella has relatively greater superficial masseter and temporalis PCSAs, significantly so only for the temporalis following Bonferroni adjustment. Capuchins did not differ in pinnation angle or Mass/P0. As an architectural trade-off between maximizing muscle force and muscle excursion/contraction velocity, we also tested the hypothesis that C. apella exhibits relatively shorter muscle fibers. Contrary to our prediction, there are no significant differences in relative fiber lengths between tufted and untufted capuchins. Therefore, we attribute the relatively greater PCSAs in tufted capuchins primarily to their larger muscle masses. These findings suggest that relatively large jaw-muscle PCSAs can be added to the suite of masticatory features that have been functionally linked to the exploitation of a more resistant diet by C. apella. By enlarging jaw-muscle mass to increase PCSA, rather than reducing fiber lengths and increasing pinnation, tufted capuchins appear to have increased jaw-muscle and bite forces without markedly compromising muscle excursion and contraction velocity. One performance advantage of this morphology is that it promotes relatively large bite forces at wide jaw gapes, which may be useful for processing large food items along the posterior dentition. We further hypothesize that this morphological pattern may have the ecological benefit of facilitating the dietary diversity seen in tufted capuchins. Lastly, the observed feeding on large objects, coupled with a jaw-muscle architecture that facilitates this behavior, raises concerns about utilizing C. apella as an extant behavioral model for hominins that might have specialized on small objects in their diets.  相似文献   

Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis fascicularis) are widely distributed in Southeast Asia and are morphologically and genetically (Tosi et al. in International Journal of Primatology 23:161–178, 2002) distinguishable on either side of the Isthmus of Kra (ca. 10.5°N). We compared the somatometry and body color of 15 local populations of long-tailed macaques in Thailand distributed over areas from 6.5°N to 16.3°N and also a Thai rhesus macaque population at 17.2°N. Limb proportions and body color variation follow the geographical trend. However, contrary to a previous report, body size does not decrease with latitude in the northern group and also in the southern (southerly distributed) rhesus macaque. Relative tail length (RTL) and color contrast in yellow between the back and thigh are the sole traits that distinctively separate the 2 groups: the southern group has a long relative tail length (RTL >125%) and small color contrast, whereas the northern group has a short RTL (<120%) and large color contrast. The southern rhesus macaques appear to have somatometric and body color traits that follow the geographical trend in long-tailed macaques, though they maintain their distinctive species-specific traits of shorter RTL (ca. 55%), shorter relative facial length, and a bipartite body color pattern. Researchers assume that the northern group of long-tailed macaques and the southern rhesus macaques had undergone partial introgression with each other. Montane refugia present during the glacial period are localities in which introgression occurred in long-tailed macaques.  相似文献   

Macaca, comprising 20 well-characterized species, represents the largest and one of the most ecologically and socially diverse of all the nonhuman primate genera. We report the discovery of a macaque that is new to science from the high altitudes of western Arunachal Pradesh, a biodiversity-rich state in northeastern India. We propose the scientific name Macaca munzala and the vernacular name Arunachal macaque for the species. It shares morphological characteristics independently with the Assamese macaque (Macaca assamensis) and with the Tibetan macaque M. thibetana; like them, it appears to belong to the sinica species-group of the genus. However, the species is distinctive in relative tail length, which is intermediate between those of Tibetan and Western Assamese macaques, the subspecies with which it is sympatric. It is also unique in its altitudinal distribution, occurring largely at altitudes between 2000 and 3500 m. We provide a morphological characterization of the species, report preliminary data on its field biology and discuss possible taxonomic identity in relation to the other closely-related species of Macaca.*This paper is dedicated to Dr. A. J. T. Johnsingh for his immense contributions to the study and conservation of India’s wildlife and for being an inspiration to a whole generation of students.  相似文献   

Fetal long bone growth was studied from 59 radiographs representing 35 macaques and 79 radiographs representing 16 squirrel monkeys. From lateral abdominal radiographs of pregnant females total lengths of long bone shadows were measured to the nearest millimeter with a sliding caliper. A linear regression line was fitted to the data for each species. The high correlation coefficients (min. = 0.92) indicated not only that over 80% of the variance in longbone length was associated with the regression but also that linear regression was an acceptable model. It was determined that the macaque long bones grew more rapidly prenatally than the squirrel monkey long bones. Saimiri long bones grew at a faster rate during the second half of gestation than would be expected considering that the macaque long bones were approximately twice the length of Saimiri long bones at birth and that the duration of their gestation was about the same. Thus squirrel monkeys must achieve a greater percentage of their birth size during the second half of gestation.  相似文献   

Seven species of malaria naturally infect eight species of macaques in southwestern India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. Within malarious areas, the frequency of infections in infected species of macaques varies from 9 to 61%. Natural malarial infections in macaques are relatively benign. The proved or probable vectors of macaque malaria are seven species of mosquitoes that belong to the Leucosphyrus Group of the genus Anopheles. The geographic distribution of macaque malaria apparently is determined by the distribution of the Leucosphyrus Group of mosquitoes, which in turn apparently is determined by the distribution of tropical evergreen rain forest. Experimental infections with three species of macaque malaria frequently are lethal to populations or species of macaques that inhabit areas outside the geographic ranges of the parasites. In populations or species of macaques that are sympatric with experimentally virulent species of malaria, partial resistance probably evolved as a consequence of natural selection acting on favorable mutations.  相似文献   

Playback experiments were conducted to investigate interspecific discrimination of male loud calls in Sulawesi macaques. Loud calls of four macaque species living in Sulawesi (Macaca tonkeana, M. maurus, M. hecki, andM. nigrescens) and a control stimulus (an 8-sec frequency modulated sound) were played back to semi-free-ranging Tonkean macaques (M. tonkeana). A preliminary acoustic analysis indicated that the calls of these four species differ in some spectral and temporal features. In the playback experiments, Tonkean macaques responded in a similar manner to conspecific calls and calls of two other species,M. maurus andM. hecki. In contrast, animals responded more weakly to the call ofM. nigrescens and the control stimulus. Males responded more strongly than females to all stimuli, while females appeared to be more discriminating for species differences than males. Analyses on the acoustic features of loud calls suggested that high frequency, wide frequency range, and repetition of sound units at a high rate elicit quick responses from animals.  相似文献   

Identification of MHC class I sequences in Chinese-origin rhesus macaques   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
The rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) is an excellent model for human disease and vaccine research. Two populations exhibiting distinctive morphological and physiological characteristics, Indian- and Chinese-origin rhesus macaques, are commonly used in research. Genetic analysis has focused on the Indian macaque population, but the accessibility of these animals for research is limited. Due to their greater availability, Chinese rhesus macaques are now being used more frequently, particularly in vaccine and biodefense studies, although relatively little is known about their immunogenetics. In this study, we discovered major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I cDNAs in 12 Chinese rhesus macaques and detected 41 distinct Mamu-A and Mamu-B sequences. Twenty-seven of these class I cDNAs were novel, while six and eight of these sequences were previously reported in Chinese and Indian rhesus macaques, respectively. We then performed microsatellite analysis on DNA from these 12 animals, as well as an additional 18 animals, and developed sequence specific primer PCR (PCR-SSP) assays for eight cDNAs found in multiple animals. We also examined our cohort for potential admixture of Chinese and Indian origin animals using a recently developed panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The discovery of 27 novel MHC class I sequences in this analysis underscores the genetic diversity of Chinese rhesus macaques and contributes reagents that will be valuable for studying cellular immunology in this population.  相似文献   

Development of the masseter muscle and oral behavior in the pig   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During mastication the adult pig masseter contracts with a complex pattern involving a wave of electromyographic (EMG) activity moving from the ventro-rostral corner to the dorso-caudal corner. The present study was undertaken to ascertain the ontogeny of that contraction pattern. Anatomical measurements were made on masseters from fetal, infant, and juvenile pigs. EMG activity from different parts of the masseter was recorded along with oral movements in infant and juvenile pigs as they suckled, drank, and chewed on food and non-food objects. The basic arrangement of muscle fibers and tendinous aponeuroses was found to be the same in all ages. The longest and most vertical fibers were found rostrally and ventrally, whereas the shortest and most horizontal fibers were found caudally and dorsally. The length of fasciculi decreased with age, relative to muscle weight. Variance in length among different parts of the muscle increased with age. Fetal masseters were oriented generally more horizontally than the masseters of older animals, except that the dorso-caudal corner, usually the most horizontal portion, is not developed in fetuses. The contraction patterns within the infant masseter were less complex than those of older animals; only the dorso-caudal corner was distinct. The further development of intramuscular differences in activity may be associated with the increasing anatomical complexity of the masseter, which augments its functional capabilities.  相似文献   

As a first step in reviewing the classification of the two stump-tailed macaque species,Macaca arctoides andM. thibetana, as compared with other species of the genusMacaca, 72 linear dental and cranial variables of 11 macaque species were examined by morphometric analyses. The results indicate that the two stump-tailed species are the largest of the macaques and although rather similar overall, they exhibit significant differences in the pattern of variation in most of the five skull regions as shown by Principal Components and Canonical Variate Analyses. Euclidean Distances based on Canonical Variate scores indicate that the females ofM. arctoides andM. thibetana are more widely separated than eight other pairs of macaque species, and that the separations of the respective males are greater than those of three other pairs of species. These findings are consistent withFooden's classification of the stump-tailed macaques as two separate species (Fooden, 1976;Fooden et al., 1985). The present results suggest, as other researchers have proposed on the basis of external features, biochemistry and genetics, that the two stump-tailed macaque species andM. assamensis are closely related. The results also tentatively imply associations withM. fuscata andM. sylvanus but these require further study. The findings have implications for the assessment of the various Chinese Pleistocene macaque fossils.  相似文献   

Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) and cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) (Callitrichidae, Primates) share a broadly similar diet of fruits, insects, and tree exudates. Common marmosets, however, differ from tamarins by actively gouging trees with their anterior teeth to elicit tree exudate flow. During tree gouging, marmosets produce relatively large jaw gapes, but do not necessarily produce relatively large bite forces at the anterior teeth. We compared the fiber architecture of the masseter muscle in tree-gouging Callithrix jacchus (n = 10) to nongouging Saguinus oedipus (n = 8) to determine whether the marmoset masseter facilitates producing these large gapes during tree gouging. We predict that the marmoset masseter has relatively longer fibers and, hence, greater potential muscle excursion (i.e., a greater range of motion through increased muscle stretch). Conversely, because of the expected trade-off between excursion and force production in muscle architecture, we predict that the cotton-top tamarin masseter has more pinnate fibers and increased physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) as compared to common marmosets. Likewise, the S. oedipus masseter is predicted to have a greater proportion of tendon relative to muscle fiber as compared to the common marmoset masseter. Common marmosets have absolutely and relatively longer masseter fibers than cotton-top tamarins. Given that fiber length is directly proportional to muscle excursion and by extension contraction velocity, this result suggests that marmosets have masseters designed for relatively greater stretching and, hence, larger gapes. Conversely, the cotton-top tamarin masseter has a greater angle of pinnation (but not significantly so), larger PCSA, and higher proportion of tendon. The significantly larger PCSA in the tamarin masseter suggests that their masseter has relatively greater force production capabilities as compared to marmosets. Collectively, these results suggest that the fiber architecture of the common marmoset masseter is part of a suite of features of the masticatory apparatus that facilitates the production of relatively large gapes during tree gouging.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2015,118(4):291-298
The vertebrate musculoskeletal system is composed of skeletal levers powered by muscles. Effective mechanical advantage (EMA) and muscle properties influence organismal performance at various tasks. Anatomical mechanical advantage (AMA) is a proxy for EMA that facilitates the study of preserved specimens when many muscles or many species are of interest. AMA is the quotient of in-lever to out-lever length, and quantifies the force–velocity trade-off of a lever, where high AMAs translate into high force, low velocity levers. We studied AMAs, physiological cross-sectional areas (PCSAs), fiber lengths, and fiber widths for 20 hindlimb muscles of the lizard Basiliscus vittatus, moving the hip, knee, and ankle during both the stance and swing phases of the stride. We tested the hypotheses that muscles moving proximal limb joints, and those active during stance, would have characteristics that maximize force. We also tested whether adults had more force-optimized levers than juveniles to compensate for higher body mass. We found no differences between adults and juveniles, but found differences among joints and between stride phases. AMAs were lowest and PCSAs highest for the knee, and PCSA was higher for stance than swing muscles. Fiber width decreased distally, but did not differ between stride phases. Fiber length of stance muscles decreased distally and was highest for swing muscles of the knee. Our findings show that different muscle and lever characteristics allow the knee to be both force- and velocity-optimized, indicating its important role in locomotion.  相似文献   

Fiber architecture of the extensor musculature of the knee and ankle is examined in two African guenon species—the semiterrestrial Cercopithecus aethiops, and the arboreal C. ascanius. Using histologic and microscopic techniques to measure lengths of sarcomeres, the original lengths of muscle fasciculi and angles of pinnation in quadriceps femoris and triceps surae are reconstructed from direct measurements on cadavers. Calculations of reduced physiological cross-sectional area, mass/predicted effective tetanic tension, maximum excursion, and tendon length/fasciculus + tendon lengths are correlated to preferred locomotor modalities in the wild. For both species, greater morphological differences occur among the bellies of quadriceps femoris—rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, v. lateralis, and v. medialis—than among the bellies of triceps surae—gastrocnemius lateralis, g. medialis, plantaris, and soleus. With regard to quadriceps femoris, few differences occur between species. Interspecific differences in the triceps surae indicate (1) redirection of muscle force to accommodate arboreality in which the substrate is less than body width; (2) muscles more suited for velocity in the semiterrestrial vervets; and (3) muscles used more isotonically in vervets and more isometrically in red-tailed monkeys. The inherent flexibility of muscle may be preadaptive to a primary species shift in locomotor modality until the bony morphology is able to adapt through natural selection. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Responses to different urine samples were studied in pigtailed (M. nemestrina) and stumptailed (M. arctoides) macaques. Both species exhibited more interest towards urine samples from their own species than neutral stimuli. Responses towards urine samples from other macaque species did not significantly differ from those towards neutral stimuli. In stumptailed macaques, no differential interest was observed between urine samples from a known (the adult male of the group) and an unknown adult male conspecific.  相似文献   

As a negative regulator of muscle size, myostatin (Mstn) impacts the force-production capabilities of skeletal muscles. In the masticatory system, measures of temporalis-stimulated bite forces in constitutive myostatin KOs suggest an absolute, but not relative, increase in jaw-muscle force. Here, we assess the phenotypic and physiologic impact of postnatal myostatin inhibition on bite mechanics using an inducible conditional KO mouse in which myostatin is inhibited with doxycycline (DOX). Given the increased control over the timing of gene inactivation in this model, it may be more clinically-relevant for developing interventions for age-associated changes in the musculoskeletal system. DOX was administered for 12 weeks starting at age 4 months, during which time food intake was monitored. Sex, age and strain-matched controls were given the same food without DOX. Bite forces were recorded just prior to euthanasia after which muscle and skeletal data were collected. Food intake did not differ between control or DOX animals within each sex. DOX males were significantly larger and had significantly larger masseters than controls, but DOX and control females did not differ. Although there was a tendency towards higher absolute bite forces in DOX animals, this was not significant, and bite forces normalized to masseter mass did not differ. Mechanical advantage for incisor biting increased in the DOX group due to longer masseter moment arms, likely due to a more anteriorly-placed masseter insertion. Despite only a moderate increase in bite force in DOX males and none in DOX females, the increase in masseter mass in males indicates a potentially positive impact on jaw muscles. Our data suggest a sexual dimorphism in the role of mstn, and as such investigations into the sex-specific outcomes is warranted.  相似文献   

A macaque population produced by the hybridization of native Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) and introduced Taiwanese macaques (M. cyclopis) in Wakayama Prefecture was shown to possess three DNA haplotypes of the natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (NRAMP1). Based on genotyping and comparison with M. fuscata populations, it was revealed that the introduced M. cyclopis population was polymorphic for the NRAMP1 locus. Extensive crossbreeding of the introduced species with the native species was confirmed using this genetic marker and the proportion of M. cyclopis genes was 57.4%. Results of statistical tests suggested non-random mating in the hybrid population.  相似文献   

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