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Variance and covariance of ovipositional rates and developmental rates in the Phytoseiidae were analysed using comparative methods which consider phylogenetic effects. Nested analysis of variance showed that mean ovipositional rates and developmental rates of phytoseiid mites varied significantly between subfamilies, among genera within subfamilies, among subgenera within genera and among species within subgenera. For example, the mean ovipositional rate (eggs per day) was higher in the Amblyseiinae (2.04) than in the Phytoseiinae (1.39) and within the Amblyseiinae, it was higher in the genus Phytoseiulus (2.66) than in Amblyseius (1.80). Regressions using mean values of subgenera or higher taxa to account for phylogenetic effects showed significant correlation between mean ovipositional rates and developmental rates. The implications of this analysis for selecting species for future comparative analysis of phytoseiid life history variation are discussed.  相似文献   

The Berg hypothesis posits that, in plants with specialized pollination systems, floral characters should evolve to become integrated with each other and decoupled from vegetative characters. We test this hypothesis by comparing serially homologous and morphologically similar characters in leaves and involucral bracts in the Neotropical vine Dalechampia scandens, which has a specialized pollination system based on resin-collecting bees. The involucral bracts serve a number of specialized floral functions, including signaling and protection, that may put them under stronger selection for precision than the less specialized leaves. The homology and morphological similarity of the leaves and bracts allow us to make a sharper test of Berg’s hypothesis than is possible in most other systems. We found support for the hypothesis in that the bracts had lower coefficients of variation than the leaves for comparable traits. Also in support of the hypothesis, we found essentially zero phenotypic correlations between bracts and leaves at the same time that we found moderate correlations between different leaves and between different bracts. In contradiction to the hypothesis, however, we did not find higher correlations among traits within bracts than within leaves, and we found no evidence of bracts being more developmentally stable than the leaves.  相似文献   

Optimal functioning of the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis is paramount to maximizing fitness in vertebrates. Research in laboratory mammals has suggested that maternally-induced stress can cause significant variation in the responsiveness of an offspring's HPA axis involving both pre- and post-natal developmental mechanisms. However, very little is known regarding effects of maternal stress on the variability of offspring adrenocortical functioning in free-living vertebrates. Here we use an experimental approach that independently lowers the quality of both the pre- and post-natal developmental environment to examine programming and plasticity in the responsiveness of the HPA axis in fledglings of a free-living passerine, the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). We found that mimicking a hormonal signal of poor maternal condition via an experimental pre-natal increase in yolk corticosterone decreased the subsequent responsiveness of the HPA axis in fledglings. Conversely, decreasing the quality of the post-natal developmental environment (by decreasing maternal provisioning capability via a maternal feather-clipping manipulation) increased subsequent responsiveness of the HPA axis in fledglings, apparently through direct effects on nestling body condition. The plasticity of these responses was sex-specific with smaller female offspring showing the largest increase in HPA reactivity. We suggest that pre-natal, corticosterone-induced, plasticity in the HPA axis may be a ‘predictive adaptive response’ (PAR): a form of adaptive developmental plasticity where the advantage of the induced phenotype is manifested in a future life-history stage. Further, we introduce a new term to define the condition-driven post-natal plasticity of the HPA axis to an unpredictable post-natal environment, namely a ‘reactive adaptive response’ (RAR). This study confirms that the quality of both the pre- and post-natal developmental environment can be a significant source of variation in the responsiveness of the HPA axis, and provides a frame-work for examining ecologically-relevant sources of stress-induced programming and plasticity in this endocrine system in a free-living vertebrate, respectively.  相似文献   

Hemmi A  Jormalainen V 《Oecologia》2004,140(2):302-311
Environmental variation in food resources modifies performance of herbivores, in addition to genetic variation and maternal effects. In marine benthic habitats, eutrophication may modify herbivores diets by changing host species composition or nutritional quality of algae for herbivores. We studied experimentally the effects of diet breadth and nutrient availability for the host algae on fitness components of the herbivorous isopod Idotea baltica. We fed the adult isopods with the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus and Pilayella littoralis and juveniles with the green alga Cladophora glomerata. By using half-sib families, we were able to separate the genetic, environmental and maternal effects on intermolt duration and size of the juveniles. The mothers confined to the diet consisting of both Fucus and Pilayella grew better and produced larger egg mass than those having consumed Fucus alone. Nutrient enhancement of algae did not influence the performance of the adult herbivores. However, the juveniles achieved twice the weight as well as shorter intermolt duration when consuming nutrient-treated C. glomerata. Mothers nutrition, either nutrient enrichment of her food algae or diet breadth, did not affect juvenile survival or growth as such, but we found evidence that the broader diet consumed by the mother mediated offspring performance by further accelerating growth rate of the offspring that fed on nutrient-treated alga. Intermolt duration was a highly heritable trait, but size showed very low heritability. Instead, maternal effects on size were substantial, suggesting that differences among mothers in their egg-provisioning ability strongly affect weight gain of their offspring. A high amount of additive genetic variance in intermolt duration implies potential for quick evolutionary responses in the growth schedule in the face of changes in the selective environment. We conclude that eutrophication, in addition to improving growth and reproduction of I. baltica by enhancing food quality and by providing opportunity for broader, more profitable diets, may act as a selective agent on life-history traits. Eutrophication of coastal waters is thus likely to reflect in herbivore density, population dynamics and eventually, grazing pressure of littoral macroalgae.  相似文献   

We examine demographic patterns from a long-term study (1987–1996) of the population of ring-tailed lemurs in the Beza-Mahafaly Special Reserve, in southwestern Madagascar. In particular, we focus on the effects that a severe drought in 1991 and 1992 had on the population. The population of adult animals peaked in 1991 but decreased rapidly during the subsequent drought and immediate postdrought years. In the 1992 birth season (and second year of the drought) infant mortality reached 80%, and 20.8% of all adult females in the reserve died. The following year, adult female mortality reached a high of 29.9%. Juvenile mortality in 3 intensively studied groups was 57% during the second year of the drought. We compare these data with infant, juvenile, and adult female mortality in non-drought years. We are not able to calculate adult male mortality, as they often emigrate from the reserve to the adjacent forest; however, in the same 3 intensively studied groups, 89% of the males disappeared during the 2 immediate postdrought years. By 1996, the population had begun to recover after the decline that correlated with the drought conditions. Annual reproduction, high birth rates (.80–.86 annually), early sexual maturity, and dietary adaptability may be contributing factors to the recovery. Effects of and recovery from this type of natural disaster in the Beza Mahafaly ring-tailed lemur population parallel responses of some species of macaques and baboons with respect to the adaptability of edge species.  相似文献   

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