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In this work, we present an addendum to the "Checklist of the helminth parasites of vertebrates in Costa Rica" with a parasite-host list as well as a host-parasite list. This addendum updates the available information on this group of parasites in Costa Rica, since very recently a new input has been made to describe the helminth fauna of vertebrates, particularly at the Area de Conservación de Guanacaste. In this paper, we add 33 records, representing 23 species. This raises the number of helminth species described in vertebrates from Costa Rica to 325, represented by 89 species of digeneans, 23 of monogeneans. 63 of cestodes, 13 of acanthocephalans, and 137 of nematodes. In total, 133 species of vertebrates have been studied for helminths in Costa Rica (31 species of fishes. 7 amphibians, 18 reptiles, 40 birds, and 37 mammals). Currently, 67 species (20.6 %) have been recorded as new species from Costa Rica and most of them are endemic to particular regions. The Colecci6n de Helmintos de Costa Rica, housed at the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), San José, is the depositary of only 23% of the species recorded so far; however this situation is changing and people recognizes.  相似文献   


A cross-referenced list is provided of 94 helminth taxa, at the generic or specific level, from 61 bird host species in the New Zealand subregion.  相似文献   


A two‐part referenced checklist is provided, including a total of 171 parasites (136 nematodes, 27 cestodes, 7 trematodes, 1 acanthocephalan) from 32 hosts.  相似文献   

Birds from the Area de Conservacion Guanacaste in northwestern Costa Rica were surveyed for blood parasites in June 2001 and December 2001-January 2002. Of 354 birds examined, representing 141 species of 35 families and 15 orders, 44 (12.4%) were infected with blood parasites. Species of Haemoproteus (4.8% prevalence), Plasmodium (0.6%), Leucocytozoon (0.3%), Trypanosoma (2.0%), and microfilariae (7.6%) were recorded. Twelve species of birds in this survey were examined for blood parasites for the first time. Several new host-parasite associations were identified.  相似文献   

In a sample of 23 breeding places of pacas (Agouti paca) in Costa Rica, the following parasites were found: Eimeria agoutii, Balantidium coli, Capillaria sp., Trichuris sp., Taenia sp., Strongyloides sp., and members of the superfamilies Strongyloidea and Ascaroidea.  相似文献   

Parasitic helminths infecting humans are highly prevalent infecting ∼2 billion people worldwide, causing inflammatory responses, malnutrition and anemia that are the primary cause of morbidity. In addition, helminth infections of cattle have a significant economic impact on livestock production, milk yield and fertility. The etiological agents of helminth infections are mainly Nematodes (roundworms) and Platyhelminths (flatworms). G-quadruplexes (G4) are unusual nucleic acid structures formed by G-rich sequences that can be recognized by specific G4 ligands. Here we used the G4Hunter Web Tool to identify and compare potential G4 sequences (PQS) in the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of various helminths to identify G4 ligand targets. PQS are nonrandomly distributed in these genomes and often located in the proximity of genes. Unexpectedly, a Nematode, Ascaris lumbricoides, was found to be highly enriched in stable PQS. This species can tolerate high-stability G4 structures, which are not counter selected at all, in stark contrast to most other species. We experimentally confirmed G4 formation for sequences found in four different parasitic helminths. Small molecules able to selectively recognize G4 were found to bind to Schistosoma mansoni G4 motifs. Two of these ligands demonstrated potent activity both against larval and adult stages of this parasite.  相似文献   

Fecal samples of 102 howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) from several sites of Costa Rica were studied for intestinal parasites. The zones studied were: Central Valley (San Ramón, Alajuela), Central Pacific (Chomes and Manuel Antonio National Park. Puntarenas), North Pacific (Palo Verde Park and Playa Potrero, Guanacaste). Chira Island in the Nicoya Gulf and Caribean area (Cahuita. Limón). Animals were anesthetized with dards containing Telazol in order to collect the fecal material; some monkeys defecated spontaneously and others by direct stimulation. Samples were studied in saline solution (0.85%) and a Iodine solution, or stained with Haematoxylin. The material was also cultured in Dobell culture medium to determine the presence of amoeba and flagellates. Strongvloides. Controrchis. Trypanoxyuris genera were found in 3.4% of the samples. In addition 16.7% to 80% of the animals showed protozoa infection with Endolimax, Entamoeba, Trichomonas and Giardia. It is discussed the relationships of parasite infection with environmental conditions, animal population and human presence, specially in the monkey conservation programs point of view.  相似文献   

A five-years long study aiming to describe the basic genetic epidemiology of the dystrophinopathies in Costa Rica recruited 31 patients with clinical symptoms of DMD/BMD at the National Children's Hospital (HNN). This center is the obligate reference hospital of the national health system for genetic diseases, however, the geographic origin of the patients, a low percentage of deletions and a high proportion of de novo mutations found among them indicate that a significant ascertainment bias impedes a substantial scientific approach to confront and alleviate the problems posed by these severe diseases in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Thirty-four adult cane toads Bufo marinus L. (12 males and 22 females) collected from 2 localities in Mexico (Cerro de Oro and Temascal Dams, Oaxaca) in September 2003 were examined for helminth parasites. In total, 14,749 helminths belonging to 14 taxa were collected. Included were 2 adult digeneans (Choledocystus hepaticus, Mesocoelium monas); 1 larval cestode (an unidentified pseudophyllidean); and 11 nematodes, including 3 species of larvae (Contracaecum sp., Physaloptera sp., Physocephalus sexalatus) and 8 species of adults (Aplectana itzocanensis, Cosmocerca sp., Cruzia morleyi, Ochoterenella digiticauda, Oswaldocruzia sp., Raillietnema sp., Rhabdias americanus, and Rhabdiasfuelleborni). Higher species richness was recorded in B. marinus from Cerro de Oro (12 taxa versus 9 in those from Temascal); hosts from both localities shared 7 taxa. There were 25 new locality records, and 2 taxa were registered in Mexico for the first time. To date, 112 helminth species have been recorded parasitizing B. marinus along its native and introduced range of distribution, with 40.5% of them reported from Mexico.  相似文献   

During May 1997, specimens of 7 species of anurans, that included 5 Phrynohyas venulosa Laurenti, 5 Rana forreri Boulenger, 7 Rana vaillanti Brucchi, 6 Eleutherodactylus fitzingeri Schimdt, 4 Smilisca baudinii Duméril and Bibron, 1 Leptodactylus melanonotus, and 3 Bufo marinus Linneaus, from the Guanacaste Conservation Area, Costa Rica were examined for blood parasites. Their hematozoan fauna included intraerythrocytic and intraleukocytic icosahedral viruses, a rickettsia (Aegyptianella sp.), 2 species of Hepatozoon, Lankesterella minima, 2 unknown species of apicomplexans, 9 morphologically distinct types of trypanosomes, and 2 species of microfilariae. Rana vaillanti, the most aquatic species of frog, harbored the most species of parasites. Recent evidence indicates that morphological changes in the highly pleomorphic trypanosomes of anurans from different geographical regions have not kept pace with biochemical (isozyme) and molecular (DNA sequence) changes. Describing new species based solely on bloodstream trypomastigotes is discouraged. Additional criteria described herein should be applied when naming new species of anuran trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Among the rare hemoglobinopathies found in Cost Rica are those of the Alfa, Beta, and Delta chains. Among these, Hb Cubujuquí, an undescribed variant, is of special interest. There was an association between the different thalassemic syndromes and their combinations with abnormal hemoglobins.  相似文献   

Using polymerase chain reaction amplification of DNA in dried blood spots and a nonisotopic reverse dot blot hybridization method, we performed molecular genetic analysis for 6 and for 16 of the most common mutations of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR) in 24 unrelated Costa Rican individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF). While many countries and ethnic groups have been surveyed for CF mutations since the cloning of CFTR, Costa Rica has not heretofore been studied. Moreover, Costa Rica represents an especially intriguing population because of its mixed European-African-Amerindian origins and the existence of a detailed historical record of the founding Spanish families. Thus, such a study may reveal not only the population frequencies of various mutant alleles in this country, but also something about their geographic migrations and ethnic founder effects. The most common CF mutation in Caucasians, deltaF508, was found in only 11 (23%) of the CF chromosomes studied, while the G542X mutation, relatively rare in the general population but more common in southern Europe, was observed in 12 (25%). None of the other mutations tested was found in any of the subjects. We failed to detect the second mutant allele in 17 subjects and could not detect either allele in 4 subjects. The high prevalence of the G542X mutation in our cohort, which exceeds that of both the general Caucasian population and the American Hispanic population, reflects the strong genetic influence of the original Spanish founding families of Costa Rica. These results highlight important differences in Costa Rican CF genotypes as compared both to other North American and European populations and to American Hispanics, raising important implications about isolated founder effects and strategies for population screening in that country.  相似文献   

Most helminth parasites of man are unable to replicate within the human host. Thus, the worm burden of an infected person (on which the pathology largely depends - see Box 1) is a function of the number of infective forms to which the person is exposed. But for some species of helminths, the ability to replicate in man has a marked effect on the course and duration of infection, and for the pathogenesis of disease. In this review, David Grove discusses the mechanisms by which such replication may occur, and considers how this ability affects our approach to therapy and control.  相似文献   

A review of leukemia worldwide is discussed, focusing on etiology, diagnosis and treatment. The history of research of this type of cancer in Costa Rica is presented through the first hospital diagnosis, the arrival of clinical and laboratory hematologists, the establishment of specialized laboratories, the local hematology teaching programs and the voluntary associations that help patients with leukemia. A brief review of Costa Rican publications in this area and the future of this problem in our country is also shown.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on the construction of indicators in biotechnology in Costa Rica as part of the project "SYMBIOSIS, Cooperative Program for the Construction of Indicators in Biotechnology adapted to Latin American and Caribbean countries, to motivate the application and transference of industrial technologies". The study focused on two units: researchers and research projects developed in Costa Rica, between 1998 and 2002. For researchers, information was collected about indicators related to sex, age, teaching activities, number of projects, academic degree, area of speciality and number of publications. For research projects we obtained information about: speciality, sector of application, duration of projects and number of researchers per project. Very interesting results include the high participation of the women in this area of investigation (54%); the low participation of young researchers (13% younger than 30), and a high proportion of the investigators that are responsible for 4 or more projects (42%). With relation to the specialities of the projects, the majority are in the category Bio-Agro (39%) whereas in Acuaculture only 1% was found. The sectors of application with the most number of projects are: Agriculture and Livestock (37%) and Human Health (35%). The main strengthts and limitatations for the development of biotechnology in Costa Rica are discussed.  相似文献   

Polyamine levels of some helminth parasites were analyzed by reverse phase HPLC of benzoyl derivatives. Setaria cervi, Acanthocheilonema viteae, Hymenolepis nana, H. diminuta, and Ascaridia galli contained higher levels of spermine than spermidine while in Ancylostoma ceylanicum and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis the spermidine levels were higher than spermine; putrescine was either absent or present in minor quantities. The enzymes of polyamine biosynthesis viz., ornithine decarboxylase, S-adenosyl methionine (SAM)-decarboxylase, and arginine decarboxylase were present in very low to negligible amounts in all the parasites examined. A. ceylanicum exhibited high activity of ornithine amino transferase (OAT) and catalyzed appreciable decarboxylation of ornithine. The ornithine decarboxylating activity of A. ceylanicum was localized in the particulate fraction containing mitochondria, not inhibited by alpha-difluoromethyl ornithine, the specific inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), but inhibited in the presence of glutamate, suggesting the involvement of mitochondrial OAT rather than a true ODC in ornithine decarboxylation in this parasite. Significant activity of polyamine oxidase was also detected in helminth parasites. The absence of polyamine biosynthesizing enzymes in helminth parasites suggests their dependence on hosts for uptake and interconversion of polyamines, providing a potential target for chemotherapy.  相似文献   

A survey of the blood parasites of 20 Liomys salvini revealed 3 types of parasites. Sixty percent of the mice harbored Trypanosoma zeledoni, 5% an unnamed species of Hepatozoon, and 20% of the mice were infected with a species of Haemobartonella.  相似文献   

Glaucoma is the second most frequent cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Genetic factors have been implicated in the development of the disease. So far six loci (GLC1A-GLC1F) and two genes (TIGR/MYOC and OPTN) are involved in the development of juvenile (JOAG) and adult onset or chronic primary open angle glaucoma (COAG), while two loci (GLC3A,GLC3B) and one gene (CYP1B1) are known for primary congenital glaucoma (PCG). Here we summarize the results of the first genetic studies of glaucoma in Costa Rica. Nine families: 1 with JOAG, 1 with PCG and 7 with COAG were screened for mutations at the known genes. A 10 bp duplication, 1546-1555dupTCATGCCACC, at the CYP1B1 gene, causes, in homozygous state, glaucoma in the consanguineous PCG family. This mutation has been found in different countries and generates an early stop codon that termitates protein synthesis 140 amino acids earlier than the normal allele. In exon 1 of the T1GR/MYOC the innocuous Arg76Lys variant was found in two of the COAG families. In the OPTN gene two variants in the coding region (Thr34Thr, Met 98Lys) and 7 intronic changes were found in other Costa Rican glaucoma patients. One of the COAG families was chosen for a genome scan with 379 microsatellite markers and linkage analysis. LOD scores "suggestive" of linkage were obtained for several chromosomal regions. Evidence indicates that hereditary glaucoma in Costa Rica is highly heterogeneous and that further studies in the country will probably disclose some up to now unknown genes responsible for the disease.  相似文献   

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