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In C. elegans, DCR-1 is required for the maturation of both short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs), which are subsequently loaded into different Argonaute proteins to mediate silencing via distinct mechanisms. We used in vivo analyses to show that precursors of small RNAs contain structural features that direct the small RNAs into the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway or the miRNA-processing pathway. Nucleotide changes in the pre-let-7 miRNA precursor that make its stem fully complementary cause the resulting small RNA to be recognized as siRNA and induce binding to RDE-1, which leads to RNAi. Mismatches of 1 to 3 nucleotides at various positions in the stem of the precursor restore direction into the miRNA pathway, as the largest portion of such small RNA variants is associated with ALG-1. The Argonaute proteins to which the small RNAs are bound determine the silencing mode, and no functional overlap between RDE-1 and ALG-1 was detected.  相似文献   

Small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knock-down is a widely used experimental approach to characterizing gene function. Although siRNAs are designed to guide the cleavage of perfectly complementary mRNA targets, acting similarly to microRNAs (miRNAs), siRNAs down-regulate the expression of hundreds of genes to which they have only partial complementarity. Prediction of these siRNA ‘off-targets’ remains difficult, due to the incomplete understanding of siRNA/miRNA–target interactions. Combining a biophysical model of miRNA–target interaction with structure and sequence features of putative target sites we developed a suite of algorithms, MIRZA-G, for the prediction of miRNA targets and siRNA off-targets on a genome-wide scale. The MIRZA-G variant that uses evolutionary conservation performs better than currently available methods in predicting canonical miRNA target sites and in addition, it predicts non-canonical miRNA target sites with similarly high accuracy. Furthermore, MIRZA-G variants predict siRNA off-target sites with an accuracy unmatched by currently available programs. Thus, MIRZA-G may prove instrumental in the analysis of data resulting from large-scale siRNA screens.  相似文献   

In plants, small RNA-guided processes referred to as RNA silencing control gene expression and serve as an efficient antiviral mechanism. Plant viruses are inducers and targets of RNA silencing as infection involves the production of functional virus-derived small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Here we investigate the structural and genetic components influencing the formation of Tobacco rattle virus (TRV)-derived siRNAs. TRV siRNAs are mostly 21 nucleotides in length and derive from positive and negative viral RNA strands, although TRV siRNAs of positive polarity are significantly more abundant. This asymmetry appears not to correlate with the presence of highly structured regions of single-stranded viral RNA. The Dicer-like enzyme DCL4, DCL3, or DCL2 targets, alone or in combination, viral templates to promote synthesis of siRNAs of both polarities from all regions of the viral genome. The heterogeneous distribution profile of TRV siRNAs reveals differential contributions throughout the TRV genome to siRNA formation. Indirect evidence suggests that DCL2 is responsible for production of a subset of siRNAs derived from the 3' end region of TRV. TRV siRNA biogenesis and antiviral silencing are strongly dependent on the combined activity of the host-encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerases RDR1, RDR2, and RDR6, thus providing evidence that perfectly complementary double-stranded RNA serves as a substrate for siRNA production. We conclude that the overall composition of viral siRNAs in TRV-infected plants reflects the combined action of several interconnected pathways involving different DCL and RDR activities.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are present in all known plant and animal tissues and appear to be somewhat concentrated in the mammalian nervous system. Many different miRNA expression profiling platforms have been described. However, relatively little research has been published to establish the importance of 'upstream' variables in RNA isolation for neural miRNA expression profiling. We tested whether apparent changes in miRNA expression profiles may be associated with tissue processing, RNA isolation techniques, or different cell types in the sample. RNA isolation was performed on a single brain sample using eight different RNA isolation methods, and results were correlated using a conventional miRNA microarray and then cross-referenced to Northern blots. Differing results were seen between samples obtained using different RNA isolation techniques and between microarray and Northern blot results. Another complication of miRNA microarrays is tissue-level heterogeneity of cellular composition. To investigate this phenomenon, miRNA expression profiles were determined and compared between highly-purified primary cerebral cortical cell preparations of rat primary E15-E18 neurons versus rat primary E15-E18 astrocytes. Finally, to assess the importance of dissecting human brain gray matter from subjacent white matter in cerebral cortical studies, miRNA expression profiles were compared between gray matter and immediately contiguous white matter. The results suggest that for microarray studies, cellular composition is important, and dissecting white matter from gray matter improves the specificity of the results. Based on these data, recommendations for miRNA expression profiling in neural tissues, and considerations worthy of further study, are discussed.  相似文献   

Heinonen JE  Smith CI  Nore BF 《FEBS letters》2002,527(1-3):274-278
Tec family tyrosine kinases, Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk), Itk, Bmx, Tec, and Txk, are multi-domain proteins involved in hematopoietic signaling. Here, we demonstrate that human Btk protein can transiently be depleted using double-stranded short RNA interference (siRNA) oligonucleotides. Imaging and Western blotting analysis demonstrate that Btk expression is down regulated in heterologous systems as well as in hematopoietic lineages, following transfection or microinjection of Btk siRNA duplexes. The induction of histamine release, a pro-inflammatory mediator, in RBL-2H3 mast cells was reduced by 20-25% upon Btk down regulation. Similar, results were obtained when the Btk activity was inhibited using the kinase blocker LFM-A13. These results demonstrate a direct role of Btk for the efficient secretion of histamine in allergic responses.  相似文献   

Muratovska A  Eccles MR 《FEBS letters》2004,570(1-3):63-68
Cholesterol enrichment of rat liver mitochondria (CHM) impairs atractyloside-induced mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) due to decreased membrane fluidity. In this study we addressed the effect of cholesterol enrichment on MPT induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Superoxide anion generated by xanthine plus xanthine oxidase triggered mitochondrial swelling and cytochrome c release in CHM, which was prevented by butylated hydroxytoluene, an anti-voltage-dependent anion channel antibody, or cyclosporin A. Furthermore, hydrogen peroxide generated by the combination of ganglioside GD3 and mitochondrial GSH depletion elicited mitochondrial swelling and release of cytochrome c, Smac/Diablo and apoptosis-inducing factor in control mitochondria and CHM. Thus, ROS induce MPT and apoptosome activation regardless of decreased mitochondrial membrane dynamics due to cholesterol enrichment.  相似文献   

Chiu YL  Rana TM 《Molecular cell》2002,10(3):549-561
We investigated the mechanism of RNA interference (RNAi) in human cells. Here we demonstrate that the status of the 5' hydroxyl terminus of the antisense strand of a siRNA determines RNAi activity, while a 3' terminus block is tolerated in vivo. 5' hydroxyl termini of antisense strands isolated from human cells were phosphorylated, and 3' end biotin groups were not efficiently removed. We found no requirement for a perfect A-form helix in siRNA for interference effects, but an A-form structure was required for antisense-target RNA duplexes. Strikingly, crosslinking of the siRNA duplex by psoralen did not completely block RNA interference, indicating that complete unwinding of the siRNA helix is not necessary for RNAi activity in vivo. These results suggest that RNA amplification by RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is not essential for RNAi in human cells.  相似文献   

Several techniques to enzymatically construct a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression library have been reported as tools for comprehensive genetic analyses by RNA interference. Our technique constructs an shRNA expression library from 25- to 35-bp DNA fragments by fragmenting given double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). We compared the following two procedures to efficiently prepare such small DNA fragments: one is the cleavage of dsDNA with deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) in the presence of Mn2+ followed by blunting with T4 DNA polymerase, and the other is the introduction of nicks with DNase I in the presence of Mg2+ followed by blunting with the Klenow fragment. Consequently, the latter yielded the DNA fragments more efficiently. However, these DNA fragments were contaminated with fused DNA fragments that had originated from two regions of original dsDNA. Therefore, we used single-strand-specific exonucleases and succeeded in suppressing the production of such fused DNA fragments. Our technique allows the efficient conversion of given dsDNA to small DNA fragments.  相似文献   

A small interfering double stranded RNA molecule (siRNA, 21 bp) corresponding to a portion (nucleotides 337 to 357) of domain 3 of the human dUTPase was synthesized and used to determine whether it could down-regulate dUTPase activity in human cells. Transfection of the siRNA into HeLa and HT29 cells resulted in a 56 +/- 3.6% decrease in dUTPase activity, while transfection of SW620 cells resulted in a 27 +/- 6% decrease in dUTPase activity when compared to non-treated controls.  相似文献   

In contrast to the catalytic subunit of telomerase, its RNA subunit (TR) is highly divergent in size, sequence and biogenesis pathways across eukaryotes. Current views on TR evolution assume a common origin of TRs transcribed with RNA polymerase II in Opisthokonta (the supergroup including Animalia and Fungi) and Trypanosomida on one hand, and TRs transcribed with RNA polymerase III under the control of type 3 promoter, found in TSAR and Archaeplastida supergroups (including e.g. ciliates and Viridiplantae taxa, respectively). Here, we focus on unknown TRs in one of the largest Animalia order - Hymenoptera (Arthropoda) with more than 300 available representative genomes. Using a combination of bioinformatic and experimental approaches, we identify their TRs. In contrast to the presumed type of TRs (H/ACA box snoRNAs transcribed with RNA Polymerase II) corresponding to their phylogenetic position, we find here short TRs of the snRNA type, likely transcribed with RNA polymerase III under the control of the type 3 promoter. The newly described insect TRs thus question the hitherto assumed monophyletic origin of TRs across Animalia and point to an evolutionary switch in TR type and biogenesis that was associated with the divergence of Arthropods.  相似文献   

The diffuse, extensive infiltration of malignant gliomas into the surrounding normal brain is believed to rely on modification of the proteolysis of extracellular matrix components. Our previous results clearly demonstrate that uPA, uPAR and MMP-9 concentrations increase significantly during tumor progression and that tumor growth can be inhibited with antisense stable clones of these molecules. Because antisense-mediated gene silencing does not completely inhibit the translation of target mRNA and high concentrations of antisense molecules are required to achieve gene silencing, we used the RNAi approach to silence uPA, uPAR and MMP-9 in this study. We examined a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter-driven DNA-template approach to induce hairpin RNA (hpRNA)-triggered RNAi to inhibit uPA, uPAR and MMP-9 gene expression with a single construct. uPAR protein levels and enzymatic activity of uPA and MMP-9 were found to significantly decrease in cells transfected with a plasmid expressing hairpin siRNA for uPAR, uPA and MMP-9. pU(2)M-transfected SNB19 cells significantly decreased uPA, uPAR and MMP-9 expression compared to mock and EV/SV-transfected cells, determined by immunohistochemical analysis. Furthermore, the effect of the single constructs for these molecules was a specific inhibition of their respective protein levels, as demonstrated by immunohistochemical analysis. After transfection with a plasmid vector expressing dsRNA for uPA, uPAR and MMP-9, glioma-cell invasion was retarded compared with mock and EV/SV-treated groups, demonstrated by Matrigel-invasion assay and spheroid-invasion assay. Downregulation of uPA, uPAR and MMP-9 using RNAi inhibited angiogenesis in an in vitro (co-culture) model. Direct intratumoral injections of plasmid DNA expressing hpRNA for uPA, uPAR and MMP-9 significantly regressed pre-established intracranial tumors in nude mice. In addition, cells treated with RNAi for uPAR, uPA and MMP-9 showed reduced pERK levels compared with parental and EV/SV-treated SNB19 cells. Our results support the therapeutic potential of RNAi as a method for gene therapy in treating gliomas.  相似文献   

Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is potent and highly specific for gene silencing and there is currently a lot of enthusiasm for developing siRNA into a drug. However, for most therapeutic applications of siRNA, delivery systems are needed. These delivery systems have multiple requirements and should on one hand ideally be stable carriers protecting the siRNA from degradation and on the other hand assist the siRNA in overcoming membrane barriers for intracellular delivery to the cytosol. Long-circulating liposomes, which are sensitive to secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) are feasible delivery systems for systemic administration of drugs due to their passive targeting to pathological tissue via the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect and their site-specific, enzyme-triggered release of encapsulated drug in response to sPLA(2) which exists locally at elevated levels at, e.g,. sites of inflammation. However, recent data suggest that endosomal membrane destabilizing approaches could be addressed to design sPLA(2)-sensitive liposomes as successful delivery systems for siRNA to the RNA interference pathway in the cytoplasm upon systemic administration.  相似文献   

The small hairpin RNAs (shRNA) are useful in many ways like identification of trait specific molecular markers, gene silencing and characterization of a species. In public domain, hardly there exists any standalone software for shRNA prediction. Hence, a software shRNAPred (1.0) is proposed here to offer a user-friendly Command-line User Interface (CUI) to predict 'shRNA-like' regions from a large set of nucleotide sequences. The software is developed using PERL Version 5.12.5 taking into account the parameters such as stem and loop length combinations, specific loop sequence, GC content, melting temperature, position specific nucleotides, low complexity filter, etc. Each of the parameters is assigned with a specific score and based on which the software ranks the predicted shRNAs. The high scored shRNAs obtained from the software are depicted as potential shRNAs and provided to the user in the form of a text file. The proposed software also allows the user to customize certain parameters while predicting specific shRNAs of his interest. The shRNAPred (1.0) is open access software available for academic users. It can be downloaded freely along with user manual, example dataset and output for easy understanding and implementation. AVAILABILITY: The database is available for free at http://bioinformatics.iasri.res.in/EDA/downloads/shRNAPred_v1.0.exe.  相似文献   

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