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Bacterial glutamine synthetases (GSs) are complex dodecameric oligomers that play a critical role in nitrogen metabolism, converting ammonia and glutamate to glutamine. Recently published reports suggest that GS from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb) may be a therapeutic target (Harth, G., and Horwitz, M. A. (2003) Infect. Immun. 71, 456-464). In some bacteria, GS is regulated via adenylylation of some or all of the subunits within the aggregate; catalytic activity is inversely proportional to the extent of adenylylation. The adenylylation and deadenylylation of GS are catalyzed by adenylyl transferase (ATase). Here, we demonstrate via electrospray ionization mass spectrometry that GS from pathogenic M. tuberculosis is adenylylated by the Escherichia coli ATase. The adenylyl group can be hydrolyzed by snake venom phosphodiesterase to afford the unmodified enzyme. The site of adenylylation of MTb GS by the E. coli ATase is Tyr-406, as indicated by the lack of adenylylation of the Y406F mutant, and, as expected, is based on amino acid sequence alignments. Using electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy methodology, we found that GS is not adenylylated when obtained directly from MTb cultures that are not supplemented with glutamine. Under these conditions, the highly related but non-pathogenic Mycobacterium bovis BCG yields partially ( approximately 25%) adenylylated enzyme. Upon the addition of glutamine to the cultures, the MTb GS becomes significantly adenylylated ( approximately 30%), whereas the adenylylation of M. bovis BCG GS does not change. Collectively, the results demonstrate that MTb GS is a substrate for E. coli ATase, but only low adenylylation states are accessible. This parallels the low adenylylation states observed for GS from mycobacteria and suggests the intriguing possibility that adenylylation in the pathogenic versus non-pathogenic mycobacteria is differentially regulated.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (L-glutamate: ammonia ligase [ADP forming]) [EC] has been purified from a Gram-positive, acid-fast bacterium, Mycobacterium phlei, by simple procedures with 57% recovery. The enzyme resembled that from Mycobacterium smegmatis in the subunit size (56,000), molecular weight (670,000), amino acid composition, the amino acid sequence of the NH2-terminal, and the secondary structure. The enzyme activity was regulated by adenylylation of each subunit in the dodecameric molecule. M. phlei glutamine synthetase possesses two useful characteristics: high thermostability and resistance to protease digestion. The enzyme was not inactivated on exposure to 60 degrees C for 2 h or 37 degrees C for 72 h, or after incubation with 1% trypsin or chymotrypsin at 37 degrees C for 12 h, pH 7.8. With saturating substrate levels, the Arrhenius plot was nonlinear and concave downward with an intersection point at 45 degrees C, and the activation energies were calculated to be 3.2 and 9.6 cal/mol from the slopes. The specific activity of the highly adenylylated enzyme (E10.7) was remarkably lower than that of the slightly adenylylated enzyme (E2.5); however, both enzymes show similar profiles of the Arrhenius plot. These results indicate that the adenylylation of the enzyme does not affect its activation energies.  相似文献   

A combination of a literature survey, structure-based virtual screening and synthesis of a small library was performed to identify hits to the potential antimycobacterial drug target, glutamine synthetase. The best inhibitor identified from the literature survey was (2S,5R)-2,6-diamino-5-hydroxyhexanoic acid (4, IC(50) of 610+/-15microM). In the virtual screening 46,400 compounds were docked and subjected to a pharmacophore search. Of these compounds, 29 were purchased and tested in a biological assay, allowing three novel inhibitors containing an aromatic scaffold to be identified. Based on one of the hits from the virtual screening a small library of 15 analogues was synthesized producing four compounds that inhibited glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

Acetyl-CoA (AcCoA) synthetase (Acs) catalyzes the conversion of acetate into AcCoA, which is involved in many catabolic and anabolic pathways. Although this enzyme has been studied for many years in many organisms, the properties of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Acs and the regulation of its activity remain unknown. Here, the putative acs gene of M. tuberculosis H37Rv (Mt-Acs) was expressed as a fusion protein with 6×His-tag on the C-terminus in Escherichia coli. The recombinant Mt-Acs protein was successfully purified and then its enzymatic characteristics were analyzed. The optimal pH and temperature, and the kinetic parameters of Mt-Acs were determined. To investigate whether Mt-Acs is regulated by lysine acetylation as reported for Salmonella enterica Acs, its mutant K617R was also generated. Determination of the enzymatic activity suggests that Lys-617 is critical for its function. We further demonstrated that Mt-Acs underwent auto-acetylation with acetate but not with AcCoA as the acetyl donor, which resulted in the decrease of its activity. CoA, the substrate for AcCoA formation, inhibited the auto-acetylation. Furthermore, the silent information regulator (Sir2) of M. tuberculosis (Mt-Sir2) could catalyze Mt-Acs deacetylation, which resulted in activation of Acs. These results may provide more insights into the physiological roles of Mt-Acs in M. tuberculosis central metabolism.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase from Rhodospirillum rubrum was purified and characterized with respect to its pH optimum and the effect of Mg2+ on its active and inactive forms. Both adenine and phosphorus were incorporated into the inactive form of the enzyme, indicating covalent modification by AMP. The modification could not be removed by phosphodiesterase. Evidence for regulation of the enzyme by oxidation was obtained. Extracts from oxygen-treated cells had lower specific activities than did extracts from cells treated anaerobically. Glutamine synthetase activity was found to decrease in the dark in phototrophically grown cells; activity was recovered on re-illumination.  相似文献   

The enzyme NAD(+) synthetase (NadE) catalyzes the last step of NAD biosynthesis. Given NAD vital role in cell metabolism, the enzyme represents a valid target for the development of new antimycobacterial agents. In the present study we expressed and purified two putative forms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis NAD(+) synthetase, differing in the polypeptide chain length (NadE-738 and NadE-679). Furthermore, we evaluated several systems for the heterologous expression and large scale purification of the enzyme. In particular, we compared the efficiency of production, the yield of purification, and the catalytic activity of recombinant enzyme in different hosts, ranging from Escherichia coli strains to cultured High Five (Trichoplusia ni BTI-TN-5B1-4) insect cells. Among the systems assayed, we found that the expression of a thioredoxin-NadE fusion protein in E. coli Origami(DE3) is the best system in obtaining highly pure, active NAD(+) synthetase. The recombinant enzyme maintained its activity even after proteolytic cleavage of thioredoxin moiety. Biochemical evidence suggests that the shorter form (NadE-679) may be the real M. tuberculosis NAD(+) synthetase. These results enable us to obtain a purified product for structure-function analysis and high throughput assays for rapid screening of compounds which inhibit enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Transport of glutamine by the high-affinity transport system is regulated by the nitrogen status of the medium. With high concentrations of ammonia, transport is repressed; whereas with Casamino acids, transport is elevated, showing behaviour similar to glutamine synthetase. A glutamine auxotroph, lacking glutamine synthetase activity, had elevated transport activity even in the presence of high concentrations of ammonia (and glutamine). This suggests that glutamine synthetase is involved in the regulation of the transport system. A mutant with low glutamate synthase activity had low glutamine transport and glutamine synthetase activities, which could not be derepressed. A mutant in the high-affinity glutamine transport system showed normal regulation of glutamate synthase and glutamine synthetase. Possible mechanisms for this regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Gill HS  Eisenberg D 《Biochemistry》2001,40(7):1903-1912
Phosphinothricin is a potent inhibitor of the enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS). The resolution of the native structure of GS from Salmonella typhimurium has been extended to 2.5 A resolution, and the improved model is used to determine the structure of phosphinothricin complexed to GS by difference Fourier methods. The structure suggests a noncovalent, dead-end mechanism of inhibition. Phosphinothricin occupies the glutamate substrate pocket and stabilizes the Glu327 flap in a position which blocks the glutamate entrance to the active site, trapping the inhibitor on the enzyme. One oxygen of the phosphinyl group of phosphinothricin appears to be protonated, because of its proximity to the carboxylate group of Glu327. The other phosphinyl oxygen protrudes into the negatively charged binding pocket for the substrate ammonium, disrupting that pocket. The distribution of charges in the glutamate binding pocket is complementary to those of phosphinothricin. The presence of a second ammonium binding site within the active site is confirmed by its analogue thallous ion, marking the ammonium site and its protein ligands. The inhibition of GS by methionine sulfoximine can be explained by the same mechanism. These models of inhibited GS further illuminate its catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (EC has been purified from a collagenolytic Vibrio alginolyticus strain. The apparent molecular weight of the glutamine synthetase subunit was approximately 62,000. This indicates a particle weight for the undissociated enzyme of 744,000, assuming the enzyme is the typical dodecamer. The glutamine synthetase enzyme had a sedimentation coefficient of 25.9 S and seems to be regulated by a denylylation and deadenylylation. The pH profiles assayed by the -glutamyltransferase method were similar for NH4-shocked and unshocked cell extracts and isoactivity point was not obtained from these eurves. The optimum pH for purified and crude cell extracts was 7.9. Cell-free glutamine synthetase was inhibited by some amino acids and AMP. The transferase activity of glutamine synthetase from mid-exponential phase cells varied greatly depending on the sources of nitrogen or carbon in the growth medium. Glutamine synthetase level was regulated by nitrogen catabolite repression by (NH4)2SO4 and glutamine, but cells grown, in the presence of proline, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, histidine, glutamic acid, glycine and arginine had enhanced levels of transferase activity. Glutamine synthetase was not subject to glucose, sucrose, fructose, glycerol or maltose catabolite repression and these sugars had the opposite effect and markedly enhanced glutamine synthetase activity.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - SMM succinate minimal medium - ASMM ammonium/succinate minimal medium - GT -glutamyl transferase - SVP snake venom phosphodiesterase  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis glutamine synthetase (GS) is an essential enzyme involved in the pathogenicity of the organism. The screening of a compound library using a robust high-throughput screening (HTS) assay is currently thought to be the most efficient way of getting lead molecules, which are potent inhibitors for this enzyme. The authors have purified the enzyme to a >90% level from the recombinant Escherichia coli strain YMC21E, and it was used for partial characterization as well as standardization experiments. The results indicated that the Km of the enzyme for L-glutamine and hydroxylamine were 60 mM and 8.3 mM, respectively. The Km for ADP, arsenate, and Mn2+ were 2 microM, 5 microM, and 25 microM, respectively. When the components were adjusted according to their Km values, the activity remained constant for at least 3 h at both 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C. The Z' factor determined in microplate format indicated robustness of the assay. When the signal/noise ratios were determined for different assay volumes, it was observed that the 200-microl volume was found to be optimum. The DMSO tolerance of the enzyme was checked up to 10%, with minimal inhibition. The IC50 value determined for L-methionine S-sulfoximine on the enzyme activity was 3 mM. Approximately 18,000 small molecules could be screened per day using this protocol by a Beckman Coulter HTS setup.  相似文献   

The dual-function Rel(Mtb) protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis catalyzes both the synthesis and hydrolysis of (p)ppGpp, the effector of the stringent response. In our previous work [Avarbock, D., Avarbock, A., and Rubin, H. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 11640], we presented evidence that the Rel(Mtb) protein might catalyze its two opposing reactions at distinct active sites. In the study presented here, we purified and characterized fragments of the 738-amino acid Rel(Mtb) protein and confirmed the hypothesis that amino acid fragment 1-394 contains both synthesis and hydrolysis activities, amino acid fragment 87-394 contains only (p)ppGpp synthesis activity, and amino acid fragment 1-181 contains only (p)ppGpp hydrolysis activity. Mutation of specific residues within fragment 1-394 results in the loss of synthetic activity and retention of hydrolysis (G241E and H344Y) or loss of hydrolytic activity with retention of synthesis (H80A and D81A). The C-terminally cleaved Rel(Mtb) fragment proteins have basal activities similar to that of full-length Rel(Mtb), but are no longer regulated by the previously described Rel(Mtb) activating complex (RAC). Residues within the C-terminus of Rel(Mtb) (D632A and C633A) are shown to have a role in interaction with the RAC. Additionally, size exclusion chromatography indicates Rel(Mtb) forms trimers and removal of the C-terminus results in monomers. The C-terminal deletion, 1-394, which exists as a mixture of monomers and trimers, will dissociate from the trimer state upon the addition of substrate. Furthermore, the trimer state of fragment 1-394 appears to be a catalytically less efficient state than the monomer state.  相似文献   

The peptide deformylase in bacteria is involved in removal of N-formyl group from newly synthesized proteins. The gene encoding this enzyme from Mycobacterium tuberculosis was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The enzyme activity of the recombinant protein (mPDF) was insensitive to modulation by common monovalent/divalent cations. Kinetic analysis, using N-formylmethionine-alanine as the substrate, yielded K(cat)/K(m) of approximately 1220 M(-1)s(-1). Actinonin, a naturally occurring antibiotic, and 1,10-ortho-phenanthroline strongly inhibited the enzyme activity. The mPDF was very stable at 30 degrees C with a half-life of approximately 4h and exhibited resistance to oxidizing agents, like H(2)O(2). Thus, the mPDF achieved distinction in its behavior among any reported iron-containing peptide deformylases. Furthermore, amino acid sequence analysis of mPDF revealed the presence of an unusually long carboxy-terminal end (residues 182-197), which is atypical for any gram-positive bacteria. Our results, through deletion analysis, for the first time established the role of this region in mPDF enzyme activity.  相似文献   

A high-throughput screening protocol has been developed for Mycobacterium tuberculosis glutamine synthetase by quantitative estimation of inorganic phosphate. The K(m) values determined at pH 6.8 are 22 mM for L-glutamic acid, 0.75 mM for NH(4)Cl, 3.25 mM for MgCl(2), and 2.5 mM for adenosine triphosphate. The K(m) value for glutamine is affected significantly by the increase in pH of assay buffer. At the saturating level of the substrate, the enzyme activity at pH 6.8 and 25 degrees C is found to be linear up to 3 h. The reduction of enzyme activity is negligible even in presence of 10% DMSO. The Z' factor and signal-to-noise ratio are found to be 0.75 and 6.18, respectively, when the enzyme is used at 62.5 microg/ml concentration. The IC(50) values obtained at pH 6.8 for both L-methionine S-sulfoximine and DL-phosphothriacin are 500 microM and 30 microM, respectively, which is lowest compared to the values obtained at other pH levels. The Beckman Coulter high-throughput screening platform was found to take 5 h 9 min to complete the screening of 60 plates. For each assay plate, a replica plate is used to normalize the data. Screening of 1164 natural product fractions/extracts and synthetic molecules from an in-house library was able to identify 12 samples as confirmed hits. Altogether, the validation data from screening of a small set of an in-house library coupled with Z' and signal-to-noise values indicate that the protocol is robust for high-throughput screening of a diverse chemical library.  相似文献   

Abstract: The structure of glutamine synthetase (GS) enzymes from diverse bacterial groups fall into three distinct classes. GSI is the typical bacterial GS, GSII is similar to the eukaryotic GS and is found together with GSI in plant symbionts and Streptomyces , while GSIII has been found in two unrelated anaerobic rumen bacteria. In most cases, the structural gene for GS enzyme is regulated in response to nitrogen. However, different regulatory mechanisms, to ensure optimal utilization of nitrogen substrates, control the GS enzyme in each class.  相似文献   

Nudix hydrolases are a family of proteins that contain the characteristic sequence GX(5)EX(7)REUXEEXG(I/L/V), the Nudix box. They catalyze the hydrolysis of a variety of nucleoside diphosphate derivatives such as ADP-ribose, Ap(n)A (3 相似文献   

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