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RNase H2 cleaves RNA sequences that are part of RNA/DNA hybrids or that are incorporated into DNA, thus, preventing genomic instability and the accumulation of aberrant nucleic acid, which in humans induces Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, a severe autoimmune disorder. The 3.1 Å crystal structure of human RNase H2 presented here allowed us to map the positions of all 29 mutations found in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome patients, several of which were not visible in the previously reported mouse RNase H2. We propose the possible effects of these mutations on the protein stability and function. Bacterial and eukaryotic RNases H2 differ in composition and substrate specificity. Bacterial RNases H2 are monomeric proteins and homologs of the eukaryotic RNases H2 catalytic subunit, which in addition possesses two accessory proteins. The eukaryotic RNase H2 heterotrimeric complex recognizes RNA/DNA hybrids and (5′)RNA-DNA(3′)/DNA junction hybrids as substrates with similar efficiency, whereas bacterial RNases H2 are highly specialized in the recognition of the (5′)RNA-DNA(3′) junction and very poorly cleave RNA/DNA hybrids in the presence of Mg2+ ions. Using the crystal structure of the Thermotoga maritima RNase H2-substrate complex, we modeled the human RNase H2-substrate complex and verified the model by mutational analysis. Our model indicates that the difference in substrate preference stems from the different position of the crucial tyrosine residue involved in substrate binding and recognition.  相似文献   

Intracellular RNAses are involved in various functions, including microRNA maturation and turnover. Mutations occurring in genes encoding RNAses cause Aicardi-Goutiéres syndrome (AGS). AGS mutations silence RNAse activity, thus inducing accumulation of endogenous RNAs, mainly consisting of short RNAs and microRNAs. Overload of intracellular RNA triggers Toll like receptor-dependent interferon-alpha production in the brain, which in turn activates neurotoxic lymphocytes and inhibits angiogenesis thus inducing the typical clinical phenotype of AGS. However, these pathogenic mechanisms are attenuated after three years of age by the endogenous production of DNAJP58IPK and Cystatin F, which arrest AGS progression. Because RNAses are involved in microRNA turnover, we evaluated the expression of 957 microRNAs in lymphocytes from AGS patients and control patients. Our results indicate that microRNA overload occurs in AGS patients. This upregulation inhibits microRNA turnover impeding the synthesis of the novel microRNAs required for the differentiation and myelination of the brain during the initial period of postnatal life. These pathogenic mechanisms result in AGS, a neurological syndrome characterized by irritability, mild hyperpyrexia, pyramidal and extrapyramidal signs, and spastic-dystonic tetraplegia. Typical cerebrospinal fluid alterations include lymphocytosis and elevated interferon-alpha levels. Brain imaging demonstrates cerebral calcifications, white matter abnormalities, and progressive cerebral atrophy.Thus, evidence exists that mutations silencing intracellular RNases affect microRNA turnover resulting in the severe clinical consequences in the brain characterizing the clinical feature of AGS.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms relating interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) to brain damage have recently been identified in a microarray analysis of cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytes from patients with Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome (AGS). These findings demonstrate that the inhibition of angiogenesis and the activation of neurotoxic lymphocytes are the major pathogenic mechanisms involved in the brain damage consequent to elevated interferon-alpha levels. Our previous study demonstrated that cathepsin D, a lysosomal aspartyl endopeptidase, is the primary mediator of the neurotoxicity exerted by AGS lymphocytes. Cathepsin D is a potent pro-apoptotic, neurotoxic, and demyelinating protease if it is not properly inhibited by the activities of leukocystatins. In central nervous system white matter, demyelination results from cathepsin over-expression when not balanced by the expression of its inhibitors. In the present study, we used RNA interference to inhibit cathepsin D expression in AGS lymphocytes with the aim of decreasing the neurotoxicity of these cells. Peripheral blood lymphocytes collected from an AGS patient were immortalized and co-cultured with astrocytes in the presence of interferon alpha with or without cathepsin D RNA interference probes. Cathepsin D expression was measured by qPCR, and neurotoxicity was evaluated by microscopy. RNA interference inhibited cathepsin D over-production by 2.6-fold (P < 0.01) in AGS lymphocytes cultured in the presence of interferon alpha. AGS lymphocytes treated using RNA interference exhibited a decreased ability to induce neurotoxicity in astrocytes. Such neurotoxicity results in the inhibition of astrocyte growth and the inhibition of the ability of astrocytes to construct web-like aggregates.These results suggest a new strategy for repairing AGS lymphocytes in vitro by inhibiting their ability to induce astrocyte damage and leukodystrophy.  相似文献   

Mutations in the TREX1 gene cause Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) and are linked to the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus. The TREX1 protein is a dimeric 3' DNA exonuclease that degrades DNA to prevent inappropriate immune activation. One of the most common TREX1 mutations, R114H, causes AGS as a homozygous and compound heterozygous mutation and is found as a heterozygous mutation in systemic lupus erythematosus. The TREX1 proteins containing R114H and the insertion mutations aspartate at position 201 (D201ins) and alanine at position 124 (A124ins), found in compound heterozygous AGS with R114H, were prepared and the DNA degradation activities were tested. The homodimer TREX1(R114H/R114H) exhibits a 23-fold reduced single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) exonuclease activity relative to TREX1(WT). The TREX1(D201ins/D201ins) and TREX1(A124ins/A124ins) exhibit more than 10,000-fold reduced ssDNA degradation activities. However, the TREX1(R114H/D201ins) and TREX1(R114H/A124ins) compound heterodimers exhibit activities 10-fold greater than the TREX1(R114H/R114H) homodimer during ssDNA and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) degradation. These higher levels of activities measured in the TREX1(R114H/D201ins) and TREX1(R114H/A124ins) compound heterodimers are attributed to Arg-114 residues of TREX1(D201ins) and TREX1(A124ins) positioned at the dimer interface contributing to the active sites of the opposing TREX1(R114H) protomer. This interpretation is further supported by exonuclease activities measured for TREX1 enzymes containing R114A and R114K mutations. These biochemical data provide direct evidence for TREX1 residues in one protomer contributing to DNA degradation catalyzed in the opposing protomer and help to explain the dimeric TREX1 structure required for full catalytic competency.  相似文献   

We have studied 23 children from 13 families with a clinical diagnosis of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome. Affected individuals had developed an early-onset progressive encephalopathy that was characterized by a normal head circumference at birth, basal ganglia calcification, negative viral studies, and abnormalities of cerebrospinal fluid comprising either raised white cell counts and/or raised levels of interferon-alpha. By means of genomewide linkage analysis, a maximum-heterogeneity LOD score of 5.28 was reached at marker D3S3563, with alpha=.48, where alpha is the proportion of families showing linkage. Our data suggest the existence of locus heterogeneity in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome and highlight potential difficulties in the differentiation of this condition from pseudo-TORCH (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2) syndrome.  相似文献   

Myeloid blood cells are largely resistant to infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Recently, it was reported that Vpx from HIV-2/SIVsm facilitates infection of these cells by counteracting the host restriction factor SAMHD1. Here, we independently confirmed that Vpx interacts with SAMHD1 and targets it for ubiquitin-mediated degradation. We found that Vpx-mediated SAMHD1 degradation rendered primary monocytes highly susceptible to HIV-1 infection; Vpx with a T17A mutation, defective for SAMHD1 binding and degradation, did not show this activity. Several single nucleotide polymorphisms in the SAMHD1 gene have been associated with Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS), a very rare and severe autoimmune disease. Primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from AGS patients homozygous for a nonsense mutation in SAMHD1 (R164X) lacked endogenous SAMHD1 expression and support HIV-1 replication in the absence of exogenous activation. Our results indicate that within PBMC from AGS patients, CD14+ cells were the subpopulation susceptible to HIV-1 infection, whereas cells from healthy donors did not support infection. The monocytic lineage of the infected SAMHD1 -/- cells, in conjunction with mostly undetectable levels of cytokines, chemokines and type I interferon measured prior to infection, indicate that aberrant cellular activation is not the cause for the observed phenotype. Taken together, we propose that SAMHD1 protects primary CD14+ monocytes from HIV-1 infection confirming SAMHD1 as a potent lentiviral restriction factor.  相似文献   

The human HD domain protein SAMHD1 is implicated in the Aicardi-Goutières autoimmune syndrome and in the restriction of HIV-1 replication in myeloid cells. Recently, this protein has been shown to possess dNTP triphosphatase activity, which is proposed to inhibit HIV-1 replication and the autoimmune response by hydrolyzing cellular dNTPs. Here, we show that the purified full-length human SAMHD1 protein also possesses metal-dependent 3′→5′ exonuclease activity against single-stranded DNAs and RNAs in vitro. In double-stranded substrates, this protein preferentially cleaved 3′-overhangs and RNA in blunt-ended DNA/RNA duplexes. Full-length SAMHD1 also exhibited strong DNA and RNA binding to substrates with complex secondary structures. Both nuclease and dNTP triphosphatase activities of SAMHD1 are associated with its HD domain, but the SAM domain is required for maximal activity and nucleic acid binding. The nuclease activity of SAMHD1 could represent an additional mechanism contributing to HIV-1 restriction and suppression of the autoimmune response through direct cleavage of viral and endogenous nucleic acids. In addition, we demonstrated the presence of dGTP triphosphohydrolase and nuclease activities in several microbial HD domain proteins, suggesting that these proteins might contribute to antiviral defense in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Despite the abundance of fossil remains for the extinct steppe bison (Bison priscus), an animal that was painted and engraved in numerous European Paleolithic caves, a complete mitochondrial genome sequence has never been obtained for this species. In the present study we collected bone samples from a sector of the Trois-Frères Paleolithic cave (Ariège, France) that formerly functioned as a pitfall and was sealed before the end of the Pleistocene. Screening the DNA content of the samples collected from the ground surface revealed their contamination by Bos DNA. However, a 19,000-year-old rib collected on a rock apart the pathway delineated for modern visitors was devoid of such contaminants and reproducibly yielded Bison priscus DNA. High-throughput shotgun sequencing combined with conventional PCR analysis of the rib DNA extract enabled to reconstruct a complete mitochondrial genome sequence of 16,318 bp for the extinct steppe bison with a 10.4-fold coverage. Phylogenetic analyses robustly established the position of the Bison priscus mitochondrial genome as basal to the clade delineated by the genomes of the modern American Bison bison. The extinct steppe bison sequence, which exhibits 93 specific polymorphisms as compared to the published Bison bison mitochondrial genomes, provides an additional resource for the study of Bovinae specimens. Moreover this study of ancient DNA delineates a new research pathway for the analysis of the Magdalenian Trois-Frères cave.  相似文献   


Enzymatically and chemically synthesized cordycepin analogs of 2–5A? trimer and tetramer were found to be biologically active as protein synthesis inhibitors in intact cultured human fibroblast and murine L929 cells 1,2. In rabbit reticulocyte lysates, the cordycepin tetramer analog of 2–5A inhibits protein synthesis through binding to and activation of RNase L3. Our present results using L929 cell extracts provide direct evidence that the cordycepin analogs of 2–5A can bind to and activate RNase L.  相似文献   

The location and dynamics of Posidonia oceanica beds were studied in the marine natural reserve of Cerbère-Banyuls-sur-Mer (eastern Pyrenees, France), through the mapping of bottom assemblages (transects and image processing) and the monitoring of fixed markers installed at the Posidonia oceanica lower limit. The surface area occupied by continuous beds is relatively limited and localized, whereas the presence of important areas of dead 'matter' would seem to indicate that bottom cover by Posidonia oceanica was more extensive in the past. Although the limited extension of the seagrass beds seems to be linked to both a high level of turbidity and severe hydrodynamic conditions, it is hypothesized that the regressions observed are due to lack of sediment.  相似文献   

A variety of neutral serine proteases are important for the effector functions of immune cells. The neutrophil-derived serine proteases cathepsin G and neutrophil elastase are implicated in the host defense against invading bacterial and fungal pathogens. Likewise, the cytotoxic lymphocyte and NK cell granule-associated granzymes A and B are important for the elimination of virus-infected cells. The activation of many of these serine proteases depends on the N-terminal processing activity of the lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin C/dipeptidyl peptidase I (DPPI). Although mice deficient in DPPI have defects in serine protease activation in multiple cellular compartments, the role of DPPI for human serine protease activation is largely undefined. Papillon-Lefevre syndrome (PLS) is a rare autosomal recessive disease associated with loss-of-function mutations in the DPPI gene locus. In this study, we established that the loss of DPPI activity is associated with severe reduction in the activity and stability of neutrophil-derived serine proteases. Surprisingly, patients with PLS retain significant granzyme activities in a cytotoxic lymphocyte compartment (lymphokine-activated killer) and have normal lymphokine-activated killer-mediated cytotoxicity against K562 cells. Neutrophils from patients with PLS do not uniformly have a defect in their ability to kill Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, suggesting that serine proteases do not represent the major mechanism used by human neutrophils for killing common bacteria. Therefore, this study defines the consequences of DPPI deficiency for the activation of several immune cell serine proteases in humans, and provides a molecular explanation for the lack of a generalized T cell immunodeficiency phenotype in patients with PLS.  相似文献   

Homozygous lymphoblastoid cell lines representing various Dw subtypes of DR2 were examined for polymorphism at the DQ locus by molecular and cellular techniques. The subtypes studied included Dw2, Dw12, and a group heterogenous by cellular typing that we shall refer to as non-Dw2/non-Dw12. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of cell lines representing these subtypes revealed DQ -specific patterns consistent with cellular typing. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of DQ molecules from representative cell lines revealed a structural polymorphism of DQ among the three subtypes. The DQ chain migrated to a position that was unique to each subtype and was consistent among various representative cell lines of each subtype. Nucleotide sequence analysis of cDNA clones of DQ from Dw2, Dw12, and non-Dw2/non-Dw12 lines confirmed that the variability resided at the genetic level. Variability was found in the form of numerous scattered nucleotide substitutions throughout the first domain of these alleles. The DQ gene of the non-Dw2/non-Dw12 cell line AZH was further found to be almost identical with the DQ gene of a DR1 line (Bell et al. 1985b), implicating a common evolutionary origin of these alleles. The only difference between these two sequences was due to an apparent gene conversion event at amino acid 57. T-cell cloning experiments resulted in the derivation of Epstein-Barr virus-specific, DQw1-restricted clones that proliferated against only those cell lines that exhibited the DQ gene common to AZH and the DR1 cell line. Thus, the polymorphism among DQ alleles within DR2 results in subtype-specific restriction.  相似文献   

Summary The divalent metal ion binding site and binding constant of ribonuclease HI fromEscherichia coli were investigated by observing chemical shift changes using1H–15N heteronuclear NMR. Chemical shift changes were monitored during the titration of the enzyme with salts of the divalent cations. The enzyme was uniformly labeled by15N, which facilitated the monitoring of the chemical shift change of each cross peak between the backbone amide proton and the amide15N. The chemical shifts of several amide groups were affected upon the addition of a divalent metal ion: Mg2+, Ca2+, or Ba2+. These amide groups resided close to the active site, consistent with the previous X-ray crystallographic studies. From the titration analysis, a single divalent ion binding site was observed with a weak binding constant (KD=2–4 mM for the current divalent ions).  相似文献   


The modes of binding of adenosine 2′-monophosphate (2′-AMP) to the enzyme ribonuclease (RNase) T1 were determined by computer modelling studies. The phosphate moiety of 2′-AMP binds at the primary phosphate binding site. However, adenine can occupy two distinct sites - (1) The primary base binding site where the guanine of 2′-GMP binds and (2) The subsite close to the N1 subsite for the base on the 3′-side of guanine in a guanyl dinucleotide. The minimum energy conformers corresponding to the two modes of binding of 2′-AMP to RNase T1 were found to be of nearly the same energy implying that in solution 2′-AMP binds to the enzyme in both modes. The conformation of the inhibitor and the predicted hydrogen bonding scheme for the RNase T1 - 2′-AMP complex in the second binding mode (S) agrees well with the reported x-ray crystallographic study. The existence of the first mode of binding explains the experimental observations that RNase T1 catalyses the hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds adjacent to adenosine at high enzyme concentrations. A comparison of the interactions of 2′-AMP and 2′-GMP with RNase T1 reveals that Glu58 and Asn98 at the phosphate binding site and Glu46 at the base binding site preferentially stabilise the enzyme - 2′-GMP complex.  相似文献   

The COL5A1 gene, which encodes the pro 1(V) chain, was recently mapped to 9q34.3 in the same region as the nail-patella locus. This was taken as an indication that the nail-patella syndrome may be an inherited connective tissue disorder. We demonstrate COL5A1 heterozygous deletion and fibroblast under-expression of 1(V) chains in a girl with an unbalanced translocation resulting in 9q32qter monosomy. The patient presents dysplastic nails, a sign typical of nail-patella syndrome, but normal patella. Moreover, she has skin and bone disorders similar to those found in the Goltz syndrome. We suggest that monosomy for the COL5A1 gene is responsible for these connective tissue disorders. Accordingly, the nail-patella syndrome could be attributable to mutations inside the COL5A1 gene rather than to a deletion of it.  相似文献   

RNases H participate in the replication and maintenance of genomic DNA. RNase H1 cleaves the RNA strand of RNA/DNA hybrids, and RNase H2 in addition hydrolyzes the RNA residue of RNA–DNA junctions. RNase H3 is structurally closely related to RNases H2, but its biochemical properties are similar to type 1 enzymes. Its unique N-terminal substrate-binding domain (N-domain) is related to TATA-binding protein. Here, we report the first crystal structure of RNase H3 in complex with its RNA/DNA substrate. Just like RNases H1, type 3 enzyme recognizes the 2′-OH groups of the RNA strand and detects the DNA strand by binding a phosphate group and inducing B-form conformation. Moreover, the N-domain recognizes RNA and DNA in a manner that is highly similar to the hybrid-binding domain of RNases H1. Our structure demonstrates a remarkable example of parallel evolution of the elements used in the specific recognition of RNA and DNA.  相似文献   

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