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Cellular senescence is a state of permanent replicative arrest that allows cells to stay viable and metabolically active but resistant to apoptotic and mitogenic stimuli. Specific, validated markers can identify senescent cells, including senescence-associated β galactosidase activity, chromatin alterations, cell morphology changes, activated p16- and p53-dependent signaling and permanent cell cycle arrest. Senescence is a natural consequence of DNA replication-associated telomere erosion, but can also be induced prematurely by telomere-independent events such as failure to repair DNA double strand breaks. Here, we review the molecular pathways of senescence onset, focussing on the changes in chromatin organization that are associated with cellular senescence, particularly senescence-associated heterochromatin foci formation. We also discuss the altered dynamics of the DNA double strand break response within the context of aging cells. Appreciating how, mechanistically, cellular senescence is induced, and how changes to chromatin organization and DNA repair contributes to this, is fundamental to our understanding of the normal and premature human aging processes associated with loss of organ and tissue function in humans.  相似文献   

The methylation of adenine in palindromic 5'-GATC-3' sites by Escherichia coli Dam supports diverse roles, including the essential regulation of virulence genes in several human pathogens. As a result of a unique hopping mechanism, Dam methylates both strands of the same site prior to fully dissociating from the DNA, a process referred to as intrasite processivity. The application of a DpnI restriction endonuclease-based assay allowed the direct interrogation of this mechanism with a variety of DNA substrates. Intrasite processivity is disrupted when the DNA flanking a single GATC site is longer than 400 bp on either side. Interestingly, the introduction of a second GATC site within this flanking DNA reinstates intrasite methylation of both sites. Our results show that intrasite methylation occurs only when GATC sites are clustered, as is found in gene segments both known and postulated to undergo in vivo epigenetic regulation by Dam methylation. We propose a model for intrasite methylation in which Dam bound to flanking DNA is an obligate intermediate. Our results provide insights into how intrasite processivity, which appears to be context-dependent, may contribute to the diverse biological roles that are carried out by Dam.  相似文献   

More than 12 years and >800 scientific publications after the discovery of the first gene at a chromosome fragile site, the FHIT gene at FRA3B, there are still questions to pursue concerning the selective advantage conferred to cells by loss of expression of FHIT, the most frequent target of allele deletion in precancerous lesions and cancers. These questions are considered in light of recent investigations of genetic and epigenetic alterations to the locus and in a retrospective consideration of biological roles of the Fhit protein discovered through functional studies. J. Cell. Biochem. 109: 858–865, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have studied the clonogenic survival response to X-rays and MNNG of V79 Chinese hamster cells and two derivative cell lines, ADPRT54 and ADPRT351, deficient in poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) activity. Under conditions of exponential growth, both PARP-deficient cell lines are hypersensitive to X-rays and MNNG compared to their parental V79 cells. In contrast, under growth-arrested, confluent conditions, V79 and PARP-deficient cells become similarly sensitive to X-rays and MNNG suggesting that PARP may be involved in the repair of X-ray or MNNG-induced DNA damage in logarithmically growing cells but not in growth-arrested confluent cells. This suggestion, however, creates a dilemma as to how PARP can be involved in DNA repair in only selected growth phases while it is functionally active in all growth phases. To explain these paradoxical results and resolve this dilemma we propose a hypothesis based on the consistent observation that inhibition of PARP results in a significant increase in sister chromatid exchange (SCEs). Thus, we propose that PARP is a guardian of the genome that protects against DNA recombination. We have extended this theme to provide an explanation for our results and the studies done by many others.  相似文献   

DNA damage in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings results in upregulation of hundreds of genes. One of the earliest and highest levels of induction is displayed by a previously uncharacterized gene that we have termed X-ray induced 1 ( XRI1 ). Analysis of plants carrying a null xri1 allele revealed two distinct requirements for this gene in plant fertility. XRI1 was important for the post-meiotic stages of pollen development, leading to inviability of xri pollen and abnormal segregation of the mutant allele in heterozygous xri1 +/− plants. In addition, XRI1 was essential for male and female meiosis, as indicated by the complete sterility of homozygous xri1 mutants due to extensive chromosome fragmentation visible in meiocytes. Abolition of programmed DNA double-strand breaks in a spo11-1 mutant background failed to rescue the DNA fragmentation of xri1 mutants, suggesting that XRI1 functions at an earlier stage than SPO11-1 does. Yeast two-hybrid studies identified an interaction between XRI1 and a novel component of the Arabidopsis MND1/AHP2 complex, indicating possible requirements for XRI1 in meiotic DNA repair.  相似文献   

随着对DNA损伤修复基因研究的深入,其信号转导路径及调控网络也进一步明了,调控DNA损伤修复基因的微小RNA(miRNA)也越来越多地被认识和发现。简要综述了DNA损伤途径中调控主要的损伤修复基因的miRNA,有助于深入阐明DNA损伤修复机制,为开发抗辐射药物和临床上DNA损伤修复异常相关肿瘤的基因治疗提供新的靶点。  相似文献   

Combining natural products with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy may increase the efficacy of cancer treatment. It has been hypothesized that natural products may inhibit DNA repair and sensitize cancer cells to DNA damage-based cancer therapy. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these activities remain unclear. In this study, we found that diallyl disulfide (DADS), an organosulfur compound, increased the sensitivity of yeast cells to DNA damage and has potential for development as an adjuvant drug for DNA damage-based cancer therapy. We induced HO endonuclease to generate a specific DNA double-strand break (DSB) by adding galactose to yeast and used this system to study how DADS affects DNA repair. In this study, we found that DADS inhibited DNA repair in single-strand annealing (SSA) system and sensitized SSA cells to a single DSB. DADS impaired DNA repair by inhibiting the protein levels of the DNA resection-related proteins Sae2 and Exo1. We also found that the recruitment of MRX and the Mec1-Ddc2 complex to a DSB was prevented by DADS. This result suggests that DADS counteracts G2/M DNA damage checkpoint activation in a Mec1 (ATR)- and Tel1 (ATM)-dependent manner. Only by elucidating the molecular mechanisms by which DADS influences DNA repair will we be able to discover new adjuvant drugs to improve chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Telomeres at chromosome ends are nucleoprotein structures consisting of tandem TTAGGG repeats and a complex of proteins termed shelterin. DNA damage and repair at telomeres is uniquely influenced by the ability of telomeric DNA to form alternate structures including loops and G-quadruplexes, coupled with the ability of shelterin proteins to interact with and regulate enzymes in every known DNA repair pathway. The role of shelterin proteins in preventing telomeric ends from being falsely recognized and processed as DNA double strand breaks is well established. Here we focus instead on recent developments in understanding the roles of shelterin proteins and telomeric DNA sequence and structure in processing genuine damage at telomeres induced by endogenous and exogenous DNA damage agents. We will highlight advances in double strand break repair, base excision repair and nucleotide excision repair at telomeres, and will discuss important questions remaining in the field.  相似文献   

In response to genomic insults cells trigger a signal transduction pathway, known as DNA damage checkpoint, whose role is to help the cell to cope with the damage by coordinating cell cycle progression, DNA replication and DNA repair mechanisms. Accumulating evidence suggests that activation of the first checkpoint kinase in the cascade is not due to the lesion itself, but it requires recognition and initial processing of the lesion by a specific repair mechanism. Repair enzymes likely convert a variety of physically and chemically different lesions to a unique common structure, a ssDNA region, which is the checkpoint triggering signal. Checkpoint kinases can modify the activity of repair mechanisms, allowing for efficient repair, on one side, and modulating the generation of the ssDNA signal, on the other. This strategy may be important to allow the most effective repair and a prompt recovery from the damage condition. Interestingly, at least in some cases, if the damage level is low enough the cell can deal with the lesions and it does not need to activate the checkpoint response. On the other hand if damage level is high or if the lesions are not rapidly repairable, checkpoint mechanisms become important for cell survival and preservation of genome integrity.  相似文献   

Three PCR-based methods are described that allow covalent drug-DNA adducts, and their repair, to be studied at various levels of resolution from gene regions to the individual nucleotide level in single copy genes. A quantitative PCR (QPCR) method measures the total damage on both DNA strands in a gene region, usually between 300 and 3000 base pairs in length. Strand-specific QPCR incorporates adaptations that allow damage to be measured in the same region as QPCR but in a strand-specific manner. Single-strand ligation PCR allows the detection of adduct formation at the level of single nucleotides, on individual strands, in a single copy gene in mammalian cells. If antibodies to the DNA adducts of interest are available, these can be used to capture and isolate adducted DNA for use in single-strand ligation PCR increasing the sensitivity of the assay.  相似文献   

Summary Sequence changes in mutations induced by ultraviolet light are reported for the chromosomal Escherichia coli gpt gene in almost isogenic E. coli uvr + and excision-deficient uvrA cells. Differences between the mutagenic spectra are ascribed to preferential removal of photoproducts in the transcribed strand by excision repair in uvr + cells. This conclusion is confirmed by analysis of published results for genes in both uvr + and uvr cells, showing a similar selective removal of mutagenic products from the transcribed strand of the E. coli lacI gene and of the lambda phage cl repressor gene. Comparison of these data with published results for ultraviolet mutagenesis of gpt on a chromosome in Chinese hamster ovary cells showed that a mutagenic hot spot in mammalian cells is not present in E. coli; the possibility is suggested that the hot spot might arise from localized lack of excision repair. Otherwise, mutagenesis in hamster cells appeared similar to that in E. coli uvr + cells, except there appears to be a smaller fraction of single-base additions and deletions (frameshifts) in mammalian than in bacterial cells. Phenotypes of 6-thioguanine-resistant E. coli showed there is a gene (or genes) other than gpt involved in the utilization of thioguanine by bacteria.  相似文献   

In the past few years, the paramount role of cancer stem cells (CSCs), in terms of cancer initiation, proliferation, metastasis, invasion and chemoresistance, has been revealed by accumulating studies. However, this level of cellular plasticity cannot be entirely explained by genetic mutations. Research on epigenetic modifications as a complementary explanation for the properties of CSCs has been increasing over the past several years. Notably, therapeutic strategies are currently being developed in an effort to reverse aberrant epigenetic alterations using specific chemical inhibitors. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of CSCs and their role in cancer progression, and provide an overview of epigenetic alterations seen in CSCs. Importantly, we focus on primary cancer therapies that target the epigenetic modification of CSCs by the use of specific chemical inhibitors, such as histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitors and microRNA‐based (miRNA‐based) therapeutics.  相似文献   

To cope with the devastating insults constantly inflicted to their genome by intrinsic and extrinsic DNA damaging sources, cells have evolved a sophisticated network of interconnected DNA caretaking mechanisms that will detect, signal and repair the lesions. Among the underlying molecular mechanisms that regulate these events, PARylation catalyzed by Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs), appears as one of the earliest post-translational modification at the site of the lesion that is known to elicit recruitment and regulation of many DNA damage response proteins.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mutations seem to be caused almost entirely by endogenous lesions. The pattern of these lesions along a gene represents an equilibrium between damage and repair. A pattern can be measured using ligation-mediated PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and a large chronic dose of a suspected endogenous mutagen. A study using dimethylsulfate-induced 7meGuanine lesions indicates that the exogenously induced pattern depends on how methyl purine glycosylase recognizes sequence context and, for this lesion, the pattern may be independent of the mutagen's dose.  相似文献   

Abstract: To study the involvement of the xeroderma pigmentosum group A gene ( XPA ) in neuronal apoptosis, we cultured cerebellar neurons from mice lacking XPA gene ( XPA −/−) and induced apoptosis by exposure to UV irradiation or medium containing a low concentration of potassium (low-K+ medium). When cerebellar neurons from postnatal days 15–16 wild-type mice were treated with UV irradiation, apoptotic neuronal death was observed after 24–48 h. About 60% of neurons survived 48 h after UV irradiation at a dose of 5 J/m2. On the other hand, neurons from XPA −/− mice showed a significantly increased vulnerability to UV irradiation, and >90% of neurons died 48 h after UV irradiation at a dose of 5 J/m2. In contrast, low-K+ medium induced apoptosis of neurons from mice of each genotype with the same kinetics. These results suggest that the XPA gene is involved in neuronal DNA repair and that it thereby influences apoptosis induced by DNA damage in cultured cerebellar neurons.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in understanding the origins of genomic uracil and its role in genome stability and host defense; however, the main question concerning the basal level of uracil in DNA remains disputed. Results from assays designed to quantify genomic uracil vary by almost three orders of magnitude. To address the issues leading to this inconsistency, we explored possible shortcomings with existing methods and developed a sensitive LC/MS/MS-based method for the absolute quantification of genomic 2′-deoxyuridine (dUrd). To this end, DNA was enzymatically hydrolyzed to 2′-deoxyribonucleosides and dUrd was purified in a preparative HPLC step and analyzed by LC/MS/MS. The standard curve was linear over four orders of magnitude with a quantification limit of 5 fmol dUrd. Control samples demonstrated high inter-experimental accuracy (94.3%) and precision (CV 9.7%). An alternative method that employed UNG2 to excise uracil from DNA for LC/MS/MS analysis gave similar results, but the intra-assay variability was significantly greater. We quantified genomic dUrd in Ung+/+ and Ung?/? mouse embryonic fibroblasts and human lymphoblastoid cell lines carrying UNG mutations. DNA-dUrd is 5-fold higher in Ung?/? than in Ung+/+ fibroblasts and 11-fold higher in UNG2 dysfunctional than in UNG2 functional lymphoblastoid cells. We report approximately 400–600 dUrd per human or murine genome in repair-proficient cells, which is lower than results using other methods and suggests that genomic uracil levels may have previously been overestimated.  相似文献   

DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) formation coordinates the myogenic program, and defects in SSB repair in post-mitotic cells have been associated with human diseases. However, the DNA damage response by SSB in terminally differentiated cells has not been explored yet. Here we show that mouse post-mitotic muscle cells accumulate SSB after alkylation damage, but they are extraordinarily resistant to the killing effects of a variety of SSB-inducers. We demonstrate that, upon SSB induction, phosphorylation of H2AX occurs in myotubes and is largely ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-dependent. However, the DNA damage signaling cascade downstream of ATM is defective as shown by lack of p53 increase and phosphorylation at serine 18 (human serine 15). The stabilization of p53 by nutlin-3 was ineffective in activating the cell death pathway, indicating that the resistance to SSB inducers is due to defective p53 downstream signaling. The induction of specific types of damage is required to activate the cell death program in myotubes. Besides the topoisomerase inhibitor doxorubicin known for its cardiotoxicity, we show that the mitochondria-specific inhibitor menadione is able to activate p53 and to kill effectively myotubes. Cell killing is p53-dependent as demonstrated by full protection of myotubes lacking p53, but there is a restriction of p53-activated genes. This new information may have important therapeutic implications in the prevention of muscle cell toxicity.  相似文献   

The ability of replication protein A (RPA) to bind single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) underlines its crucial roles during DNA replication and repair. A combination of immunofluorescence and live cell imaging of GFP-tagged RPA70 revealed that RPA, in contrast to other replication factors, does not cluster into replication foci, which is explained by its short residence time at ssDNA. In addition to replication, RPA also plays a crucial role in both the pre- and post-incision steps of nucleotide excision repair (NER). Pre-incision factors like XPC and TFIIH accumulate rapidly at locally induced UV-damage and remain visible up to 4 h. However, RPA did not reach its maximum accumulation level until 3 h after DNA damage infliction and a chromatin-bound pool remained detectable up to 8 h, probably reflecting its role during the post-incision step of NER. During the pre-incision steps of NER, RPA could only be visualized at DNA lesions in incision deficient XP-F cells, however without a substantial increase in residence time at DNA damage. Together our data show that RPA is an intrinsically highly dynamic ssDNA-binding complex during both replication and distinct steps of NER.  相似文献   

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