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Cochlodinium polykrikoides has occurred annually in Korea’scoastal waters since 1982, where it has caused extensive fishmortality. Rapid and accurate monitoring is very important toreduce the economic damage caused by C. polykrikoides. However,before outbreaks of C. polykrikoides occur, single cells areoften more abundant than chain-forming cells. During this period,it is very difficult to discriminate C. polykrikoides from closelyrelated dinoflagellates and other phytoplankton species. Theaim of the present study was to identify even single-celledC. polykrikoides and to assess counting methodologies usingmolecular probes. A new polyclonal antibody bound specificallyto C. polykrikoides, and not to other phytoplankton, includingthe morphologically similar Gyrodinium impudicum and Gymnodiniumcatenatum. When cultured C. polykrikoides cells were fixed with2.5% glutaraldehyde, they emitted a high-intensity fluorescentsignal during the period of exponential growth. The correlationwith cell density of a mixed culture including C. polykrikoidestreated with an antibody and lectin probes (wheat germ agglutinin/Erythrinacristagalli agglutinin) was well matched (r2 = 0.83). The detectionof C. polykrikoides was possible at concentrations as low as5 cells ml-1. Reaction with C. polykrikoides antisera and antigenby western blotting analysis was at 30 kDa and gave no signalfor G. impudicum, G. catenatum, Alexandrium tamarense or Prorocentrummicans. Consequently, the new antibody is of great importancefor enumeration and identification of C. polykrikoides in Korea’swaters.  相似文献   

Recent studies of dinoflagellates have reported that blooms can be closely related to the characteristics of the associated bacteria, but studies of the correlation between the toxic dinoflagellate, Cochlodinium polykrikoides and their associated bacterial community composition has not been explored. To understand this correlation, changes in bacterial community structure through the evolution of a C. polykrikoides bloom in Korean coastal waters via clone library analysis were investigated. Although there were no apparent changes in physio-chemical factors during the onset of the C. polykrikoides bloom, the abundance of bacteria bourgeoned in parallel with C. polykrikoides densities. Alpha-, gamma-proteobacteria and Flavobacteria were found to be dominant phyletic groups during C. polykrikoides blooms. The proportion of gamma-proteobacteria was lower (11.8%) during peak of the bloom period compared to the post-bloom period (26.2%). In contrast, alpha-proteobacteria increased in dominance during blooms. Among the alpha-proteobacteria, members of Rhodobacterales abruptly increased from 38% of the alpha-proteobacteria before the bloom to 74% and 56% during the early bloom and peak bloom stages, respectively. Moreover, multiple sites concurrently hosting C. polykrikoides blooms also contained high portions of Rhodobacterales and principal component analysis (PCA) demonstrated that Rhodobacterales had a positive, significant correlation with C. polykrikoides abundances (p  0.01, Pearson correlation coefficients). Collectively, this study reveals the specific clades of bacteria that increase (Rhodobacterales) and decrease (gamma-proteobacteria) in abundance C. polykrikoides during blooms.  相似文献   

While the toxic dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides is known to form blooms that are maintained for extended periods, the genetic differentiation of these blooms are currently unknown. To assess this, we developed a real-time PCR assay to quantify C. polykrikoides at the intra-specific level, and applied this assay to field samples collected in Korean coastal waters from summer through fall. Assays were successfully developed to target the large-subunit ribosomal RNA region of the three major ribotypes of C. polykrikoides: Philippines, East Asian, and American/Malaysian. Significant linear relationships (r2  0.995) were established between Ct and the log of the copy number for each ribotype qPCR assay. Using these assays, C. polykrikoides blooms in Korean coastal waters were found to be comprised of Philippines and East Asian ribotypes but not the American/Malaysian ribotype. The Philippines ribotype was found to be highly abundant during summer bloom initiation and peak, whereas the East Asian ribotype became the dominant ribotype in the fall. As such, this newly developed qPCR assay can be used to quantify the cryptic ecological succession of sub-populations of C. polykrikoides during blooms that light microscopy and previously developed qPCR assays cannot resolve.  相似文献   

To determine the process of population expansion and ascertain the origin of the Sea of Japan population, in a noxious red tide forming dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides , 13 samples, isolated from 11 different localities in Japanese and Korean coasts, were analysed using 10 polymorphic microsatellites. Analyses by nonmetric multidimensional scaling plots of pairwise F ST, global amova , and genetic admixture analysis identified three clusters — the Sea of Japan populations, Yatsushiro Sea (Kumamoto Pref.) populations, and other populations — indicating genetic structuring of the 13 samples into three distinct populations. In the proportion of shared alleles by pairwise individuals ( P SAxy) analyses between the Sea of Japan and the other samples, P SAxy was extremely low compared with that among the Sea of Japan or among other samples, indicating that a large genetic barrier has occurred between the populations. No significant relationship of isolation-by-distance patterns and almost no genetic distance were detected between pairwise samples of the Sea of Japan, although there is a maximal distance of > 600 km between samples. In addition, P SAxy data among the samples were extremely high compared with those among other samples, clearly showing that a large-scale transfer from west to east has occurred via the Tushima Warm Current. In the P SAxy data of the Seto Inland Sea and Pacific samples, individuals showing relatively high P SAxy were concentrated in the three areas of Nagasaki, Harima, and Mie, suggesting that frequent transfer may have occurred by human-assisted dispersal, although Nagasaki and Mie are separated by a distance of approximately 700 km.  相似文献   

Massive blooms of the dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides occur annually in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. The initiation of blooms and their physical transport has been documented and the location of bloom initiation was identified during the 2007 and 2008 blooms. In the present study we combined daily sampling of nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton abundance at a fixed station to determine physical and chemical controls on bloom formation and enhanced underway water quality monitoring (DATAFLOW) during periods when blooms are known to occur. While C. polykrikoides did not reach bloom concentrations until late June during 2009, vegetative cells were present at low concentrations in the Elizabeth River (4 cells ml−1) as early as May 27. Subsequent samples collected from the Lafayette River documented the increase in C. polykrikoides abundance in the upper branches of the Lafayette River from mid-June to early July, when discolored waters were first observed. The 2009 C. polykrikoides bloom began in the Lafayette River when water temperatures were consistently above 25 °C and during a period of calm winds, neap tides, high positive tidal residuals, low nutrient concentrations, and a low dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP) ratio. The pulsing of nutrients associated with intense but highly localized storm activity during the summer months when water temperatures are above 25 °C may play a role in the initiation of C. polykrikoides blooms. The upper Lafayette River appears to be an important area for initiation of algal blooms that then spread to other connected waterways.  相似文献   

Red tides by the ichthyotoxic dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides have caused large scaled mortality of fish and great loss in aquaculture industry in many countries. Detecting and quantifying the abundance of this species are the most critical step in minimizing the loss. The conventional quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) method has been used for quantifying the abundance of this species. However, when analyzing > 500 samples collected during huge C. polykrikoides red tides in South Sea of Korea in 2014, this conventional method and the previously developed specific primer and probe set for C. polykrikoides did not give reasonable abundances when compared with cell counting data. Thus improved qPCR methods and a new specific primer and probe set reflecting recent discovery of 2 new ribotypes have to be developed. A new species-specific primer and probe set for detecting all 3 ribotypes of C. polykrikoides was developed and provided in this study. Furthermore, because the standard curve between cell abundance and threshold cycle value (Ct) is critical, the efficiencies of 4 different preparation methods used to determine standard curves were comparatively evaluated. The standard curves were determined by using the following 4 different preparations: (1) extraction of DNA from a dense culture of C. polykrikoides followed by serial dilution of the extracted DNA (CDD method), (2) extraction of DNA from each of the serially diluted cultures with different concentrations of C. polykrikoides cultures (CCD method), (3) extraction of DNA from a dense field sample of C. polykrikoides collected from natural seawater and then dilution of the extracted DNA in serial (FDD method), and (4) extraction of DNA from each of the serially diluted field samples having different concentrations of C. polykrikoides (FCD method). These 4 methods yielded different results. The abundances of C. polykrikoides in the samples collected from the coastal waters of South Sea, Korea, in 2014–2015, obtained using the standard curves determined by the CCD and the FCD methods, were the most similar (0.93–1.03 times) and the second closest (1.16–1.33 times) to the actual cell abundances obtained by enumeration of cells. Thus, our results suggest that the CCD method is a more effective tool to quantify the abundance of C. polykrikoides than the conventional method, CDD, and the FDD and FCD methods.  相似文献   

Since 1995, blooms of the harmful dinoflagellate, Cochlodinium polykrikoides, have caused considerable mortality of aquatic organisms and economic loss in Korea. However, little is known about the life cycle of the species, except for the planktonic vegetative stage; therefore, the aim of this paper was to elucidate the life cycle of C. polykrikoides. Its life cycle has two morphologically different stages: an armored and an unarmored vegetative stage. Armored vegetative cells were found in seawater samples collected in late-November and developed into four-cell chained, unarmored vegetative cells under laboratory culture. In samples collected in late-May, both the armored and unarmored types (vegetative swimming stage) occurred; the former easily developed into an unarmored vegetative cell type, suggesting that the armoured–unarmored transition occurs as early as May. A presumptive resting cyst, round but folded at one side, was produced from armored type cells in laboratory conditions. It was also collected from natural bottom sediments, which suggests it is the dormant resting cyst of C. polykrikoides.  相似文献   

Red tides dominated by Cochlodinium polykrikoides often lead to great economic losses and some methods of controlling these red tides have been developed. However, due to possible adverse effects and the short persistence of their control actions, safer and more effective sustainable methods should be developed. The non-toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium pohangense is known to grow well mixotrophically feeding on C. polykrikoides, and populations are also maintained by photosynthesis. Thus, compared with other methods, the use of mass-cultured A. pohangense is safer and the effects can be maintained in the long term. To develop an effective method, the concentrations of A. pohangense cells and culture filtrate resulting in the death of C. polykrikoides cells were determined by adding the cells or filtrates to cultured and natural populations of C. polykrikoides. Cultures containing 800 A. pohangense cells ml−1 eliminated almost all cultured C. polykrikoides cells at a concentration of 1000 cells ml−1 within 24 h. Furthermore, the addition of A. pohangense cultures at a concentration of 800 cells ml−1 to C. polykrikoides populations from a red-tide patch resulted in the death of most C. polykrikoides cells (99.8%) within 24 h. This addition of A. pohangense cells also lowered the abundances of total phototrophic dinoflagellates excluding C. polykrikoides, but did not lower the abundance of total diatoms. Filtrate from 800 cells ml−1 A. pohangense cultures reduced the population of cultured C. polykrikoides by 80% within 48 h. This suggests that A. pohangense cells eliminate C. polykrikoides by feeding and releasing extracellular compounds. Over time, A. pohangense concentrations gradually increased when incubated with C. polykrikoides. Thus, an increase in the concentration of A. pohangense by feeding may lead to A. pohangense cells eliminating more C. polykrikoides cells in larger volumes. Based on the results of this study, a 1 m3 stock culture of A. pohangense at 4000 cells ml−1 is calculated to remove all C. polykrikoides cells in ca. 200 m3 within 6 days. Furthermore, maintenance of A. pohangense populations through photosynthesis prepared A. pohangense to eliminate C. polykrikoides cells in future red-tide patches. Moreover, incubation of A. pohangense at 2000 cells ml−1 with juvenile olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus for 3 days did not result in the death of fish. Therefore, the method developed in this study is a safe and effective way of controlling C. polykrikoides populations and can be easily applied to aqua-tanks on land.  相似文献   

Red tides caused by the marine dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides Margalef pose significant environmental problems worldwide. Recently, the existence of severe blooms attributable to a single Cochlodinium Schütt species has been questioned by many researchers. Herein we investigated the dinoflagellate composition of harmful algal blooms (HABs) attributed to C. polykrikoides in Korean coastal waters at nine different stations (St.). The component species of Cochlodinium blooms were examined by using microscopic and gene-cloning methods. In the nine study areas, C. polykrikoides was the predominant species of HABs in St. 2, 4, 7, and St. 9. Based on the morphological identification, the bloom was initially thought to be caused only by C. polykrikoides; however, we detected additional bloom-forming dinoflagellates (Polykrikos schwartzii Bütschli and Polykrikos kofoidii Chatton), and diatoms (Pseudo-nitzschia americana (Hasle) Fryxell) along with C. polykrikoides. The parasitic dinoflagellates Amoebophrya Koeppen and Euduboscquella Coats, Bachvaroff & Delwiche were found to be co-located with Cochlodinium in our study, and for the first time, Cochlodinium fulvescens Iwataki, Kawami & Matsuoka was detected in Korea (west coast). These results suggest co-existence of multiple dinoflagellates in bloom populations of Cochlodinium and describe the composition of other dinoflagellate blooms (e.g., Polykrikos spp.) in Korean coastal regions. This co-occurrence may be considered during efforts to monitor and control HABs.  相似文献   

Amoebophrya is an obligate endoparasite infecting wide ranges of marine organisms in coastal and oceanic waters. The parasitoid has received growing attention, due to its enormous genetic diversity in seawaters and suppressive effects on the growth of host dinoflagellates. Harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by planktonic dinoflagellates have significantly impacted the coastal environment and mariculture in China. Series of studies have been conducted to reveal the occurrence mechanism and negative impacts of HABs in past decades, while the factors contributing to the recession of HABs have rarely been studied. Thus, the host range, prevalence and diversity of Amoebophrya along the coastline of China were systemically investigated to facilitate future studies on the ecological roles of the parasitoid. Overall, 10 dinoflagellate taxa were found to be infected by Amoebophrya spp., and the prevalence ranged from 0.03% to 2.50%. Sequencing of environmental genomic DNA revealed substantial diversity and significant regional heterogeneity of Amoebophryidae sequences derived from 12 coastal bays, while no significant correlation was observed among geographical locations. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA sequences derived from individual Amoebophrya-infected cells indicated the host divergence of the parasitoid and lend credence to the multiple species assumption. The results further revealed the broad host range, wide distribution and substantial diversity of Amoebophrya in the coastal waters of China, that should not be neglected in future studies on the succession of HABs, as well as the ecological significance of this parasitoid in marine microbial food webs.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate community present during blooms of the fish killing dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides was characterized by DNA melting curve analysis and direct sequencing of the SSU rDNA amplified from environmental sample extracts. PCR amplification of genomic DNA from Gaedo water samples using dinoflagellate-specific SSU rDNA primers yielded 280 clones, which were screened by closed tube PCR-melting curve analysis targeting a region of the SSU rDNA, enabling high throughput analysis. Twenty-eight clones producing distinct melting curve patterns were sequenced, and their phylogenetic information revealed that C. polykrikoides co-occurred with morphologically similar species including Gymnodinium impudicum and Gymnodinium catenatum. Temporal variations of C. polykrikoides and G. impudicum abundances in South Sea were also examined by species-specific real-time TaqMan-based PCR probes developed in this study. C. polykrikoides- and G. impudicum-specific real-time PCR probes were designed targeting the internal transcribed spacer 2 ribosomal DNA region. The probe specificity was confirmed by testing against related dinoflagellates and verified by sequencing PCR products from environmental samples. The real-time PCR assays showed that C. polykrikoides cell densities peaked in August at 16,928 cells mL?1, while G. impudicum was present at low abundances (below 25 cells mL?1). Our amplified rDNA melting curve protocol provides a facile method for the characterization of the dinoflagellate community, and the real-time PCR assay could be an alternative method for rapid and sensitive enumeration of harmful dinoflagellates in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Typhoons cause significant environmental damage in coastal areas and one of their effects is the suspension of the resting stage cells of diatoms from the surface...  相似文献   

We isolated 15 polymorphic microsatellites from Cochlodinium polykrikoides. These loci provide a class of highly variable genetic markers, as the number of alleles ranged from two to 15, and the estimate of gene diversity was from 0.083 to 0.880 across the 15 microsatellites. We consider that these loci have a potential to reveal the genetic structure and gene flow among C. polykrikoides populations.  相似文献   

This study provides the first morphological features of resting cysts of Cochlodinium polykrikoides collected from Korean coastal sediments. Evidence for the existence of resting cysts of C. polykrikoides is based on the morphological and molecular phylogenetic data of the germinated cells and a resting cyst. The morphology of the resting cysts differed from that reported previously in sediments and culture experiments. The distinct feature is that the cyst body was covered by the reticulate ornaments and spines.  相似文献   

《Harmful algae》2011,10(6):548-556
An unarmored dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides has formed red tides responsible for fish mass mortalities especially in coastal areas of western Japan and southern Korea almost every summer to autumn. In laboratory culture, the optimum temperature for growth of the species is ca. 27 °C. Since the species cannot survive in water of temperatures of less than 10 °C, it was considered to over-winter in some certain regions as a motile form or resting cyst, and expand its distribution after the temperature increases to a level tolerable for growth. To determine the over-wintering regions and migration pattern of C. polykrikoides, occurrences of the motile cells were surveyed in the coastal and offshore areas of western Kyushu, Japan and south coast of the Korean Peninsula from April 2006 to August 2008. Cells of C. polykrikoides were found at 14 sites during the investigated period. Motile cells occurred throughout the year in Usuka Bay, Hirado of West Japan. From offshore regions of the Goto Islands and off Shin-Nagasaki Fishing Port, motile cells of C. polykrikoides were first detected from late May, and continuously occurred until February in Nama Bay of the Kami-Goto Islands. This first appearance was before red tides of C. polykrikoides reported at coastal areas in western Kyushu. In Korea, this species was first observed in May and disappeared after October in 2007. These occurrence patterns imply that Usuka Bay in Hirado is one of the over-wintering regions in western Kyushu, and also this species is possibly transported into the northern part of the East China Sea by the Tsushima Warm Current every year.  相似文献   

The underlying toxic mechanisms of the red tide dinoflagellate,Cochlodinium polykrikoides, were studied with respect to thereactive oxygen species-mediated toxic effect. Cochlodiniumpolykrikoides generates superoxide anion (O2) and hydrogenperoxide (H2O2), as measured by the cytochrome c reduction methodand scopoletin–peroxidase method, respectively. The capabilityof C.polykrikoides to generate these oxygen radicals was relatedto the growth phase: the highest rate in the exponential phaseand a gradual decrease in the stationary phase. Other phytoplankton,such as Eutreptiella gymnastica, Heterosigma akashiwo, Prorocentrummicans, Gymnodinium sanguineum and Alexandrium tamarense, alsoproduce H2O2; the rate of H2O2 generation by these species waslower than that of C.polykrikoides. The exposure of liposomalsamples to intact or ruptured individuals of C.polykrikoidesresulted in severe membrane damage, such as liposomal lipidperoxidation. Cochlodinium polykrikoides-induced lipid peroxidationwas significantly reduced by oxygen radical scavengers, superoxidedismutase, benzoquinone, catalase and mannitol. In addition,lipid peroxidation of gill tissue of flatfish exposed to C.polykrikoidesincreased with increasing algal cell density. These resultssuggest that reactive oxygen species generated from C.polykrikoidesare responsible for oxidative damage leading to fish kills.  相似文献   

Research evaluating the toxicity of the harmful dinoflagellate Cochlodinium (a.k.a. Margalefidinium) polykrikoides has been dominated by acute bioassays while the sublethal effects remain less well understood. This study examined the sublethal effects of C. polykrikoides exposure on the feeding behavior of larval estuarine fish. Sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) larvae were used in feeding experiments which assessed the total consumption of zooplankton prey (i.e., Artemia nauplii) over defined time periods. Larvae exposed to intermediate concentrations (i.e., 102 cells ml−1) of clonal cultures of C. polykrikoides saw statistically significant reductions (range = 10%–81%) in the Artemia consumed compared to controls (i.e., filtered seawater, culture media or nontoxin producing dinoflagellate). These reductions were found independent of whether the larvae were fed or starved prior to experimentation. As these concentrations are similar to those typically found during mild blooms or at the periphery of dense blooms, these findings have significant implications for the feeding behavior of ichthyoplankton.  相似文献   

Small subunit rRNA sequences were amplified from Amoebophrya strains infecting Karlodinium micrum, Gymnodinium instriatum and an unidentified Scrippsiella species in Chesapeake Bay. The alignable parts of the sequences differed from each other and from the previously reported rRNA sequence of the Amoebophrya strain infecting Akashiwo sanguinea in Chesapeake Bay by 4 to 10%. This is a greater degree of difference than sometimes found between sequences from separate genera of free-living dinoflagellates. These sequence differences indicate that the Amoebophrya strains parasitizing dinoflagellates in Chesapeake Bay do not all belong to the same species. In spite of their relative dissimilarity, the sequences do group together into a single clade with high bootstrap support in phylogenetic trees constructed from the sequences.  相似文献   

The marine dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides has spread worldwide and is responsible for harmful algal blooms. The chemical biocides, copper sulfate (CuSO4) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), are known to be effective in removing bloom-forming or biofouling organisms. Here, we assessed the biocidal efficiency and toxicological properties of NaOCl and CuSO4 on the physiological and catalase responses of C. polykrikoides. The endpoints used were cell counts, pigment content, chlorophyll autofluorescence (CAF), and antioxidant catalase (CAT) activity. The test organism showed a dose-dependent decrease in growth rate against the algicides; 72-h median effective concentrations (EC50) were 0.584 and 0.633 mg L–1 for NaOCl and CuSO4, respectively. The decrease in pigment levels and CAF intensity showed that NaOCl and CuSO4 might affect the photosynthetic processes of the exposed cells. Furthermore, a considerable increase in CAT activity in the cells was detected, indicating that the algicides might generate reactive oxygen species, thereby markedly damaging the cells. These results suggest that the test algicides are very effective in removing C. polykrikoides by inducing cellular stress and inhibiting cell recovery at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

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