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Pclab生物信号采集处理系统及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pclab系统是根据生理实验的特点将传统仪器的优点与计算机的强大功能相结合设计而成的系统,它既可以完全替代生理、药理、病理实验中的刺激器、放大器、示波器、记录仪等各种仪器,又具有操作简单、易于观察、数据存储不受时间等因素的影响,数据处理功能强大,与windows98实现无缝对接性能。本文介绍了Pclab系统的工作原理、特点及其生物学实验中的应用。  相似文献   

生物发光和化学发光的仪器已有很多应用.这里,我们坚持使用“发光仪”这个词来命名这类仪器,虽然也有人偶尔用辐射仪或光度计等其他名称.这里“发光”一词仅包括生物发光和化学发光,不包括荧光、磷光等等.有好几家公司生产发光仪,本文结尾罗列了这些仪器.而所使用的非商品发光仪不在此列,因此论述将集中在适于工业化生产的发光仪的设计原则.当把生物和化学发光与微生物学联系在一起,人们习惯上会想到生物发光的ATP技术.可是近年来,免疫分析和DNA探针方法也在使用生物及化学发光标记.这些分析技  相似文献   

微弱发光分析技术应用实例(二)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微弱发光测量仪是根据微弱发光分析技术研制的测量样品微弱发光的仪器.BPCL型微弱发光测量仪具有多种重要功能,可满足生物、医学、化学等领域研究与应用的需要.简要介绍微弱发光测量仪在DNA氧化损伤规律的研究中的应用实例.说明了这种技术和仪器的先进性与实用性.  相似文献   

 现代植物生理生态学的发展是和测定仪器的进步同步进行的。小型轻便、智能、性能优良和高自动化程度是植物生理生态学仪器发展的必然趋势。该文以光合生理生态学的仪器为例,概述了该领域测定仪器的发展趋势及对学科发展的重要作用,并讨论了控制实验和实验设计中的假重复问题。  相似文献   

催化报告沉积荧光原位杂交技术(Catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization,CARDFISH)是基于传统的FISH技术发展而来,由于其较高的灵敏度及稳定性,可以检测微生物的rRNA、mRNA和DNA上的目标基因等,获得环境微生物的群落及功能信息,现已成为微生物生态学研究领域中的重要技术手段。近些年,CARD-FISH与同位素示踪技术、纳米二次离子质谱技术(Nano SIMS)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、流式细胞仪等技术方法的联合使用,不仅可以研究复杂环境中微生物的物种组成、数量及其高分辨形态学信息,而且可以获得微生物在单细胞水平的生理代谢信息及其活性,对在单细胞水平认识原位环境微生物的生理生态功能具有重要意义。本文重点介绍了CARD-FISH的技术路线和要点,并探讨CARD-FISH与相关技术联用在环境微生物生态学研究中的应用及进展。  相似文献   

人类情绪发展认知神经科学,主要研究情绪与认知发展以及脑发育之间的关系,其中,儿童青少期既是脑智发育与情绪认知发展的重要黄金期,又是情绪问题及相关障碍的首发敏感期,容易受到遗传与环境风险因素的交互影响.近年来,情绪认知神经科学的兴起和发展,特别是无创脑功能成像、传统发展心理、生理心理和行为遗传学等技术方法的融合,为解析人...  相似文献   

本文阐述了心理对生理的能动作用。在一定的条件下,人的心理可影响其生理功能,两者互为因果、相互影响。生理是心理活动的物质基础,心理是其生理的驱动力和标志。本文论述了精神、情绪、意念、信念、暗示等心理活动对生理的影响和作用及中医论心理对生理的作用,中医利用情志疗法的理论达到心理对生理趋向健康的作用。同时论证了肠道菌群通过心理间接影响生理功能,通过微生态制剂调节肠道菌群的微生态平衡,可改善患者的神经症状,使之心理活动达到最佳状态,进而使人的生理趋向健康。  相似文献   

植物新品种满足特异性、一致性和稳定性(合称DUS)是授予品种权的前提条件之一。DUS测试指南是开展DUS测试的技术依据。本文详细介绍了薏苡DUS测试指南的研制过程,包括适用范围、繁殖材料的要求、测试性状的选择、性状表达状态和相应代码的确定、标准品种的筛选、DUS判定标准和技术问卷的设计等。薏苡指南的研制对促进中国薏苡新品种保护,鼓励品种创新及加强品种管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来,皮肤电作为反映情绪状态的一个敏感指标,引起了人们的广泛关注。为了研究情绪对皮肤电的具体影响.本研究用皮电检测仪(EDSD)的“能量过筛”技术,检测被试应激前后的皮肤电阻和电容的变化,提出了用皮肤电的综合情况来表征人体调节能力的概念。试验采用音乐、噪声、静息为应激源,让被试接受10min的刺激,并在刺激前后进行“能量过筛”,统计结果显示:(1)人体在应激前后的皮肤电的综合情况变化具有显著差异;(2)音乐可以调节人体的生理状态,而噪声则对人体十分有害;(3)在应激前后配以POMS心境量表检测被试的心理指标,以及对心率、血压生理指标的测量,也从不同水平上证实了不同的应激源对心理和生理指标的影响。  相似文献   

叶绿素荧光分析技术在林木培育中的应用   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
叶绿素荧光分析技术是近年来在光合作用机理研究中发展起来的一种新型、快速、简便、精确且整体无损伤检测植物光合作用生理状况的新技术.叶绿素荧光信号包含了十分丰富的光合作用过程变化的信息,因而被视为植物光合作用与环境关系的内在探针.该项技术在农业、园艺等方面已得到广泛应用,而在林木培育中的应用较少.本文介绍了叶绿素荧光分析相关参数及其生物学意义,总结了国内外关于叶绿素荧光分析技术在林木栽培、林木逆境生理等方面的应用,并对该技术在林木培育中的应用提出一些初步建议.  相似文献   

基于人机交互的红外探测式智能导盲装置设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了人机交互技术的基本概念和将其应用于导盲装置设计中的病理生理学依据。通过分析盲人的切身需求,结合对常见导盲装置的类型优缺点的比较,提出了一种基于人机交互技术的新型智能导盲装置的设计思路,即应用以红外传感技术为主的多传感器信息融合来进行障碍物探测的,并通过微处理器对探测结果的智能化判断和处理,实现对整个装置行进方向的控制,进而达到引导盲人的作用。文章还阐述了该导盲装置的探测方式、控制功能、指令定义、程序设计和调式改进方面的原理和过程,并展望了其应用和发展前景。  相似文献   

特发性全身性癫痫(idiopathic generalized epilepsy,IGE)是一组症状复杂的临床症候群,易漏诊、误诊,且发病机制尚未完全阐明。以往的研究仅限于动物实验的方法检测其脑内的代谢变化,现在随着磁共振波谱(Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy,MRS)的应用。无创地从生化代谢水平上研究活体已成为现实,为这一类疾病的研究打开了新的局面。文章综述了IGE的分类、亚型、临床特点及近几年来MRS在这一领域中的研究成果。  相似文献   

The echoplanar technique in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging allows the acquisition of a series of images from a selected slice with a temporal resolution of 10/s. Simultaneous recording of physiological information on pulse and respiration allows correlation of the MR signal intensity with physiological signals, which can be obtained for each pixel examined. Such correlations can be found within the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) spaces and within vessels if a flow-sensitive MR measurement technique is used. The use of an MR scanner with a field strength of 3 T improves the signal/noise ratio, but there is a stronger signal decay due to local magnetic inhomogeneities. This study shows that 3-T systems can be used for correlation of MR and physiological signals and that clear differentiation between signals from CSF and from vessels can be obtained due to their strongly different signal decays.  相似文献   

This article deals with a new approach in sleep characterization that combines EEG source localisation methods with standard frequency analysis of multielectrode EEGs. First, we describe the theoretical methodology and the benefits that we get from a three-dimensional image (LORETA) of the cerebral activity related to a frequency band. Then, this new application is used as signal-processing technique on sleep EEG recordings obtained from young male adults using four frequency bands (delta 0.5-3.5 Hz, theta 4.0-7.5 Hz, alpha 8.0-12.5 Hz and beta 13.0-32.0 Hz) in different sleep stages. Finally, we show that the obtained results are highly consistent with other physiological assessments (standard EEG mapping, functional magnetic resonance imaging, etc.), but give us more realistic additional information on the generators of electromagnetic cerebral activity.  相似文献   

随着杂核氟、钠、磷等探针和成像技术的发展以及磁共振成像设备和序列的优化,多核磁共振迅速崛起,尤其是其在分子影像方面的研究与应用使包括心血管、肿瘤等众多疾病从传统的形态学影像诊断模式转向早期分子影像精准诊治模式。其中,19F-MRI多核磁共振分子成像近年来备受瞩目。虽然19F-MRI的成像敏感度是1H-MRI的82%,但人体只有牙齿中含有少量的氟,因此无背底噪声的干扰。19F-MRI应用氟类探针,19F自然丰度100%,且无放射性。本文简述了多核磁共振在分子影像学中的应用,并重点介绍19F-MRI分子影像及其应用探针在精准诊治方面的应用。  相似文献   

在磁场中 ,自旋的原子核会吸收频率与其自旋频率相同的电磁波 ,使自身能量增加 ,发生能级跃迁 ,当原子核迁移回原能级时 ,就会把多余的能量以电磁波的形式释放出来 ,称为核磁共振 (NMR) .磁共振成像(MRI)利用这一原理 ,依据所释放的能量在物质内部不同结构环境中不同的衰减 ,通过外加梯度磁场检测所发射出的电磁波 ,即可得知构成这一物体原子核的位置和种类 ,据此可以绘制成物体内部的结构图像 .将这种技术用于人体内部结构的成像 ,就产生出一种革命性的医学诊断工具 .快速变化的梯度磁场的应用 ,大大加快了磁共振成像的速度 ,使该技术在临床诊断、科学研究的应用成为现实 ,极大地推动了医学、神经生理学和认知神经科学的迅速发展  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) can be used to measure metabolite levels and metabolic fluxes, to probe the intracellular environment, and to follow transport and energetics nondestructively. NMR methods are therefore powerful aids to understanding plant metabolism and physiology. Both spectroscopy and imaging can help overcome the unique challenges that plants present to the metabolic engineer by detecting, identifying, quantifying, and localizing novel metabolites in vivo and in extracts; revealing the composition and physical state of cell wall and other polymers; allowing the identification of active pathways; providing quantitative measures of metabolic flux; and testing hypotheses about the effects of engineered traits on plant physiological function. The aim of this review is to highlight recent studies in which NMR has contributed to metabolic engineering of plants and to illustrate the unique characteristics of NMR measurements that give it the potential to make greater contributions in the future.  相似文献   

Summary Permutation tests based on distances among multivariate observations have found many applications in the biological sciences. Two major testing frameworks of this kind are multiresponse permutation procedures and pseudo‐F tests arising from a distance‐based extension of multivariate analysis of variance. In this article, we derive conditions under which these two frameworks are equivalent. The methods and equivalence results are illustrated by reanalyzing an ecological data set and by a novel application to functional magnetic resonance imaging data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients must be adequately staged in order to improve a multidisciplinary approach and optimal management for metastatic disease. Currently available imaging studies include somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, like OctreoScan(R), computed tomography (CT), scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which analyze vascular concentration and intravenous contrast enhancement for anatomic tumor localization. However, these techniques require high degree of expertise for interpretation and are limited by their availability, cost, reproducibility, and follow-up imaging comparisons. NETs significantly reduce water diffusion as compared to normal tissue. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in MRI has an advantageous contrast difference: the tumor is represented with high signal over a black normal surrounding background. The whole-body diffusion (WBD) technique has been suggested to be a useful test for detecting metastasis from various anatomic sites. In this article we report the use of DWI in MRI and WBD in two cases of metastatic pulmonary NET staging in comparison with OctreoScan(R) in order to illustrate the potential advantage of DWI and WBD in staging NETs.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging coupled with maximum intensity projection display, a technique usually reserved for magnetic resonance imaging angiography, is useful for the study of ovarian follicular growth. The ovaries of 19 cows were examined each day by transrectal ultrasonography. From these data, the precise phase of the ovarian cycle was determined and cows were ovariectomized on day 3 of wave one (n = 5), on day 6 of wave one (n = 4), on day 1 of wave two (n = 4), >/= 17 days after ovulation (n = 5), and on the day of ovulation (n = 1). The excised ovaries were examined by magnetic resonance imaging using a fast imaging with steady state precession imaging sequence with maximum intensity projection reconstruction, displayed as a cine-loop of the ovaries rotating in space. This provided the clearest view among the three principal three-dimensional steady state data acquisition approaches tried; the follicles and other ovarian structures could be distinguished unambiguously. Results from the bovine model indicate that the acuity of the three-dimensional fast imaging with steady state precession technique has potential application in in vivo intravaginal imaging in women for studying normal and pathological ovarian function.  相似文献   

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