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Many diseases persist at a relatively low prevalence, seemingly close to extinction. For a chronic disease in a homogeneous population, reducing the transmission rate by a fraction proportional to the prevalence would be sufficient to eradicate the disease. This study examines how higher prevalence of the Sin Nombre virus in male deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) might contribute to disease persistence. Analyzing data from over 2,000 individual mice captured in 19 sites over 4 years, we found prevalences of 18.5% in males and 8.8% in females. By examining recaptures, we determined that males are more likely to contract the infection because of higher susceptibility or higher encounter rates. Comparing across 86 sampling periods, we found a higher proportion of males when population densities were low. A capture-recapture analysis indicates that males live longer than females. A mathematical model based on the measured parameters and population size trajectories suggests that the combined heterogeneity in encounters, susceptibility, and mortality may buffer the disease from extinction by concentrating disease in the subgroup most likely to transmit the disease. This buffering effect is not significantly stronger in a fluctuating population, indicating that these forms of heterogeneity might not be the key for disease persistence through host population bottlenecks.  相似文献   

Understanding how transmission of zoonoses takes place within reservoir populations, such as Sin Nombre virus (SNV) among deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), is important in determining the risk of exposure to other hosts, including humans. In this study, we examined the relationship between deer mouse populations and the prevalence of antibodies to SNV, a system where the effect of host population abundance on transmission is debated. We examined the relationship between abundance of deer mice in late summer-early autumn and SNV antibody prevalence the following spring-early summer (termed delayed density-dependent [DDD] prevalence of infection) at both regional and local scales, using 12 live-trapping grids for 11-14 yr, across central and western Montana. When all trapping grids were combined (regional scale), there was a significant DDD relationship for individual months and when months within seasons were averaged. However, within individual grids (local scale), evidence of DDD prevalence of infection was observed consistently at only one location. These findings suggest that, although there is evidence of DDD prevalence of infection at regional scales, it is not always apparent at local scales, possibly because the regional pattern of DDD infection prevalence is driven by differences in abundance and prevalence among sites, rather than in autumn-spring delays. Transmission of SNV may be more complex than the original hypothesis of autumn-spring delayed density dependence suggests. This complexity is also supported by recent modeling studies. Empirical investigations are needed to determine the duration and determinants of time-lagged abundance and antibody prevalence. Our study suggests predicting local, human exposure risk to SNV in spring, based on deer mouse abundance in autumn, is unlikely to be a reliable public health tool, particularly at local scales.  相似文献   

To address Sin Nombre (SN) virus persistence in deer mice, we sacrificed experimentally infected deer mice at eight time points from day 21 to day 217 postinoculation (p.i.) and examined their tissues for viral nucleocapsid (N) antigen expression and both negative-strand (genomic) and positive-strand (replicative/mRNA) viral S segment RNA titers. All the animals that we inoculated developed persistent infections, and SN virus could be isolated from tissues throughout the course of infection. The transition from an acute to a persistent pattern of infection appeared to occur between days 60 and 90 p.i. Beginning on day 60 p.i., the heart, brown adipose tissue (BAT), and lung retained antigen expression and genomic viral RNA the most frequently. We found a statistically significant association among the presence of replicative RNA in the heart, lung, and BAT, widespread antigen expression (in > or =5 tissues), and RNA viremia. Of these three tissues, the heart retained negative-strand RNA and viral N antigen the most consistently (in 25 of 26 animals). During persistence, there were two distinct patterns of infection: restricted versus disseminated tissue involvement. Mice with the restricted pattern exhibited N antigen expression in < or =3 tissues, an absence of viral RNA in the blood, neutralizing antibody titers of < or =1:1,280 (P = 0.01), and no replicative RNA in the heart, lung, or BAT. Those with the "disseminated" pattern showed N antigen expression in > or =5 tissues, neutralizing antibody titers of 1:160 to 1:20,480, replicative RNA in the heart, lung, and BAT at a high frequency, and RNA viremia. Virus could be isolated consistently only from mice that demonstrated the disseminated pattern. The heart, lung, and BAT are important sites for the replication and maintenance of SN virus during persistent infection.  相似文献   

We used long-term data collected for up to 10 yr (1994-2004) at 23 trapping arrays (i.e., webs and grids) in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, and New Mexico to examine demographic factors known or suspected to be associated with risk of infection with Sin Nombre virus (SNV) in its natural host, the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). Gender, age (mass), wounds or scars, season, and local relative population densities were statistically associated with the period prevalence of antibody (used as a marker of infection) to SNV in host populations. Nevertheless, antibody prevalence and some of the risk factors associated with antibody prevalence, such as relative population density, gender bias, and prevalence of wounding, varied significantly among sites and even between nearby trapping arrays at a single site. This suggests that local microsite-specific differences play an important role in determining relative risk of infection by SNV in rodents and, consequently, in humans. Deer mouse relative population density varied among sites and was positively and statistically associated with infection prevalence, an association that researchers conducting shorter-term studies failed to demonstrate. Both wounding and antibody prevalence increased with mass class in both males and females; this increase was much more pronounced in males than in females and wounding was more frequent in adult males than in adult females. Prevalence of wounding was greatest among seropositive deer mice, regardless of mass class, but many deer mice without detectable wounds or scars eventually became infected. Many of these patterns, which will be useful in the development of predictive models of disease risk to humans, were only detected through the application of data collected over a long (10-yr) period and with abundant replication.  相似文献   

Sin Nombre virus (SNV), hosted by the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), is the principal cause of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in North America. To improve our understanding of factors that contribute to the occurrence of HPS, we conducted an extensive field study of the characteristics of newly infected (as determined by recent acquisition of antibody) deer mice and the temporal pattern of antibody acquisition (seroconversion) from 1994 through 2004 in Montana, USA. We sampled 6,584 individual deer mice, of which 2,747 were captured over multiple trapping periods. Among these 2,747 deer mice, we detected 171 instances of seroconversion. There was no relationship between seroconversion and the acquisition of scars. However, recently infected Montana deer mice were more likely to be older, more likely to be males, and more likely to be in breeding condition. In addition, recently infected male deer mice gained less weight over the 1-mo period following seroconversion than did those that did not acquire antibody, suggesting that SNV infection may have negatively impacted the health of infected rodents. Incidence was highly variable among years, and timing of infections was primarily associated with the breeding season (generally early spring through late fall).  相似文献   

Prevalence of antibody to Sin Nombre virus (SNV) has been found to be nearly twice as high in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) in peridomestic settings as in sylvan settings in two studies in Montana and one in New Mexico. We investigated whether this difference may be related to a difference in deer mouse movements in the two settings. We used radiotelemetry to determine home range size and length of movement for 22 sylvan (1991-1992) and 40 peridomestic deer mice (1995-1999). We also determined the percentage of locations inside versus outside of buildings for peridomestic mice. Though variable, average home range size for female deer mice was significantly smaller for peridomestic deer mice than for sylvan deer mice. The smaller home range in peridomestic settings may concentrate shed SNV, and protection from solar ultraviolet radiation inside buildings may increase environmental persistence of SNV. Both these factors could lead to increased SNV exposure of deer mice within peridomestic populations and result in higher antibody prevalence. Peridomestic deer mice moved between buildings and outside areas, which is evidence that SNV can be transmitted between peridomestic and sylvan populations.  相似文献   

How pathogens affect their hosts is a key question in infectious disease ecology, and it can have important influences on the spread and persistence of the pathogen. Sin Nombre virus (SNV) is the etiological agent of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in humans. A better understanding of SNV in its reservoir host, the deer mouse, could lead to improved predictions of the circulation and persistence of the virus in the mouse reservoir, and could help identify the factors that lead to increased human risk of HPS. Using mark-recapture statistical modeling on longitudinal data collected over 15 years, we found a 13.4% decrease in the survival of male deer mice with antibodies to SNV compared to uninfected mice (both male and female). There was also an additive effect of breeding condition, with a 21.3% decrease in survival for infected mice in breeding condition compared to uninfected, non-breeding mice. The data identified that transmission was consistent with density-dependent transmission, implying that there may be a critical host density below which SNV cannot persist. The notion of a critical host density coupled with the previously overlooked disease-induced mortality reported here contribute to a better understanding of why SNV often goes extinct locally and only seems to persist at the metapopulation scale, and why human spillover is episodic and hard to predict.  相似文献   

The mechanism(s) by which Sin Nombre (SN) hantavirus is maintained in deer mouse populations is unclear. Field studies indicate that transmission occurs primarily if not exclusively via a horizontal mechanism. Using an experimental deer mouse infection model in an outdoor laboratory, we tested whether infected rodents shed SN virus in urine, feces, and saliva, whether infected mice transmit infection to na?ve cage mates, and whether infected dams are able to vertically transmit virus or antibody to offspring. Using pooled samples of urine, feces, and saliva collected from mice infected 8 to 120 days postinoculation (p.i.), we found that a subset of saliva samples, collected between 15 and 90 days p.i., contained viral RNA. Parallel studies conducted on wild-caught, naturally infected deer mice showed a similar pattern of intermittent positivity, also only in saliva samples. Attempts to isolate virus through inoculation of cells or na?ve deer mice with the secreta or excreta of infected mice were uniformly negative. Of 54 attempts to transmit infection by cohousing infected deer mice with seronegative cage mates, we observed only a single case of transmission, which occurred between 29 and 42 days p.i. Dams passively transferred antibodies to neonatal pups via milk, and those antibodies persisted for at least 2 months after weaning, but none transmitted infection to their pups. Compared to other hantavirus models, SN virus is shed less efficiently and transmits inefficiently among cage mates. Transmission of SN virus among reservoir rodents may require factors that are not required for other hantaviruses.  相似文献   

We examined how climate-mediated forest dieback regulates zoonotic disease prevalence using the relationship between sudden aspen decline (SAD) and Sin Nombre virus (SNV) as a model system. We compared understory plant community structure, small mammal community composition, and SNV prevalence on 12 study sites within aspen forests experiencing levels of SAD ranging from <10.0% crown fade to >95.0% crown fade. Our results show that sites with the highest levels of SAD had reduced canopy cover, stand density, and basal area, and these differences were reflected by reductions in understory vegetation cover. Conversely, sites with the highest levels of SAD had greater understory standing biomass, suggesting that vegetation on these sites was highly clustered. Changes in forest and understory vegetation structure likely resulted in shifts in small mammal community composition across the SAD gradient, as we found reduced species diversity and higher densities of deer mice, the primary host for SNV, on sites with the highest levels of SAD. Sites with the highest levels of SAD also had significantly greater SNV prevalence compared to sites with lower levels of SAD, which is likely a result of their abundance of deer mice. Collectively, results of our research provide strong evidence to show SAD has considerable impacts on vegetation community structure, small mammal density and biodiversity and the prevalence of SNV.  相似文献   

Andes virus (ANDV) and Sin Nombre virus (SNV) are rodent-borne hantaviruses that cause a highly lethal hemorrhagic fever in humans known as hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). There are no vaccines or specific drugs to prevent or treat HPS, and the pathogenesis is not understood. Syrian hamsters infected with ANDV, but not SNV, develop a highly lethal disease that closely resembles HPS in humans. Here, we performed a temporal pathogenesis study comparing ANDV and SNV infections in hamsters. SNV was nonpathogenic and viremia was not detected despite the fact that all animals were infected. ANDV was uniformly lethal with a mean time to death of 11 days. The first pathology detected was lymphocyte apoptosis starting on day 4. Animals were viremic and viral antigen was first observed in multiple organs by days 6 and 8, respectively. Levels of infectious virus in the blood increased 4 to 5 logs between days 6 and 8. Pulmonary edema was first detected ultrastructurally on day 6. Ultrastructural analysis of lung tissues revealed the presence of large inclusion bodies and substantial numbers of vacuoles within infected endothelial cells. Paraendothelial gaps were not observed, suggesting that fluid leakage was transcellular and directly attributable to infecting virus. Taken together, these data imply that HPS treatment strategies aimed at preventing virus replication and dissemination will have the greatest probability of success if administered before the viremic phase; however, because vascular leakage is associated with infected endothelial cells, a therapeutic strategy targeting viral replication might be effective even at later times (e.g., after disease onset).  相似文献   

Infections with hantaviruses in the natural host rodent may result in persistent, asymptomatic infections involving shedding of virus into the environment. Laboratory studies have partially characterized the acute and persistent infection by Sin Nombre virus (SNV) in its natural host, the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). However, these studies have posed questions that may best be addressed using longitudinal studies involving sequential sampling of individual wild-caught, naturally infected mice. Using enzyme immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of monthly blood samples, we followed the infection status of deer mice in a mark-recapture study in Montana for 2 yr. Only six of 907 samples without IgG antibody to SNV contained detectable SNV RNA, suggesting that there is a very brief period of viremia before the host develops detectable antibody. The simultaneous presence of both antibody and viral RNA in blood was detected in consecutive monthly samples for as long as 3 mo. However, chronic infection was typified by alternating characteristics of PCR positivity and PCR negativity. Two possible interpretations of these results are that 1) viral RNA may be consistently present in the blood of chronically infected deer mouse, but that viral RNA is near the limits of PCR detectability or 2) SNV RNA sporadically appears in blood as a consequence of unknown physiological events. The occurrence of seasonal patterns in the proportion of samples that contains antibody and that also contained SNV RNA demonstrated a temporal association between recent infection (antibody acquisition) and presence of viral RNA in blood.  相似文献   

Larson RS  Brown DC  Ye C  Hjelle B 《Journal of virology》2005,79(12):7319-7326
Specific therapy is not available for the treatment of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome caused by Sin Nombre virus (SNV). The entry of pathogenic hantaviruses into susceptible human cells is dependent upon expression of the alpha(v)beta(3) integrin, and transfection of human beta(3) integrin is sufficient to confer infectibility onto CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells. Furthermore, pretreatment of susceptible cells with anti-beta(3) antibodies such as c7E3 or its Fab fragment ReoPro prevents hantavirus entry. By using repeated selection of a cyclic nonamer peptide phage display library on purified alpha(v)beta(3), we identified 70 peptides that were competitively eluted with ReoPro. Each of these peptides was examined for its ability to reduce the number of foci of SNV strain SN77734 in a fluorescence-based focus reduction assay according to the method of Gavrilovskaya et al. (I. N. Gavrilovskaya, M. Shepley, R. Shaw, M. H. Ginsberg, and E. R. Mackow, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95:7074-7079, 1998). We found that 11 peptides reduced the number of foci to a greater extent than did 80 mug/ml ReoPro when preincubated with Vero E6 cells. In addition, 8 of the 70 peptides had sequence similarity to SNV glycoproteins. We compared all 18 peptide sequences (10 most potent, 7 peptides with sequence similarity to hantavirus glycoproteins, and 1 peptide that was in the group that displayed the greatest potency and had significant sequence similarity) for their abilities to inhibit SNV, Hantaan virus (HTNV), and Prospect Hill virus (PHV) infection. There was a marked trend for the peptides to inhibit SNV and HTNV to a greater extent than they inhibited PHV, a finding that supports the contention that SNV and HTNV use beta(3) integrins and PHV uses a different receptor, beta1 integrin. We then chemically synthesized the four peptides that showed the greatest ability to neutralize SNV. These peptides inhibited viral entry in vitro as free peptides outside of the context of a phage. Some combinations of peptides proved more inhibitory than did individual peptides. In all, we have identified novel peptides that inhibit entry by SNV and HTNV via beta(3) integrins and that can be used as lead compounds for further structural optimization and consequent enhancement of activity.  相似文献   

The relative roles of top-down and bottom-up forces in affecting disease prevalence in wild hosts is important for understanding disease dynamics and human disease risk. We found that the prevalence of Sin Nombre virus (SNV), the agent of a severe disease in humans (hantavirus pulmonary syndrome), in island deer mice from the eight California Channel Islands was greater with increased precipitation (a measure of productivity), greater island area, and fewer species of rodent predators. In finding a strong signal of the ecological forces affecting SNV prevalence, our work highlights the need for future work to understand the relative importance of average rodent density, population fluctuations, behavior, and specialist predators as they affect SNV prevalence. In addition to illustrating the importance of both bottom-up and top-down limitation of disease prevalence, our results suggest that predator richness may have important bearing on the risk of exposure to animal-borne diseases that affect humans.  相似文献   

Sin Nombre virus is a member of the Hantavirus genus, family Bunyaviridae, and is an etiologic agent of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. The hantavirus nucleocapsid (N) protein plays an important role in the encapsidation and assembly of the viral negative-sense genomic RNA. The Sin Nombre N protein was expressed as a C-terminal hexahistidine fusion in Escherichia coli and initially purified by nickel-affinity chromatography. We developed methods to extract the soluble fraction and to solubilize the remainder of the N protein using denaturants. Maximal expression of protein from native purification was observed after a 1.5-h induction with IPTG (2.4 mg/L). The zwitterionic detergent Chaps did not enhance the yield of native purifications, but increased the yield of protein obtained from insoluble purifications. Both soluble and insoluble materials, purified by nickel-affinity chromatography, were also subjected to Hi Trap SP Sepharose fast-flow (FF) chromatography. Both soluble and insoluble proteins had a similar A(280) profile on the Sepharose FF column, and both suggested the presence of a nucleic acid contaminant. The apparent dissociation constant of the N protein, purified by nickel-affinity and SP Sepharose FF chromatography, and the 5' end of the viral S-segment genome were measured using a filter binding assay. The N protein-vRNA complex had an apparent dissociation constant of 140 nM.  相似文献   

Hantavirus glycoprotein precursor (GPC) is posttranslationally cleaved into two glycoproteins, Gn and Gc. Cells transfected with plasmids expressing either GPC or both Gn and Gc revealed that Gn is posttranslationally degraded. Treatment of cells with the autophagy inhibitors 3-methyladenine, LY-294002, or Wortmanin rescued Gn degradation, suggesting that Gn is degraded by the host autophagy machinery. Confocal microscopic imaging showed that Gn is targeted to autophagosomes for degradation by an unknown mechanism. Examination of autophagy markers LC3-I and LC3-II demonstrated that both Gn expression and Sin Nombre hantavirus (SNV) infection induce autophagy in cells. To delineate whether induction of autophagy and clearance of Gn play a role in the virus replication cycle, we downregulated autophagy genes BCLN-1 and ATG7 using small interfering RNA (siRNA) and monitored virus replication over time. These studies revealed that inhibition of host autophagy machinery inhibits Sin Nombre virus replication in cells, suggesting that autophagic clearance of Gn is required for efficient virus replication. Our studies provide mechanistic insights into viral pathogenesis and reveal that SNV exploits the host autophagy machinery to decrease the intrinsic steady-state levels of an important viral component for efficient replication in host cells.  相似文献   

Sin Nombre virus (SNV) is an etiologic agent of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. To better understand the natural history of this virus we studied population dynamics and temporal pattern of infection of its rodent hosts in southeastern Colorado (USA) from 1995 to 2000. We present evidence for the presence of two hantaviruses, SNV in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) and El Moro Canyon virus in western harvest mice (Reithrodontomys megalotis), at our study sites. Sin Nombre virus appeared only sporadically in deer mouse populations; overall prevalence of antibody to SNV was 2.6%. El Moro Canyon virus was enzootic: seroconversions occurred throughout the year; antibody prevalence (11.9% overall) showed a delayed-density-dependent pattern, peaking as relative abundance of mice was declining. Males of both host species were more frequently infected than were females. An apparently lower mean survivorship (persistence at the trapping site) for SNV antibody-positive deer mice could indicate a detrimental effect of SNV on its host, but might also be explained by the fact that antibody-positive mice were older when first captured.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of season and habitat on Sin Nombre virus (SNV) seroprevalence in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) in Utah's Great Basin Desert from May 2002 through summer 2003. Low mouse captures in 2002 limited analysis for that year. In two seasons during 2003, mouse density and sagebrush cover were positively linked (spring: r = 0.8, P = 0.01; summer: r = 0.8, P = 0.04). In the spring, seroprevalence was negatively correlated with density (r = -0.9, P< 0.01); male and female antibody prevalence did not differ; and scarring was unrelated to antibody status. In the summer, density and antibody prevalence were unrelated; male seroprevalence was higher (chi(2) = 3.6, P = 0.05); and seropositive mice had more scars (t = 2.5, P = 0.02). We speculate nesting behavior could maintain SNV over the winter, whereas summer territoriality could be responsible for transmission.  相似文献   

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